Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1952, p. 11

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^ Tf * r * ^ * *• * < THE McHjfifRY PLAWDEALEh v «", < 4' : V,;-W;,'?" ^,C ' "V '•'" "NV ::i' *$**% > * .£ * *NETlte FROM ' ... '". Y -4 Wonder Lake By TttMie StOa " ~ ' Lutheran Chureh '#U< Tlie Lutheran church group •'JlM now purchased a home in iWhich to hold services. It is located across from the Crain farm on the blacktop road which leads to Rt. 120. The first meetlgs were held at the home la&t Sunday. .Purchased with the hpme were three lots, one of which will b$ prepared for parking-. • At the Sunday meeting there ttfere more than 100 persons pre- •Wit and a Sunday school was started. William T. Born, Wooded • Shores, is In charge of the choir that is being started and he is .presently looking for an old- "fashioned organ toHK; Jiae6 at the church. 11 td'"I»fb«Be SwSnioa, telephone WondA- Lake $02. Harrison Book Fair Have you ever browsed through i bookstore ? Pun, wasft't It? You can repeat that pleasure in the Wonder Lake community Nov. 7-8 at Harrison school when the P.T.A. of the school presents a book fair. A small city bookstore will move into the school whef*e suitable books of all types and prices will be on display and available for purchase. It has been /suggested that many of the ®ooks will make splendid Christmas presents. nBOBOBan mm Freshman Day The sta r t l ing sight of, trudging youngsters in galoshes and with amazing hairdresses (girls with pin curls oh one side of their heads and braids on the other . . . boys wearing funnels . tied to their heads by ribbon tf^xjws) caused many a motorist to rub his or her eyes Tuesday. It was freshman day at Mc- Henry high»school arid the regalia worn by the strangely clad ones was ordered by the lordly senior class. - j Both boys and girls wore Skirts (his were upside down . hers was a gunny sack) and all wore earrings. Both __ boys and ' girls were to bring thimbles and <Jtooth brushes to scrub the cement sidewalk around- the school. The thimble was for water! , MeHeary fr.TA Carnival There is "to be a P.T.A." carnival for the McHenry Communityhigh school at Edgebrook school, McHenry, Nov. 15, from 7 to 10 p.m. Mothers of the freshman class at the high school, under chairmanship of Mrs. Roy slwanson, are to supervise, build and decorate booths, run moviesand sell refreshments. : / r reu Jfttient fljenter, "taken £ Fred Sells Collapses ' Fred Sells, Indian Ridge, is a lent at the Read Diagnostic Elgin, where he was Saturday after having collapsed at his home. Fred will be at the Center un- ^til Oct. 14 (a 10-day observation ^period) and then he will be released to either come home or to receive treatment at another hospital. Gospel Church News At our annual Sunday School rally last Sunday, the children presented a fine program to an audience that overflowed <fyr chapel. We were -*rf!cularly glad to see so many of the parents of the children present at this occasion. A young ladies' trio from the Trinity Seminary in Chicago furnished the special music of the hour. In connection with the evening service next Sunday Oct. 12 we are dedicating the new addition to our building -- a splendid Sunday School class room. We extend a cordial invitation to all. Setalerg Have Sen' The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Setzler, Indian Ridge, has been named Dean Staunton. The child was born in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Sept. 30 and weighed a little more than seven alKrands. Dean arrived ahead of schedule . and interfered with a shower planned for his mother on Sept. 30 at the home of Mrs. Lillian Belshaw, where friends gathered without a guest' of honor to bring presents to the expected baby. The Setzlers have two other children, Donna and Joyce. M- m Back From Florida Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dalgopal, Indian Ridge, are briefly visiting ill Wonder Lake at their Oak street home. They purchased a home at Ocala, Fla., two years ago and have been residing there. They are readying their house for a new tenant and will then return to Florida. Undergoes Observation Roy Noren, Wonder Center, underwent a series of observation tests last week in the Highland Park hospital. Any P.T.A. member interested Js invited to attend the annual fall conference of District 26 of the P.T.A. at the Cary public school Oct. 15 from 1:30 to 9:30 L|P.m. Dinner is to be at Cary Country Club and will be $1J25. Reservations must bA in by Oct. *BDQQSIQEiQQ!anQQQ!2EZ!2QE2QQQZ BEFORE mtoGkfic, CWSOU «t PNTASLE GOOD USED CONSOLES and PORTABLES ELECTRIC PORTABLES FOR RENT Come In For Free ^ Demonstration. Compare Value and Performance at yoi^r » Authorised NEW HOME DEALER FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE Salts and Service Across from Hunterville Subd. Phone ^ 664-J-g McHenry, HI, LICENSE HOSPITAL St. John's hospital, Springfield, has received from the state Department of Public Welfare the first license for a downstate general hospital psychiatric unit. Five hospitals • in Chicago are licensed to conduct psychiatric departments. Many patients who become mentally ill can be treated successfully in a general hospital psychiatric unit, according to Fred K. Hoehler, director of public welfare. The development of such units indicates a progressive attitude of the medical profession, and will help to ease a continued overcrowding of stats hospitals, Hoehler said. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS 8i Patrick's Catholic CM Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and ll:SO Daily Masses: 7:00 sad 8:00 A.M. First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:SO and during 7:0b and 7:30 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and :t>0 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursays before First Fridays: 4:00 to :00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. 8t Mary's Cathelk Chareh Usgr. C. t Nix, Pastor Masses Sunday : 7:00, 8:30, MhOOand 11:30. Hol> Days: 6:00; 8:00; and lt:(* Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: S:00 p.m. and 7:11 *>.m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:09 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Chur th of the Lutheran Hwi 408 Join St W. McHenry. Ill Rev. Carl A. LobiU, Pastor 8anday School: 9:00* a.m. | Bwrios: 10:15 arm. Ton in cordially invited t> attend oar services. Mary's by the Lake KplscOpC' Oriole Trail, and Dole Avenue , Crystal Lake Sunday Services: 8:00 and 11:00 AM. Weekdays, 6:30,a.m. Wednesday, 7:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday ano Friday; 9:00 a.m. Thursday, anv Saturday. Church School: 9:80 A.M. Weekday services are held ir the Oratory in the Mission Hoase McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake. The Rev. Donald M. Ledsam Priest-in-charge St Peter's Catholic Ckwch Spring Grove Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor Masses Sunday: 8:00; 10:00 and 11:00. Y Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: :30 and 7:15. St. Richmond, \1L Sunday Masses: 7:00; 10:00 and 11:30. Daily Masses: 8:00. Holy Days: 7:00, 9:00. ReT. Frank J. Millsr 8:30, iCotamanlty HethodM Chnroh of Mclfmry Main and Center Strefts J. Elliott Corbett, Pastto Services: Sunday School: 9t:30 Morning Worship: 'lOrft' Senior MYF: 7 P.M. Junior MYF: 7 P.M. . Official board me£ts first nesday of month, 8 p.m. Senior choir rehearsal, 8 p.m. Thursdays. A cordial Invitation is extended to you and your family to com* and worship with us. Young Adult Fellowship; tiStond Sundays: 8 p.m. McHENRY BIBLE CHURCH Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald Q. Liberty, pastor Sunday School -- 9:45 A.M. Worship Service -- 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic Service--8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, 8 p. m. For other information, write P. O. Box 232, McHenry, ID., or call the R. W. Brooks home. Mt> Henry 601-J-2. 'You're Always Welcome Here." Wonder Lake Gospel Clink (NonsectarlanV Frank W. Anderson, Pastor Services ' 8unday Bible School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 ajR. Sunday Evening Service: 7:41 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 p.m. ' Bring vhe family with yon to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. Rlngwood Methodist /foriMk Rlngwood, 111. Re*. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:80 ChurcSh School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening. St. Andrew's Episcopal Cktrqfe Sunday: 7:30 and 11;00 Sunday School and Family Eucharist, 9:00 Rev. Jon K. Smedberg, pastor Phonp Orayslake 3-2911 PLEDGE FRESHMAN Norman Kersten, McHenry, i| named among those pledged by De Pauw University chapter of Delta Upsilon, national social organization, it was announced on campus today. Norman, a freshman at DePauw,^ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus K6rsteri, Route 2, McHenry. Want Ad*. like freedom, everybody's business. are HARRY B. FRYE, ESTATE A U C T I ON WiDiam H. Russell and William B. Sullivan, Auctioneers - |n order to settle the Estate of Harry B. Frye, the undersigned win pell all the personal property and real state at public auction on the farm located three miles East of Harvard on Route 173, three miles' West of the, village of Alden, thirteen miles northwest of Woodstock, on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1952 1/ Commencing at 1:30 o'clock, the following described personal property, to-wit: MACHINERY--W. D. Allis-Chalmers trac., mtd. 2-bot. 14" plow, belt, cultivator, corn planter. Used two seasons. Disc, drag, Easy-Flo lime spreader, hammermill, corn sheller, Hudson hog feeder, auto, hog waterer, electric; buzz saw* trailer, rub.-tired wagon, conveyor with motor, grain drill, air compressor with motor, garden tractor with attach. (3 JHP.), grain blower with trailer, alum, ladder, roll wire, ventilator, weed sprayer, range shelter, welding outfit, Forney Electric Farm Welder, new. Electric 300 chix brooder, misc. chicken equipment, about 14 egg cases; great quantity of small tools. Also PTO unit. 4 heat lamps. GRAIN--28 acres of standing corn. REAL ESTATE--40 acres of good tillable SOU with good, modern improvements. Exceptional buildings. Title by Owner's Title Guarantee Policy. Terms: 10^ down under contract, balance on delivery Warranty deed. Arangements have been made with a reliable Real Estate Loaning Agency to secure a loan on the above premises. Announcements of terms, rate of interest and so forth will be made at sale. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or. all bids. Usual terms en personal property. Not responsible for accidents. MARJOR1E HAMER FRYE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1 5 - - t . VJL fteprmnialiT* ' fling compensation or p^Mii tor In WorfXttnolr fV* 14 ^disability or dtftth, insurance, in WOOOSlOCK Oct. 14 j education and training, guaranty j M of loans for horns, farm or feiirf* / The Rockford Veterans A*S-iness, medical and dental cart, istration office announced that | etc., through^V. A/s risitlng rsfh j. .their representative shall be on \ resentative. duty in Woodstock Tuesday. Oct j v- A.'s representative Titfts 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the j Woodstock fevery second Tuesday : U. S. post office, second floor, iof each month to assist local Veterans,of all wars and the|area veterans and veterans OTf- ^ Korean campaign or their de- ; anizations on all affairs pertaihpendents may receive informa- jin^ to V Ation and assistance in the pre- i : ^ paration and presentation of Need a Rid>ber Stanyf ONgT claims for V. A. benefits, includ- ' :t now at ttie. Plaindealer. !?"• *0* i&eitnoiCtfa/vE. nunc housiwaus 4 ft. CANISTER SH (•mpoct, medem, l«rg* copocity. toty t» dtwi-btmtiM far yNn. $3.49 COOKIE JU. mtdwt connttn. (1.49 MUD 101 K|1 baf sin. lit awak aldM| fSMm. SMfey. an't ml. $4JS PANTRY »T.KMps dry foods fmh. $1.98 3 ft REFRIGERATOR MSI SIT. Soft, <emped-«esy t* WASH IASKH frw- Ikally indntrurtiblt. can't rvtt out $2.91 CARtASE CONTAINER with ctvtr $3.79 SALT x rimi sn CM tilt, >!• rif «in( m* iRkMpt (jOtf/UHU THAT CANT CMP, KRORFAOC V I HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHO* 1S« S. Green Street PHONE M McHenry, "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" Christ the King Catholic Chsreh Wonder Lake Rev. James A. Yanderpool, pastor Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 A M. Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00~A. First Friday: 8:16 A. M. Catochism* Sunday, 9:00 A. Confessions: Sunday, 7:30 A. nnd 9:30 A, M. 8t John's Cathelic Cksreh Johasbsrg kitrr. Joseph M. Blitsch, Pastor 1 Masses duday: 7:90; 8:30; 10:00 and It: 30. Holy liays: 7:00 and 9:00. Thursday l»efore First Friday: 1:80 and 7:10. ZIOB Ewwclteal Lutheran Chsrdl A U C T I O N ED VOOEL and WM. RDSSEIX, tmlWHn The undersigned having decided to quit farming, will sell at public auction on the old Washington Sayles farm located one mile south of 111., then % mile east, on Fifteen Hill road, on SATURDAY, OCT. 11, AT 1:00 O'CLOCK SHARP 26 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ,84 HOLSTEIN CATTLE--11 milch cows, new milk and close springers; 3 springing first-calf hfrs.; 1 open hfr.; 3 yrlg. hfrs.; 4 hfrs. about 6 mos. old; 1 yrlg. steer and 1 bull calf. TB and Bangs tested, and^ all calves have been calfhood vaccinated. All of these c*tfci„ except 4 head are from Northern Illinois Co-op Artificial breding, nrart, second and third calf heifers. TEAM OF WORK HORSES AND HARNESS. MACHINERY--F-20 tractor on new rubber; cultivator attach.; S4t> tracftor disc; JD 2-bot. 14-in. plow; JD corn binder; IHC silo filler; McC.-D 4-roll corn husJcer; rubber tire wagon; rack; iron wheel wagon; set dump boards; IHC hayloader; hay rak»; manure spreader; 8-ft. grain drill; grass seed attach.; 70-ft, 6-in. drive belt; 5-ft. McC. mower; corn planter; 80 rods Wire; fertilizer attach.; 3-sec. steel drag; walking plow; cultivator; electric drill; buzz saw attach, for Foul tractor; 3 hog houses; 1 pig feeder. MILKING EQUIPMENT--Two single unit De Laval Speedway Magnetic milker, motor, pump and pipe for 14 cows; milk paila; strainer; wash tank; rinse tank; water heater. PEED--Approx. 20 tons of alfalfa and brome hay; 166 bales oat straw; approx. 12 ft. of silage in 12-ft. silo; quantity of ear corn. TERMS---All sums of $25 or under, cash. Over that amount, 6 months credit, payable monthly, will be granted on notes approved by the clerk, arrangements to be made before purchase. Settlement to be made on day of sale. GUS GRATTON and ORRIE SAYLES, OwnST STATE BANK OF RICHMOND, Clerking L '# 'AiWM PICTURES mAMCD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Haaaaaa j PER R0U tm H6M frac M ULNU08M *mjm The instant ^our beautiful Cadillac points its golden crest into view, it begins to say wonderful things about you. It says, almost as plainly as if the woftfc were written out, that you are a person of achievement in your own world of affairs. It talks of your good judgment and your splendid taste--and indicates your sense of responsibility for those who ride with you as passengers, or drive beside you in the traffic lanes. It speaks of your family and your home and your friends and your way of life-- and, in general, paves the way for the respect of those you encounter as you sit at its wheel. This is true because those who own Cadillacs form a virtual "Who's Who" of America's highways. In almost every community in the country, Cadillac is rhff favored car of the leading people. The reason for this, of course, i? foetid in the history of the car itself. For fifty years, it has been the unwavering purpose to make Cadillac as fine a car as it is practical to pAjduce. Goodness has always been the watchword--craftsmjUfc* ship has always been the creed. J » As a result, Cadillac has long been known and accepted as--"The Standard of the World." And, inevitably, people who want and seek the finest have turned to Cadillac. That's why the man who sits at the wheel of a Cadillac is an accepted and respected member of the most distinguished motoring family to be found anywhere. , If you are ready for membership tn thit incomparable group, better come in and see us soon. How about making it today? $' WATCH THE FOOTBALL GAME OF THE IVEEK EVERY SATURDAY ON NBC TELEVISION Wattles Drug Store "THE HOME STORE" Kain SlTMt PHONE 358 MeHtoir.m OVERTON 400 Front St. CADI LLAC-PO NTIAC Cor. McHenry Phone 17 i-a.ifei.ii s

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