Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1952, p. 11

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wfT miridayr May 15. -1952 i^r\*$ws»i - y •«ip ^iraf T- « «*#•**? $ /?&• ; THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER LC.H.S. ACTIVITIES ^ Dorrs Fabler 6 Pccfr Selsdorf . Invitations and Cards Arrive -You would have been stunned ;6td you entered the school last Thursday and Friday and not know what was going on. Buried under piles of under-classmen, you would find a Senior,^ passing Out name cands. At first. schooi officials feared that it was a rebellion against Senior ---- . ,, . , *44fe*HCl V IVi AlAJI But ,t happens every *ear. i members of the choruses, i , - i | the P. F. A. had its banquet May 14 for the same purpose, the G.- I A.A. is planning one on May 28 ' in order to distribute certificates, J numerals,'M's and piijs t mem-1 bers who have earned tnein, to 1 award the trophy to the Winner in the tennis tournament now in progress, and to install officers for next year. The Student Council is also planning a banquet May 19 for old and new members to honor Mr. Anglese and Miss . Taylor, who work so hard for the Council all year. Well, eat hearty, mates, and don't forget the toothpicks! Another Gift for Graduates Bteffan's Jewelry store has an-, . . ! nounced a Contest for all gradumight be convenient to have ates of M. C. H. S. The prizes are ! identification cards for. the stu- two watches, a "Direction": rients so that the teachers could watch for the boys and a "Missi tell who is who ? The pictures ar- America" for the girls. 1 rived last Monday and the stu-j Junior Girl's Play Day ... dents are scurrying about ex- Saturday morning, five Junior changing extra pictures. girls and Miss Taylor left for Music Festival Approaches Lake Forest college to attend the. The music department of the* Pay that was held there: j high school is presenting a pro- ^'ve were Catherine: gram of good music for you Fri-' Louise Hunt, day night, May 16. About 150 Linn McCurdy and Shirley Derbknd Pfcg* E]0TMi«.n 1 mott. They arrived at college campuc mass * II A.X. n • ' i - I wj me tlluJ USCB, OiUJU All the Seniors, feeling, like cele- j and orchestra will be represented vumpu-; breties, place name cards intoiat the festival> plus a Special at 11 and registered between 11, . scores of 'greedy, outstretched | treat June Browne, a talented and 11:30 They were then taken« hands. None knows whose card I with tte "Northerners"'0" a toUr pf the ca™pus by some tJwy're getting and none knows | also appear on the pr0gram 'of the students. After the tour, who is getting their cards. You ; She ^ ^ acCompanied by Glen ^ went to the and had a ! know how people are about get-1 Welty a local man who is also delicious free lunch and were also! ttag something free. The Seniors I Music director for ^ "Northern- supplied with entertainment t also received their formal gradu- ers.. The ticketa may ^ pur. • which included singing and a1 ation invitations. , chaaed at the door or from a stu. J comedy act put on by two of the i Speaking of invitations, the j dent in any branch of the musib girls from the college. Seniors and underclassmen fortu-! department. The program will be- After lunch, .they split up the nate enough to be invited, re-1 gin at 8:16. The choral depart girls from every school and made ceived their invitations to the ment, which has been saving teams which had a girl from each prom from the Junior class late their pennies for some tlvne to school on it. The schools there last week. On the face of the in- buy choral gowns, will use their were Crystal Lake, Grant, Maine, vitation was a picture of a prom j share of the profits for this pro- Lake Forest. Nile, Antioch, 'Ferry couple perched on the top of a ject, while the band and orchestra Hall and McHenry. They played top hat, dancing. Hmmm, that plan to feed its members at a volleyball, tennis, baseball, basketcould be kind of hard on •» hat, j banquet. couldn't it? Pass the Salt, Underclassmen Receive Pictures ln an ..0ur Students ar- TTn- • ^ Photographs for student identi- dernourished" frame of mind, fication cards were taken a j several of the school organizations various other games, * such as checkers and darts. When they were through playing the games, they had cookies and punch. While having that they were given a demonstration by the three ping pong champions, who were a boy from college, a Junior Miss and a little girl 10 years old. These t^asree toured the U n i t e d S t a t e s , C a n a d a a n d Europe and won the championships in all three. They arrived home at 5:45 and said they enjoyed it very much and would never mis% another if they have a chance to go. More Chapters Granted To Corporations. 1952 , Cpllections from franchise takes and corporation charters continue to run substantially higher than last year, showing a $71,690.89 increase at the end of April, Secretary of state Edward J, Barrett has reported. ' Total collections for the ,fourmonth period this year were $347,096.87, compared with $275,- 405.98 for the same period l^St year, he said. April was the first month of this year in which collections did not surpass the corresponding month a year ago, but the decline was not enough to offset gains in the earlier months, Mr. Barrett said. So far this year, a total of 1,- 453 new domestic corporations has been chartered in Illinois, an increase of sixty-two over the same period last year, Secretary Barrett said. For foreign business corporations, 177 have received certificates of authority, a decrease of one. ball, badminton, ping pong and Complete line of B*»ebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. itf couple months ;, ago. The school are having banquets soon. The administration felt that • the band and orchestra" plan on havschool was growing so large it ing one soon to distribute awards, CLARENCES SHOP. MADE TO ORDER Bird Houses -- Lawn Chaigt -- Swings Picnic Tables -- Umbrella Tables -- Sand Boxes Cement Ciimney Caps Cement Cesspool Rings and Covers ' Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences --Arbor* ~ Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards Chest of Drawers, etc. s £ TEL. 583-J-l CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBUEG AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS LARGE SELECTION OF MATERIALS ORDER EARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING Co. McHenry 571-W-2 Amy Thonneson, Prop. A Spectacular Performer--A Wonderful Value! Come in, get behind the wheel of a new Dual-Range* Pontiac and watch all your driving troubles fade away! In Traffic Range you'll ease through the toughest traffic so nimbly, so easily^?*© -smoothly you'll hardly know there's another car around. On the open road, you're in Cruising Range--so smooth and quiet it's almost like coasting. In Cruising Range you actually reduce engine revolutions as much as 30 per cent! No wonder you savte gasoline every hour you drive. Come in and see this great new Pontiac--America'js lowest priced straight-eight; the lowest priced car with Ilydra-Matic Drive. Let us show you the wonderful deal we can make that will put you behind the-wheel of your own new Pontiac! Dollar lor Dollar you can't beat a Whiit suUv»U titft tt MM mm. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY 400 FRONT ST. , McHENRY. ILLINOIS AMERICANS STILL NOT AROUSED TO HIGHWAY TOLL S t o c k i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n i e s alone suffered net underwriting losses of more than $200,000,0 )0 on their automobile liability ir surance business f r o m 1940 through 1951, Thomas O. Carlson, actuary of the National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters, declared her^ today. Addressing a meeting of insur > ance agents the National Bureau actuary said that the net underwriting losses suffered by the stock companies on auto mobile liability coverages for the' single year 1951 are estimated at more than $100,000,000, making that year the most adverse me ever experienced for automobile liability insurance by the stock companies. The basic reason for the' present situation of a continuously increasing uptrend in automobile;, liability loss costs. Mr. Carlson pointed out, lies in the apathy of the people of this country toward the entire problem of automobile accident costs and the more underlying problem of the automo* bile as an instrument of death, bodily injury and property destruction. "A great deal has been said in recent years about the apathy of the people in general terms," the actuarr stated. "We have oroved as a nation that when aroused lo action there is nothing that we cannot ascomplish. The difficulty lies in the arousing. The newspapers are full of articles calling attention to the slaughter on the highways, but people still look upon traffic regulations in the same light in which they looked upon the Volstead amendment not so many years ago. as an infringement of personal liberties that each individual should deal with on his own initiative," Ticklers By George ROAD BIDS The state Division of Highway* has just announced apparent low bids on 63 road projects in 41 counties. This work includes 13 miles of new concrete pavement, 197 miles of bituminous resurfacing, and nine bridge construction i sections. Since the first of the ] year bids have been opened ook ! more than $32,000,000 worth at I highway improvements, and con - • tracts have been awarded for more than $14,000,000, according to Charles P. Casey, state director of Public Works and Build- t . ings. Three more multi-million;; dollar road lettings are scheduled r. in May and June, he said. . . • Need Rubber stamps? Order The Plaindealer p r o p e r lonni DIRECTORY _'#-5 fi 'I'm coming In for my dessert, smI" IT:*, - PR. f. It SWA3I805 Dentist j • 120 S. Green Street ' Office Honrs: j Hally Except Thursday •' ' 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:S0 j I«Dk Wed. and Friday. EreniBgt : 7 to 9 P. *. * j Telephone McHenry 1M .. SAWS FILED All typM of nwi filed quickly on our precision Foley A u t o m a t i c F i l e r . Your Mwa will cut f a s t e r , c l e a n e r , truer. Old aawa retoothed. LawDMOwers SHARPENED You'll save time and effort what your mower la sharpened on our F o l e y I . a w n Mower ShApener. All work sua teed. iiarac- E. G. PETERSON Route 120, East PHONE 854-W STATE FAIR TTie Illinois State Fair will celebrate its one hundredth anni, versary this summer by offering $349,293 prize money for some 20.000 anticipated entries. The fair dates will be Aug. 8 through Aug. 17. H. W. Elliott, general manager of the fair, says this year's premium offerings are about $30,000 larger than the 1951 fair awards. Of this year's premiums, the fair itself will provide $235,270 and an additional $114,022 will be put up by various agricultural associations. Subscribe for the Plaindealer TURTLES / •» "t* BOLGER'S DRUG STOBE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. GETJHEIOWDOWN WITH A SHOW DOWN IWWIBI E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. Chiropractor lit S. Green St.. XeHnrj Office Honrs: l>ailr Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5 M*n., Wed. and Frl. E>mhMi 7 to DP. I. ; tall McHenry 2M*R f*or Appoint meat VLPNON KNOX Attorney At Law - ^ Cor- Gre< n and Elm Stntll McHenry Tuesday and Friday Aftemw> Other Days By Appolatsert Phone McHeary IS ROBERT A. STUEBEP Attorney At Law (MM Center Street Phone McHenry M8 McHENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, J* Attorney At Law 110H Bentcu Street Phone Woodstock ISM WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS JOSEPH X. WAYTNE Attorney At Lew M9 Wankegan Road (RF1> Phone McHenr* *3-W WEST McHENRT. ILL. M Ltaeatw TIRN THELKI Traektaf Qrarok BM'. . ExcaTatlBf r TeL McHenry &88.R-9 er &88.W4 Box 172« Bt 1. McHear*- *UA. P. FRErND * MRS f ExeavatinK Contr*»4Nf» Tracking, nydranllc aai ^ Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING - TeL 9M.M MeHenr*. II, INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ^ fire, Aato, Farm & Life I*<w«Ht --• Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES • • When Yoa Need Iasnraace eff Any Kind Pheae it or 118-M Green A Elm MeHeatf GET THE r IOWDOWN... on hanilling ease Be your own truck expert. Check our feature-by-feature Show Down chart to find out why a D o d g e l i J o b - RatecT^ truck turns ~ sharper, maneuvers better, parka quicker. on economy and long life Compare Dodge and other makes for such money-saving features as 4-ring pistons, chain-drive camshaft, exhaust valve seat inserts, and many others. on bigger poykods Discover how superior load distribution permits a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck to carry ' bigger payloads without overloading. STOFFEL & RE1HANSPERGER Insnrauce agents for all classes el property in the best companies. West McHenry, Ilhaois Telephone 300 507 Mala Street McHenry* Bk SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Structural Skml Visit Onr Showrt»o«» S Miles Soath on Rt. SI Phone 9o0 B I N G ' S PL1MBING AND HEATOiO BOB FRISBY. JR. I^aallty Flxtares • Radiant See... Drive... Com pa re • > • 1 ^ = 1 TRUCKS Water Systems - Water SofMNpFf y Repairs - Free Estimate PHONE McHENRY - -- AL*S WELDINt; AND REPIIB SERVICE t Ml Mala Street, MrHeary Electric Portable Wclttlng j " Acetylene Weltiiny aa<i ALEX W. W1RFS, Operator ' Phone eii-W-l «r IM ^ McHENRY, ILL. . , ^ATTRACTIVE VAIUES * UB£ftALTRAK-INS*L0N*/ EASyTERMS! A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES. Inc. f 301 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS • MAKE SAFE DRIVING A HAIIT... CHICK YOUR TRUCK.;.CHECK ACCIDENTS -- WANTED TO BI Y -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE# m We pay phone charges. ^ 7® We pa} 16 to Itift tor Old Heni* l e s s f o r d o w n h o r s e s m a d -- ' « • MA ITS MINK RA3CH Jehnsbarv > • Spring GreTe Fkeao Johathar* Sift ,sm

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