Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1952, p. 7

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Tig?" HPS? ud' McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BUR FEINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. a Plaindealer Want Ada *mo ada counted leas than 25 words $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion jj.oo (Count 5 words par fine) 25c service charge on all blind; ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10' a.m. Wednesday. STO8CMPTION SATE I Tea* »M0 •*WL- • 1 - Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 6, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE - REPLACEMENT PARTS FM " ; ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers ^CMBFUNRRR AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 A.M. to 7 PJH. Sundays 9 AM. to 1 PJM. 11-tf FOR SALE--1949 Chevrolet cab over engine, 2-trn with 14-ft. van body, new tires, A-l condition. Central Garage, Johnsburg. 6-tf FOR SALE--1950 Ford Convertible Excellent condition. Can finance. $550 will handle. Call McHenry 390 after 5 P. M. *20 FOR SALE--Reo 5-yd. hydraulic dump truck, $895.00. Mechanically perfect. Ford Ferguson tractor with hi-lift, $865.00. Phone 661- M-L. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all nmkes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Cmiy St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf DEAD ANIMALS--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf ORAPVUC WEOb^O CANDIDS Throughout jie whole eventful day from nome, Church, Reception. in full album form. MAX F. KOLTN McHenry 506-W-l CWcago RA 6-6557 ' $4t BOAT STORAGE Inside storage for Inboards and Outboards. Expert refinishing. |^e buy and sell new and Used boat# and motors. EDWARD J. WENDT on U.S. 12, Richmond 111. Tel. 204 13-8 buskeebservk^ MUSIC NMMWT In tour Own Hume.- Piano and Piano According,/,.. Clarinet 'and Saxophone *•>"* ' EARL P. KOCH ?V.) V Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5-tf MASONRY CONTRACTING Brick, Stone and Cement Blocks Fireplaces, etc. J. F. LOFF :,Jf Phone McHenry 574-M-2. GARAGE DOOBS WOOr S3CTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially De signed. kEN IfiSIBACH Sales, Inatallation and SerVlOe McHenry 1187-R 14-tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat storage and refinishiiig. Johnson Seahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104% S. Riverside Drive. McHenry 1076. 18-tf HAL IL PLUMB "Painting -- Paperhanglaf - Decorating Featuring neatness and distinctive color schemes. Phone McHenry 1046-J. *18-4 JtALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning N» Wd Road. Harvard, m . - • . V ~-- 74941 37-t! WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair airf install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street,- McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TA^KS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS . , Phone McHenry 776-W i i0-tf ," CONCRETE PRODUCTS k C. D. KINSEY All size building block. Chimney block and stepping atone By standpipe in McHenry, Office Phone 282-R Raa. phone 893-J CHILD CARE -- Will care for children in my home, daytime or evening. Tel. 436. *20 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION--Class and private instruction in organ, piano and accordian will be given at American Legion Hall on Fridays by Mrs. Thomas. Pre-school children accepted. Phone 560-ft-l. 20-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WIN DOWS. The Wallfttl Co., Leo Stil ling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf I FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Store fixtures; 1 8-ft. double duty refrigerator display case; 1 U. S. meat alicer; 1 Standard computing scale; 1 24x24 butcher block; 2 6-ft islands; l 8-ft. Victor deep frees*. Jtar further details call Wonder Lake 3702. ' 18-3 FOR SALE -- 11 used window screens and 10 storm windows, size 31%x56 in.; 2 screens and 2 storm windows, size 31^x47; outside measurements. 3 storm doors and 3 "screen doors, sizes 32x75, 36x85 and 30x81 inches. $35 will take all if purchased soon. 203 Grand Ave. Tel. McHenry 22. f . 19-tf FOR SALE--2 Rollaway beds, $15; oil stove, $15; 1942 Oldsmobile, $75. Phofte McHenry 705-M. 19-tf FOR SALE--Magnar "66" enlarger. Ideal for home -dark room. Priced at $40, includes lens and some chemicals. Also practically new football shoulder pads and size 30 pants. Phone 797-R. *20 FOR SALE -- Spinet Piano with matching bench. Beautiful style and tone, full keyboard. Must sell. Reasonable. May he seen near McHenry. For location and details, write Mr. Miller, the dealer, now living at 1221 EL Congress. Milwaukee, Win. *20 FOR SALE--2 pure bred spotted Poland China boars. Lloyd Fisher, Volo, ill. Phone McHenry 544-R-l. 20 FOB RENT FOR RENT--Modern, furnished 4- room, 2 bedroom year 'round cottage. Electric range and frigidaire; electtrfc hot water heater for kitchen and shower; oil heat. 665 per month. References and lease required. . Phone McHenry 534-R-l. 20-2 FOR RENT-- Small year round furnished, or ami-furnished cottage. One bedroom, furnace, shower and hot water. Phone Palisade 5-0274. Call after 7 P. M.' *20 , a---------, FOR RENT--4 room heated apartment: 2 bedrooms,, refrigerator, stove and hot water heater. Tel. McHenry 742. 20 HELP WAHTEP HELP WANTED--Admiral needs women for part time work, 9 to 2:30 daily. Apply Admiral Corp., McHenry, 111. 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters. Apply Palace Recreation, 118 S. Green Street. 16-tf PRESS GIRLS WANTED -- To operate our automatic pressing machines. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West McHenry, 111. Nexl to Northwestern station. 20-tf HELP WANTED--No experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co., Mo- Henry's oldest industry. 16-tf j HELP WANTED---T.V. and Radio i repair man. F. M. Television. Tel j McHenry 979:* 18-tf FOR SALE--Pair goats, $35; wool men's and women's suits and coats. Like ney, $19.95. Children's wash dresses. 95c. 6 yr. crib and mattress, $9.95. Phone McHenry 661-M-l. 20 FOR SALE -- Overstuffed chair with ottoman. $12; walnut occasional table, $12; 12 cu. ft. electric refrigerator, $25; bottled gas range, $10; metal bed spring and mattress, $5; Racoon coat, size 15, $50. Call after 5 P. M. 533-J-l. 20 FOR SALE--Foot treddje sewing rpachlne. Good condition.' Call mornings 528-M-l. 20 FOR SALE--Used 3-rm. oil heater with 55-gal. drum. Phone McHenry 65-W. *20 FOR SALE -- Quake oil apace heater and 55-gal. drum. Good condition. Phone C18-M-2. *20 FOR SALE--Burgundy sofa; 5-pc. maple bedroom act. Phone McHenry 137-W. *20 HELP WANTED--Bartender for private club. Will provide room if desired. References. Write Box 289, McHenry Plaindealer. 20 ADMIRAL NEEDS Assemblers - Wirers Solderers - Packers Inspectors and Analysers No Experience Necessary APPLY AT ADMIRAL CORP. 807 W. ELM STREET MCHENRY, DJL. TREE * BARN SPRAYING Whitf'-wash and fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P. O., Round Lake, 111. Residence: Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. 6-tf 4j, $10. WAVE -- $6.50 Beauty Shop • t Huntervillr Park Suhd. ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Phone 705-M 50-tf WINDOW SHADES -- or Vene- TIAN BLINDS -- New line of n. movable slat and Bauflex original hllndi and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE & VE N^TTIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division. St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651- M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. Ah work guaranteed. One and two week's service. v 27-tf FOR SALE -- JOHN8-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Peart St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. l*-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds: Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St, West of Northwestern depot. ' 15-tf FOR SALE--Speed boat: 23-ft. Hacker Craft; very good condition; just overhauled and new seat cushions. Can be seen Lot 39 Orchard Beach, McHenry. Call Wahl, McHenry 52-M. 51-tf FOR SALE--1 HC Little oil burning floor furnace with automatic controls.; 1 42-in. single drain board C.I. kitchen sink with fittings; 1 I6"xl9" lavatory with fittings; 1 18"x30" C.I. sink dnd 1 30-gal. hot water tank. Call McHenry 627«R>1. 18-3 F.OR SALE--Fur coat*; 1 northern back muskrat; 1 black seal; 1 fur lined sport coat. All size 14. Reasonable. Call McHenry 348. *20 1 • 111 - 1 - , SUBCONTRACTORS WANT E JLL CONSTRUCTION t TRADES REQUIRE* V'- ' ON ONE STORY FOOD MART IN -WOODSTOCK. FORCED AIR HEAT TREE REMOVAL, FOR PLANS* CALL VOLLEN. FRANKLIN 2-0226 33 N. LA SALLE ST„ CHICAGO. FOR SALE --V Hollywood double bed, like new/ $55; also spring and mattress for double bed, like neW, $40; 2-year crib, $5; overstuffed chair, like new, $30; 20-ii^. Hoffman TV, $350. new cost was $650. Magnavox regency ra^o-phono, $275, new cost was $550. Call Wonder Lake 2821. *20 HELP WANTED -- A-l toolmakers. Top wages. 50-60 hours a week. Paid vacation, paid insurance; excellent working conditions. Call Wauconda 6-1181 for appointment. _ 19-3 FOR SALE--Frigidaire refrigerator, sealed in unit, $50.00. Also African violets, large plants in bloom. Pink, white or blue, $1.00. Tel. McHenry 540-J-2. '*20 FOR SALE--Pullet eggs, stewing, roasting and frying chickens. A. W. SCHAFER 1st House North of Rt. 120 on West McCullom Lake Road Phone 508-M-2 20-2 FOR SALE -- Circulator victrola type heater. Coal and wood burning. Like new, $25. Call 694-W-l, Saturday or Sunday. 20 FOR SALE--Beagle hounita, $25 each. A tC.C. registered. PhOhe McHenry 883. 20 FOR SALE--Duo Therm oil burner with fan. Thermostatically cont| Olled. Good condition. Reasonable. Call 877-J mornings. 20 FOR SAUE--Florence oil heater; heats 3 to 4 rooms. Reasonable. Mrs. Yagar, Lake Shore Drive and Oak St Call Wonder Lake 8471. 20 FOR SALE -- 1949 John Deere automatic wire baler with motor. In good condition. Phone McHenry 560-W-l. *20 FOR SALE--Guns - New model 12 Winchester pump 12 gauge, complete with sheep lined leather case, $75.00; 1 used Remington 12 gauge automatic with ventilated rib; excellent condition; 1 used 32 calibre Winchester carbine type deer rifle, lever action. Inquire Bernie's Tap, 502 Main Street McHenry 388. 20 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry lOO^R 20-tf FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Itiveraide Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom, very lovely, furnished home in Oakhurst Subdivision. Automatic oil heat. $100 per month. P. J. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. phone Mo Henry 913. Cipatd on Thursday. • " . j- " 20 11»i. ' i •!•* I*r 1.1 I r I III , I Temporary Office Girl Wanted-- Must be accurate with figures- Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West McHenry, 111. Next to Northwestern station. 20-2 '-'ii'i Bit# OUTDOOR MEN 17 to 80 To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Wofk. M fllONE WAUCONDA SMS or CABY 2648 UMf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--Dan River plaid school dresses, sizes 3 to 14, regularly $3.25 to $3.95. Special Friday and Saturday, $2.50 and $3.00. The Toddler Shop, 312 Elm Street. 20 REAL SSTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Two year old ranch home, 2 bedrooms, large living room .tile kitchen and 'bath, natural fireplace, lot 50x150. Short tfalk to McHenry. Only $9000. Down payment $2500. Balance terms. P. j. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg., phone 9131 Closed on Thursday 20 REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE TN CHICAGO - 2 flat, brick, 5 and 5 rooms, first floor gas heat, immediate possession. Price $17,- 100.00, near Crawford and Fullerton, for information call our office. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg - Tel. McHenry 37 18-tf KEAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE 4 room all insulated home; 2 bedrooms, oil automatic furnace, garage, large lot, river rights, $7,000. New 5 room all insulated home, full basement, oil automatic heat, fireplace, garage. Beautiful lot. ?12,000. 5 room all insulated home, furniahed or unfurnished. Gas heat, utility room, double garage. Beautiful lot. $10,500. Country Club 3ubd. KNOX REAL ESTATE -Pfcane 421-J ? MCHenry, IB. 20 FOR SALE--8 room permanent home ready for occupancy. Csn be seen at Fredricksons at Wonder Lake. Price $9,995. 20-2 S P E C I A L hone and garage attached Csmplete 69,006 !£asy Terms AIRSPI N BUILDERS Asses: McHenry 511-R-l and Wander Lake 37W 36-tf SALE--On Fox river in Qrchard Beach, 3-bedroom home, furnished; natural fireplace; full basement; possession only $14,250; terms. P. J. Skiba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. phone McHenry 913. Closed on Thursday. 20 HOMES BUILT TO ORDER ^,On 100 x 200 ft. Lots In JAK-ANA HEIGHTS •abowt two bktcka north of Manburg, overtook!ag the beautiful St. Join's churofe grounds, if you Hke to Itare out of flown, or Intend to retire, tills Is the place to live. For Information call at our office or phone McHenry 57. JACOB FRITZ--REAL ESTATE In Ishnsharg, T©V McHenry 87 ' 14-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced lady bookkeeper for general office work, typing, good Starting pay. Write to Box 260, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 50-tf HEL>r WANTED -- Xan wanted for full time work. Excellent starting salary with good, future. Write Bex 282 Care of McHenry Plaindealer. 15-tf HELP WANTED •-- Experienced Carpenters wanted. Maxon Construction Co., 114 W. Liberty St Tel. Barrington 1440. 15-tf HELP WANTED -- Girl experienced in bookkeeping, general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State ape, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-tf PART TIME HELP WANTED -- Order pickers and packers. Riverside Mfg. Co., MeHenry's oldest industry. 20-4 HELP WANTED---Girl for #eneral housework; 2 adults, own room and bath. Saturday and Sunday off. Go or stay. Call McHenry 187-J. » 10 LOST AND FOUND LOST--Liberal reward for return of 7-yr. old male German ahepard. J. G. Hirt. East bank of Fox river, north of Burton's Bridge or phone Crystal Lake 1326-J-2 after 5 p.m. 20 LOST PURSE -- Will the person who found my purae please mail the contents, valuable only to me, to Helen Stevens, 201 Riverside Drive, McHenry. 20 MISCELLANEOUS REST HOME FOR THE AGED Private Rooms "A Homey Atmosphere Hi Mental or Bed Patiej»|i Moderately Priefed " Mas, E. GorreO 212 S. Try on St. 1 Woodsftodt, Tel. CM. FOR SALE ~ House for sale. 6 rooms. Located 210 Richmond Rd. Call Wonder Lake 3845 or McHenry 426»R. Steven Freund, adm. *17-tf REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE NEAR JOHNSBURG and Pistakee Lake, 4 room ranch type home, garage, corner lot, only $1,500.00 down, bal. terms,' for appointment call our office. JACOB FRITZ - REAL E8TATE 20-tf FOB SALE --HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 460 Richmond Road McHenry, HL i: McHenry 421-J 10-tf REAL FATE -- FOR SALE For Jtame and investment, 2 flats for the prfop of one homo. McHENRY--One 4 and one 4V4 rooms, brick, hot water oil heat. For appointment call at our office. JOHNSBURG -- jl 5-room flats, about one acre lot, 2 separate heating plants, on Main street. Price fl3.QOp,00. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In JohnsbkUCg Tel. McHenry 37. 19-tf FOR SALE -- Desirable location fcr itmch house, 160-ft. x 260-ft 2 Pistakee Lake right-of-ways. Morgan. Tel. Johnsburg 624-W-2. 20 LAKE LOTS $89.50 $5.00 down, $5.00 per month ftpep 8. Sex A Company =• Rt. 120, Lily Lake - McHenry 590-R-l - Open Sat. ft Sun. also House for Sale E-Z Terms 12-tf HOUSES PGR SALE --Midwest Homes, 3 to 7 rooms, $1450 up. Shell hr erected in one day. High . quality building materials furnished to complete. Custom built for the individual. - Write /or free catalog or visit house on display. Merton 8. Baker, dealer for Mid* w, hfrest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St., Sycamore, Illinois. 17-4 REAL ESTATE FOU SALE TAVERN--Must sell due to death in family, near R.R. station, and business district, for information call ,at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Tel. McHenry 37. 19-tf SITUATION' WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Man with station wagon available for part time employment. 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. Inside or outside Work. Phone 570-M-l. 20 SITUATION WANTED--Successful young professional salesman desires to relocate family in McHenry area. Would like to represent good company in and around that vicinity. Also purchasing, engineering and pharmaceutical experience. Can furnish excellent references. E. W. Kowal, 7659 N. Bosworth, Chicago 26. *20 TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- 4 small puppies. 5 weeks old. Tel. 525-R-2. " 20 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, •nd hiMtowH properties. We can sell your property If your price is right. JACOB FRITS --REAL ESTATF in lehnsbwg Tel. McHenry 87 1 27-tt RIDE WANTED -- Young McHenry woman desires ride to and frotn Woodstock daily, Monday thru Friday. Working hours 8 A. M. to 4:45 P. M, T^l, McHenry 630-W-l. , *20 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Old cars, trucks, all kinds of metal and batteries. Wm. Stanes. Phone McHenry 53-J. 18-3 WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk ars. Ed Marsh. Phone McHenry 563-R-l. 20 Friday and Saturday Money Saving Spedaft 1st PLAIN SWEATER - 55d7^, ft .each additional sweato , f * ; • * • > Only 30o Eich Perfectly Cleaned *'4'* \ . P*ol^icw»lly ttodrtd tttif " Placed In a BeatsHM Glassine Beg. Remember ^: You Save Safely * with Our Fine Cash & Carry Drycleaning. McHenry gleaners 103 ELM 5TBEET - " PHOftE 104-M • : TPe Ctvt a'Tid Redeem Gold Bond Stamps. Attendance At Museum Of Science Sets New Records LEGALS N O T I cfc " The Sunnyside Estates Improvement Association will not be liable for any debts incurred unless contracted by an authorized officer of the Sunnyside Estates Improvement Association. (Pub. Sept. 18-25, Oct 2) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of FRED GEORGE NEUMANN, a/k/a FRED 6. NEUMANN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 3rd, 1952 is the claim date in the estate of FRED GEORGE NEUMANN, a/k/a FRED G. NEUMANN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Dlinois, and that cls '^a may be filed against the saia estate on or before said date without issuance of summona. ANNA THERESA PETERSON EMMA J. NEUMANN Joint Executors WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney at Law Woodstock, IllinoiSL 1 (Pub. Sept. 18-25, Oct. 3) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of FRANK NELL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persona that October 6th, 1952, is the claim date in the eatate of FRANK NELL, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. AGNES W. NELL, Administrator DON A. WICKS Attorney. * (Pub. Sept. 11, 18 A 25) Despite an unusually hot spell of weather and the spell-binding of two national political conventions, Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry proved more popular than • ever this summer as attested by its record shattering total of 789,985 visitors during Juno, -July and August. * Highest attendance for a single month was August with 874,015 beating the old record established during the same month last year by more than 80,000. The August rfceord also was considerably greater thkn the total attendance for the year 1935. which was a shade over 355,000. Thia summer's attendance^ 64 percent from out of the state, brought the Museum's total attendance as of Aug. 31, to 1,469,- 981 which is approximately twelve per cent greater than last year's for the same period. The Labor day week-end also set a new attendance record with 61,967 for the three-day holiday. Labor day itself recorded a new holiday high of 26,448. To accommodate such huge crowds the Museum expanded its tdinlng facilities this year, opening a new picnic lunchroom and a summer outdoor dining area. A quarter of a million people were served by all MuseujVi dining facilities during the summer. Among the attractions for summer visitors were the activities connected with the Centennial of Engineering celebration. Beginning July, special exhibits devoted to engineering interest were opened and additions to this section were added up until the opening of the engineering convention itself on Sept. 3. These engineering centennial exhibits will remain on display for a year. Contrasting with the achievements of today's engineers |s an exhibit devoted to one of the most talented engineers of yesterday. Leonardo da Vinci. Some sixty of da Vinci's inventions and ideas which embraced many fields of engineering and science are shown and will remain on exhibit until Sept. 28. The theatrical production, "Adam to Atom", opened in July, presents the history of engineering from the cave man t.o atomic energy in an hour and a half of fast-paced dramatic action combining entertainment and education. The production, originally scheduled to close with the engineering convocation, has extended its run until September 28. This extension is primanlv intended to permit school groups to see the show which has been highly praised by educators for The Catfishes Catfishes, one of the most popular and irtiportant fish families found in the nation, are easily distinguished from other groups. They have scaleless skins and broad heads supplied with "whiskers" or barbels. Extremely tenacious of life, catfish are able to live as long as their gills remain moist. Thus, they often ean be shipped long distances without the need for refrigeration. They have even lived through the experience of being frozen in a block of ice. They begin spawning in the late spring or early summer, when the water temperature approximates 70 degrees. The female deposits the eggs in depressions, under ledges and in other protected places. After the eggs are fertilized, the male stands guard during the incubation period. Catfish meat is of such an excellent flavor that It is widely sold in"restaurants and cafes. Small catfish are fried while the larger specimens are cut into steaks which may be fried or baked. its painless presentation dt Jtio* tory and science. Although the summer attendance peak was passed with Labor day. Museum attendance since then has continued unusually high, swelled by the engineers who just closed thafar two-week convocation. Attendance for the first week of September was 75,551 cbmpar«d to 60,475, for the same week last year. The Museum annual attendance hit its first million in 1946. This year it passed the million mark on July 20, ten days ahsad of last year. Total attendance for last year was 1.853,606. <'• First Aid For « Furniture Scratch. Have the youngsters steered their tricycles and toy waguns into the legs of your tables or upholstered furniture? If the scratches aren't too deep, you can cover them by robbing with a nut meat, advises Dorothy Iwig, home furnishings specialist University of Illinois. Tile oil from the nut \rill cover the scratch and do a good camouflage job. If this doesn't want to use an ofl stain to match the color ,of the wood. There are commercial products for this special purpose on the market It is best to use a piece of lint-free cloth, dipped into the stain, and lightly feathee In the scratch, making an irregular edge to blend with the present finish. A deep gouge will take a ltUI* more doing. Get stick shellac «t the paint store. Since shellac darkens with time, it should be a little lighter in color than the 1 wood. Heat a knife- or spatula and touch the heated blade to the shellac just long enough to cause it to run. but not bubble. Let the drippings fill the dent; thai press the filled spot with a putty knife. With a sharp knife, level the shellac to make it even with the surface. Let it harden, and then smooth lightly with very fine sandpaper. If the damage is severe, it may be necessary to insert a patch of wood that haa been previously fi niahed to match the scarred furniture. The damaged section must drat be cut o<|fc» and the patch then cemented Ja place. Measles Rtta Al Agea While measles is of more CKkMMt among the pre-school group, author ities warn that all persons must ha considered susceptible until ths? have had the disease. Help Wanted MEN FOR ALL 3 SHIFTS It midnigU to » A. JL 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sr 1st Shift -- 2nd ShUt -- 3rd Shift -- 4 P. M. to 12 midnight* This is permanent work. Good starting rate. 48 hours per week - time end e half met tine AMERICAN STEEL TREATING CO. T • - "** *"•' "t f ^ , ROUTE91 Between Crystal Lake and McHenq^. PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 1498 T; • yj'.-. X v:f 'it : J

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