Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1952, p. 6

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in~* ^*tt«dter, IB... jpickering, Cm' Tilton, RP Huff, PH It's quite a blow to lllrn that >lio has hit the ranks of Burton's football team, necessi- / taflng cancellation of the gam* k i*rith our Warriors^ this week.'* Victories -or losses mean so little "*'heh this dreaded disease * Wt» husky, healthy athletes. WaAUi. TIGERS EVEN SERIES WITH RICHMOND 7-0 - BMaWt L • w nil © lie. all, McHeftry . hearts go Hard Battle Looms TTo For Deciding Crame At Johnsburg The fcame was played at Richmond last Suftdav and the Timers , of Johnsburg got tough with Burlington at this time.'their bats in the very first in- *re were actually looking for- mng to sew up the second play- Ward to this Friday night game Qff same. Provided with a 3- *y fcritti a little extra . dfegree 1 of-J fan lead,, Willie Klapperich fashpy Jleftsure. ^ ' •>" ^loned a 7 to 0 shut-out. . . f% v . ' * : fliat ties up the serie^ be- * Our boys haven't looked too tWeen the two teams and anfood in losing- their first two other game will be played neJft , James. Nobody looks good los- Sunday to determine who will . I ftig. Now, this game looked like piay Algonquin in the finals | m chance for the boys to get on johnsburg won the toss antl the 1';^ the win side and perhaps put game next Sunday will be played them in the winning frame of Qn their diamond. fjg. mind. Dick Hiller led off the game Bt with a hit to right, went to R We have a better team than second on a hit to center by Anybody seems to think. Our Katz. Both runners moved up on - toys just have to get "mean", a passed ball. Howie, Freund I Now, that doesn't mean dirty, filed deep to left* and on. as only Nope--it merely ,means smack the can. to line a double into the p %m with all you've got. !left field fence and score Katz. | j Ted Pitxen, whose hitting did , All those Warriors need is a ' much to spark the Tigers on to Victory and the confidence that victory, sent Bud across with 1% foes with victory. , the third run of the inning. I. ,' Klapperich didn't allow a hi* Of course, opinions expressed first t three inning. | this column are not necessa^ *1^^ a „*reat' .leaPm?_ catch NEWS FROM Wonder a HT '• , „ V1 : " 7 . '*?£• Totali Score by Richmond Johnsburg 000 000 000--0 800 110 002--7 Two base hits: B. Meyers Double plays: Kuecker to O. Miller Stolen bases: D. Hiller Sacrifices: Katz Hit batter: Kuecker , Struck out by Klapperich, 4; By Miller. 8 Bases on balls off Klapperich, 2; Off Miller. 0. ELKHORN DOWNS wrarc 1R-7* AI M RUNS 85 YAR0| Polio FTnedemic Cancels BurHnoton • By' Chue* Johnson * Steve Letcher nities with 8.000 mem own house. There- are 8$:. grate* • Th* day Moot attsn4a»ce- »#), Hen* * t*#6h Aikxittar^ The American Legion auxiliary lot Wonder Lake is seeking rags, Coupons, articles of clothing that can be used by hospitalised veterans. and old eyeglass frames of gold and silver. All are to be used in veterans' rehabilitation. Those wishing to donate any of Polio Death The second DOIJO death In the county for 1952 was Voting these items may telephone Mrs. j Frank Frisbie, 26, Woodstock. Nancy Elbersen, W. L. 3372. with his father, Ardin Frisbie. Ilold Stork Shower A stork shower waa held last T u e s d a y f o r M r s . M a r t h a Thompson, who resides in the former Monteleone reridence. The shower was held in the home of Penny Mather, Woodstock. These from Wonder Lake who attended were Mrs. . Fern Paetow and Mrs. Vanesse Sells. Also invited, but unable to. attend, Wfes Mrs. Ruth Kolar. is very encouraging, conrtdering that most of the- Jttrii frier residents hfve returned to their homts in the cities. A week from next Saturday or Sunday. Oct. 5. will d*S annual rally, with a. -smbined service of church and Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. More detailed announcements will be forthcoming. those.for- barbers,.' .cleanfly the views of this newspaper, by Howie Katz robbed Kuecker any other newspaper, players' or experts. coaches, jto -tart the third. Connie Spear* One Ted Pitzen led off the fourth . . „ • - . . . . w i t h a h i t to l e f t , a d v a n c e d t r McHenry boasts a lady driver j on jjm FYeund's saff to stock car racing Jean Burh- Wow and scored on m&p erich>r mt recently olaced third on the ^ ,e Kla rich had ^ thf Barvard track wtt race at;vlctim of a hi h b ^ Je Waukeg^ Speedway »extinie Miller ^ the second what •unday afternoon. ,looked ]ike an extra.base blow • Now isn't that just too shock-, ^^hmond batters came to life i, . , ^ ,.i, , »n the fourth as Katzenberg i PS to learn that our politicians 1 . . . _, F | . , , r , ,singled and moved to second or - rrjrru0 ^mpa^gns! PromT all rthe fLu ss, Mmer-. Mt Connie filed tQ ln ]eft for the flrst **'• ; • Iphaavvee n e v e r h a nDe n e a "mhT tthh»e ipHa s^t . 0Ut Jim Freund k,n o.c ked d.o.w ,n. Eken thev haven"t. Winn s hopper. but couldn't f"eu "•y navMi^. make a play. With the baser • 'loaded, Klapperich got Vern MUte, - There's a real battle brewing, ler on a foul fly to Jim pyeun^ ; , f1 «*e basketball picture for and retired Gordie Miller on a ! text • Sunday. Johnsburg and ny to Bud Meyers ^ ftichmond have each won a game; The Tigers picked w» another P^y-offs and will settle „„ ln ^ fifth Hovir y the hssue on the Johnstourg dia- Freund hitting a single to left I1 tnono on Sunday. j and going around to third when 'the relay took a kicking around. f'a,i • Richmond won the first ' game Bud Meyers came through again, 1/ . fin ten innings, 5 to 3. The Tigers his sharp single to center scorbounced back with a 7 to 0 win tng Howie with run number 5. Make It Safe , Johnsburg scored two runs in the ninth to make their lead 1 Last Friday night, the Warriors . took it on the chin from "llkhorn bv the score of 18 to 7 on the home field. The game started with ElkhOrn kicking off to McHenry. On the first play. Stilling carried the ball and Jmade about 5 yards, but his ankle, which was hurt before, was re-injured so \1 Kosnar took over the fullback spot. The game was we'! matched for the first 5 minutes of play. Then Elkhorn started to run short line plays. Each ilay went for about 3 or 4 vards, but theyN seemed to get their first downs until Babcock scored from the 4 yard line. The ooint after touchdown was not good and the score stood 6 to 0. Elkhorn again kicked off to McHenry, but the Warriors lost fhe ball on downs. Elkho-n got lhe ball down to the McHenry ?5 yard line on a pass from Babcock. Then Babcock tried a oass to Vincent, but Stan Aim intercepted on the 15 yd. line and went 85 yards for the score n what was the longest run ot the" season. Huemann went over for the extra point. Elkhorn got the ball on their Five ? jWondCT Lake Auxiliary membenl attended the eleventh district convention at Elgin Sunday. They were Mrs. Marion Ruzicka, Mrs. Amanda. Donash, Mrs. Nancy Elbersen. Mrs. Juffo Klddell, and Mrs. Jel~re Elbersen. Mrs. Ruzicka was named to the youth activities of the district. At the last meeting of\ this Wonder Lake unit, held Sefjt. 18, plans were made for & dinner to-be held later this fall. Watch, for an annoupcen#ht. Resident'!) Father Dim George Armamentos. Chicago father of Mrs. Betty Se'sdorf, Tndian Ridge, ^nd a former programs of the season. Wonder Lake resident, died sudformer teacher in McHenry high school, they helped in the building ' of the Thomoson residence on the school blacktop road. The hom^ was huiTt by the late Lloyd APPRENTICES IN 4 ESSENTIAL THApiS MAY BE DEFERRED Apprentices in essential trades may now be considered for deferment from military service under rules similar to those governing college students, it was announced by Colonel Paul Q. Armstrong, Illinois Selective Service director. Deferments will be granted Ben well, whose w'dow sold it to' only for apprentices enrolled in tlie Joseph Monteleone* who, in j training programs requiring 4,- t u r n , s o l d i t . . . ers, and candy makers, and those in the selling, retailing managerial, clerical, ( crsmetics, furs or professional fields. Granting of deferments i> at the discretion of the apprentice's local board, Colonel Armstrong emphasized. Any man deferred will have his liability for service extended to age 35. Pointing out that the apprentice deferment plan was adopted pursuant to orders from the president, Colonel Armstrong quoted the presii ¥-m KING^SJZE MOVIES 20 TIMES LIFE-SIZE On OUR GIANT Screen Thompsons. '../'^iMrHenry P.TJk. .U> P "ClitM And Parent Gff^th" will be the theme of 1952-53 for the McHenry Community P.T.A. All^ parents with children in the McHenrv high school are invitp'i to become members of the P.T.A. and participate in the denly of a heart attack Sept, 17. He was 81 years old. Besides Mrs. Selsdorf, he is survived bv his widow, the former Agnes Boyle: one son, Paul Armamentos. Chicago, also: a former resident of Wonder Lake; and four grandchildren. Services were held Friday in the Sacred Heart church, Chicago with interment in St. Mary's cemetery. Bob Armamentos, oldest grandson, was able to be present at the funeral through the efforts of the Red Cross. Until his induction into the Army last month, he was studying for his master's degree in philosophy at Loyola University. Peggv Selsdorf. who was graduated from McHenry high school in June, was enrolled at NorthJ western's journalism school on the day her grandfather died. Pledge To Fraternity / Richard Widen, son of Mr. and to the Andrtew j 000 hours or more of work and at least 144 additional hours of related theoretical and technical i n s t r u c t i o n . E m p l o y e r s , t r a d e unions or other sponsors of training programs must submit requests for acceptance of their programs to Colonel Armstrong. Requests are initiated through the Bureau of Apprenticeship, U. S. Department of Labor. However, if a program is not registered with the Bureau, the sponsor himself must< certify that it meets the selective Service requirements. Only programs actually in operation at least a year are acceptable. To be eligible for deferment an apprentice must either hav«- satisfactorily completed at least 2,000 hours of training in an occupation considered necessary to the national health, safety or interest, or at least t.000 hourr ln an occupation listed as critical by the Secretary of Labor. C r i t i c a l o c c u p a t i o n s i n c l u d e blacksmiths, hammersmi^is. boilermakers, instrument repairmen, machinists, tool and die makers and a few others. Apprentice nrograms not considered essential enough to warrant deferment The first meeting will be held Sept. 25 at 8:15 p.m. in the high school auditorium and the topic will be. "Understanding Our Schools." „ New Partnership George Gutzman has become a partner with Johnny Widen in the Wonder Center service station. George will be remembered as the proprietor of George's Repair Shop, ' Wickline Bay, the subdivision in which he is a resident. Johnny Widen has been associated in the business with his father, Henning Widen, the latter now deciding to retire. own 25 yard line. Bob Comstock | Mrs. Henning Widen. Indian caught Babcock in back of the'Ridge, has been pledged to K^p; line. In an attempt to get the'pa Delta Rho fraternity at th€ ball away, he threw the ball TT~' """--'~ right into Al Kosnar's arms and A1 went back to the 20 yard line. and now comes the big one. The Winner will meet ATgmv l}uin in the finals. The' Simplex safe. Klapperich started proceedtoower boys hpd little trouble , ings with a hit. Dick Hiller was |n beating Woodstock two; safe on Kuecker's boot. Katz ptraight behind the stellar sacrificed third to first. Howie fnound work of Stan Mavis. , Freund's hit drove in the two ' runs. That ended the scoring. You may note that our sport i Richmond offense flared up a page is running low this week, couple of times, but Klapperich Tax lists and what not took up seemed to have enough left in all the time so the powers that his right arm to handle each sitbe thought it would be nice if uation. Bud Meyers backed up we just took it easy. If time third and showed a good arm and space permit, we may break to nail Richie Miller in the .out in a rash next week. DAILY PINUPS: eighth. Vern and Gordie perked 9P Richmond hooes by hitting Sfely in the ninth, but" the next ree batters went down in down. Master: Dad Mix-master: Junior Will power is a wondrous gift to wise man or clown. It holds order you up when you'd rather be T° sum it up--it was simoly Johnsburg** day and their game •11 the way. A large crowd from •11 parts of the county watched A keen scent for rumor is op-' game and probably will be posed to, a keen sense of humor !on **and in greater numbers as FVHre-thought is far more com-1the real battie eomj* up next fortable than after-thought. ; Sunday. ' Cutting remarks can crudely J°hn*burg AB R H take the edge from conversation 1 ^ Hiller. Rf* 5 2 2 White elephant: black memory. I KaKtz, IB Anonymous i Howie Freund, 2B pud Mevers, 88 STATE PARKS ^ ^rt Jackson. CF ' *ed Pitzen. LF Hundreds of picnic tables and: Jim Freund, 3B fireplaces have been added toiT. Huemann, c the facilities of Illinois state i Klapperich, P parks this summer, and numerous other improvements have Totals « / been made, according ,to Ray' 4 1 1 6 1 3 5 1 2 5 0 0 5 1 3 5 0 1 4 0 0 4 1 2 42 7 14 But the 7 yard line was all the farther the Warriors could get before the half ended with the score McHenry 7, Elkhorn, 6. In the second half, Elkhorn opened up to score twice, once in the third quarter and once ir> the fourth. Platts scored both times after the ball was marched down field. By the way, Elkhorn had 13 first downs, The ball was in McHenry territory most of the time and Elkhorn took advantage of that. McHenry was to have played at Burlington tomorrow, but due to a polio epidemic the game has been tentatively canceled. In the event that we don't play, coach MacCracken has been trying to schedule another game. At present nothing is definite. University of Illinois. Richar (Dickie) was graduated from McHenry high school in .Tune and was an outstanding football plaver. aHe is 18 years old. The University of Illinois Has more "Greek letters" social organizations than any other campus and each of them has 'its • , ••• • ^ •---"t--• jt' AMERICAN LEGION"* : MEMBERS Be An Early Bird. n Renew Your 1953 Membership Now and Save Money. Qmpel Church NevM -- Local talents supplied the ptrlpit and had charge of the meetings while the pastor and wife spent a short but pleasanl vacation in the North Woods of Wisconsin. //- OCT. 18 ,ih •I Hubbs, superintendent of parks! Richmond and memorials. Attendance afj Katzenberg, SB the parks keeps increasing right R. Miller, P -along, and reached a 10,000 total |C. Miller, LF P|0 in 1951. The 67th General As-1 Winn, C ||t aembly appropriated $1,536,550 v. Miller, SS. 1 ' * for park improvement and main-1G. Miller, IB pfe:-- • tenance. Much of this fund has ||p hew expended 'or will be used ! within the n«kt' few 'months, fe Hubbs said. AB B H 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Parte Pub win be closed on Tuesday* until further notice. Frank and Helen Holt, Prop. 20 AMERICAN LEGION MEMBERS Help, put your post on the map. Let's Have 100% Renewal Memberships by Nov. 11. JUST 4 DAYS LEFT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PALL VALUE DAYS SALE We Hare ReceiTfd A New Shipment o! Money Saving Bargains. Come In Today. LAKEMOOR PETITION A petition was filed last week in circuit court requesting that twenty acres of land be disconnected from the village of Lakemoor. The property in question lies within the corporate limits of the village and none of it is continguous to any other incorporated city or village. It includes the west boundary of the village and disconnection would not result in isolation of any part of the village from the remainder of the municipality, the petition claims. It also states that the property is not subdivided into lota or blocka, •• < E L M Rf .TO WATTCONDA -- Ate CONDITIONED -- pr tKURS., FRI. * SEPT. 2{5, 26 9t 21 Jaae RusseH • _ Victor Mature "LAS VEGAS STORY" SUN. ft MON., SEPT. 2$ & 29 Will Rogers, Jr. Jarie Wyman "STORY OF t WILL R0GER9* . (Technicolor) .MKatti Nfglrtfr, Exnpt SwNby • 00% Ml ¥ DMni In Sash, phm Mam 14M * fls kbrth Ays. (•. 64) st |Hmr tssf (Mlait WV.S.4B) tut (8^99^9 twit •'< kM Mn Pm TiHlhl Chk. Iw, Af Cbjtf •*> MAY WOOD PARK T h a a i r a lake, Itltaoti ' - rtloire <44 Sunday Show Begins at 8:00 Week Days Begins at 1:15 FRI, A SAT., SEPT. 26 & 27 Will Roger*, Jr. Jane Wymah in 'TTBE STORY OF W&X ROGERS* ' ' ' ' t to Color TUES , WfcD. A THURS., S E P T . 3 0 , O C T . 1 * 2 Michael Rertnie - Debra Paget a 'XES MlSfeftABLES' FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 26 A 27 Linda Darnell Tab Hunter "ISLAND OF DESIRE" t , In Technicolor Plus - Audie Murphy In "TOE CIMARRON KID" In Color SUN. & MON., SEPT. 28 ft 29 Petty Hutton / Ralph Meeker V "SOMEBODY LOVES ME" >""tSflibr By Technicolor TUES., WED. & THURS., SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1 & 3 RAY BOLGER Bowl 'Em Over In •} "WHERE'S CHARLEY' Technicolor do not p^init. pqrtnarent exs tion of any wwrhw frcm ive Bervice. leather, th<»y provfUfa rfiore orderly basin for grants*' ing the tempore n,' deferment* which local boards have custom marily extended to qualified 10 divlduals." ^ Special l>1av«r ' Mi fSha give your ImfWli l * special flavor by adding imall' amounts of cheese, tomato, greeif ninn. peas, ham, chicken, or bacon KIWANIS CLUB OF McHENRY TOWNSHIP Annual Tag Day UncteiTrlyHeged CHildren Friday, Sept. 26 Saturday, Sept. 21 i-rGIVE GENEROUSLY Sky Line Drive-ln Theatre * ULTRA-MODERH • 6 M fc&e NoHMMt 61 Mdiettry, in., on Route XM -- 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY -- FlBST SHOW STARTS 7:80 -- SECOND SHOW STARTS 9:45 SCREEN SIZE ** #2x4» LAST DAY THURSDAt ' SEPTEMBER 2S ^ Van Johnson -- Patricia Neal v 'WASHINGTON STORY* •J*" FRIDAY, SATURDAY And StTNDAY SEPTEMBER 28-27- Color By Technicolor John Wayne -- Maureen OTHara "THi QUIET MAN" Alao ColOr Cartoon IT^BSDAf and WEDNESDAY -SiffT. 1 Michael Rennie -- Debra Paget ' • "LES MISERABLES" THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY , Color By Teohnlcolof Bfeig Crosby -- Jane Wyman, "JUST FOR YOU" OCTOBER J-S-4 fish Combines WeMt Fish, which Is generally a pretty economical dish, can be used to advantage in many combination and casserole dishes. TUES. A WED., SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 Gilbert Roland John Beal "MY SIX CONVICTS" Open Dally 6:40 P. M. Sunday 2:40 P. M. f00 OUTDOOR * [_> L ' 1 t . I i \ I - A I \ i f~\ . I c r n r r ki bWCW.i ALWAV5 M n t h r i GBAVMAKt - RT. 1 2 0 - 2 •^&x6Jj1KEE.T" MOHE COnrORT Come here regularly to enjoy ALL the Best Shows Outdoor. Open 7 PJC. - First Show at Dusk - 2 Shows Nightly -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE -- ,WEDNRSDA Y TO* SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24-25-26-27 TH£SB£ ST + LESS GEO. COIi|!TTE, Owner lM Riverside Drtve PHONE 400 i McHenry, Hi. Oped Stoday Mornings ® 'til 12 i We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps. WAYNE ENDS TO-KlGHT! Jane Russell Bob Hope . Roy Rogers ln ' "SON OF THE PALEFACE" In Technicolor IN WMNER BROS1. BIG FiLMED-MlhwNi ADVENTURE! BIO JIM NANCK OLSON ;MSAiH[SS IZHLT > JAMES COWARD GRANT < roeon felu^S, UMARO LU0WIG .WAYNE FOUM6 k I -WARNER SUNDAY TO TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 28-29-30 "CRIPPLE CREEK" In Technicolor • George Montgomery -- Karin Booth WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY 'THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS Gregory Peck OCTOBER 1-2-3-4 *1 Ann Blyth FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 26-27 2--BIG ACTION HITS! Don't Talk To Strangers! The No. 1 Surprise Thriller of The Year! THE ATOMIC CITY -- Plus -- ^DENVER & R|Q GRANDE" with : Edmund O'Brien Sterling Hayon „ J. Carrol Naish Zasu Pitts, <• •I"t"i' 'S 1 H"|.»4"t SUN. & MON., SEPT. 28-20 MIT2I GREEN TUES., WED. & THutUJ., SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2 Rita Glenn HAYWORTH • FORD -rrr. a Dodge Long life Records give you proof of Extra Vhlue! MIIMK^PPn) sMe rdb of massive strength add rigidity tfas rhssiis Dbdgk MUcya new longert OrlBew rtfs ceatrel h SEAU0 IN for thf life of the shock absorbers. Smooth •Msredaceswear. When you invert m a new car, JWtt have a righA to expect proof that the vahie is built in to stay. You get that proof in a Dodge. Registration records prove tihat by a substantial margin, Dodge automobiles have longer life than the average car. Such engineering features as the extra-rugged double-channel frame and rubber-mounted Safety-Steel body make a s JDodge stand up under all driving conditions. It's th^ . %est driving investment you can make today. Sp»cifuxitiont and Equip/ntnt tuijm* to chan# without notk*. TWO fcfdbwik cyfiatfers in each front wheel give surer stops \ over mors miles. Extra value is built in. 0. DIMONSTKATIQ DftJ>ENDABIllTY ' • " ' . I.'1' ' Tl H • ' 11 « A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 501 East Pearl Street f ' Phone McHenry 15(> m

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