mmrm Thundaf. October 16, 1852 . \ *-.4' *. ^ THE PLAUfDEAIJEH . -• < 4 - ^ % "K;:< :.'*.\ • . , v y ... npo-. OKI By pip. Gertrude Makafake '* er The annual election of officers of the Cullom-Knoll association held Sunday, Oct. 6, 101 :30 a.m. at the beach house. • "Mrs. Pauline Sheriff, vice- rdent, acted as chairman of election meeting, in the abfltact of Mr. F. W. Bailey, president, being on vacation. The names of the eligible mem- ,j|berR were read off by the acting 'Aieeretary, Mrs. Be*ty Poledna, In the absence of Mrs. Linda Belts, who was ill: Ballots were then distributed top these eligible members, and upon their vote, the results of the electiqp was as follows: President, Prank Poledna; vicepresident, John Boyle; secretary, Linda Betts; treasurer, Emma Pyrit*. ; f' Two trustee office's which were vacated by Anton Hocin and Gerald Burg were filled by Lee Sawdo and Qene "Pietrowski. As Mr. Poledna was ejected president, his position as trustee was vacant, and was 'filled by , Swan Born. Seven new members were also taken in at this meeting. Including these seven, the total jiumber of members to date axy «hirty-eight. By this we mean these thirty-eight people have paid one-quarter dues ($3.00) .towards this new fiscal year, Sept. '52 to Sept. '53, or half ($9.00) or the full $12. Last year the Cullom-Knoll association had eighty-one members. Sixty-two of this member- Ship paid their full dues. With this small amount of money, the JJlub managed to furnish snow •^ow service, . also have^ quite a few roads fixed--yet you can- I not expect the impossible, and that is what it will be. if there will be only thirty-eight members. So c'mon folks, we can work so well on the voluntary basis, if we have,vour cooperation, but without it, it just can't be done! So, join your neighbor, and keep that membership "roll- ^Con^»tulation«r,,""toT"^r.' an<l Mrs. Ted Olsen, Sr., on their 46th wedding anniversary. Oct. 20! May we wish the happiest future and many more years of wedded bliss to these two wonderful folks! Sunday, Oct. 5, was the birthday celebration of George and Pat Kosti's son, .Robert who was 1 year old. His birthday party was held at his grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. Stoller's home in McHenry. Little Bobby's r other grandmother, Mrs. Sophie Kosti. was also' there to help him celebrate. Other guests included Mr._ and : Mrs. Geo. • Costa of McCullom |L a k e a n d n u m e r o u s o t h e r ifriends of the family. | Little Bobby had a wonderful birthday and We wish him; many happy returns of the day! The newly elected officers of the CullomrKnoll association, are toady and willihg to help you keep our community a happier and better place to live in! " Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bailey have returned from a ^wonderful week's vacation in Wisconsin. Our many thanks to Mr. Bailey for his many efforts as first and 4»%st president of the CUllonifcnoll association. You did a wonderful job! • . Here's a cute little iftcideht we forgot to put tin last week's column! "Two weeks ago, Mrs. T. Olsen, Sr., invited her daughter-in-law^ Mrs. Marge Olsen, to "have lunch with her and her lady friends on the day of the ladles Thursday club. The members of this club include: Mrs. T. Olsen, Sr., Mrs. G. Kiddleson, Sr., Mrs. Martha Wike, Mrs. B. Erickson, and Mrs. B. Schaeffer. After these ladies had all arrived, Mrs. Olsen introduced her daughtar-in-ffcw, Marge to them. Well, that's when things started happening' By the time the afternoon was over, Marge, with her sweet personality and charm, won the love and admiration of all these nice ladies, who insisted upon her honorary membership in their club, and so it was, with teafs in her eyes, Marge Olsen, the sweetest person anyone cpuld ever hope to know, accepted this honorary membership of the ladies, Thursday bingo club, USED RUGS For Sa1e TIDY RUG CLEANERS These Rags are Trade-ins on New Rugs, said Carpet*, by keen lor sale a$ «M WASHINGTON SC. WOODSTOCK, m n J - • - with I feeling of deep pride and joy: , Mrs UiMki Betts is sle#* <-& covering from a good case of the "Mumps"! Linda, who was very embarrased about the whole thing, at her age, says she feels better now since the > doctor told her about having a patient who was 40 years old and had the chicken pox! Well, folks, guess it just goes to show you we're just "kids at heart"! Get well soon, "Lin"! May we also again extend our thanks to George Costa, our road commissioner of the Cullom- Knoll association, for the past year, and who was elected unanimously again for this position this .year. George certainly deserves a lot of credit, $s he was up in the wee hours of the morning to see that the snow plow reached everyone last year. Also during the repairing of roads last week, he spent many hours grading and shoveling himself. We really appreciate this, George, and thank you- again, for doing such a wonderful job. You are truly, indispensable! Fridri, Th« 13th, Safe . Daf To Start Vacittoi*; * Afraid to start a trip on Friday the 13th? Actually, says the _ National Safety Council, fewer people are | killed or injured in traffic acci- | dents on Friday the 13th than on Saturday the 14th--for the | simple reason that there is more traffic on Saturday than on Fri- ' day. ! "Accident Facts," the Coun- ! cil's statistical yearbook, which J is just off the press, shows that 121 per cent of the 32,500 fatal • motor vehicle accidents touft year | occurred on Saturdays. Sunday was second highest, with 19 per cent of the fatal accidents. Then came Friday with 14 per cent. Monday and Wednesday each had 12 per cent jf the fatal accidents, and Tuesday and Thursday 11 pelf cent. Saturday also led the list last year for all motor Vehicle accidents,.^ including those causing property damage as well as injury, with J.9 per cent occurring on that day. Sunday was next with 16 per cent. New Yorkers Like Factories I feortnc Chicken jr Twenty-nine out of every 100 i When you bring a chicken home porkers in New York state are fac- from the store, vash it, wrap it j tory workers, compared with 25 qut loosely in wax paper, and store it ' of every. 108 in-ttitt'efct of tlii 4 in yottt ^ifrigerstor until eookiftg j country Ume. CROP REPORT All areas of Illinois are in good shape as regards corn maturity, according to the latest report of the state and federal departments of agriculture. More than half the soybean crop has been harvested. Although th# ground is dry in many sections, 40 per cent of the winter wheat has been seeded, somewhat mor4 than at this * time last year. A Slight improvement in pasture! is noted in southern Illinois. War" was never formally declared against the Confederate States in 1861. B O D V REPAIRS ROAD SERVICE Experience.and conscientious effort . . . the two primary reasons for our proud reputation as automotive experts! en next you need auto repair service see us! ^3; DOWNS NASH SALES . j" . . .. J _ • *v*Vf •••» *L - v»; , , . v«r; ' KU IN FUM6 JUl PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vital as any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians' specifications. 1 d ••re • 4 ,1 l*4, N Y E COcilqr <>eu tffqeric^ St< : W PIANOS ' s or ORGANS ' - * • See ^ fttn largest andV ' finest selection In the JFqx Valley \ -- «»v We buy, sell, trade, ani service all makes. ^ • Open MM. ft FrL tU 9 P. Ml 26-28 N. Grove Phone 6-8148 ELGIN, ILL. i - : "Buy with Confidence?' •>t; a UN YIII1R flWH tec Rt.120 ft 31 118 II* Rivtrildt Drift Phon# 26 s V,r r«j | r. Vj p \ - u, K •• - ^ ski 'A -v . vv ^ * r v-ft-: m You do it. every day ...and that's what makes progress..,that's what imkes Ammat Select Your Own flouh en Pot Oldsmebiles OlDSMOBUt %yWra-W«ic Suprr Drirr, Pmwtr StMr. Ml. Autrtmic-Evr optional mt «fr* e*W. Mquipmmt. eccnaorin awl trim UlusthUtd iuhi*ct to ckanfr .uithoui natk*. ' ' / \ ' brtugh Its Paces f -- Come in . . . choose your course . . Ill take a ride! You're invited to give this anr "Rocket" Engine Oldaaiobile your own kind of demonstration. You'll be amused how this briUiunt Super "88" responds in every driving situation. And that's not all! There's Oidsmobile Power Steering* for effortless parking--Hydra-Malic Super Drive* for soooother power delivery. Come in and give the "Rocket" your own Kit-- give Oidsmobile a try before you buy! On November '4th, you'll be doing it to elect a President., ' i£'" But the same freedom to make up your own mind to choose ... is something you exercise, every day. You don't step into a voting booth to do it. You walk into a Store. You ask for the brand of coffee you like best. You walk up to the drug counter and make your own choice of tooth pastes. You dr|ye down the street *.. and turn into your choice of service stations. lil MW ITwWiw W CMNvy R9nl W NMSnCI And The Ohio Oil Company and the thousands of other independent businesses in the oil industry know you ait free to choose. And every one of us knows that the only way we can make you choose our product over our competitor's is to do a better job than he docs, offer you something better than he does. Fortunately, in America, we're free to do that. Each of us in the industry is free to work harder, improve ods, do everything necessary to make our product a little better than the other fellow's. And when he catches up with usy to make it still better. M that is That's why two gallons of gasoline in your tartk, right now, will take you as far as three gallons did, back in 1925. And without a penny's increase in cost to you, except for taxes. That's why today's service stations are so gleaming, modern, inviting. That's why neW methods of exploration, drilling, transportation and refining have been developed . . . why so many new miracle products of petroleum have come out of research laboratories. It's all because of this freedom of choice you have. *.Wnd the freedom which privately-managed companies like ours have to compete for the you castt «wrp time you buy a petroleum product• Ml ve«a niakist onmobiii maiii - ' •***•*£• R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES ILLINOIS - NEBRASKA •i'gSAfi' ' The Ohio Oil Company Producers of Petroleum since 1887 jfe serving you better and better for 65 years This advertisement appeared in 196 newspapers on October IT, 1852 in the states of: INDIANA -- KANSAS -- KENTUCKY -- LOUISIANA NEW MEXICO -- OHIO -- OKLAHOMA -- TEXAS -- MICHIGAN -- WYOMING 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY, muj ' . . . 1 • His TV.FoeChall (fauns of the Week Every Saturday On NBC Televlslop" ,, :,^ CARLSON OIL COMPANY Phones: McHenry 422 and uwri iitrimi 11111111111111111111111 A I IIIIII'MUill'flllltiniMI II1111 III III11111111IIHHM IWMIIffitllliHBMIIfllltf't'ltl 1111111II1111 EUiMltl tt 111 M LI 111 111 11111 III I IBtUW IUI»miimittUI IlillKttlllUI I tnttHttRtHMH •4