Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1952, p. 12

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SRW«r /$ *•¥," fez.'" MeHENBY HJUNDEAUBt */$*'£•* >% r ' Wv * i*i Thundiy. S^tembir 18* 1952 UKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty WaJMi) I was very pleased to have so £&• *^nany phone cills and compli- ,'•, frnenta on the report of the vil- -4 |age council meeting. It's very IV gratifying to know that we have %so many people who are inter- L'.) '4Mted in the welter* of the vilas a whole. ' -J** ~ Ifii, I* Just a last reminder that the I?. ^Lakeside association smorgas- $\ fbord and dance will be held this 5* .(Saturday, Sept. 20, at Club Lily- 11 . t" imoor, beginning at 8:30 p.m. I Iiion't think much more need be isaid, as anyone attending the ' - • .jparties given previously by the nclub will well remember them all ^iia very outstanding in every -3w*y. Dancing to music by Don rdfeld's orchestra will begin 10 p.m. There will be conyt finuons entertainment through ' «ut the ' evening. <v. •• ' The Ladies League is having a rummage sale beginning Thurs- - day, Sept. 18, and continuing through Friday and Saturday, |3ept. 19 and 20. It will be held *t the McDermott garage and anyone having clothing they >Wish to donate can bring it •there or have it picked up, by nimii»inNuitMHiiiNitiitiiHwiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiittwiiiiiiiiiiiuHiiiniiiiii remembered with cards and gifts from the folks back in Ohio. Sunday, Lucille and Gerry Manson and June and Curly Kraus dropped in with gifts for the honored one. Billy is expecting ja visit from his Grandpa and Grandma Kellogg, who are coming from Ohio to visit next Week. A very happy birthday to Lois Schiavone, who celebrated her birthday Sept. 15. Carole Booster celebrated her sixth birthday with a little party for some of her classmates after school last "Monday, Sept. 13. We are very happy to hear that Adele . Leon , is recovering nicely from her recent illness. if® $C<c Henry 597-J-l. t . The Lily Lake Parent-Teacher 'Association is having a bake sale this Thursday, Sept. 18, at the cchoolhouse at 8 p.m. A social Evening of cards and bunco will follow and refreshments will be served. The public is very coifyially invited to attend. Wally Szarek was taken ill this past week when he suffered a heart attack. He has been irdered by his doctor to take it lasy and rest for a few weeks, and is doing hia convalescing at iome. Vee Gustafson, of the Lake- 'moor Hardware store, had a 'Very unfortunate accident last Thursday. A pipe threading machine fell on her foot and although there were no broken fmnes, it was very painful to say the least. |: Not 'to be outdone by an Article in a Chicago pifper, con- ^-"^eerning an Easter Lily in bloom t. September, Jului Kraus informs us that she has had a beautiful Easter Lily blooming in her yard, too, which created .quite a flurry of excitement among our many flower lovers , iin the village. My own snowball bush seems to have it's pea sons mixed and has produced one cute snowball. The shrub normally blooms in May. The song writers • will soon be writing a new song: 7~ Instead of "June in January", they will be singing. "When It's April in September". . The picnic lunch for the working crew who turned out to work on the fire department building last .Sunday turned out very well. The women responsible wish to thank all those who donated food or their time to the success of the venture. Several more affairs of this type may be held before cold weather, to encourage more volunteer help for the building. It. * seems funny to mention one's own name in a column of this type, but out of courtesy to our guests, I'd like to mention that we had a very lovely anniversary. Sunday marked our twelfth wedding anniversary and also our daughter's christening party. Dinner was served to our fifteen guests which included Henry and Laura Suprenski, who were the baby's sponsors, Lou and Evelyn Borca of 'Chicago, John Ludwig of Chicago and Vee and Ivan Gustafson of Lakemoor. We certainly- are sorry to hear of Sam Weingrad's illness. The Weingrads moved into their newly completed home this past summer and its doubly a pity to have illness come at such a time. Sam was in the Woodstock hospital but has been moved to the Michael Reese hospital in Chicago. We all wish him a Very speedy recovery. Billy Devereaux celebrated his jyj ninth birthday last Saturday ll^v-HWith a bar-be-cue style party on ky the front lawn. The Devereaux |- front lawn slopes down to the gW lake, and this combined with the jp£ warm weather, made it an ideal Htj party. The guests included Elsie, |f\ ; Chippy and Larry Cynowa, Pat, Rusty, Lynda and Sandy Pike: f'f Gloria, Jimmy and Marylin Cassell, Larry Cammarata, Rowdy McLaughlin, Rose, pat, Jean and Ricky Flynn and Mrs. Mix of Chicago. Billy received spme lovely gifts and he also was well Nina Loveless is home from the hospital, but still convalescing from her recent operation. It will be some time yet before she can be back on the job. Arthur Berends has returned from a three-week vacation in Canada. : FARMERS URGED TO MAKE CHECK ON STORAGE FACILITIES Many times, a farmer has to take whatever the market offers, no matter how low that price is, just because he doesn't have storage for his crops. Bert Bridges, chairman of the Mc- Honry county PM^^eCmmittee, pointed out. For this reason all farmers are urged to check up on their corn and bean storage facilities to be sure they can take care of their crops at harvest time, he said. If a farmer has the necessary storage, he doesn't have to take less than the government support price; Furthermore, the spreading marketings over a longer period of time helps to keep the market price on a more even keel. Every farmer knows that prices are usually lowest when marketings are harvest. And prices are usually most favorable when relatively small amounts are being marketed. Every farmer is urged to have good storage available. If the price isn't right at harvest time he is then in a position to get a pricesupport loan or purchase agreement if he wants it. Many times, the savings from orderly marketing will offset the cost of an additional crib or bin over a period of two or three years. The large crops of corn and soybeans expected to' be harvested this fall underscores the need for adequate and safe storage. Illinois Schools To Take Part In National Clothing Crusade Emil Weber went into Chicago Sunday to visit his daughter. Complete line of Beebe Livestock Remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Don't Scare Your Child About Polio It's the polio season, but in your zeal to teach-- your child good health protection measures, be careful not to scare him to death. This advice comes from Pauline Brimhall, health specialist, University of Illinois, College of Agriculture. There have been cases, Miss Brimhall says, in which children afflicted with the disease have been so terrified by the very mention of the word polio that their fear has become a serious handicap to their recovery. It is important that the child get adequate rest, but don't say, "If you don't go to bed early you may get polio." Or "You'll get polio if you don't wash -your hands." Make your approach to good health habits positive. Say, "if you get plenty of rest, you'll feel well and strong." "Clean hands help to keep you healthy.' It isn't necessary to isolate your child because there has been a case of polio in your town. Let him continue to play with his own group of playmates. Good sense and a calm attitude are better weapons than worry and fear. Illinois schools have been asked to take part in the eleventh national Children's Clothing Crusade to collect clothing to aid Korea, seven countries of Western Europe, three southwestern Indian Reservations, and isolated rural areas of eight southern states, it was announced' by Vernon L. Nickell, state Superintendent of Public Instruction and chairman of the Bundle Week Drive in Illinois. Every family in Illinois is . being asked to send a bundle of good, serviceable clothing to school during the week of the drive, Nov. 17-24. Universal participation of Illinois schools is expected this year in the drive! which is conducted under the auspices of a national committee of school superintendents. The clothing will be distributed by Save The Children Federation, a child service organization which renders aid not only to neglected children in America but also to victims of war bverseas. Clothing for Korea will be sorted and reconditioned in federation clothing centers and then shipped to Korea, where it will be distributed through th* Unified Command. Federatien officials report that there are five million victims of communist aggression in Korea desperately in need of aid, as well as rtiillions still in need in Europe where in certain areas conditions are still tragic. Thousands of children in handicapped rural areas in America are unable to attend school as a result of being inadequately clothed. Leland D. Carmack, national representative of Save The Children Federation, reports that thousands of American children do not attend school as they lack sufficient clothing. Besides the clothing distribution program, Save The Children Federation administers child and school sponsorship programs in America, and on Indian reservations in the southwest. In thesq personalized .programs, individuals, schools, organizations and churches adopt a child or school through sponsorship and agree not only to furnish a specified amount <5f aid but also to correspond with, the children or school that they have adopted. The sponsorship programs have been widely accepted as one of furthering mutual understanding and friendship between people of ether countries and America. The clothing drive in Illinois is expected to raise 500,000 pounds of clothing Mr. Nickell r e p o r t e d , and a d d e d , . " T h e Bundle Week Drive will be the greatest effort ever made in Illinois schools to collect clothing If each family in Illinois will send at least one bundle of good clothing during Bundle Week, we will collect that amount." The clothing campaign in Illinois is sponsored by the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers. Last year's collection in Illinois, raised approximately 300,000 pounds of cU>thing, JkIr Nickell reported, r > • $1,000,000,000 for administrative and claim settlement costs of Insurance. This does not include claims paid. . $731,000,000 in property destroyed by firs. $550,000,000 for medical fees and hospital expense. Complete line of Beebe Livestock Remedies at WaMles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Want Ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. OTICE _ _ RIVERSIDE BAKE n ^ ^ 5 4 ^ *v' ;« M" WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAYS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Accidents Cosily In Dollars And Lives If you spent $1,000,000 a day, it would take you almost twenty-two years, to spend as much as accidents cost the United States in one year. The National Safety Council says accidents cost the nation $7.- 900,000,000 last year--or about $21,650,000 a day! According to "Accident Pacts,* the Council's statistical yearbook, just off the press, this includes: wage: i, low?r due to permanent partial disability, and the present value of anticipated future earnings of those killed or permanently incapacitated. $1,400,000,000 property dam* age in motor^vehicle accidents. $1,300,000,000 in property destroyed or production lost in occupational accidents. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right $2,900,000,000 ' in wages lost by disabled persons, lower wages There is No Substitute Fer Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 Bead The Want Ads! BUTCH'S SAVE MONET ON YOUR CAR Regular., check., nps.. and maintenance by oar experts means lower car ceats for yon! MOVE 24 Honr Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 308 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Phone 811 Residence 91-R * ""PR LIGHT' PHOTO PROVES NEW GEM DURIIIUM r.doy, SINSATION LOW COST ufAim* WINKLER OIL BURNING FURNACE 1 Tracer Light* photo (mad* with tiny light ... fcondl provtt shaver uses far mor* strokes to got doait •have with ordinary blado. Hard on yow («>! Wiele pram Now Oont Duridium's kttntf e4pe |ir*Mira* far fowor strains. No sUn scrape, Ne tag er •jrjrowfoeol COMPARE THIS! FEATURES... they're the reason this completely different furnace gives you better service and mere heat per dollar! wJ 2 BLADES FREE V|r fp i die S trial Made*. M yea dea't 90* cleanest, >meeHi« I Mi'Pah fee fell refund. & WITH IO-BLADE ;<G E M \ PUSH.PAK 55c J| Bolger s Drug Store Mi 8. Green Street McHenry, m PHONE 40 We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. 1 Winkler LP* Burner Unit. ' Large filter--lasts longer* 2 Uniform air distribution assures S Top outlet---HO restriction in air greater heat absorption--less stream. • • fuel burned. > £ Quiet, large capacity fan. 3 AH welded, long-life Heat Ex- } 7 Pan'tyP* bottom is cleaner--no * changer. Accordion construction • concrete lining required. permits expansion and contrac* 1 3 All furnace controls inside casing ®on without noise. --neater--safer. COMI IN TODAY FOR A DIMONSTKATION OP THI MONIY-SAVINe WINKllft ICON-O-rLOW PRINCIPUI THE WINKLER LP* BURNER UNIT Today's most talked about low pressure burner is stand* ' ard equipment on the Wink'.sr Econ-o-flow Furnace. Prevents fuel waste--cuts service bills--thousands nofr saving money with this new type burnef. McHENRY OIL BURNER CQ. 127 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ^ v PH0NE 101-M "SPEEDY" b, McHENRY GARAGE muus---v« man NICK MILLER'S *HE*RYG«A6I SCRVtCE IN A Jtwnr IS OUU MIDPt rt w ~fHAT3 BCtfS, Dtp ANVOfje HERE PHONE FOB A SERVICE JOB? THAT ADDRESS >S FOUR MILES AWAY WE WERE JUST WONDERING HOW L0M6 A«NPPV was, so we CALLED NOU UP "TO FIND OUT. 1'V.L HAVE "TO SHAKE RXj^rU^AMD THANKS LOT. K»HT AfVAV; WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 $2 VP Deodorant DUO Foot Stick with DMdcrant Stick ft4"...!50 Internal T A M P A X TAMPONS 0?so.. 39c Bottle 60 IRONIZED YEAST TABS Price . 83c 50c Tube BARBASOL BRUSHLESS Shave Cream. Fresh Stock 100 UPJOHN U NIC APS Our ^11 Price ^ Helene Curtis SHAMPOO PLUS EGG1 sizi"... 59c For Sprains SLOAN'S L I N I M E N T 2V2-0Z. 4.9c Size Chocolate OVALTINE FOR HEALTH *4®*- 73c Regulation LEATHER FOOTBALL Very 99$ sturdy - * SELF TREATMENTS^ AND DIAGNOSIS^/W CAN BE DANGEROUS Don t trust to luck when you have something physically wrong ... consult your Doctor right away. When he prescribes, bring your prescription here. ^2222 CURTIS NET Magic PONDS COLD CREAM 55c Med. Jar Our Price DR. SCHOLL CLORO-VENT Foam Insoles. . . P5IC REMEDIES SQUIBBS MINERAL OIL Qt. Size |09 Finest 1 AlkaSettzer CJ« 25 Tablets . . 12 Resistabs JO* Anti-Histamine ™Ww Midol Tablets 49* Ptriodic Pain, 12's Minit Rub CQ* Ointment, 2Vi iz.. <»»» LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 14 Ounce 7A- OJ Bottle f 15 Nullo Cfclarophyll Tab*. Arrid Cream Deodorant. . Imra Hair Rwiovtr CrwM. . Bubble Bath Tryloiif 12's. TINTAIR HAIR COLORING Lightening ^ I jNI Change. J JOHNSONS BABY LOTION h Squeeze eo. y\ Bottle. 59c QUINSANA For ATHLETE'S ?£ ,49c Assorted Styles BOX STATIONERY 24 Sheets, 24 Envelopes OQA , Linen Quality, Your Choice Ovb T I T I^ Bicycle PLAYING CARDS All styles ^ ft Each deck Cs Super-Speed GILLETTE RAZOR 10 Blades Durable HOT WATER BOTTLE 2-Qt. Size Guaranteed 1* ^ in case Quality RUBBER GLOVES Reinforced 7M. finger tips. '«6 B O L G E R 'S DHUG STORE Green Si. Phone 40 , McHenry, 111 We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stumps 5-;, *:

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