Tltnnday, Ju»2& '-b&m WE TPLAINPEALER r^Tv'sTT^ *>'( / * - ^ ^ \ %* • *.** '•'; ».r " * 3 LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty Wallas) JF I had the very pleasant experience this past weekend of meettog some of the newest arrivals in our community, as well as some ot the people who lived here way iMck when. We are happy to welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vanasek, who have lived in our village about three months. I also had the pleasure of meet- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skelly. who have lived in this community for twenty-seven years. " The Skellys are. expecting' a visit soon from a former resident of our town, Mrs. Bert Olsen. Mrs. Olsen is the former Hazel Flagler, well known to many in this community. She has been making her home in Riveria Beach, Fla., and intends to pay the old home ,^t>wn a visit. ^ "W. and Mrs. Harry Boyd, another of our newer residents, are leaving for a vacation trip to Mc Keeysport, Pa., soon. The Boyds are going to spend the Fourth of July holiday with their families in Pennsylvania. We hope they have a pleasant trip. "Corky Boro" was home for a i six-day furlough last week and has now returned to his post near \§&iba. He is expecting to be sent to Europe soon. Mrs. Lottie Skocsen, of Hammond, Ind., and her little daughter, were Sunday visitors of the Baldes family. Mrs. Skocsen, is a sister of Estelle. We are very sorry to learn that Vincent Schiavone, was taken to Hines hospital* where he is still convalescing. We all wish him a speedy recovery. " ^Another of our former residents, Mrs. Grace Weisbaum, of Miami, F l a . , h a s b e e n s p e n d i n g p a s t week as a«*guest of Mrs. Mae Si- HHinimBHiHHiinnniMii lin Flynn, who now is a young miss of 12. She celebrated her day on June 25. The Lily Lake Beautifying club is having a beach party at the highway beach on June 28 and 29. The public is very cord^Uly invited to attend. CBBDVVK v K lag*., ICttfe ~ Vachet, ltarsooe PalsetU, Julia Kraus, Jtttb mMnptt and Kitty Wtftiji «*• on the commit* U* for tbtfaity a»d they promise •TiifHHB will have time. TV STATION Television broadcasting for Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin took a vigorous step forward this week with the first public announcement of the formation of Greater. Rockford Tele- The Lily Lake P.T.A. will hold vision. Inc. Plans were revealed their next regular monthly meeting at the school house on Thursday, July 3, at 8 p.m. Linda Lee Wojtas celebrated her third birthday last Friday, with a party for her little friends. A lawn party had bpen planned, but with the weather being very un-cooperative, the party was held indoors. Her guests included, Elyce and Emily Falsetti, "Irish" and Linda DeCicco. Bonnie Bonder, Tommy Flynn, Shirley Gustafson, Sharen O'Leary and her brothers and sister. Some of the motners also were present to share in the fun. Linda received some lpvely gifts and had a really wonderful birthday. An inauguration party for the new officers of the village has been planned for July 12. The Ehrhardt catering service will • serve a buffet supper and there will be dancing and other enter tainment. It will be held at the J&K tavern and restaurant in Lakemoor. This is a swell chance for all of us to meet our officers and let them know we are cooperating with them in the very at a dinner meeting of the organisation's officers, directors, and stockholders at the Mid-day Club, Rockford, Illinois, on June 12. According to L. S. Caster, president the group represents a cross-section of Rockford citizens "who have joined forces in an effort to bring television to this area at the -earliest possible date and in a manner dedicated to the greatest possible public welfare." _ need platoty of exercise If they are <6 stay la a thrifty condition. COLLEGE KAY VOLONT1 INDUCTION AT OftCS %Mnt college graduates • pnd other youths who wish to Mart fulfilling their military obligation without waiting to be inducted in their regular turn may v^»- teer for immediate induction through their local boards, according to Colonel Paul G. Armstrong. Illinois Selective Service director. Numerous inquiries are being received at local boards not only from graduating students but also from men who find themselves between Jobs and wish to begin their service without delay, Colonel Armstrong said. Volunteer inductees serve only twenty-four months <$like other Selective Service inductees and their active duty period cannot be extended under the present law, he pointed out, explaining that this feature of the Selective Service law is not generally understood by most registrants. Any registrant between 18 and 26 may volunteer by filing an application at his local board office. Seventeen-year-olds -volunteer with the •snt «f parents or guanBaalfe f ; RED CROSS OFFICERS Gertrude Barbian was re-elect* ®d to the post of branch chairman of the Red Cross at the annual meeting held at the city hall Tuesday evening. Other office holders include Robert J. Conway, vice-chairman; Susan Olsen, secretary; and Robert L. Weber, treasurer. , - - BaniwlchSpredds 3SK5: You can mix a little orange Juice with many prepared sandwich spreads to improve their flavor and thin them for easier spreading. CLARENCES SHOP MADE TO ORDEf Bird Houses -- Lawn Chairs <-- Picnic Tables -- Umbrella Tables Sand Boxes Cement Chimney Caps Cement Cesspool Rings and Covers V Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbors Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards* Chest of Drawers, etc. TEL. S8S-J-1 "*/ JOHNSBURG Fromwherc I iit.^JoeMar» , Whitey Sure "Rang the Bell" Telephone woke me oat of asoaad sleep last Friday about eleventhirty. "This is Whitey Fisher eat on River Road," says a voice. "I just wanted to tell you how much I lik^ this week*s Clarion." "Thanks, Whitey," I told him. "But why in blazes call to tell me at this time of night?" "Simple," he says, "your paper boy just delivered it a short while ago. Been waiting for it all evening." °Next day, Buxzy Wilson tells me he delivered Whitey's paper late because he stayed for the school dance and thought it would be OK to drop it off on his way home. ? , From where I sit, I cant Mas|| Whitey for his joke. He was just reminding me we owe other penpls the same respect we expect freat them. Since I'm always talking about respecting the other fdlewls rights--including his right to eajsy a glass of beer if he chooses, h was only fair that Whitey should "wsfes me up" to hit right to get Us of the Clmrion on tin again, Whitey! mon. Carol* Szarek in y McHenry as a guest at Smart, last week. Carole is looking forwai visit from |ttiss Smart j&ain during the Fourth of July holidays. . Harry Cooper, a summer resi- •<*nt of our village, donated a check for twenty-five dollars tr. the volunteer fire department last Sunday. It's inspiring to know that we have such civic-minded citizens in our midst. Thank you, Mr. Cooper. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Art Metz and their three daughters of Chicago whfe out to surprise their aunt. Mrs. Claude Vachet, her birthday. Friday, Mr! and Mrs. Act FaV came out for the weekend and thfv helped the Vachets celebrate their twenty-fourth wadding a a* niversary. May we add our congratulations and good- wishes for many more years of happiness together. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn, who celebrated their thirteenth wedding ^Anniversary on June 24. i ' A very happy birthday to Marl-# SWITCH T0 TORIDHIET ROTARY WALL FLAME m fsr Cosifort istlaatr ALTHOFF'S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" SOI Mala Street PHONE 28* Ok -v "7i •« h '? 7)V - Here's EXTRA t r a v e ! c o n v e n i e n c e - ADDITIONAL GREYHOUND SCHEDULES for your vacation and other t r i p s this summer Beginning Wednesday, June 25 CHICAGO ».. Now 4 Buses Dally Copy right, 1952, United States Brewers foundatiem m 'A 7. PjS, '"I? t , •--'1 * J- r. i : 'SirXm-hf 1.50 One Way,. $2.70 Round Trip MADISON .. . Now 4 Buses Daily rv ' |2.t5 One Way, $4.05 Round Trip . Now 6 Buses Daily 56c One Way, $1.00 Round Trip KLAVAN I.. Now 4 Buses DaBy . -'4' 85c One Way, |1J» Round Trip BURUN6TON . . Now 2 Buses Daily flJSa One Way, $2.20 Sound Trip (Add U. S. tax to all fares) 0 For oomplete information on schednlss and fares, visit or phone: - OHTYHOUND TEBMINA1,,; Cor. Green and Vim GUS irNTI, prop. ^hohe 104-R Go Gff£Y#0(//VP a s It will probably occasion no surprise on your . part to be told that the Cadillac car is th$ „ most wanted and sought-after automobile^oR ; American highways. But you might be surprised to learn ho i 1 • widespread the desire to own this great motor Car has become during recent years. Statistics indicate, for instance, that there; we more than twenty million motorists in .America who would like to call a Cadillac the# own. And were the whole of the world's motoijfc i»ts to be taken into consideration, this numbef* would grow well-nigh beyond comprehension. today. It might well be called the great desideratum of the American people. Naturally, a motor car has to offer many .wonderful things in order to occupy such i unique position in the hopes and aspirations of so many persons. In order to be so universally accepted as the "car of cars," it has to be instandy recognizable as the "car of cars." And so, it has to offer --great beauty! In order to have created so an i mpression on so many motorists, it would also have to act like the "car of cars." And that •' There i. reran to believe, in fact, that"* means " must pkform*«ct! Cadillac may be wanted by more people than In order to have become the logical ambi* §ny other product manufactured in Americt lion of so many millions, it would have to be practical'to own, as well as wonderful to drill* And so, it would have to offer --extraordinary economy! e And finally, to be admired so highly by so many, it would have to offer wonderful prestige! On every highway in the world, it would have to be a testimonial to the taste and standing of the person at its wheel. v If this sounds like the description of the that you, yourself, would like to own drive, then come in and see us--soon. Perhaps the time has come for you to join the hundreds of thousands of motorists who have stopped wanting a Cadillac--and started enjoying one! - We'd be happy to see you any time. ^ % THE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY DVERTQN CADILLAC - - PONTIAC Co. . •"Wf. . w; 400 Front Street McHenry ' i'" ••t •>