Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1952, p. 9

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" <$! 'Aw; Tbumby. Jnly 31, 19M ThE McHHiNfef PtAjNDEXLEft LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty Wojtas) «aminiiifit.tiittimiitifuuiiuiuuuiu»iiuiiitmi!fiiiiiiiiiuMniHiifiTHiniiiuHii»iHiiiiiiiiitttfwiiitiniiiiuiiHnittnv Dick Hyatt has been appointed Village clerk to serve out the unexpired term left vacant by the resignation of Thomas Budil. An new office fof village collector ha« been formed, and Marge Ehrardt is our village collector. Other appointments in the village include, Dr. L. W. Krieger as health inspector and William Gibson as electrical inspector. We sure were happy to see the Weed cutter going through the A^llage. It not only improves the Appearance of the roads but will increase visability considerably in some overgrown sections. LEGAL* Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. McDerntott and son are leaving Satur- My for Hungry Jack Lake, in "Northern Minnesota, where they will spend a three-week vacation at their cabin. They are taking with them Bobby Bitterman, rfljrank O'leary, Jr.,. anti Steve V,et> ler for a taste of wai^ outdoor living.' y .. . Josephine and Margaret Sulliv* n of Chicago have been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady for a short vacation. Also Mrs. Brady's father. Stanley Hlavacek, is spending his twoweek vacation at the Brady residence. 4' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn and family have returned from their vacation in Shawano, Wis., where they had a wonderful time horse back riding, skating, bicycling and lust plain relaxing. This past Sunday a family reunion of the Flynn family was held in Brookfield. Family members from Urbana, Woodstock W|d Chicaeo attended in addition ""^Sf the family from Lakemoor. " "'"We seem to have a crop of birthdays this month. Jimmie Suprenski will celebrate his on Auer. 4 with a swell party for his friends. Vee Oustafson celebrated her birthday last Saturdav. but it was "Business as usual" for this busy girl. friends of Mrs. John Becker **£11 be interested in knowing that *er birthdav will be celebrated Saturdav night with a swell L party. Everyone is'invited to at- .Lend--the place, the Lakeside Inn. The John Kraus family has had their share of excitement this past week. Mrs. Molly Mallek of Long Beach, Calif., and her two grandchildren, Allen and Heathet Certak, have been staying for a vacation with the Kraus family. Mrs. Mallek lives near the place Wayne Kraus is stationed and gets to see him quite ofte? She has become very attacned to her nephew and says she will hate to see him move away. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kayser and "Doc" Kraus, all of Chicago, came out to the Kraus residence, and the whole gang went to Sheboygan, Wis., to make it a real family reunion. Our sincere congratulations . to Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Peterson of Lakemoor, who celebrated their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary on .July 27. Good luck and many more years of happiness together. Little "Butchie" Blades hail a very unfortunate accident last week when he stepped on a broken bottle while ^n his bare feet. Fifteen stitches had to be taken in the wound on his foot. This should serve as a warning to all our little tots who love to go bare foot in this hot weather. Mr. and Mrs. James Wall and family are enjoying a week's vacation at the resort at Devils Lake, Wis. v Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison of Irwin, Pa., have the solution as to how to have a vacation when you have a large family. Mrs. Harrison came out with the Harry Boyd family, when they recently spent a few days visiting relatives in Pennsylvania. After spending two weeks as a guest of the Boyd family, she has returned home and her husband came out on"' his vacation with the other three children. We certainly hope the whole family goes home with nice memories of our town. 8prlag BarpriS* Surprising fabric combinations have been forecast in the fashion world and the results now being seen are "interesting, indeed! Take, for example, the nylon batiste blouse which has linen at the collar, pock- ,ets and cuffa. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) IL EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED YI8FAL TRAINING -- YISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY : 9 to 12 A. X. and 1 to & P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 8:06 to 8:30 P.M. EVENING® BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Schedule E-3-R The PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLL NOIS hereby gitfes notice to the public that it has filed with the IllinoiA Commerce Commission on July 18, 1952, changes in its Schedule E-3-R, Information and Requirements for the Supply of Electric Service. In this filing it is proposed to extend the application of the schedule to territory formerly served by Western United Gas arid Electric Company and Illinois Northern Utilities Company. Other changes are proposed for purposes of clarification and modernization. Further information may be obtained with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by adressing the Secretary of "the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield. Illinois. A copy of the proposed changes may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern' Illinois. By W. J. CROWLEY, Manager of Rates. (Pub. July 24-31, Aug. 7) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of SUSAN BISHOP, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that September 1, 1952, is the claim date in the estate of SUSAN BISHOP, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MARGARET MICHELSEN . BCHARF and ^ Executors. VERNOH J. KNOX, Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois. (PUb. July 17-24-31) Sfew Classified Ads Ap|)pr Old Ads Disappear. -- Reason -- Quick Results TWICE TOLD TALES lN>rty Years Ago The ice cream social given on the lawn of Mr#. J. J. Miller on the West- Side last Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon and evening for the benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church proved a big success. ^lta F. McLaughlin arrived in McHenry from Indiana Monday and is getting the pickle factory in readiness for the opening of the pickle season. The weather thus far has-" been anything but favorable for the pickle crop but growers are hoping for something J better from now on. | The suffragette question Wasj amply illustrated at the air dome on Tuesday night in the Star film, "The Lady Police." There is talk among some of our young men of putting on a lady ; police force in McHenry but i judging from above results they : will have to put an addition on i our town jail. | McHenry needs more houses. | j There isn't a day passes that j ! there isn't an inquiry or two for j j houses here. Why don't some of | i the moneyed people start some- \ thing ? i I The new boilers at the Borden Milk factory hene are being installed". J . ^ • The saloon Of G. J5. Schoei in LET'S TRADE TIRES Your Used Tires Are Worth More When rou Buy Hew Tirestoite TIRES Trade for famous Firestone De Luxe Champions and SAVE! Even if your present tires are only partly worn you'll get FULL ALLOWANCE for the un used mileage! Trade danger for safety--get your car ready for safe summer driving! Don't delay--LET'S TRADE , TIRES TODAY! McHENRY TIRE MART Guaranteed Tire Jfc Tube Vulcanizing -- Battelisa. Walt Framd and Bob Thurlwell, Props. Main Street PHONE 294 or 295-J West McHenry Open Daily: 8 a.m. 'til * p.m. -- Swidaya 'tH 12 Noon rot * UHTfNI MUAXTH Trait DAffGfR sAHir ty THAT SPEAKS FOR USFLF BARNYARD PAVEMENTS on • and Sanitary • Economical • Labor Saving '* • Feed Saving • Last a lifetime made with READY-MIXED CONCRETE "POR dozens of other Improvements troand the farm, ab other material offers the serrice and economy of finsafe, enduring concrete. If you are pfenning a new ratproof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn floor, a feeding floor or foundation--build it the convenient, low cost way with ftwfy-Atixwf Concretes • • McHenry Sand & Gravel PHONE MCHENRY 920 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLT 'KDDLVENT 1 / e * t d * U d A W N I N G S or* bains so.a than AU other typis of metal aw«inflt combined • Year 'round comfort . . . • All-weathtr protection . . . • Induring colorful boauty ... FOR EVERY TYPE I f O M B Today, more KOOLVENT Awnings are being installed than ever before. Their pop* ularity is unequalled by any other awning. There are, of course, many reasons for this outstanding public acceptance. For these modern, colorful awnings give you more features than any other awning -- more comfort, more beauty, more protection, more wear, more economy. Our factory trained engineers plan, estimate and install KOOLVENTS for each home. No putting up and taking down. No frequent replacement. KOOLVENTS go up and stay up. Thjey will not rot, rust, sag, tear, burn, blow down or wear out. Your Choice of Botocf-on Enamel Cofora REMEMBER TOO-Tke Patented KOOLVENT design gives you protection against all weather throughout all seasons . . . lcfceps your rooms up to 20° cooler in summer. Bligibk for FHA Financing ftr Windows For Pctios KOOLVENT ON mE*'*'OW S.. th. *«•« MoS#" on the KOOLVENT MOVIE THEATRE 10:00 f .M. SUND*T * WSKB CHANNEL * 1 nn For Doorways For Porchos KOOLVENT REPRESENTATIVES SERVE YOU LOCALLY! We also feature (be world faatout ALWINT1TE True Triple Channel Combination Storm Windows and Screens and the beau-, tiful "CHALLENGER" it unlet* Meet combination storm door. If you would like a KOOLVENT owning engineer to call to give you a FREE estimate without obligation--or for mora information on our combination storm windows and «r««n« and tho CHALLENGER stainless stoel combination storm door telephone COLLECT to: CHICAGO Dickens 2-1920 FOR FREE color booklet on KOOLVENT AWNIWGS-- ALWINTITE combination storm windows and scroens--Mail this coupon today ^JH^KOOLVENT 2100 N. California Ave, Chicago Please send me information on: • KOOLVENT AWNINGS 0 ALWINTITE Storm Windows • .CHALLENGER Storm Doors 2100 N. CALIFORNIA AVE., CHICAGO Name Address- City_ -State, > Osnterville was - enteral some time during last Thursday night. The thief, or thieves, secured a watch, fountain pen and tea cents in change. The new store building of M., J. Walsh is fast nearing completion and the owner hopes to move into same before the first of September. Miss Anna Steinsdoerfer, who becomes the bride of William Heimer today, was tendered a china shower by Misses Lillian and Annabelle Heimer at their home on Friday evening of last week. The Commodore's ball given by Commodore and Mrs. Charles Edward Carson at the Pistakee Yacht club pavilion last Saturday evening proved one of the very swellest affairs ever held at the place. ~ L&l IMt COLLECTION'" The Illinois State Historical library haa acquired a large collection of letters of Gen. Benjamin H. Grierson, one-time resident of Jacksonville, and famed Civil War cavalry leader. Grierson's historic six-hundred-mile raid from Tennessee to Louisiana in the spring of 1863 gave timely aMtetance to Gen. Gran* in his campaign against Viclcsburg. Included in the collection are numerous letters written between 1866 and 1890, when „Gen. Grierson was stationed at various army posts along our Western frontier. These are regarded an particularly interesting because of their fine descriptions of tlM country. {Protecting: Tree >_ Having trouble witn a branch of a favorite tree? If it mast be cut, apply a coat of fresh shellac to the sawed off portion, of the standing tree before applying he dressing. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right NOTHING SPARED IN YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS McHENRY v;-:"'No effort or expense i spared when we &&& pound your doctor's prescription. We stock only the freshest, highest quality drugs and insist that each prescription is double-checked for accuracy. Trust us to fill all your prescriptions. Y E (Oolqrccn Dru^ Store There is No Substitute Ftr Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 119 N. Riverside Drive Phone 26 s oooooooooooeoooeoooo big AUTO WASH BRUSH Shop at our store now for outstanding values specially priced for this BIG EVENT. & EASY TO HANDLE ft RUGGED ft U0HT POWER MOWER C ru iwr 1 t do i» guide 71. Tlcme liandt* to lower clutch, lower hondlt »o release it. Five free wheeling alloy iteel blades. Easy storting 4 cycle gasoline engine. Air cushioned rubber tired wheels . *99.95 $5.00 Down Delivers SPECIAL Rubber GARDEN HOSE The hose buy of the year. rn f. Tough black rubber over • broided yarn and rubber In- * m M • ner tube. Brass fittings. Full J» in. diameter. • » $ DOLLAR DOWN $ DOLLAR A WEIK % Attach to garden hast. Water jets and big brush scrub, clean, rinse your car in minutes. 36-iin. hand% Wood TOILET SEAT $3.98 Super value! Seamless 14k 4ed(-* won't warp or split. Glossy white finish resists scratches, stains. Rustproof fittings. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * WA» 35c Dormeyer FRI-WELL Just set the thermostat and enjoy six big portions browned to a turn automatically. Safe Drain-Away faucet. Makes delicious doughnuts, fried chicken, fries. Drain basket, cord and plug. with purchase of each Dormeyer FRI-WELL PLASTIC DONUT MAKER $ DOLLAR DOWN $ DOLLAR A WEEK $ CIRCUNE ; Fluorescent FIXTURE Only $6.99 A wonderful value! Compore with ethers selling at $14.93. 32-wott bulb, oil chrome body with sparkling crystal bottom. Easy to install. SCREW DRIVER Save 15c on this quality tool. Heavy duty 6-in. tempered steel blcde. larga unbreakable amber handle. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *1.78 PICNIC BASKET Sturdy woven mopla splints, extra roomy. Hinged cover, riveted dies. A super valua at $1.71. * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEMOIST *1.29 12-oz. *4.95 50-ot. Use it wherever dampness occurs. Soaks up moist u r e l i k a « tponga* •' 1 vtf :'v -1* i-'A Cold Pack CANNER (right blue mottled porcelain enomeled steel. Smooth, sanitory, acid resistant. Snug-fit cover, sturdy handles Wire rack ?0 qt. cap holds 7 "qt. jars. $1.49 . 12 pc. OVENWARE SIT 'Compare it with sets selling at $3 65.® ^Fire-king crystal clear gloss. Includes^ aqt. covered casserole, 9" pie plate, ^ • 6" x 9" loaf pon, baking ^ • dish, I qt. pudding dish, Oft* •6 cui'ard cups. W I • f O# UTILITY HOSE Does those filling ood draining jobs in seconds. Tough leokproof bla«k rubber. Brass coupling fits a«y f« 6 ft, long. i ALTHOFE'S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware*' 501MaiaSt> M PHONE 284 McHeary. HU

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