H»* \ff "V ualiilhwrwS^Jf* /.VvV. • -«• "*<?- ^^yrn^T n«vp>?f3 y ^ r < ; - * • -- » » . „ . I f > . « w > V <«, •yfjM I W"" > ?^*' "sVi i.'j3,1 s*i' L E 6 A L S NOTICE 1M THE MATTER OF THE APfcUCATION OF THE PIONEER IttUST AND SAVINGS BANK, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST JJO. 7978 DATED DECEMBER Itl, 1050 FOR AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE AND A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSISJCATION, NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN: . . That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County toning Ordinance relative to a ehan^e or variation of zoning daasi/ication a public hearing will lie had before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals |l> connection with the application jtf the PIONEER TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST NO. 7978 DATED DECEMBER 11, 1950 that the toning classification of the fol- *winf described real estate be t&snfftd from an "F" classification to an "R-l" classification, as Indicated on the plat of the proposed SPONJIA CIRCUIT NO. 6 JDIVISION which shall be apl «d to the petition of petitionand made a part thereof: The Northeast Quarter of the « ! Southeast Quarter of Section w-- Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, June 3, 1952 at the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time amid place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By FRANK NAGEL , Its Chairman. LOOZE and KINNE Attorneys at Law „ McHenry, Illinois. service for public decorative lighting. No customer presently served under the rate will be adversely affected by the proposed revision. ^ Further Information with respect thereto- may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in the schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ,OT NORTHERN ILLINOIS By W. J. CROWLEY, Manager of Rates. (Pub. May 8-15) y Y PLAINDEALER •h'^V ** r * * \ " u" IfwaSi* ifi? is. \\ NOTICE of SPECIAL ELECTldf* VILLAGE of LAREMOOR ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the County Judge of McHenry County, Illinois, a Special Election will be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1952; that at said Election each qualified legal voter resident within the Village of Lakemoor, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, shall have; the right to caat a ballot for the following Village Officials: ONE (1) VILLAGE PRESIDENT 21 (excepting therefrom a strip j ONE (1) VILLAGE CLERK . of land one rod in width o£i SIX (6) VILLAGE JRUSTEES from the entire North side j ONE (1) POLICE MAGISTRATE , thereof, also excepting there- ' that the places of holding said . from that part conveyed by j election shall be at the polling Otto P. Johnson and Carrio j place in the McHenry Bible Johnson, his wife, to Charles Church, within the limits of the Kling by Warranty Deed dated Village of Lakemoor; that the October 31, 1922 and recorded polls of said election will be 'i in the Recorder's Office of Mc- ; opened at Eight O'clock in tfte Henry County, Illinois in Book', morning and will close at Eight 163 of Deeds ,Page 339, also ; O'clock in the evening of tha' / excepting therefrom the plat of day. '• Johi.son's Subdivision a= record- ] The term of office of the vil- ' ed in f&id Recorder's Office in lage officers elected at above Book 4 of Plats on Pag.2 87, | election shall terminate as soon excepting also therefrom the as their successors are elected West 285.0 feet in width of the at the next regular election in North 412.50 feet of the North- , April, 1953 and have qualified. - east Quarter of the Southeast j Dated this 9th day of May Quarter of said Section 21), A. D. 1952. , also that part of the Southeast HENRY L. COWLIN, ^rquarttr of the Southeast quarts eounty Judge of McHenrj^ •: er of said Section 21 which lies County, Illinois. North of the ditch running East RAYMOND D. WOODS, r ant) West at about the center , County Clerk of McHenry of the said Southeast Quarter j County, Illinois. Pt the Southeast Quarter of j , < said Section 21, all of the above | . PUBLIC NOTICE | property being located in the j Notice of Proposed Change |j East fialf of the Southeast j Electric Schedule E-3. Quarter of Section 21, Town- | PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ship 45 North, Range 8 East j OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS her- !! of the Third Principal Meridian. • by gives notice to the public that Petitioner also requests that the i it has filed with the Illinois Comfollowing described land be varied j mcree Commission on May 1, 195 from the present "F" claslfication a revision of Rate 25 -- Street to a "B-2" classification: Highway and Traffic Signal Light The West 285.0 feet in width ing. This i iling" proposes primari of the North 412.50 feet of the . ly to expand the rate to includ A U C T I O N HUM DAY, MAY 25. 1S52 At 2 P. M.' On Premise ; SCHOOL HOUSE FOR SALE AT AUCTION ED VOGEL ,Auctioneer i Property known aa the Ostend School, located 3 miles West c: McHenry and 7 miles East of Woodstock on Route 120. Building is located on a large lot, nicely located on paved roac 1ck construction and readily adaptable to remodelling into a deirable hom-s. Also good well and garage. Terms of Sale -- 25% down and 50% within 10 days -- balanc delivery of Quit Claim deed. If purchaser wishes a Guarantee Itle, the Board will pay a maximum of $100.00 toward purchas Of unw. ' PETER SMITH CLINTON E. MARTH * { CHANCEY HARRISOI ,lH8teei"of Schools of Township No. 45 North, Range 8 & 9 East, McHenry County, UllimU- (Pub. May 15-22) i F > PE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE * ^ fHE OPENING OF THE NATIONALLY FAMOUS ORGANIST TED GRAY Wednesday May 14 RED STAR INN U, & 12 and 31 "f? vox: Serving Food 12 W 12 * CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking everyone for flowers, gifts, prayers and other kindnesses and remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital and after my return home. Everything was greatly appreciate< k . I ; V. JOSEPH L. BAUER • -- n'; _ , 7 • Into that bright red Memorial Poppy you are being asked to wear on Poppy Day is packed the courage of men still disabled by war wounds. It is Their way to honor the war dead and, at the. same time, to help the living victims of war. So get a poppy from your American Legion and V.F.- W. Auxiliaries and wear it proudly. Give for those who gave for you! Want ada. like freedom, everybody's business. are 1f Marie ftchaettff«r * By Marie Schaettgen Thirty million poppies will bloom on the lapels of Americans throughout the nation as America honors the dead of three wars on Poppy day. May 24, when the Legion and V. F. W. Join forces to make the day a success. Jean Weyland and Luella Graham are pooling their efforts. In exchange for the memorial flowers, Americans will contribute an estimated three million dollars to the rehabiliation and child welfare funds of the American Legion and Auxiliary and V. F. W. and Auxiliary. This money will remain largely in the hands of local posts and units, for the benefit of disabled war veterans and needy children of veterans in the comnfiunities where it is contributed. More than 10,000 disabled veterans have been working for months in hospitals and convalescent workrooms* throughout the. nation, making the vast bouquet of crepe paper poppies with which their fallen comrades will be honored. The work is considered valuable as occupational tnerapy and has given them the encouraging experience of earning money once more. The disabled veterans are the only paid workers in the Auxiliary's poppy program. Approximately 150,000 American Legion Auxiliary women and V. F. W. will distribute the poppies on the streets on Poppy Day, all serving as unpaid volunteers. They will include three generations of American womanhood; mothers, wives and daughters of World War I, World War 2 and Korean War veterans. The poppies will be replicas of the wild European poppy which grew in such profusion in the battlefield and war cemeteries in France and Belgium, and which has been the memorial flower for the war dead throughout the English-speaking World War I. The custom of wearing a poppy in honor of the war dead was inspired by the poem written by the Canadian doctor-poet, Col. John McCrae, which begins: "In Flanders fields the poppies blow, Between the crosses, row on row--" ' The story of the American Legion Auxiliary's memorial poppy will be told on television throughout the nation this year for the first time. Two short TV films, have been made available to every television station in the country and are expected to be shown widely during the week before poppy day May 24. A floral anchor made of ten thousand memorial poppies will be launched at sea on Memorial Day as the nation's tribute to its defenders who gave their lives at sea, Mrs. Graham, Poppy chairman of McHenry unit, No. 491, of the American Legion Auxiliary, has announced. The .big anchor, 5 feet long, has been made by the American Legion Auxiliary unit at Newnan, Ga., and will be launched from a United States Naval Academy vessel off Annapolis, Md., on May 30 at the same moment at which the president's wreath is placed on the tomb of the unknown soldier. A delegation of Georgia Auxiliary members will accompany the anchor to Annapolis and will take part in the launching ceremonies. Mrs. Graham and Jean Weyland are' making plans and working hard to launch this Poppy drive effectively. Do support them, please. Residence Changes Mrs. Frances Patzke and family have moved from the Harry Chrisman place on Main street to the Schiessle apartment in West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Milinac and daughter, who have been residing with the Patzkes, are now making their home in the Campbell apartment in West McHenry. • •? v Nervous Women Dr. Earl D. G. Schmltt, San Jose, Calif.: "More nervous women are created over the bridge table than over the wash tub." Ratio One hundred pounds of coal Is required In the manufacture of 100 pounds of steel. Slide matcum^ tu..ua« on a lar^jfcsafety pin and clasp It You'll torn time when you need them. m YOUR OWN YARD < : Jacobsen, Johnson ana ^ Worthingtoft Powermowen HETTERMAN ^INCUI| FREE DEMONSTRATION Phone Johnsburg 413-J • QOMB farmers prefer Open Center tires, ^ while others demand Traction Center. Regardless of the type you prefer, Firestone has it. No one else offers you a choice, because Firestone alone provides both tread designs. If it's Open Center design you want, tee the sensational new Firestone Cham* pion Open Center, Curved Bar Tractor Tire. Try it--for traction, for cleaning, for smoothness on the highway, for all around perform««ce. You'll find lt*s awiy* ahead of any open center tire ever made. If it's the Traction Center Tire you want, there's only one -- the patented Firestone Champion. This tire has long been recognized by thousands of farmers the country over as the top performer for year-around work. A test on your own farm will show you. So again we say, regardless of your preference in tractor tire_ tread design, sk aa* FARM SERVICE WE WILL'DELIVER AND INSTALL TIRES RIGHT ON YOUR FARM. HAVE TRACTOR READY FOR SPRING. CHECK YOUR TIRES NOWFIRESTONE PASSENGER CAfc TIRES Don't Lei Your VactIon Bo A Hazard with Worn Tirec. FIRESTONE TRUCK TIRES ALL SIZES Also Recapping and Vulcanizing SAVE MONEY! DONT BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR NEW REDUCED PRICES. BATTERIES We will allow you $3.50 for that old batiery when you buy that new cne in our store. WALTER J FR EUND ST3E.ET PHOXE MfHE*RY 294 WEST VXBE and TUBK VULCANIZING -- ALL WORK GUAROT^V lIRES -- TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSOK&Eft E N N D S ©hlorophy11 vsr. 49* 100 BAYER Aspirin Tabs Finest Quality ODORONV Amazing Deodorant Regular Your doctor is our commander. His orders are completely respected ... and as such, are followed to the smallest detail. You can be assured that your prescription receives the care ful compounding your physician demands 1.47 Val. AO. Size. . . . Both for. - Wv JOHNSON'S Baby Lotion ALKA-SELTZER l.tti.M assr$9c EX-LAX Laxativt, Tia «f 18. .. ASPERQUM, DillurdSflfs... B C HEADACHE Pswdsr, 6*s.. SQUIBB MINERAL OIL, Plat Spray OtMaraat For Men ^ 30c Value PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH MIISIIS ENERGINE J »*c Value '•rOshf Chlorophyll Protect With URVEX MOTH PR00FER WEST LISTERINE 29c Size yv Qaloriag With SOe Sue. Both l o r . . . » _ Pack of S SILVER STAR M20R BUOES 20. . . 88B Flash Holder FLASHBULBS most Red Cross ADHESIVE TAPE In new "Cut Quick" Pkg. Va inch width . . OOG „ Curad ADHESIVE BANDAGE Elastic, fits like skin. 39c Be Prepared To Give FIRST AID GEM RAZOR De Luxe 10 BLADES lJOValue DAND-AID Plastic Strips Alitor 98C ADSORBENT COTTON, Sterile 2 oz.. COHESIVE GAUZE, l inchx2 yds*. . B.F.I. ANTISEPTIC POWDER, v« JOHNSON CUT-KIT, Complete Gillette Razor Plus B O L G E R S 10 BLADES DRUG STORE Green St* Phone 40 McHenry, DL WE GIVE AND REDEEM tiOLI) BOND HTAMiVS __k_