Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1952, p. 2

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^ ^ *, V- W .•*-, **.\ *• '\*V* 5?^* ^V } "'^ V^, 1 5^7 PLAINDEALER ^ t^X* - ^ *^;>, ^ f^\ $*• -p - ' rr $£V, «& *•>* J <r ', %£ '•*'• , - • *'•- • ~- ••> -.- • • . ' - : ^ * . r •>'. ^ '. - • - ' Thursday, August 28. 1952 To ntler Mr .tnd Mrs. Magnus Nelson •tmntioe the engagement of their dlllfchter, Nancy Mae, to Donald Butler, son of Mr. and Mm A J Butler of McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. nMM Shower Fo# • • IMm Keippel * •' t;., ,; Mils Dolores K«4f5p£lwas guest '• • lof honor at a bridal shower held ,* last Sunday afternoon at the Joseph Ghnzardo home. The gift Tv :4 table Was attractively decorated / v with a tiny bride doll standing [f^C i '-• under an arch covered with lilies *ot the valley. After Miss Keippel had opened Iher many lovely presents, lunch ,|was served on the lawn to about thirty guests Hostesses for the »hower were Xfrs Joseph Guzzardo, Miss Janice J us ten and Miss Beverly Houclc. ( Miss Keippel will become the bride of James Taylor on Sept. 27 at St. John's church, Johnsburg". St. Mary's P.T.A. JPfcUM Sept. S Meet The Parent-Teachers association idf St. Mary's school will hold its first fall meeting at 3:15 o'clock on Wednesday, Sept. 3, at' the school hall. The officers will servet as hostesses. Biverview Gamp IMc Sept 4 Riverview* Camp, R.N.A., will enjoy its annual picnic at the city J*rk on Thursday, Sept. 4. There Iwill be a pot-luck lunch served fit noon, followed by an afternoon «f games. HflPiVl'l. Jll'llWTMrood Home Bureau Meet September 2 The Rtngwood unit of the Home Bureau will meet on Tuesday, Bept. 2, at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Howard Wilkinson *t Wonder Lake, with Mrs. Ben ^Redman acting as co-hostess. There will be a lesson on "Family (Securities" and another on jewel- ' ry making, to be given by Mrs. . Vic MUbrandt and Mrs. J J Neuharth. ANNUAL STYLE REVUE PLEASED CROWD OF 40Q Tike McHenry Community high school cafeteria was the scene of another lovely fashion revue sponsored by St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P T A. on Thursday afternoon. In addition to the revue, a dessert luricheon was served on attractively decorated tables. M^s. Betty Nielsen again proved her capabilities by organizing and directing the fashion show. She was responsible for the selection of the veiy attractive models and their attire,, consisting of casuals and dressy fashions both in coats and dresses, in a variety of shades. Appropriate piano music was supplied by Mrs. Albert Barbian. The mistress of ceremonies, Mrs. Ray McGee, introduced the association president, Mrs. Charles Vycital, who welcomed' the approximately 400 ladies in attendance. Other introudctions included those of Mrs. Betty Nielsen and her daughter, Miss Betty Nielsen, the latter having served as narrator. Mary Ann Wiedrich and Jennifer Houda pleased the audience with their vocal selections, accompanied by Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan and Jean Weber Prizes were awarded to the following: Mrs William Oswald, Patricia Freund, Esther Frog, Viola Lind, Mrs. Helen Koch, Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Marie Weingart. Kay Barnes, Margaret Thompson, C. L. Orthwein .Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch, Mrs. Ralph Snlith, Donnabelle Glosson, Mrs. Bar) Walsh, Mrs. Bob Beckenbaugh, Gerry Unterfenger ^and Mrs. Carl Weber. Mrs. Eugene Rogers of Plstakee Bay was chairman of this event and Mrs. Joseph Mshoney cn. chairman. Fox ftlver Valley Qamp Meeting Fox River Valley eamp, R.N.A., will meet at the home of Mrs. 1 Kenneth Peterson on Tuesday fcpt 2, at 8 pjn. 1 IHiiini Birds buying chicken*, remember Sta* "dressed" birds have only the Inters removed and the grocer prepares them for cooking at the meat counter, bat the "ready-toeook" ones have feathers, head, •eel, aad insldes, all removed. f-s fj OempIe*e line of Lee's Poultry 9wh4Kjr at Wattles Drag Store, 8-tf CARD OF THANMN hti this manner we wish III thank friends snd nHgtohnra frtt floral offerings., cards of avrH|t*ltiy, donations of cars and (he other kindnesses extended III lh» death of Vincent Brhlwvnne, W* are especially grstefiil tg ttll Amercan Legion post for th« Mt>> vices of its members MARY S CHI A VON A and VtmUv r4 M SHARON GRACE SELLS AND DONALD WILKJNS WED LAST-SAJURDAY An all-white wedding Sunday Jti the Presbyterian church, Woodstock, united Miss Shtfron Sells, daughter of Mr. and Mm. lated the guest book. The Misses Roberta Beinfohr, Hennepin, HI., Frederick W. Sells, Wonder Lake, j and Ann Lewis, Mt. Sterling, 111^ and Donald H. Wilkins, son of were in charge .of the gift table • " Wilkins, Personals of Nu^4 r last/week f° * °f ^he bride, circu- j visiting in the Robert Thompson Henry, ppreaided, *t the punch bowl. Mrs. RMlar. Redfleld, cago, an aufit iff the bride, attd Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, Wonder Lake, poured the coffee. Mrs. Harold Sells, Hinsdale, al- Mrs. Floyd Thompson ville spent several days Mr. and Mrs. Harry Park Rapids, Minn... < The double-ring ceremony was performed at 3 p.m. by the Rev. (C. C. Urch in a setting of pastel and white* gladioli and lighted tapers. Sandi Sells served her sister as home. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. George Koltz and children, Judith and Robert, also of Naperville and Sandra Latshaw of $rookfield •were guests in the Thompson home. The Misses Alice and Leta Out-ef-Tewn Owsto Out-of-town guests, other thg« those mentioned, included Mrs. Helen Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. David Brightbill, Starr Br^ghtbUl, i Clark, who reside between Mc- Mrs. Barbara Martens, and Mr. j Henry and Woodstock, returned and Mrs. David Brierhtbill. Jr.. S recently from a trip-to Montreal all of New Troy, Mich.; Harold and Quebec, Canada. maid of honor. Bridesmaids weref®e"s' Hinsdale; Evan Sells and i The Frank Schafer family, who Nancy* Siemon, McHenry: Dor-1 "obert Sells, Milwaukee; Mr. reside near Johnsburg, entertainvacationing recently at their cott »fe M* the Fox tfn/t tlam. Mr. and Mrfe. Joseph May Mid daughters arrived home last Sunday from a two weeks' trip through the West. The Elmer Winkelmans visited their sQn, James, at Fort. I«e<fflard Wood, Mo, last week • * B othy Wilkins, Park Rapids, Minn.; Peggy Selsdorf, Wonder Lake; and Joan Tate, Hillsdale, Mrs. , Frank Elmer, and CHff Coughlin, Dixon r S. John 8wenson, Miss Helen Stervern, Mr. and 111. Sandi carried a colonial bou-1 Mrs. Garrett Lea, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sells and Mr. and Mrs. ed 100 members of V.F.W. Robins post of Chicago last Sunday. Thp Robert Donnellys (Marion Krause) are the parents of a son, born Aug. 24 at the Woodstock hospita. The Donnellys have two other children, a boy and a girl. Capt. and Mr$. E. J. Gausden quet of yellow roses. The bridesmaids carried bouquets of varying shades of pink roses.; . Give* Bride Aw*y The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of nylon net and lace. The overskirt of the gown was of permanently pleated nylon. The strapless bodice top was Robert Wilkin, all of Chicago; and Mrs. Marilyn , Richardson,, Loves Park, 111. > other relatves in this community , Now honeymooning In Niagara i Miss Joyce Schafer, daughter Falls, the eouple, will reside in I of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schafer; an aDartment in Champaign I left by plane froim the Johnsburg when they return. He is a stu- airport last Friday for northern Joseph Schmitt has returned to are the parents of a son, born his home in Chehalk,, Wash., after j Aug. 26 in Warrington, Fla. Mrs. spending a few weeks visiting his j Gausden is the former Lorraine father, Math N Schmitt, and Schaefer. They nave two other children, also boys. Friends may wrte to the Gausdeng at 303 N.W. Syrcle Drive, Navy f'oint, Wardent instructor at the University of Illinois in analytical chemistry and workine on his Ph. D. in covered with a long-sleeved lace chemistry. He received his maSIN MEMORIAM In memory of Mrs Magdalena Piekut ,who passed away Aug. 17, 1950. Our hearts! still ache with loneliness, Our eyes still shed a tear; ' Only God knows how we miss you As ends another year. MR. and MRS. ANTON HOCIN 16 and Grandchildren jacket which came to points on her hands and which buttoned all the way down the front. The high collar had a wired effect. Her chantilly-lace Juliet cap was edged in braided white satin and held a two-tiered fingertip illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of Amazon lilies, stephanotis and ivy. The bride's attendants were identically clad fn ballerina gowns made with bouffant net skirts, strapless tops and lace jackets. Their jackets, in a bolero style, had high necklines and short sleeves. They wore white satin caps trimmed in knots of the material. Robert McFarran, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. He is a resident of Park Raoids. Minn., as are the four groomsmen, Niles Fletcher. James Hitter, James Schaefer and David Wilkins, the bridegroom's brnther, Mr« Wilkins, the bridegroom's mnthiM rhnse s helge tailored Ptlt rm the mission and a IftNliMnn M*i <ni'M)ye was ftf tJttSH Mtl I NIHMIIUNS Ml'« Bulla wtM* an afternoon ' ' iNffHs ft pink t " And • k • »r It! iHHiiHiiy, n rehuff* i «it|tper was WmihIkImiN Country flult fur in'imtn* The ihtee li»i ««(| wedding cake, tnpfffl with tuiniNltire bride and bhitegi'Mim in s lai<e heart, was trimmed with psle pink roses and wan rut hy the bride's aunt. Mrs. Lvle Plunkett. Chicago. Miss Rita Bolger, McHenry, served the cake. Miss Mary Kay Freund, Meter's degree at the university and his bachelor's at Hamllne university in Minnesota. The bride attended the Wonder Lake school, graduated from McHenry high, school, and is 9 student in the liberal arts college at the University of Illinois. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this way of thanking friends and relatives for flowers,' gifts, cards and the many other kndnesses extended in my recent illness fn the hospital. 16 VINCENT ADAMS iPllllMtt nM held si IN Read The Want AM f t - LABOR DAY PARTY ; AT THE VOLO HOUSfe VOLO. ILLINOIS DAJJCING- SATURDAY NIGHT ^ SUNpAY £ ' GOOD MUSIC ' ' * BIG STINK , OUTDOOR FLY TRAP ft Reall CARD OF THANKS We sincerely appreciate al the kindnesses extended to us at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Fr. Coakley, the choir at St. Patrick's- church and the police department. 16 THE VALES FAMILY CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to ex» press our sincere thanks £o friends and neighbors in MoCul^ lom Lake and McHenry for floral offorngs, sympathy cards, spiritual bouquets, donations of curs and the many other kindnessla extended in our bereavement. ' MRS. ROSE FRISA and SON Bister, MRS. NELLIE SURIANO • 16 and FAMILY The Eel The eel Is a slender, graceful ftsl its body brown c<flored, the uo<^ sides gray or white. The heiul* small, with a wide mouth strong, sharp teeth on the jaws. The scales are so small and so well em; bedded in the skin that they are difficult to observe. Rslk anl Wisconsin, where she will remain' until the last of this Wek. rington-, Fla. Mr and Mrs Theodore Pitzen (Lorraine Stilling) are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock Sister Edulfa spent a few days j hospital on Aug. 24. They have recently with v her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, and other relatives. She is being transferred from Luxemburg, Wis., to Glen Ellyn, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schafer will entertain a number of Chicago friends at their lovely home, j "We Like It," near Johnsiburg, | next Sunday as a finale party j for the summer season. | Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bauer and j Mr .and Mrs. Joseph L. BaUer, the latter of Volo, are vacationing in Spooner, Wis Mrs Herbert Ficken is spending some time wth her sister and husband, Capt. and Mrs. E. J. Gausden, in Warrington, Fla., helping care for the children while Mrs. four other children, three girls and one boy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolowic are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital, on Aug. 16. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stmpsbn of Ringwood on Au£. .17 at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ^tilling welcomed a son at the Woodstock hospital Aug. 15. AMONG THE SICK Mrs Julia Heppner underwent surgery at St Therese hospital, Gausden and infant son are in the I Waukegan, this past weflk. hospital. j -- Mr. and Mrs. William Dreyer of Chief Industries Forest Park and Mrs. Dreyer's mother, Mrs. Minne Block, were Arglculture and stock raising are the chief Industries of Venezuela N O T I C E RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP WiH Be Closed From SEPT. 1 to SEPT. 9 WITH U. S. FORCES IN FRANCE--M/Sgt. John S. Milucky, whose parents live at Penter Drive, "wonder Center, Wonder Lake, is serving with the European Command communications zone in France. The zone is responsible for the transportation of men and supplies from French ports to U. S. f&rces in Germany. Its/ headquarters is in Orleans, _ France, and it maintains a base section at New Rochelle. Master Sergeant Milucky entered the Army in 1940. He is presently serving with the G-3 Division of his unit in Paris. His wife, Mary, lives at 4856 Thomas St., Chicago. Master Serjeant Milucky formerly attended De Paul University night school. Pfc. Richard Ekercrth will fly Mine on* Saturday, Aug. 80, for a twelve-day furlough. He will then go to Treasure Island, Calif., where he will attend electronics school for nine months. y- Pictures of new members >1§ the grade school faculty vfrlll ah| pear in next week's issue of tff Plaindealer. Pfc. Peter E. Weingart wrrivad in Korea on Aug. 11 and i* Mi in the shore party battalion fm the First Marine division. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters have sold their home in Oakhufst subdivision and are moving "to aton, Texas. ^ ; Hands Get Blsck? 9JL Steel at its plant handles more of coal a day. Every American worker plays a vital role m gearing our nation's productive machinery to meet expanding needs--the needs of bo^i the defense effort and the civilian economy. We salute the men--and the women--"behind the wheels"! OUR BANK WILL NIT TRANSACT BUSINESS ON LABOR DAY, McHENRY STATE BANK™ MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. OTTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PHONE 1040 XE8JDEX2CXXX 3E3C IE3 MARJORIE YOUNG; SCHOOL OF DANCING BALLET TAP ACROBATIC ENROLL NOW PERSONALITY. SINGING BALLROOM tEGION HALL -- McHENRY. ILL. CLASSES START THURSDAY, SEPT. lltH HOURS: 11:00 ajn. to 8:00 p.m. Write or Call: Box 448) Aniioch, IU. TELEPHONE ANTIOCH 405-M-l * f* I* I* I* l* ,# ;* f* * :* > I* ; * m BONUS OFFER )/ IVorks i% the Me wkj to lure, tkm by the thom*i*ri« Directions r jm hear to start trap by adding tall of raw neat or ftsh |t' notra! fluid. From then on, tl run* on flic*. It's »*lf-regeneratii A truly Wonderful way of aiding fl| --1--* ia your adghborbood. IBM STINKY TODAYf ! iad^tas Ms SH^qr boat* al Ma> <4.99 ? jS . V Y CIT A L' S 8ABDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP H.V TUr OF EXTRA COST SUPPLY LIMITED It (al. Bis Stinky Fly Trap • • *449 f x t a a b r t t t e * a f S i f S t f a h y C * a l r * l r i a t i . . . ST. BKONC 98 M* Sr-'- McHENRY, OJL VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 182 GREEN ST. PHONE tt WE SERVICE WHAT Wfc SELL. KIWANIS INVITE THE PUBLIC ' b " - y - • Our Local Hero of the Hudson River Outboard Marathon. Hear the story of his sensational victory. AT THE WATER CARNIVAL ' • . • . t • , ' WONDER LAKE. ILL LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1952 1 P. ~ i . to 4 P. Bowers and Jim Bailey v salional Skiers Will Perform. Speed Boots of every size will run in a Go-Bang Race. r . Wonder Lake Legion Drill Team ' ? Will Perform • t A $2,000 speed boat will be given away at 4 p. m. Yoaaj farlUm wlU i»> trtth < Wltifc rf tfpprttUtMoa m. on th« pier dock of Lake View Inn. • NO ADMISSION CHARGE • > • * • • * • * * * i* * * * * * • * • * f * * rrv

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