Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1952, p. 7

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pummitt BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE McHenry PUindeaier Published every Thursday at McHenry, ID., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. K BTJRFEINDT, Gen. Manager.' JGdELE FROEHLICH, Editor. Plaindealer Want Ada No Ada counted 1MS than words 75c minimum. 4 insertion :.. 75c . (Count 5 words per line) ** service charge on alt blind •da. Cpsh with order. Card of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 .Tyo. Wednesday. ? $1S WAV* _ 96.50 Beauty Shop Hunterville Park Subd. ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Phone 705-M 50-tf 25'FOR SAJLE -- TYPEWRITERS {ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all FOR SALE--2-pc. living room set, • radio, lamp table, bureau. Very Reasonable. Mrs. Schober, 230 ; Maple ave., McHenry. *52 MISSING comfort la «wk shoes? FIND it in WOLVERINE SHELL iiOU&EHIDES. They're soft an <»!i! house slippers, yet super-tough SUBSCRIPTION RATJB 1 Tear $8.00 Entered jU second-class matter at the postofftce* at McHenry. I1W under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE $JFCPLACEMENT PARTS FORALL CARS , Accessories and Seat Covers IMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 A.M. to ? P.M. Sundays 9 AJML to 1 PJM. 11-tf makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, to save you money. Drop tn and Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. see 'em. 1 7-tf FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP FOR SALE ^ Apartment Home at beautiful Pistakee Bay, $ai !ieat. insulated, fireproof and Decently built. Vacant New. EEVER1NGHAUS ESTATE Call FRITZ REAL ESTATE and askfa* Jim. PHONE McHENRY 37 " DEAD ANIMALS--Highest Cash 52 HELP WANTED prices paid for cows, horses and FOR SALE -- Gasoline powered hogs; no help needed to load. Day lawn mower, 20-inch blade, $60. and night. Sundays and Holidays ; phone McHenry 980. 52 Call Wheeling Rendering Worl:n j Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges.' FOR SALE--5 complete beds, $5 WAisrrem 36-jtf ea.; 1/coal heating stove, $10; 1 OONCBETE PRODUCT® " C. D. KINSEY tire lot, $3; 2 ice boxes, $2 ea.; All size building block. 'other items. A. A. Robe, Lot No Chimney block and stepping stone 3 Woodlawn Park. Call Saturday By standpipe in McHonfy. Office Phone 282-R Res. phone 893-.T and Sunday. Radio tester; experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyze trouble. High starting rate -- Wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Flee hospital: aa-< tion free insurance. Paid holi- 25-tf 42-tf The Best USED CARS For Less CANDID and FORMAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or Out of Studio The most modern equipment within 35 miles. 35 years exnerien<^ with the best studios in Chicago. Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, & Cars Reconditioned and Sold I co"*™e":iJtl photography. With 2000 Mile Written Warranty 1 CAMERAS--Still and '00--Dodge Wayfarer Tudor, Real Economy - Very Low Mileage $1495 "••--Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan, Very Clean - Special - Care $1445 -'#0--Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, Don't Overlook This Bargain $1375 Jj--Dodge Coronet Sedan, Gyro- Matic - Ideal Family Car $1745 Movies Projectors, Films and Frames. ANDREW WORWIClt > t?B 117 N. Riverside I>- McHenry, Illinois 23-tf ^CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS fr KB VICE G. A. DOUGLAS Ketone McHenry 778-W 10-tf WSUJ IWU1D OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, re- •^0=~DeSoto DeLuxe Sedan, Auto- P®11" Rnd insta11 pumps. Bill Baron j --. .. M _ i 4AA tfain Cf/>Ua ***•«» /% Trans - Fully Equipped $1195 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan, O'Drive Perfect - Equipped . . $1295 . Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan, Good : Looks - Real Comfort $1295 806 Main Street, McHenry. Tole phone 167. 26-tf WINDOW SHARES -- or Vene- TIAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex origina' . ..» „ . _ _ blinds and .tapes. Bonderieed and 47 Ford Super DeLuxe Tudor, ^anised Acme metal. STER m Splendid Condition - Real LlNG WINDOW SHADE & VE Buy • $745 NETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W -^fN-Mercury Conv. Coupe, with , Division St.. Chicago. Phone COSki- View Plastic Top.. $945 lumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651- M-l„ Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf TOR SALE These Plus A Wide Sjelecttojn of other Used Cars -- Trucks -- New Can May Be Seen At A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. McHENRY 156 52| I'&R SALE--'48 Ford motor, fully [FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINequipped; heads, cam, manifold. DOWS. The Wallflll Co.. Leo Stillight fly wheel, adj. tappets, $200. iing 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. Phone McHenry 993. *52 I , 48-tf FOR SALE--Packard Clipper in """"" good condition; overdrive; 5 new tires. SWitrercraft, phone McHenry 798-J. 52 ^BUSlfreSS SERVICE FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf PIANO TUNING Also fpt; sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each * »pek or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, phone 365. 37-tf ANTIQUES. MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing in Good Conditio* for I the entire family. Formals. Open I Tues. through Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 | p.m. Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. f R. Dietrich. Terra Gotta Road. Consignment and Resale and An- $iue Shop, >4 mile west 6f Terrs Gotta factory, which is on Rt. 31. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 902 Garfield Road. Harvard, HL Phone 748-R 37-tf FOR SALE--Used wash machines in excellent condition. Carey Electric, 119 Green Street. Phone McHenry 251. 39-tf FOR SALE--Automatic Defrosting or Modernizing your Refrigerator -- cuts electric bills -- keeps foods better -- makes motor last longer - - eliminates messy defrosting forever. Free trial in your home now. * Carl Barnickol, McHenry, 111. Phone 646-W-2 weekends. ~ 51-tf FOR SALE--14-ft. Lyman mahogany boat, 22 HP. Johnson motor, used 10 hours. $575.00 Phone McHenry 605-W-2. *51-2 FOR SAJLE -- Factory Seconds; Women!* Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts. $2.50 to $3,50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; ajso Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of Northwestern depot. 15-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Tour Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordtan. Classics or Popular. Beginners or Advanced Instruction P. KOCH 618-M4 GET YOUR WORK DONE NOW! • We Win Help You -.>*.• Paint your screens * Wash your walls and woodwork- Clean your wallpaper Take down your storm windows. FREE ESTJMATES Phone 172-R DON PALUCH A CO. M-tf FOR SALE--Speed boat; 23-ft. Hacker Craft; very good condition; just overhauled and new seat cushions. Can be seen Lot 39 Orchard Beach, McHenry. Call Wahl, McHenry 50-M. ' 51-tf FOR SALE--Small woQd or coal stove, $15; gas range, $20; Can be seen Saturday or Sunday. Harry J. Connelly, Woodlawn Park, Mc- Heniy- *52-2 FOR SALS -- 2-wheel trailer; frame. 4x7'. Call 91-W after 5 P. M. 52 FOR SALE--Small oil stove plus 2 drums, $15; Oldsmobile car radio and heater, $10. Phone McHenry 519-M-l. 52 FOR SALE--Furniture may be seen at Hunter's Boat Houflp left of gate. Inquire at John's filling station east of McHenry bridge. Mrs. O'Neil. »52 *52 days. Apply Admiral Corp., .507 FOR SALE- l£^J>unphy boat, |W" Elm Street- McHenry' 1,1 deck'top, 16 H.P. Johnson motor. •- $350 complete. Phone McHenry [HELP WANTED k-S Woman'for 704 or call at 31. Orchard Beach, general drug store and fountain *52 work. Nye Drug Store. Phone 26. 46-tf WANTED FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle, full size, new tires, excellent condition. McHenry 792-R. J 52- WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe d 32-tf WANTED . Your Old WatcjL Trade It In Now On a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Ffcett's Precision Watch Rdjwir Western Union Agency Phone 293 2)04 E. Elm St. Wilson Radio BMg. If your watch is on the bum L«t "Frett" do your fretting. 27-tf WANTED FOR SALE 3 Vg year old Norge COIL WINDERS oil stove, 3 drums and floor pad; FINISHER8 9x12 good Harmony carpet and SOLDERERS pad, excellent condition; potty j1. High starting rate, seat; motor scooter, $35. Phone McHenry 589-M-2. 52 FOR SALE--Buffet, large table with extra leaves and pads; 6 chairs, cream leather upholstery. Phone McHenry 224-R. 52 t Bald Vacation after six mwittw. 8. Pleasant working conditions. COMET CORPORATION JOHNSBIRG 48-tf j--.REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms | and bus'ness properties. We cm I sell your properly If yoUr-prire Is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATE in Jphnsburg Tel. McHenry $1 27-tf WANTED- -1000 customers to hit HELP WANTED -Male or female j polf balls and play Pee-Wee Golf FOR SALS!--17-ft. sailing Dory all 'round kitchen work. Also t Hi-Ho Golf Range. Stop and Sock of cypress wood. $50. Also Valen- waitress for ir.orning& Apply |Rnd Poe-Wee Golf, Hi-way 120, 2 tine-Seaver lounge chair, rose : ^tosley's Cafe, 314 Elm 8t., Mc- j East of McHenry. 52-tf fiieze i good condition. Reasonable. Henry. 50-3 Phone McHenry 603-R-l. 52 HELP WANTED--Part time tn- WANTED -- Woman to care for elderly woman and two small FOR SALE--Straw. Richard May. Phone 606-M-2. *52 FOR SALE--TV. aet~aad*Nesc© roaster; in very good condition. Phone McHenry 513-R-2. 52 vestigator to cover McHenry, 111. j children during summer. Own on a fee basis. Prefer retired or 1 room and board, in nice home, semi-retired individual having con- j Call avonder Lake 3052 for further nections with banks or financial ; information. 52 in. stit.u tions. Reply to Dun ft Brad-1 wAM-rmn xt street. ITn c., 3o/0x0/T A» dj ams St, Ch,i c- |1 WANTED--New faces for leadine ago, 111. 51-3 FOR SALE -- Speedboat winch. ... Good CQnditipn. Best offer. Racing j HELP WANTED--Part-time dish boat, 9-ft. Good condition. Used j washer. Apply Mi- Place Restauvery little. Best offer. Phone Mc- 1 rant, 121 Green Street, McHenry. Henry 641-J-2. *52 I 51-tf FOR SALE--Feeding pigs. Phone HELP WANTED--Laborers and McHenry 616-J-l. 52 ; truck drivers*. Apply Ivar Fred- ~ D „ 'T _ ~ ' rickson, Wonder Lake, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE--2-piece living room ( set and covers, $20; G.E. table . HELP WANTED--Farm couple; model ironer, $25. Phone l&cHenry experience necessary. Hickorv 577-W-2. 52 ! Creek Farm. Leo Smith, manager. C.V7----;--- w , j Phone McHenry 548-J-2. 51-2 FQR SALE--1 Roll-A-Wsy Jbed ! . and mattress, $10: Duo-Therm oil HELP WANTED--Cleaning wospace h-jater, $35; weed spray, $5. man who can iron well. One or New, white gabardine suit, size two days a week, or if you are 12. $16. 8-ft. toboggan, $15. Phone ] a homemaker yourself, you ran McHenry 993. ^ *52 1 come at your most convenient | time. A few hours a day if nec- «Ap PpMT ' essary. $1.00 an hour. References. r V/Cl ncjtl j Call L,eibsohn, McHenry 894. 52 Hollywood film company. Get details in PATHFINDER MAGAZINE. Early May issue now on sale st your newsstand. Read: "Hollywood Talent Scout" in issue of PATHFINDER out today. Only 15c. 52 WANTED -- Experienced lady bookkeeper for general office work, typing, good starting pay. Write to Box 260, c/o McHenry Plaindealer/ 50-tf SPftTATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- I will case for your baby whi^p you work or will board a child up to three-years old. Excellent references. Write to Box 261, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *51 THE RIVIERA "SHOW PLACE Ot THE MIDDLE WEST" ' Lake Geneva, Wisconsin DANCING EVERY SATURDAY To Wisconsin's Most Danceable Band BUD WILBER and his Orchestra Featuring JAN TRAVIS, Vocaliat Straight Door Admission. -- No Extra Charge for Dancing. . « 1» SITUATION WANTED--Respon- FOR RENT---5 rooms on River- HELP WANTED - Girl wanted dbIe mother take care of side Drive. Occupant must buy for general housework. Pleasant , chlldren in her home 5y day or 3 rooms semi-modern furniture, home with young couple; 2 small week McCullom Lake area. Phorv Large screened-in lpack porch. (Children; own room and radio; no Phone: 78-RX. 49-tf .heavy cleaning; references required. Good salary. Phone Highland Park 2-5460 collect. J *52 McHenry 549-J-l. 51 FOR RENT--1 and 2-room hotel apartments; sleeping rooms; 3- rm. duplex; 5-rm. homes; all new HELP WANTED -- Young man and modern, furnished beautifully; : for full time work in local hardday, week or season. On Rt. 120, ; ware store. Apply Althoff's Hard- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE south side Lakemoor. Fritssche Estates. Phone McHenry 560-M-2. 51 ware, McHenry, 111. 52 FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main -Street. Phone McHe'hry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT -- 5 roOm modern house; oil furnace heat; on private estate; near McHenry. $85 per month. References required. Phone 680-J-2. 53 HELP WANTED -- Man wanted for window and janitor service. McHenry 632-W-l. *52 HELP WANTED--Male to porcelainize and blue coral automobiles with mechanical power buffers. No age preference; no experience necessary; we will teach you. R. I. Overton Motor Sales, McHenry, IU. Phone No. 6. 52 FOR RENT -- 4-room furnished apartment, including all utilities. Phone McHenry 518-M-l. 52 HELP WANTED -- Truck driver and helper on beverage truck. Dale Thomas, phone McHenry 27. 52 flELP WANTED--Young Americans interested in scientific re- FOR SALE or RENT -- New 2 bedroom year 'round home; automatic oil heat; electric hot water heater; plastered walls; plastic 1 searctl *° help U. S. keep ahead tile bath; modern birch cabinet jof Rua*lans in at0rnic developkitchen. Write to Box 2*2, c/o imept' Read: "Are We Keeping McHenry Plaindealer. *62 Pace in Science?" early May is- FOR RENT -- Two-room office space located on second floor, 212 Main street. The Kent Corp., Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 8. Open Sundays. 52 sue PATHFINDER MAGAZINE now on sale at your newsstand. Only 18c. 52 HELP RANTED HELP WANTED LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORK NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED COMET CORPORATION JTOHNSBURG 48-tf ^ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE OO. "a good place to work" TELEPHONE OPERATORS . . Good salary to start; frequent increases. You'll be workiag with girls your own age (and telephone people are tfcf friendliest in town) . . . . you'll be doing important work In ^ • vital industry. r " See: Msa MSErtHtf Chief Operator at 140 Pufc Ave*. HELP WANTFJ)-- Housekeeper. Must be able to iron well. 6 days a week; preferably from 12:30 to 6:00 daily, but other hours can he arranged if more convenient. Electric washing machine and dryer on premises. References. $1 an hour. Call McHenrv 894. 52 McHENRY--2 apartments, 4 and 4% rooms, brick, hot water heat near schools, for appointment call our office. SUNNY6IDE ESTATES -- 2 bedroom home, tile kitchen, gar age, gas heat, water front, for af pointment call our office. WONDER LAKE -- 4^ rooms, stove heat, nice location, only $6,500.00. 8mall down payment balance terms. HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100x200 ft. Lots In JAK-ANA HEIGHTS about two blockn north of Johns burg, overlooking the beautiful St. John's church grounds, if you like to live out of town, or intend to retire this Is the place to live. For information call at our office or phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITS-REAL ESTATE in Johnsborg, Tel. McHenry 37. 41*tf S P E C I A L Win* heme and garage attached Complete $9,000 Easy Terras AIRSPUN BUILDERS Phones: McHenry 511-R-l and Wonder Lake 2793 36-tf LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--Modern 4-rm. home, 1 year old; living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, attached garage; gas, hot water heat; located on hardtop i*oad with river LOST -- From pier on Boone | rights. $2,000 cash; price $9,500. creek, small, white metal row j The Kent Corp., Riverside Drive, boat with blue trim. Phone Mc- Phone McHenry 8. Open Sundays. Henry 1189. 52 SPRAYING WEED SPRAYING -- MOSQUITO CONTROL How Is your crop of dandelions ? Our power spray with MM proper solution will give you a weed free lawn. Reasonable prices and guaranteed Job. fc» tt*e time to think of mosquito abatement and oontroL 1't hesitate to nonsuit MS. BILL PESCHKE Phone McHenry 72S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Six room house New, oil-fired automatic ho' water heating system. New, mod ern kitchen and bath. 210 Rich mond Rd. Phone McHenry 31® 37-tf FOR SALE--M ACRlTFARM -- ALL WORKABLE; GOOD BUILDING; NICE HOME; NEAlt W60DST0C K; PRICE - $24,000. IKNOX REAL ESTATE tllONE: McHENRY 421^1 92 , V ^TSE REAL ESTATE Slid BUSINESS BUYERS Try SKIBA & CO. First Riverside Hotel Phone 913 46-tf • - * 1 A: -1 wr POR SALE Marshall's Rlnfv/oo.. Inn. Newly decorated. For information call Wonder Lake 3347. •51-2 FOR SALE- 5-room home, ready t' enjoy; overlooks the Fox River In Oakhurst subdivision; has automatic oil heat, hot water; large lot. Price $8750. Phone McHenry 605-W-2. " *51-2 ."OR SALE--4-room home; 100-ft. river frontage; automatic floor furnace; gas hot water heater; •1 reenetl porch and garage. Fernnod subdivision. Price $7500 Phone McHenry 506-R-2. 51-tf F T:AL ESTATE FOR SALE -- When you build - to insure the >cat -- Build a Midwest Home, ."e erect the shell in one day - vtt complete. All materials fur- . i. hed - use our plan or yours. 4uil* conventionally of the best materials available - priced below all others. Write for free catalog or visit our house on display at 1124 Somonauk St., Sycamore, 111. Open 7 days a week. 52-4 FOR SALE--80-feet of Fox River frontage with sea wall; no high water level to worry about; plen- <• shade. In Mineral Springs Park Subd., $5,500.00 (Brokers invited) also two 1 >4 acre tracts, ideal for ranch type homes, with large oaks, hickory and fruit trees; access to Fox River, one mile south "" McHenry; on East River Road 111 Hillcrest Acres. Price $5,000.00 ,%ach. Half cash. Write Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave., Glendora, California. 52-4 FOR SALE--McCullom Lake - 5 room all year 'round home; expandable attic; basement: 1-car garage; automatic hot water; <vater softener unit; G. E. washer; automatic oil heat. Call after 3 P. M. McHenry 547-R-2. 52 FOR SALE--7-room brick residence; tile garage; furnace heat; 1 bedrooms; l-1^ baths; furnished or unfurnished. At McCullom Lake. T. Olsen. Phone McHenry 537-W-l. 52 FOR SALE!--Modern 4-room year 'round ranch home; garagfe; combination storm and screen winiqws; Venetian blinds incl. 19-ft. speed boat. Immediate posression. unset View Subd. Price $11,500. 'hone McHenry 657-W-l. . *52 'OR SALE--5-rm. year 'round home; bath, hot water, fully ln- .sulated; combination storm winows; immediate possession; in Lakemoor. Phone McHenry 503- -- -- 52 Complete Use of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattles Drag 8tore, McHenry fflf MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write your ad on the lines belsw. One word !• each, space. Please print each word plainly. , LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE tate of R.' G. CHAMBERL2N, v-ased. .Tolire is hereby given to a" ersons that June 2nd, 1952, i. c claim date in the estate ot G. CHAMBERLIN, Decease;, ending in the County Court oi .cHenry County, Illinois, and hat claims may be filed againfi the said estate on or before said |it#£jLthout issuance of summons. V*" GREETA McCABE, Administrator /ILLIAM M. CARROLlU Jr, attorney at Law y .. .. tood^tock, Illinois. ? " . ¥ (Pub. May 1-8-18$ : "v , NOTICE OF SALE . NOTICE is hereby g.ven that n the 25th day of May, 1952, the Trustees of Schools of Township No. 45 North, Ranges 8 and 9 East, McHenry county, Illinois, will sell at public auction, the premises hereinafter described: Commencing three chains, and twenty-five links east of the northwest corner of Lot One in the northwest quarter of Section Thirty, in Town Fortyfive North, Range Eight east of the Third Principal Meridian, thence south two chains and fifty links, thence east two chains and fifty links, thence north two chains and fifty links, thence west two chains and fifty links back to the place of beginning, containing one hundred square rods of land. The sale will take place at 2:00 P. M., D.8.T., on said school premises. The sale will be made on the following terms to-wit: Twentyfive per cent (25%) down, and additional fifty per cent (50«5t) within ten days and the balance on delivery of the deed, that a Quit Deed be.delivered with the understanding that if the purchaser wishes a Guarantee Title, the Board will pay a Maximum of $100.00 toward such puifchase. (signed) PETER SMITH (signed) CHANCEY HARRISON (signed) CLINTON E. MARTIN Trustees of Schools of Township No. 45 North. Rpnges 8 and 9 Blast, McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. May 8-15-22) TIPS - - - 3 DRAPERY CARE: ^ Air and biush draperies (US- ( !*iir to 1' move surfa e dust re it becomes embedded in c fabric. J. *Draperies should bs cle^n- I as soon as. they become soiled, .he longer soil remains hi tha Irl-c, the ir.ore difficult it is'to emove in cleaning, • 3. Dirt, grime, moisture 4nd gases in the air in combination vith heat, all work together to ause yellowing of th£ fabric, weakening of its strength, per oration of dyestuffs and finishes. At least once a year. NoW is U$e ' me -so bring; them in for. % , ny finest cleaning obtainable a ad Save The Cash and Cany Way. We give and redeem Gold Begjjf H .Stamps. McHENRY CLEANERS * 03 Elm Street McHenry, |L PHONE 104-M HSLEN WEBER Manager AUCTION _ RD VOGEL, Auctioneer Of the late Christina Freuhd, on Richmond Road at. corner of Broad St., on SUNDAY. M*Y 18^ J 1:30 P. M. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS--Gas stove, 1 set of dishes. 8-pc. dining room set, 2-pc. parlor set (newly upholstered), 2-pc. maple bedroom set, 3-pc. bedroom set, 1 bed, I dresser, end tables, mirror, plat* * form rocker, occasional chair, sewing machine, 9x12 rug, trunk, - vacuum cleaner, love seat, radio, floor lamps, 2 steel cabinets, gstr^ > den tools, lawn mower, cannfr. ' glassware, step ladder, wash Cuba^ 50-ft. garden hose, aluminum ware, - and small articles to numerous to mention. - TERMS: CASH. it Jo ' PITBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change te B:!»ctric Schedule E-3. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS hereby gives notice to the public that It has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on May 1, 1952, a revision of Rate 25 -- Street, Highway and Traffic Signal Lighting. This filing proposes primarily to expand the rate to include service for public decorative lighting. No customer presently served under the rate will be adversely affected by the proposed revision. Further information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in the schedule may be Inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS By W. J. CROWLEY, Manager of Rates. (Pub. May 8-15) CLASSIFIED Want-Ad Rales Per Insertion 9c A W0RP 71c MINIMUM STEPHEN FBEUMDS ;^ J. .! fl|CRALD CARET, Ctfcrtc (May 8-15) > ™A3H t ^ ' - .•'oijjjrufts •• ren MISCELLANEOUS ' ° NOTICE Buch A Sons doea heiwy give notice that no business connection or affiliation of any kind vvhntsoever exists between- them and Mr. Ed. McMahoa, ty*. Automatic Softener Co., 565 C«H 'umbia avenue, Elgin. 111. 50-3 Mf>Vl . • • 'I • 'W ^ J* ?n* ! WARNING: Your children may.ft* | facing a cripplng disease worse than polio! Read: "What Chance Has A Palsied Child?" in early May issue PATHFINDER MAGA- . ZINE now on sale at your near*-. stand. Only 15c. n 4 •r,3 "••ij 10 ,.st Look What $!.«• Will Bog We would like to give it away free but Uncle Sam says no. How* ever, we will give you a complete -o9 dinner for only $1.00. X<*M'll -J&tariv.j happv and so will Uncle Sam. . lit.d*# CREAMERY TAVERN vr-! "Thp Finest of Mixed Dnnks*fetni/o<j Burton's Bridge on Rt. lie Kitchen under the managemsbt of Betty and Martene Stowd. 01 All Hold face or cap lines 20c per llae. Snhscrllie for the Plstadealer lit Pennies Bring Yon Dollars ropy mast reach the If- Henry Plaindealer Office feefare Wednesday 111. M. lb n Be Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad. Name Address Phone Number Words Times To Run AHMOB! Enclosed ::. M « t • ... .jg .i

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