mfcm Y-MQSSNER rg EXCHANGED ROCKFORD CHURCH In a pretty wedding service tjUng place In the Methodist cterch on Court street, RockfWTd, Miss Maxine Behy Clay, o^n^tter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CShjr of Rockford and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. pBfft of McHenry, formerly of IUnffW>od, became the bride of im^ur Meissner of Janesville, WU. The Rev. Franklin M. Zentz ottjciated at the service, folk* red by a reception for 300 jBMts in the church parlor^ Th« newlyweds left on a trip tp the Orarks. The bride is well known loeally. having resided with her grandparents until her parents moved to Rockford. 'The bridegroom is a building enftractor at Janesville, where they wffl make their ho(M. Bonon „ • • trio of hostesses,' the Mes- June Milinac and Claire ffotfog and Miss Ellie Edstrom bQnored Miss Shirley Patzke reoently at a pre-nuptial shower given at the home of Mrs. Milinac. A lovely corsage of glads was presented to the bride-to-be. Airplane bunco provided the afternoon's diversion, with prizes awarded to Mesdames Muriel Mtske, Jean Peterson, Helen Kamholz, Grace Patzke and the Wnsen Nancy Nelson and Flor- . ebce Antholz. The guests enjoyed a buffet luncheon at the conclusion o* after which Miss Patzke her many gifts. She will the bride of Donald Brockrogge on Oct 4. AWuaooa Tea McHenry public school faculty bers were guests at a tea in high school cafeteria on afternoon of this week, were members of the P.TA. === .!U. CD, of A. Held Social Party . ,« ' * The Catholic Daughters of America held a social party on Thursday, Sept. 18, with prizes being merited in cards by Elizab e t h T h o m p s o n i h a u c t i o n bridge; Mary 'Agnes Boetsch and Ella Buss in contract bridge; Helen Heuser, fimma Freund and Rose Freund in pinochle: Mary Ann Thennes and Pauline Nimsgern in canasta. • Refreshments were served by Helen Weber and her committee following the games. The organization, is sponsoring a "public party to be held at St. Jkfary's school hall Oct. 2 at 8 P «- J'4' DiorussioD \ The Lily Lake P.T.A. Wffl hol:} its next regular monthly meeting on Thursday. Oct. 2, at 8 p.m. at the school house. Miss Mary Harvey, kindergarten teacher, will give a brief talk on the problems concerning children who are beginning school for the first time. Mrs. Zelma Douglas, teacher at the Lily Lake school, will also be present, and a round-table discussion will be held. Parents of children who are beginning school this year are especially urged to be present. • lii'i.fiiiiijrwi Christen Baby , Of Charles Freonds The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund was christened Charles Nicholas at St. Patrick's church last Sunday. Godparents were Mrs. Victor Hunt and George Spielman, aunt and uncle of the baby. Following the service, open house was held at the Freund home at' Griswold Lake. Rela tives and friends from Chicago, Pistakee Bay, Woodstock, Hart land and McHenry enjoyed a buffet supper. ^4 ii. IxJ -• woe. St Mary's P. T. A. MSB* Out 1 St.' Mary's school P.T.A. will its next meeting at 3:15 U?e|o«lc on Oct. 1 in the school with Rev. Fr. Reuland as gtywt speaker. Mrs. Harold Frett i» /chainfliu of the social hoar, by mothers of fourth pupils. MR.LJBGIONNAIRE! Did You Pay Your 1953 Dues? Help Your Post Be A 100% Post Hold Practice For - R. N. A. Convention Rivervlew Camp, R.N.A., will hold practice for convention on Sept. 26 instead of the twentyseventh, as previously planned. The convention will take place in Algonquin on the thirtieth. New CM> H«H first Meeting The newly formed Mother's club of St Patrick's church held its first meeting in the school hall last week Wednesday, with forty-two in attendance. Plans for the year were outlined and a nominating committee announced. including Marie Yegge, Kathrvn Thompson, Irene Adams and Mary Frett. A committee for First Friday breakfasts was appointed. 1< includes Marie Corsu, Suzanne Marshall, Mary Kl&pperich, Beatrice Justen, Evelyn Aim and Mary Frett, Robert Blake To Wed Madison Girl Announcement lias been made of the engagement of Miss Rosemary Greene of Madison. Wis., to Robert P. Blake of McHenry. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Glenn Greene and her fiance the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake. The wedding is scheduled to take place in St. Raphael's cathedral in Madison on Nov. 15. ; ^NORTHERN TRIP Willys j\&£hft>iner enjoyed a trip to the / North Woods last week, staying at a lodge at Lac du Flambeau, Wis. A b o ii t seventy dealers, salesman and officials of the local and Joliet territory made the trip through the courtesy of the Standard Oil company. Woman's Club To Meet October 17 The McHenry Woman's club is planning its next meeting for Friday, Oct. 10, with Mrs. Gretti Goodell as hostess. CARD OF THANRS We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to the many friends and relatives for their visits to our mother for the past year during her illness. Also to extend our many thanks for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars, cards of sympathy, and the vmany kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We wish to extend our sincere thinks to Msgr. Chas. S. Nix, Rev. Reuland, Rev. Joseph Blitsch, Rev. Edward Coakley, and Rev. Frank Miller. THE ELMER JENSEN •20 FAMILY iiwfetihi inn feiii GOOJU W" A one-platt# meal is a boon $o busy housewives and women ehtertaining their bridge clubs or for Sunday evening suppers. Here is a platter that is ' both attractive and substantial. Would suggest serving this on a cool afternoon or evening da the food on it is hearty fare in spite of its party appearance. The platter is built around toasted cheese sandwiches aSj. $fce main feature. 1 Here is recipe for tbeip; . ' 1 lb. American cheesy 1/3 cup butter Toast & paprika - Grate cheese and cream with the butter. Toast bread lightly and spread one side with cheese mixture. When everything is ready to serve, place the cheese spreads on cookie sheet and put under broiler for just two or three minutes. Watch cpnstantly to attain ft golden brown color and avoid any scorching. Sprinkle with paprika lightly before serving. •? Remove to warm platter. Arrange alternately on platter with broiled tomatoes and small porik sausages previously prepared. Garnish with parsley and serve immediately with plenty of good hot coffee. Recipe for broiled tomatoes was given previously in this column but here is a repition for any one who. m$y «• ' Broiled tomatoes, r l Select medium-steed tomatoes-- wash and cut in halves. Place in baking pan and brush tomato top with melted butter. Sprinkle few buttered bread crumbs over top and place in hot oven for about fifteen minutes. Alio# one-half tomato for each serving. Pickled beets--small whole ones, especially, may be addeu to this platter' meal or may be substituted . for the broiled tomatoes. Marriage Licenses Kenneth P. Betts, Ringwood, and Jeannette Pillar, McHenry. Bigelo Sanford's Karpet Kate and Merging On Location Carpet Cleaning Rugs and Furniture Cleaned Tidy Rug Cleaners Phone Woodstock 162 Free Pickup and Delivery tobur 312 Elm Si. McHenry. I1L PHON£ 746 o mmrn me © g Mrs. Day's Ideal Baby Shoes 0 Made to Doctor's Specifications Sizes 0 to 8 $1.95 to $5.50 tOEJOC I Qiao 'Am • ritifiijiftii HttSMMii +44 * MM I I M I M I M U U l l J , | | J COKING ERA# F *RS0NALS "1*11 HI I I n H I M»l !!•»» September 27 Riverview Camp, R.N.A. -- Practice For Convention. October 1 St. Mary's P.T.A. Meeting. October 2 Public Party -- St. Mary's School Hall. October 19 - «J •'< " O.E.S, Chapter, No. 547, Annual Bazaar and .Luncheon -- Acacia Hall. October 11 •; Boy Scout Scrap Metal Paper Drive. September Annual Girl Scout Picnic -- V. F. W. Grounds -- 10:30 to 2 P.M. . C. O. F. Annual Party F. W. Grounds. * October 1 St. Mary's P. T. A- -- Meeting At 3:15 -- St. Mary's School Hall Circle 3, W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. F. T. Rourke Home --- 1 P.M. Dessert Luncheon. ' October i v. CI ^J F. Installation Of Officers. , , • . * • October 8 Adult Girl Scouts* -- Mrs. Thornton's Home -- 1:30 O'clock October 17 Woman's Club October ?$'" * C. O. F. Meeting ' \ CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to thank all those who sent me gifts and carde, those who visited me and extended other kindnesses during my recent lilness at home.' Everything was greatly appreciated. 20 MRS. HERBERT SIMON Recent guests in > the Elmer Wtitkelman h<yne were their son, James, of Fort Leonart' Wood, Mo., Miss Mary V -sITidaa of Lakewood, N. J. Misses Mary and Dorothy Goll of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winkelman and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Winkelman and children, Janet and Roy, of Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisky. Sr., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby of Oak Park, spent several days with relatives in South Dakota. The Misses Marion and Rita Meehan are attending St. Mary's-on-the-Fcx at St."Charles this year. Mr. and Mrs.v Jack Phalin have returned from a trip to New Yprk. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh of Mobile, Ala., visited his sister, Mrs. Alfons Adams, and other relatives in this area last week. Robert Scholz of Shalimar has left for the University of Illinois at Champaign, where' he is enrolled. Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Miss Marie Rppp, > the latter of Chicago, have been enjoying a vacation trig at Ephraim, Wis. Mrs. Jones of Bijllings, Mont., has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Barnett, in Johnsburg. Mrs. Herbert Caldwell and daughter, Nancy, of Cary called on McHenry friends last week. Kurt Voss left recently for WE HAVE the NEW T R A N S P A R E N T CARD OF THANKS' . I would like to taki ; ^*ls means of thanking friends for floral offerings, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended me at the time of my bereavement. *20 ALBERT TOTH Grand Opening L&L Tavern Ringwood, I1L Refreshments -- Entertainment* Sot., Oct. 4,1952 For Windows of All Kinds A Hundreds of Other Usesl An Amazing New Crystal Clmar Pkutk Material that you con ••w Or seat wjth a hot iron. AtAKeYoUROMf# Appliance Covors, Garment Bags, Chair and Furniture Covers. USE IT FOR Shower Curtains, Shelf Covers, Protect Wall Behind Stove Itc. Only 26f Lin. Ft. (36 inch wide; ALTHOFFS^ "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" 501 Main Street McHenry, 111. PHONE 284 _ mm . mm college at Lakeland, Fla., wfcpt* he was also e&roHed last year. Mr. and Mrs. idha R. SdUttt spent several days this * week in St. Louis, Mo., where they visited the former's brother, Martin B. Schmitt. Donald Freund left, last week for Notre Dame, Ind., where he is enrolled for his second year ii\ a business and accounting course. Donald is the iron of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen, Mrs. Bernice Krueger and daughter, Sherry, and Mr. and Mrs. IJprold Skow of Woodstock attended a birthday party Sunday in honor of Paul Justen .at his home in Glenview. Bob McCulla has enrolled ,fo»! his second yeAr a^ Quincy coif lege, Mfs. Mollie Givens, Donajd Givens and Miss AXU Frisby spent Sunday in the Harry Laurence home in Chicago, where Mrs. Givens observed Iter birthday anniversary. / Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. Carold Carolson of Rockford spent Sunday in the home . of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Troop 8 had their first meet-* ' 5 ing this fall at the regular placejjf;'^^'. St. Mary's school hall, on Sept, "*•'" 15. We had election of officers - - as follows: Arlene Wijas, president; Jeannette "Freund, vice- ^ president; Sue Stinespring, trea<;sj^ surer^ Judy Diedrich, secretary^' ~ * Sharon FitzGerald and Denis Justen, color bearers; Jo Collins and Sara Kay color guardi. We made plans for a hike wiener roast next Monday Sue Stinespring's home. ;• 1 vfEANNETTE • FRJBUNDI,'";*'• * Kfy Doug Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson, and daughter have moved from Wonder Lake to the "Donald Hunter place on Center street. Want Ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. HI EVERYDAY IMBIMK We make loans on security of acceptable stocks and bonds; the pledge of thrift account passbooks; the cash value of life insurance policies; war. use receipts, bills of lading, trust re* ceipts, and chattel mortgages. KITS WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU When you put up collateral, you obtain needed credit quickly-- and at {he lowest borrowing cost. Mm a im fe t QtCttstiy part if par financial pbaaiac--saa as L_JMcHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. LNTUlSiX CA1D ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS ' V PHONB 10H Here axe the STRAIGHT SOLID FACTS that lead thousands to better track bugs ? FACT FACT No. 2 FACT No. 3 FACT No. 4 Costs Less Is ley efficiency saves Keeps its vales Veterans of the trucking business buy -for good, solid, levelheaded reasons. And they buy more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. Here's why. Chevrolet trucks --tires, _ frame, axles, springs, engine, transmission, brakes -- all are factorymatched to your job. Come in and let us show you bow great these Chevrolet track* fealty we. ;: •• mr' 15& HEVROLET first mmand CLARK CHEVROLET SALES ' «H W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENBT, ILL. r ' t: •Vj-" " mm VOTERS ATTENTION 9 I ARE YOU REGISTERED SO YOU CAN VOTE NOVEMBER 4TH? . Properly registered voters do not have to reregister, but if you have not received a Registration card from the County Clerk of McHenry County this year, then your name does not. i^pear on the registration list and you should register at once. The last day to register ih the office of the County Clerk or any*of the following special Deputy County Clerks and Deputy Registration Officers is October 6# 1952. And the last day; change address in the County Clerk's Office or Special Deputy Registration Office, is October 7, 1952. First precinct registration day in every precinct in the County. September 20. 1952^ Registration places open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. Second precinct registration day and final day feo register qr to change address before election! October 7. 1952. in each precinct registration place. YOU CAN REGISTER AT ANY TIME ON OR REFORE OCTORER 6TH, •ithw in th« »Htce of R. D. Woods. Couniy Clark, McH.nry County. Illinois, TX the Court House, in Woodstock. Illinois or at the place of any one oi the following Special Deputy County Clerks: OLLIE R. NELSON. Ribr • . * -MRS. HAROLD HYDE. Locust St.. Mwrmgo MRS. ANNA E. PHILLIPS. Dunham %• ' • ' s lEONA B. WISE. 102 W. Park St- Hurut • . y •. C* Re GAST# Aldan MRS. MAMIE TORNOW. Hartland s P. W. ANDREWS. Seneca > ' MRS. MARGARET E. DWYER. Huntley flARRY C. SHALES. Crystal Lake DANIEL R. OSSMAN. Lakewo<4 TOY L. MENTCH. Cary UKROtiD S .THAYER. Hebron LEO KARLS. Richmond : " / CHARLES J. FREUND. Sprinf Grore \ ALBERT KRAUSE.. McHenry . JtTSTUS KELLNER. Wonder Lake WALTER REED. Ridgeileld V GORDON E. DOOLEY. Algonquin VftANK NAGEL. Fox River Grove ERVIN L. LEGROS. Fox River Grove CLAUDE RUDY. Coral MARGARET E. EHRHARDT. Nunda This information is being published and distributed for your use by THE REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE of McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS. S s-iiV/ rr »- 'i-'T : '