Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1952, p. 8

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C " * • ' ' • V ' ^ ' ' " "1 • ' * - v ' 4 ; > ' f f f l T M c H ^ t t P L A n r o i E A I J ^ • . " ' : / > . ' • ; : - y ; • * Thtittday', July, 31,1952 jfr' two and a phone call 10:30 because ho By W% H. Tammeus A day at the fair with the (hrm adviser goes something like thia Arrive at 6 a.m. after anx- ;-|l: fcwa momenta upon awaking to > fl nd a summer thunder shower ; Waddling its way across our well lb-id plans for the day. Where are .•We going to show the cattle if fhe rain continues? The track, the perfect place, is smeary. ; Now getting back to this arriving business, I am met at the fate by the squad car, the occut •' pant of which informs n-e that " ft pig is loose. Upon investigating I find a big old Duroc sow .ambling along looking over the fair. After all, it was about the only . Chance she had, being busy being , looked at all the rest of the time. " They wouldn't allow her out any t. other time of day because she > ';vvWould be in the way aijd some 1* Ikdy ^hight- get hysterics.' •iv •> Next we go to the office and C*.-.-'"1Urvey the situation. Large de- " Visions to be made. First, whether to sweep the floor or let some- * . <*ie else do it. Well, to hold up . the dignity of the fair at least 'headquarters should be clean. Some lady newspaper reporters Will be in most of the day. Now we have to get all the ribbons ready for the day and the ring sheets on clip boards for the superintendents. Superintendent of dairy gets all the ring dieets for the dairy classes with the exhibitors listed by classes. The same for the hog superintendent and the others. These sheets Were made up from each exhibitor's entry a number of days ago. Xt takes a number of days to (pake them up and that is the 'tteason why we can't take in entries up to the last minute. If the fair is delayed a few minutes We would be accused of not 77" knowing how to run the fair, etc.. •D we can't have late entries and have things in apple pie order, too. The phone rings. An anxious mother wants a boy in the fartyiest livestock tent to call home light away, she has a flat tire and can't come to the fair today. As the day progresses, other Important people begin to arrive. Should have left out other or important. When are we going to dhow heifer calves? What kind 0 heifer calves? When will they Ijhow Hampshire Reds If I got 4ut can I get back in ^^all on the loud speaker for the electrician, a light bulb burned out down at the merchants' tent or else maybe it wasn't screwed in tight enough. My name is Knot Bright, somebody said I was wanted at the headquarters. The phone rings Again. Would we locate Sunshine Alcatraz with the snakes, his Wife hasn't gotten her ^ alimony itince last week. Are we going to let Snowflake Equator show her lamb We ahould because no one came and Insisted that she get her health |>apers in order. Yes, she learned to read but didn't know that the }>age of regulations in the premum book was put in there to read. Are the judges all here ? No toe who comes from Wisconsin Where it is agin the law to abide letters f comes at thought we were on standard time and he didn't think we would get started oa ytime anyway. f . Superintendents all arrive on time and are ready* to go. By Golly, we have one of the best bunches of fellows on these jobs any one could want. And clerks, just the same here. Are the public address systems all hooked up so the exhibitors can hear when they are supposed to show ? HEALTH TALK Ringworm Of The Feet Because the preponderance of cases of ringworm of the feet seem to occur among persons/ frequenting swimming poo^af. gymnasiums and shower room*! the condition has taken on the popular name of athlete's foot! From "the gate 'comes! Actually the condition is not word that the vice-president of "«"ited to these public sources the Jumpin- Fat Frying Pan Co. insists on getting in free because he was asked by his company board of directors to inspect their local dealer's exhibit. You ed up from the floor of the bathroom or bathtub in the home if some one previously infected has deposited the organism believed j ness tell Mr Veep that it is all right ! responsible for it, the educational for the local dealer to take his i committee of the- Illinois State exhibit outside the gate and set J s°ciety warns in a HEALTH it up so he can see it. He can"! TALK. get back in because he" has a Fungi, .which arfe vegetable orpass but Mr Veep pavs if he j^nisms similar to those causing comes in. After all, v for fifty i the mold,on stale bread, are concents, he may get' an idea from j s'dered the causative agents. a competitor's exhibit that he will i thrive on damp, moist areas of make his .company hundreds of the s^'n and maV 'ie dormant for months and even years. The condition is not confined to the feet, but may appear in any area of the body that is susceptible to moistness, such as the groin, armpits,, the scalp and hands. Thus the medical term for the condition, dermatophyto.sis. skin disease causect dollars. That's the 'old American system, God bless it. In God We Trust, Everybody else pays cash. Oh yes, the evening program. We have to get all the special awards in order from the supplier and from the ring sheets find out who is supposed to get them, so that when the boys and | means any girls march by in the live stock ! bv fungi. parade they get the right one and Actually the term the donor gets- the proper recognition. These are a few of the daily problems of the day helping run the fair. All in all, everybody is swell. I guess if I came around a fairgrounds strange to me I would ask a lot of questions toO. It's a swell fair. Come again next year. SPLENDID GROWTH A week of ideal weather contributed to the splendid growth of Illinois corn and soybeans, and j to the progress of small grain | harvesting, according to the most j r e c e n t r e p o r t o f t h e s t a t e a n d , federal departments of agricul-1 ture. The only exception to this! favorable picture is in southwestern Illinois, where it has been extremely - dry. Winter wheat harvest is practicallyover, and the oats harvest probably will be completed before the end of July. A heavy second, crop of alfalfa is being cut in various parts of the state. "ringworm" is a misnomer, since the scaly condition associated with it does not always take the shape of a ring, and, certainly, a worm is hot the source of the infection. Prevention of ringworm of the feet is most important, since once it develops and becomes acute great discomfort is experienced. The itching associated with the disease becomes, at times, almost unbearable. In fact, the condition can become so severe that loss of time from work results. ; In prevention of ringworm of the feet, good hygiene is essential. Careful attention to the areas between the toes is necessary, particularly in bathing and drying the feet. In washing, the toes should be separated and cleaned thoroughly but gently. The same procedure should be followed in dryirtg the feet. This is important in* all seasons of the year, but particularly during the summer months when humid and excessive heat cause the bodv to perspire more. The top cells are constantly being replaced by new cells from the lower layers of the skin. If the dead surface cells are not removed, they, with the moistnatural to the areas between the: toes, create a field conducive' to the growth of fungi- Parents should teach their children good hygiene as well as carry it out themselves. Once the infection has been brought into the Home, the whole family can be affected. Thus good hygenic measures can prevent the development of ringworm of the feet. Once the condition is rioted however, such as a dry scaliness of the skin, or cracks between the toes, a physician should be. consulted because the infection can be transferred from one part of the body to another, and from qne member of the family to another. Ringworm of the feet is tricky and difficult to control once i^ takes hold, so it is wiser to con-* suit a physician in the early stages of the condition. Thus distress and possible loss of time from school or work can _be avoided. Ladles Like Ike General Eisenhower is the wornen's first choice for Presidential candidate, according to a Woman's Horne Companion poH of its reader* xthma Hay f e v e r . . . Vi Why suffer \\v torn*thing will h«lp * J you? After yoor symptoms have been diagnosed as Asthma or Hay F«v*r yo« K'j owt it to yourwlf to investigate. AsthmaNefrin' CLARENCES SHOP MADE TO ORDER Bird Houses -- Lawn Chairs -- Swings Picnic Tables -- Umbrella Tables -- Sand Boxes Cement Chimney Caps Cement Cesspool Rings and Covers Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbor* Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards, Chest of Drawers, etc. "CLARENCE J. SMITH TEL. 583-J-l . JOHNSBURG If yea are a m*r W pleas* bring in yo«r nebufaer far tr-- mspectloa and servicing. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 108 Green St. McHenry, III. PHONE 40 We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. ^ dayhght savi"g time. after f r 4 . . ; . » . f r U . 4. SEEING . IS BELIEVING Profit from the experience of truckers, salesmen and others whoke living depends, on their tires! Get a present-day recapping job on your service - proved casing*, > and *y and gftyi ings.. I Tire casings are better now than ever r before . . . they're worth recapping. \ Quality work, expertly done, with the | best of newly-developed methods and I materials give you,new tire service. • New Exchange Service i Drive in and let us replace your smooth, unsafe ! tires with safe, extra mileage modern recaps -- i uriconditinally guaranteed in writing. ! ALL SIZES IN STOCK 6:00x16 $8.85 7:10x15 . ( 6:70 xl5_^^ $9.55 1:60x15 | 6:80x16 $9.95 8:20x15 .......7.7 | „ AND YOUR OLD TIRES j : f REE MOUNTING -- NO DELAY Stop in Today MARTICKE & NIXON, Inc. Advantaged HYDRO-FLATION MORE TRACTION--Added weight enables the traction Hbars to get a better grip . . . increases drawbar pull.--- WAVES Observes Tenth Birthda? Wednesday, July 3j0, marked the tenth anniversary of the WAVEfe. More than 9,000 WAVES no^ on active duty in the continental United States, Japan, Norway, Hawaii, Germany, France, Alaska and England, celebrated the occasion. ' t In Washington, D.C., Captain Joy Bright Hancock, USN, director of the WAVES, followed Naval tradition by using a sword to cut the ten-candled cake at the U.S. Naval Receiving station. The Secretary of the Navy, Dan A. Kimball^ in paying tribute to the WAVES, said, "During a decade of service in both the Naval Reserve and the regular Navy, they have proven themselves proficient and capable. Their devotion to duty has been consistent vyith the highest traditions of the Naval service. On" behalf of the Navy and for myself, I offer sincere congratulations and a hearty 'W^ll Done'." Since the, Congress authorized the enlistment and commissioning of women in the Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service as a component of the Naval Reserve, more than 110,- 000 women have become partners in the service of the world's greatest Navy. The traditional Nayy blue proudly worn by these- women, is styled from a noble British lady's colorful riding outfit, predating the independence of America and the founding of its sea service. Created by the famous designer Mainbocher, the uniform is functional yet feminine, and is de signed for comfort, service an^ appearance. He stressed the importance, of simple lines whic}^ ' has suited the many individuals who have worn the uniform. With the passage of the Women's Armed Service Integration Act in June, 1948, women have become an integral part ol the regular Navy on a permanent basis. ^ Today twenty-eight of the Navy's enlisted ratings are open to WAVES. The;r duties ate limited only by restrictions against serving in aircraft on combat missions, in ships other 3BE Convert Your Present Refrigerator to "Automatic Self-Defrosting" Get rid of messy, old-fashioned defrosting jobs forever! This Telechron» timed control defrosts automatically each night while you sleep! Frost doesn't have a chance to form! Just plug in cord! Foolproof, easy to% operate as an electric clock. Saves you work, cuts electric bills# keeps food fresher. Low cost. Special Free Offer: Just phone us... for free delivery... free 3 minute in* stallation one week trial. Absolutely no obligation! Try It before buy it... Fair enough! CARL BARNICKOL DISTRIBUTOR PHONE MCHENRY 646-w-s than hospital ships or transports, and in billets classified lis "heavy diity." • ^ During World War II, .JttUtte than 79,000 WAVES were "on duty in 900 conUnental shore based activities performing 450 different kinds of jobs. More than 4,000 were assigned to duty in Hawaii, the only overseas assignment open to women. . SILT DAMAGE Each acre of the 265 square mile area which drains into Lake Springfield, in Sangamon county, contributes an average of 48 cubic feet of soil annually to the lilt whi^h is very gradually ffl- 'ing the lake. Proper soil conservation measures would reduce this silt damage by an estimated 78 per cent. These figures are ijh a report issued by the state water; survey, the state soil conserva-i tion service, and the SpriMgftetfe city water, light and power department. Studies by the staW soil conservation service show that the improved practices recommended for the farm lands the Lake Springfield watershc would pay for themselves in ten years through higher crop yields The recommendations includecrop rotation and contour farnlr lng. Lake Springfield, which fufs nishes water for the capital city,, is one of the largest artifici|)l < lakes in the Midwest. Want Ada. like freedom, ar»>. everybody's business. As# flMAaai KING SIZE snapshots PICTURES eNLARGBD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! PER ROU tm- AMImim AwiMrAwf Wattles Drug Store "THE HOME STORE" Mala Street PHONE 358 MeHmty. A M I i Use an ELECTRIC Get HOTwater automatically with $10.65 $11.55 $12.95 Largest, Host Efficient Tire Repair Plant ia Northern Ulineis. PHONE 424 lll e. EL« STREET McHENRY, ILL INCREASED TIRE LIFE-->Added weight reduces tread wear caused by slippage. Cord body is protected against impact by air chamber in Hydro-Flated tire. IMPROVED RIDING QUALITIES -- Tires partially with liquid soften the jolts and jars. LOWEST POSSIBLE COST --With the Firestone Electric Hydro-Flator the job can be done faster and cheaper than by any other method. McHENRY TIRE MART GUARANTEED TIRE & TUBE VULCANIZING -- BATTERIES WALT FREUND & BOB THURLWELL, Props. Main street PHONE 294 or 295-J \Ye«t McHenry Open Daily: S a.m. 'til 8 p.m. -- Sundays 'til 12 Nooh If you g«* "hot" when the water's only tepid ... relax ... get an automatic GAS water heater and have inst'ant hot water 'round the clock. Life is easier when you have a GAS water heater... no more waiting . ... no more pampering an 6ld •fashioned tank . . no more "rationing" of hot water. For just a few pennies a day you'll enjoy the luxury of . • loads of hot water. And A only an automatic GAS v/ater heater gives you "quick recovery" ... each lime hot water is drawn off, it's replaced quickly and automatically. Just turn the tap ... and there it is! Turn your hot water worries over to an automatic GAS 'Water heater... and cool off! m mm w in " 'Mrwx llUiU-- in your home for 5 days FREE! Phone or write our nearest store or office today • •. have an Electric Dehumidlfler delivered to your home with* out charge or obligation. Use it FREE for 5 days and see how it solves your moisture problems! V •4 Don't 1*1 txcMsiv* mokm* cost yoa mooty my lonmrl If tools and sports equipment rust... if furniture ' and clothing mold and mildew in your basement ... yow need an Electric Oehumidifier. A Dehumidifier draws in damp air# removes excess moisture and re-circulates sweet-smelling dry air. You can plug it into any convenience outlet, wherever it's needed in the house. Just flick the switch ... and your moisture problem disappears. I# SN the new automatic GAS Water Heaters end ELECTRIC Dehumidifier* at our nearest store or your dealer's today PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLIKdIS

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