Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1952, p. 7

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^fefsday. J^pieo&e* IE. I! ^ , ^w^n^Vm^TvTr --H - i ' ^f"*« -F •ffppi ipl McHem^ PUiniealer Published every Thursday «^ HcHenry, DL, by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. * ;;•••, \ .1, ...V • •»$•*• %,v --s 'Jt% +f,t, * •1 , THE McHENUT PLAtTOEALER Page S«»«® ^ W, BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. #2ELE FROEHIJCH, Editor. WOrc I im Plaindealer Want /tda 5*^No ads counted less than 25 rds $1.00 minimum. Insertion $1.00 ^ (Count 5 words par line) »5c service charge on all blind sds. Cash with order. Chrd of Thanks . . $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at.10 Uh. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE <fcl!*L" ; _ Jintered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, III., ODder the act of May 8. 1870. BUSINESS SERVICE MUSIC INtTRrcnoN In Your Own Home, Jh&no and Pi&nq Accordtaa.> Clarinet and Saxophone KARL P. KOCH ' Photie Pistakee 633-M-l *** i4""' .OARAGE DOORS WOOD SSJCTIONAL^ Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or' Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH if teles. Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf AUTOMOTIVE m ItEPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS ^ Accessories and Seat Covers '^IJOMMUNirr AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Hays 9 AM. to 1'P.M. Sundcys 9 AM. to I PJL 11-tit FOR SALE--1949 Chevrolet cab over engine, 2-t<*n with 14-ft. van body, new tires, A-l condition. Central Garage, Johnsburg. * 5-tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat storage and refinlshing. Johnson 3eahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104** S. Riverside Drive. .McHenry 1076. 18-tf J; *• HAL H. PLUMB , . Painting -- Papertian^ag Decorating Featuring neatness find distinctive color schemes. Phone McHenry 1046-J. *18-4 ISLAND LAKE TREE SERVICE Felling -- Trimming \ Phone Wauconda 4021 ;*18-2 RALPH L. CLARK •Piano Technician • Repairing -- Tuning 902 Garfield Road. Harvgtd 111 '• Phone 74&-R 37-tl €DR SALE--1948 Buick Special door. Perfect mechanical con- » dition. $1,000 Cash. Phone: McHenry 223-R* Saturday or Sunday. 19 BUSINESS SERVICE PIANO TUNING Also tdr sale high grade Spinet Cios, overhauled upright pianos, mpt Service. C. J. H. Dieh}, phone 20A-W Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf "DEAD ANIMALS-Highest Cash ^trices paid for cows, horses and hogs*; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. C|ll Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charge* 36-tf 1RAPHIC WEOIf»v<i CANDID# Throughouc whole eventful day from mtzne, Church, Reception. In full album form. U) MAX F. KOLIN WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon. "206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf FOR SALE RIG FALL SALE CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10-tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All size building block. Chimney block and stepping stone By staudpipe in McHenry. Office Phone 282-R ' Res. phone 893-J 26-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The WallfUi Co., Leo Stil ling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-ti I .1 •• -- IM .-I-- - .. • **4 • • ~ II I - ' ----- FOR SALE"-- JOHNS-MANS VILLE HOME INSULATION Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 800 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. l#-tt FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds. Women's Slacks, $2:35; Women*? Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; * Dresses, jHtf $1.98 and $2.98, also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of North- Inside storage for Inboards and | western depot. 15-U rBOAT STORAGE Outboards. Expert refinishing. We buy and sell new and used , biit* and motors. EDWARD J. WENDT on U.S. 12, Richmond 111. Tel. 204 * 13-8 MASONRY CONTRACTING Brick, Stone and Cement Blocks , Fireplaces, etc. J. F. LOFF Phone McHenry 574-M-2 • 13-tf FOR SALE--Speed boat; 23-ft. Hacker Craft; very good condition; just overhauled and new seat cushions. Can be seen Lot 39 Orchard Beach, McHenry. Call Wahl, McHenry 52-M. 51-tf i PERMANENT WAVING and ffAIR CUTTING j| , . "MRS. WM. JUSTEN * % mile north of McHenry on Route 31. Phone: McHenry 1084-J FOR SALE--1 HC Little oil burning floor furnace with automatic controls; 1 42-in. single drain board C.I. kitchen sink with fittings; 1 16"xl9" lavatory with fittings; 1 18"x30" C.I. sink and 1 30-gal. hot water tank. Call Mc- Henrv 627-R-l. 18-3 FOR SALE--One 6-room oil burner, excellent condition. 1 solid cherry drop leaf table, new. Tel. j McHenry 175. 19 WINDOW SHADES -- or Veae- TIAN BLINDS -- New line of rt movable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE & VENETIAN BLIND CO., ' 3S40 W. division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or> (McHenry 651- M-l., Friday everajHS, Saturdays or Sundays. FYee^Jfetimates. All work guaranteed^"One and two week's service. t ^ 27-tf TREE & BARN SPRAYING White-wash and fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P. O., Round Lake, 111. Residence Volo, Dl. Phone McHenry 04^-J-l. 6-tf 910 WAVE -- $«.8§ - Beauty Shop Huntervillo Park Subd- ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Phone 705-M 50-tf FOR SALE -- Store fixtures; 1 8-ft. double duty refrigerator display case; 1 U. S. meat slicer; 1 Standard computing scale; 1 24x24 butcher block; 2 6-ft. islands; .1 8-ft. Victor deep freeze. For further details call Wonder Lake 3702. 18-3 FOR SALE--100 White RoCk pullets; weight 3^4 to 4 lbs. 40c a lb. alive. To be taken In 1 lot. Tel. 608-W-l. *19 FOR SALE--1 upright piano; 3 double beds, springs and mattresses; 1 single bed; 2 day beds; 1 gas stove. Call Saturday and Sundays, 491-J. *19 TRACTOR - BATTERIES, OA, - - TIRES ell at reduced prices. Type 1 WINTER KING TYactor Battery, guaranteed 24 mos., $10.45 exch. Large Type 3 WINTER - KINO Tractor Battery, guaranteed 24 mos., $15.95. WARDS VITALIZED PREMIUM GRADE Motor Oil, only 64c gal. drum lots. WARDS VITALIZED H. D. Motor Oil, only 69c gal., dram lots. All WARDS RIVERSIDE P.T.O. Tractor Tires reduced 10%. Call Wards Tire Man fpr delivery or information, . . . -- »s . " V . MONTGOMERY WARD Woodstock, I1L 19 FOR SALE -- Ripe tomatoes. Bring your baskets. Located on Rt. 120 2 rtiiles east of McHenry. Steve Danko. Phone 590-M-2. »18-2 FOR SALE -- Sehnauzer pups. A. K. C. Registered. Rauhbautt line. Mundelein 6-7782. *19 FOR SALE--Rosenthal steel forty corn husker. Joe Draper, phone McHenry 601-J-l. »19 FOR SALE--A 29 foot 4 wheel, stream-lined trailer. Sleeps 6. Make offer. P. J. Skiba. Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone 913. *19 FOR SALE -- 2 rm. gas heater; chimney connection, $5. Tel. McHenry 580-J-2. -ij 19 FOR SALE--12" Zenith Consolettc T.V. set. Good condition. Call evenings after 7 p.m. All day Saturday and Sunday. 890-W. 19^ FOR SALE -- 11 used window screens and 10 storm windows, eiae 31^x56 in.; 2 screens and 2 storm windows, sice 31^x47; outside measurements. 3 storm doors and 3 screen doors, sizes 32x75, 36x85 and 30x81 inches. $35 will take all if purchased soon. 203 Grand Ave. Tel. McHenry 22. 19-tf CAR OWNERS THIS WEEK ONLY ->CV 6.00 x 16 RIVERSIDE Tire only $10.95. : = „ 6.70x15 RIVERSIDE AIR CU SHION Tire only $12.55. * 7.10x15 RIVERSIDE AIR CUSHION Tire only $15.25. All other sizes also on sale. Federal tax extra WARDS WINTER KING STANDARD Battery, 24 mos. guarantee $10.95. WARDS WINTER KING HEAVY SERVICE Battery, 36 mo*, guarantee $14.45. ' ' (exchange prices) MONTGOMERY WARDS Woodstock, 111. 19 FOR SALE--2 Rollaway beds, $15; oil stove, $15; 1942 Oldsmobile, $75. Phone McHenry 705-M. 19-tf FOR SALE -- Portable Hotpoint ironer. Very good condition, $25. Call McHenry 587-R-l, 19 FOR SALE--New 2-burner electric stove with built in Nesco roaster. Reg. price $98.50. Special $63.50. Vycital's Hardware, 132 Green Street. 19 FOR SALE -- Coleman 666 oil heater, slightly, used; also gas range, good condition. Prices reasonable. R. E. Smith, Niesen's subd., Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 585-W-2. 19 of The McHenry PlaindMltr NEEDS A 4 or *5 ROOM UNFURNISHED HOUSE McHENRY VICINITY PHQW HrflENHY J. i Attention, Heosewtves! -How ! woyld y«.u like a completely safe, 1 non-skid rug ' hat can easily be cleaned \yith just a swish of a | damp cloth . . and yet has a beau- ! tiful, soft "carpet-like" look In j five lovely marbteized shades of I green and red ? Interested ? Well. ; Vycital's Hardware has 'e-m! Theyi 're GENUINE CROWN ALLI RUBBER R-M RUGS, oval shape, i full 22 indies and a big 89 inches long . . and they're the LOWEST PRICED ALL-RUBBER RUG ON | THE MARKET TODAY . . . buy 'em for the baith, kitchen, bedroom i and living room at only {1.29 ea. ? v ; - 1 ® FOR SALE ' fo5 milk house; l»g HP. motorr ; t' laundry stoVe: other household articles. Mrs. Amy Thonneson, Phone McHenry 571 -W-l. ll| FOR SALE--Dressed White King; squabs and ducks. Harvey Palmer. McHenry 699-R-l. *11 HELP WANTED OUTDOOR MEN 17 to SO To Trim Trees Also Older M« For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2288 or CARY 2648 JlEED COWSf " > Ralph Rouse's Auction Sale Now held on farm, located 3 miles south of Grayslake, 1 mile north of Ivanhoe, just east of Route'83. Watch for sign. 1 mile north of Mundelein on Route 45 to Winchester Road, west 1 mile. ' TUESDAY, SEPT. 23, 19&2 1:80 P.M., D.S.T. 40-- H o l s t e i n and Guernseys (close springers and fresh cows) A few steers and stock bulls. T.B. and Bangs tested. • 19 FOR R£NT FOR RENT - Newly decorftted rooms, heme privileges!, near. e'e- ,x)t and schools. 109 Main street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--Modern, furnished 4- room, 2 bedroom year 'round cottage. Electric range and frigida ire; electric hot water heater for kitchen and shower; oil heat. $65 per month. References and ease required. Phone McHenry 534-R-l. 18-2 FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom apartment. Phone 750-J. 19 FOR RENT--4 room heated apart* ment; 2 bedrooms, refrigerator, jtove and hot water heater. TeL dcHenry 742. 19 TOR RENT--3 bedroom residence.' Floors carpeted, natural fireplace. On 3 lots in a beautiful setting. 3ide drive, 2 car garage. Possess sion at once. $100 per month. 1 year lease. WISE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINES8 BUYERS TRY P. J. SKIBA, RIYERStKDE HOTEL BLDG. MoHKNRY 013. 19 FOR RENT--Apartment suitable for 2 people. Partly furnished. Good location. 213 Riverside Dr. 19 FOR RENT -- 4-room furnished year 'round house; 2 glass enclosed porches; aytomatic gas heat. Golf Course Subd. Phone McHenry 223-R, Saturday or Sunday. 19 FOR RENT -- Electric floor waxer. Vyckal's Hardware, 132 Green Street. Phone 98. 19 FOR SALE--Used bath tub, $10; kitchen sink, $5; pedestal lavatory, $5; double bed .rose satin spread and 2 pair drapes, $10. Phone 680-J-2. 19 SALE -- TRlTCK TIRES* FOR SALE -- Approximately 300 bales good clean oats straw. Reasonable- Wm. Popirening, corner Crystal Lake blacktop and Bull Valley road. *!• J FAIR PRICES BODY REPAIRS Why not include your car in those fail fashion •plans! Have Us take out dents, rust spots and scratches . . . make »it look new again! Workmanship. i ® the finest - service -iriajt. Drive now! DOWNS ffASH SALES Mi W. ELM STREET .. McHENRY, ILL. Every truck tire reduced for big FALL SALE. 6.00x16 WARDS DELUXE HEAVY SERVICE, 6 ply, $19.85 7.00 x 15 WARDS DELUXE HEAVY SERVICE, 6 ply, $30.15 WARDS RIVERSIDE give you lowest cost per mile. Life Time Warranty, with every tire. For information «ai special prices on all other atilf • «M1 WARDS TIRE MAN, * MONTGOMERY WARD Woodstock, ni. 19 FOR SALE--Gun type pressure oil burner. Suitable for any size building. Complete with 2 275-gal. oil tanks with fittings, $100. Tel. 848-M. 19 FOR SALE -- 100-gal. copper tank; 3 55-gal. adjoined oil drums; 1 deseft air conditioner; 1 17-inch i Rotomower lawn mower; 1 kit- ! chen garbage burner. Phone J. ! Moffett, 519-W-l. Call before Sunday afternoon. 19 FOR SALE--17-ft. 'Century boat, 103 HP.; 1*941 model. Phone-476-J. / *19 FOR SALE -- Pair high quality Nubian kida (goats), 6 mos. old; children's wash dresses, 4-6^; all wool coats and suits, like new, misses sizes, 18 and 20, women's sizes 36 and 38; men's all wool tailor-made suits, 38 and 40; tuxedo, 34; baby car chair, scale and 6-yr. crib. Tel. McHenry 661-M-l. 19 ,• • 11 .. ' • FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside* Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced lady bookkeeper for genera! office work, typing, good starting pay. Write to Box 5W0, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 50-tf HEw WANTED -- Man wanted for full time work. Excellent atarting salary with good future. Write Box 282 Care of McHenry Plaindealer. 15-tf NOTICE- Dan Ri«*er plaid school 18-tf i dresses, siafs 3 to 14. regularly $3.25 to $3.1)3. Special Friday $nd Saturday, $2.50 and $3.00. The Toddl<^Shop, 312 Elm Street. 19 Money AS Clothes Mone^ MUCH AS 20* . , On A Single Garment) 's almost 3l/i% Interest «| an oi $6.00 per year --- ' Our Cash & Carry Plan Saves you money and Saves your clothes too with our Superior Dry- Cleaning. 103 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. V PHONE 104-M We GiVe and Redeem Gold Bond Stampa. HELP WANTED -- Experienced Carpenters wanted. Maxon Construction Co., 114 W. Liberty St. Tel. Barrington 1440. 15-tf ATTENTION BOWLERS Get your bowling shirts, dresses aftd blouses now. Also men's beer and coke proof bowling slacks. Samples, colou charts and complete information at the Merrill Wool Store. Rt. 12 & 120, Volo. Phone MrHenrv 682-M-2. 19 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE--FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED -- Girl experienced in bookkeeping, general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State a^e, experience and salary desired. Write | St. John's church grounds, if you Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. like to live out of town, or Intend 9-tf I to retire, this Is the place to live. HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100 x 200 ft. Lots in JAK-AN'A HEIGHTS about two blortts north of Johnsburg, overlooking the beautiful IN CHICAGO - 2 flat, brick, 5 and 5 rooms,® first floor gas heat, immediate possession. Price $17,- 400.00, near Crawford and Fullerton, fod information call our office. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg - Tel. McHenry 37 18-tf LAKE LOTS $89AO $5.00 down, $!>.00 per month Leon S. Sex ft Company Rt. 120, Lily Lake - McHenry 590-R-l • Open Sat. & Sun. also House for Sale E-Z Terms 12-tf HOUSES FOR SALE --Midwest Homes, a to 7 rooms, $1450 up. Shell is erected in one day. High quality building material*, fur- ADMIRAL NEEDS Assemblers - Wlrers Solderers - Packers Inspectors nnd Analyze**' No Experience Necessary A PPT V AT ADMIRAL CORP. 507 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. For information call at our office, nished to complete. Custom built or phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ--REAL ESTATE In -lohnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37 14-tf FOR SALE »<- House for sale. 6 rooms. Located 210 Richmond Rd. for the individual. Write for free catalog or visit house on display. Merton S. Baker, dealer for Midwest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St., Sycamore, Illinois. 17-4 FOR SALE--Shalimar Subd. A Call Wonder Lake 3845 or Mc- 3 bedroom home on 4 large beauj Henry 429-R. Steven Freund, , tiful lots. A real heaven with a<*m- *17-tf \ northern woods atmosphere. Only FOR SALE -- HOMwT^ FARMS i1 epot Ukf lt l" Ilhnois W'th CHOICE LOTS _ BUSINESSES iLiVer P HELP WANTED--Men wanted to deliver newspapers with truck, 6 days per week. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Town and Country News Agency. Call Wauconda 6-6831 after 6 P. M. »19 HELP WANTED -- A-l toolmakers. Top wages. 50-60 hours j a week. Psid vacation, paid insurj ance; excellent working conditions, j Call Wauconda 6-1181 for appointment. 19-3 FOR RENT -- 4-room house: 1 bedroom; modern bath; large kitchen; living room, utility room Stove heat; 1 year lease; near town. Reasonable. Call ftOVJ-l 19 ROOM FOR RENT--In new private home. One or two employed gentlemen. Phone 1046-J. »19 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED WOMAN! -- "Will $50.00 weekly, balance your budget?" Need 2 ladies to hold unusual home parties, requiring no investment, no collecting or delivery. Write Box 286, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 18-2 HELP WANTED--Admiral needs women for part time work, 9 to 2:30 daily. Apply Admiral Coiy., McHenry, m,- 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters^ Apply Palace Recreation, 118 S. Green Street. 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Automobile salesman. Downs Nash Sales, Rt. 31-120, McHenry, 111. 19 HELP WANTED MEN - Tool and industrial wholesale hardware house has opening for several young men in stock room and "hipping departments. Excellent opportaaity to learn business with possibility of advancement to Inside or outside salesmen or purchasing. Near Northwestern depot in Chicago. Apply own handwriting to Box 287, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 19 LOST AND FOUND HELP WANTED--No experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co.," McHenry's oldest industry. 16-tf HELP WANfEDT-T.V. and Radio repair man. F. M. Television. Tel. McHenry 979. 13-tf HELP WANTED--Young man to work in sheet metal shop. Permanent position. Apply Vycital's Hardware, 132 Green St. Id HELP WANTED -- Shipping and receiving clerk. Steady work. Apply Admiral Corp. 19 HELP WANTED--Man to work on beverage route. Dale Thomas. Phone McHenry 27. 19 LOST --Black calf hand bag on Riverside Drive, Monday, green billfold contained social security card, drivers license and keys.. Fiadftr please call McHenry 76<M. 19 MISCELLANEOUS REST HOME FOR THE AGEQ # • 'Private Rooms < Hdmey Atmosphere fto Mental or Bed Patienta * <, lioderat«1y Priced flaxy ft, Gorrell I* 212 S. Tryon St. $ Woodstock, Ted. 680. M-9 NOTICE--I will not be responsible for debts incurred by anyone but myself. Mrs. Jennie Olsen. 19 PAINTING A DECORATING LANCE M. PARKS Offers you the finest in painting and paperhanging. References furnished as to the high quality of HELP WANTED--Girt receptionist and all around assistant. Interested in photography and willing to learn. Please do not apply | workmanship on request. Phone unless you are genuinely interest- | MoHenry 934-M-2 after 6:30 P-M. ed. Worwick's Studio. 19 *19 RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 4#5 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 10-tf S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached Complete $9,000 luasy Te-ms AIRSPUN BUILDERS Aones: McHenry 511-R-l and ' Wonder Lake 2798 36-tf REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE For home and investment, 2 flats for the price of one home. NEAR JOHNSBURG and Pistakee Lake, 4 room ranch type home, garage, corner lot, only $1,500.00 down, bal. terms, .for appointment call our office. JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg - Tel. McHenry 37 Possession at once. P. J. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone 913. 19 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer • homes, farms and business properties. We can sell your property If your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL EST ATT In Johnsburg TeL McHenry 87 27-tf WANTED People to eat Smorgasborg. Supper at the L. I. A. Installation Party on Saturday, Sept. 20, 8:30 P. M. at Club Lilymoor. Dancing by Don Stadfeld's Orchestra. Donation $1.00. 19 McHENRY--One 4 and one 4V4 rooms, brick, hot water oil heat. For appointment call at our office. WANTED--A night nurse desires ride from Volo to Waukegan between 10 and 10:30 P. M. Return after 7 A. M. Call McHenry 647- M-2. 1» JOHNSBURG -- 2 5-room flats, about one acre lot, 2 separate heating plants, on Main street. Price $13,000.00. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37. 19-tf FOR SALE Home in Wonder Lake. $7,€00. 4 rooms; tile bath, oil heat, aluminum storm windows, 1y2 car garage, cement walks; 75x125 fenced lot, with fruit and shade trees. Call Wonder Lake 2941. 19 FOR SALE - Oakhurst Subd. A real dream home out of face brick. 2 bedrooms, recreation room, basement, deep freeze, furnished, large picture frame windows, for only $17,500. Also an income 3 bedroom furnished cottage for $6500 extra. Can be purchased together for $23,250 total price. P. J. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone 913. 19 REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE TAVERN--Must sell due to death in family, near R.R. station, and business district, for information call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Tel. McHenry 37. 19-tf FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake. Water front, 3 bedroom furnished cottage. 1 car garage. Only $8000. Possession at once. P. J. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone £13. 19 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- fo a good home, 5 week old male black fox - cocker mix puppy. Tail cut. Very small dog. Write Box 288, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 19 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Old cars, trucks, all kinds of metal and batteries. Wm. Stanes. Phone McHenry 53-J. 18-3 WANTED TO BUY--Yop price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh. Phone McHenry 563-R-l. *19 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Small furnished apartment tor bachelor. Call McHenry 1050 or 923. *19 IEGALS SEALED BIDS WANTED The sheriffs committee of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors will accept bids for a new patrol car as follows: One police special, four-door sedan eqtApped as follows: 5 Four Ply. Heavy Duty Tires, with regular tubes. * 1 Spare Wheel and Rim, • High Speed Axle. High Compression Head. 2 Six Inch, Seal Beam, ^Spotlights. Turn Signals. | Dual Windshield Wipers. | Heavy Duty Generator and Regu- J lator. 1 Heater. |l Non-Glare, Rear VUIon Mirror. . Defrosters. " " 2 Heavy Duty Batteries. Heavy Duty, Front and Bumpers. * s Regular Upholstery. . The 1951 Pontiac, 4-door, Special sedan, now being used aa the patrol car, will be traded in,.' on the new patrol car and may? be seen at the sheriff's garage, • in the rear of the courthouse at 3 Woodstock. I1L JT All bids to be In the Sheriffs i* Office of McHenry County, at ^ Woodstock, Illinois, by 10:00 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, October 8, 1952. The sheriffs committee reserves'™ the right to accept or reject any or nil bids. ' • - 'A ' ^ . -*1' V-l Nt) T I C * «t The Sunnyside Estates Improvement Association will not be liable for any debts incurred un- ^ less contracted by an authorised * officer of the Sunnyside Est Improvement Association. (Pub. Sept. 18-26, Oct 2) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE "J Estate of FRED GEORGE NEUMANN, a/k/a FRED G. NEUMANN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 3rd, 1962,s . is the claim date in the estate of FRED GEORGE NEUMANN, a/k/a FRED G. NEUMANN, De- , ceased, pending in the County . Court of McHenry County, Illinois. and that cl»>* may be filed against the saia estate oa ^ or before said date without Is- * suance of summon*, ,5 ANNA THERESA PETERSON j; EMMA J. NEUMANN Joint Executors WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. ** Attorney at Law W«odst9ck, Illinoia. fPub. Sept. 18-26, Oct 1) .£! NOTICE or CLAIM DATE Estate of FRANK NELL, Deceased. i Notice is hereby 'given to all person* that October 6th, 1962, Is the claim date in the estate of FRANK NELL, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry . • County, Illinois, and that claims vmay be filed against the said •Stfte on or before said date without ifsuapce of summons. n AGNES W. NELL, - Administrator*' . Jg DON A. WICKS Attorney. (Pub- Sept. 11, 18 4k 26) Late Vacationers Take Heart; September Ideal ~ r :, • ;k' If you didn't get to go on a vacation yet this year, don't fret. You're lucky. The Chicago 4 Motor club has pointed out that ' the month of September is an ideal time for vacation travel because of less crowded conditions and lower costs. "Late season vacationing^ is * becoming increasingly popular * with many motorists," said Cuiftis F. Proud, travel director ' of the club. "Popular resorts, which are anxious to stay open " into autumn, feature reduced rates without anv reduction in service or hospitality. Many * communities schedule s p e c i a l events in September largely for the enjoyment of vacationists.** * Weather Bureau records show" that the weather in September Is only slightly cooler than in July. In some sections of the country there is no difference. In certain areas the foliage is still at its peak of greeness while th o'her oarts of the count-v the September visitor is tne first witness the autumn change hi eoMr. Old Ada

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