#17"r^v »-*» v s.«-|T, ?• T> 1W- ' i :: Tfc^T.No^mUr 6.' 1«T **< • * ~>".-^ • "*< * * "" '"'V ' «3fc • . >, -wmst^ •'"'-'•YF §IF?r* ; :•/:. €^r THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER *""* ' V ,., : C. H. s: NEWS wiim#-' on NOV;' 14. Ncft ottfythe cast itself but the committees are hard at work to get costumes and other props. We hope to see all of you attend this event. ,•. ^ Volleyball Teams Pick** ; The volleyball season is starting now anff we have a' lot of girls out!! Last week, Mtss Taylor held a special meeting after tweeli noW and the next meeting or at the meeting. „ Next meeting will be heftl Nov. 12. Student Council News The Student Council met on Friday morning for their regular meeting. The main issue discussed was a semi-formal Christmas dance which the council has planned for Dec. 20. Doris Bauer school for those girls who want!was sel®cted to inquire about }y Judi Roesch and Doris Puhler 1 School Has Dental Exams High school dental exams have ust been completed. Notification ilipB will be sent to your parents Indicating conditions of your teeth. We are hoping that a great many of us now have 100 percent ^perfect teeth or that they are* under treatment. ' This concludes all of the special examinations such as physical, visual screening and dental. > We want to thank all students for their fine cooperation, and the students who worked in bringing the students to room 214. They are Helen Tronsen, Dolores Smith, Shirley Glosson and Doris Fuhler. Mrs. Eulien, the health nurse, would like to give special thanks to our local dentist for their friendliness and willingness to lender their service to us. If anyone was absent from Class during the dental erams, please, consult • his or her own dentist. Annual Subscriptions Taken This past week, subscriptions for the annual have been sold daily in the conference, room. Subscriptions could have beeru purchased by making a down aayment of $1.50 and then make 8ne payment of an additional dollar. Or you could have payed the full price of $2.50, and not have any payments to worry about. F.H.A. Meeting Held A regular meeting was held t)ct. 23, in the place of Mrs. Van Sells, who was scheduled to give a talk on vocation. Mary Hogan president, asked for the nominations for chapter mother. '#Mbse nominated were: Mrs. Buss, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs, Glorney, Mrs. Wirfs and Mrs. Engh. Mi'?. Glorney was selected to F.H.A. chapter mother for 1952- 53. A discussion followed as to whether they should have a Christmas party or not. It was decided to have one and several committees were organized. Several girls volunteered to .•ell candy to the G.A.A. girls after school each night. They are Betty Wright, Shirley Conway, Donna Raycraft, Shirley Berthoux, Barbara Glorney and? Val Cappell. Miss Mildred Read, the state F.H.A. * advisor, visited all the homemaking classes Oct. 29. Driver's Meet .There was a meeting. in the auditorium concerning the people school. Mr. Buckner said that there are a few people who drive carelessly around at noon and this must be stopped. He pointed out also that there is only one other school around here that allows the students to take their cars out at noon. So, all students who drive are urged to please be a little more careful so that you do not deprive the students who need their cars at school of their privileges. Work All The Time, It seems that Mr. Yanda and the poor kids on the band never have any rest. They just got over wqrking so hard on entertaining the people at our last home game and now they are in the midst of another worry, the county festival which will be held in Woodstock on Feb. 16. A select band of about ninety pieces will be chosen from alt applicants in the county. Also there will be a 90 or 100-voice select mixed chorus.. Some of the numbers to played and sung are: "Born to be Free" by Williams. "Come to the Fair" by Martin, "The American Troubadour" by Scott, "Hymus" by Fielitj and the Wilhousky arrangement of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic.' Junior Play The juniors are working hard on the play which is to be given to be referees. About 9 came out and had their schedules arranged. They began on Wednesday when freshmen and sophomores picked teams. The respective captains and team names are: fresftimen, Marilyn Watson, "Mums": Diana Pieroni, "Petunias"; sophomores, Delores Mercure, "Lilies": Shirley Thurlwell, "Tulips"; juniors, Marian who drive their own cars to Springman, "Lilacs", Carol Engh, "Gardenias";v seniors,/Pat Owen, "Orchids", Pat Goran^on, "Roses". The first game is Nov. 3 between the juniors and seniors. Exams Here Again - As this comes** out the' students are taking exams. As usual they are stretched over a period of lH days. Each exam is 55 minutes long and each student is requested to stay in the examination room for the full time. They will start at 8:30 until 11:25 and 12:25 till 3:20, on Thursday and from 8:30 till 11:25 on Friday. Science Club Give* Demonstration The McHenry voluiit'eer fire department visited the Science club meeting Wednesday night. They showed the members new and moVe efficient ways of administering artificial respiration. They first demonstrated these means on each other. After that they had various students perform the same methods. Also they showed the use of the resuscitator and inhalator. The club decided on membership dues of fifty cents payable to Richard Yokeley anytime beband. Other committees will be selected later. Ideas of the activities of other student councils were given and discussed. Several of the suggestions could be worked out in a school of our site. These, too, were put aside for further discussion. Since Friday was our last football game of this year, a pep meeting was suggested and agreed upon by the Council. The teen-age center was also discussed and we were informed that the Chamber of Commerce has planned' to sponsor it again this year. • .„v Mrs. Gertrude. Makofske Is slowly recovering from a bad case of flu. French Dressing Like a French dressing for fnilt salads, especially the citrus variety? Add some honey to the dressing and use lemon 'juice to replace vinegar in your regular recipe. JTFGED RUGS For Sale_ TIDY RUG CLEANERS These Rags are Trade-in# on New Rugs and Carpets by Lees for sale ait 604 WASHINGTON ST. * WOODSTOCK, ILL. McCullom Lake News (By Mrs. Gertrude Makofyite) served. sandwiches, cake and ca£» fee!- • May We remind you Wse are very Jiappy to report that Jimmy Boylet; who underwent an emergency appendectomy last week, is recovering wonderfully, and is already up and around. You were a wonderful "Scout"' all the way, Jimmy; and we're very proud of you! The first trustee meeting of the newly elected officers of the Cullom-Knoll association was held Saturday night, Nov. 1, at the home o£ Frank Poledna, president of the - club. .During tnis It was also agreed that president, Frank Poledna, appoint a committee to make the proposition of amending th£ rate of the folks, if you wish to help and dp summer residents to $6 instead your share, see or phone Fraail -of $12 as stated in the by-Jaw3! n t „ , _ ._r_ i J : Poledna, John Boyle, Emma Pjh I The meeting was then closed ritz or Linda Betts. or any of j with a little social get-together; your trustees, and they will be meeting, the following commit- j afterwards! Mrs. Betty Poledna • glad to accept your membership! tees were appointed: George jwas the charming hostess who Thank you! Costa, road chairman; park and] ' : I ^ beach, Lee Sawdo and Gene Pietrowski; entertainment, John Boyle, Ed Hammerstein, Sr.. Chester Helwig and Swan Born. It was agreed at this meeting also to have the McHenry Sand & Gravel company take care of our snow plow service again this, winter. May we stress again the importance of your share at this time, by joining the club. We all benefit from this, so why. not pitch in with the rest? THANKSGIVING TURKEY AT St Marys Feather Party ON Sunday, Nov 16,1952 . AT 8 P.M. m THE PARISH HALL tflNGSIZE Q U /\ L_ i T V snapshots m r ALL fICTURES %¥lAA$a> AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ! PER ROIL Wattles Drug $ -THE HOME 8TOREMaln StrMt PHONE 358 McEtou?. IB. . •. with Remington "Express" and "Shur Shot" shells that g i v e you . . . . • SMASHING POWER • LIGHTNING SPEED • PERFECT GAME-GETTING PATTERNS We have a fresh supply ... so get your Remington shells now I RgmMtw Mi V * C I T A L ' S HAQDWABE SHEET M^TAL SHOP 1*2 OBBBN St, . . PRONE M lteHfeNRY, OA. AUCTION Tony Stavros Having decided to discontinue farming, will offer the following 98 acre farm and personal properly for sale at Public Auction on the farm, located 3 miles east of Lake Zurich, 111., 2 miles north of Long Grove, IVz miles west oi Route 83, on tfee pld McHenty road and Vz mile north of Rt. Commencing at 11:00 o'clock 29 HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE Including 10 Springers, 14 Milking Cows. I Holstein BulL 2 Yearling Holr stein Bulls, 1 Black Angus Yearling BulL Poultry: 200 Yearling Leghorn Hens. 70 Head of Feeder Hogs, 6 Brood Sows. > Farm Implements 1 MteC TD 6 Caterpillar tractor, i 1950 1 McC Model It tractor, 2 yrs. old 1 " old McC Modieell H (tractor, 4 yrs. old John Deere GM tractor, 6 yr». old, and 4 row cultivator JD Model LA tractor, complete with four seeders and vegetable bar ' AC Model WD tractor, 1952 JD Model 116W automatic baler. 1952 jp Model 12A combine M H Clipper combine McC Model 2M corn picker 1 JD Model 490 corn planter 1 JD 50' elevator with. jack. and wagon hoist 1 McC 14" 3 bottom plow McC 16" 2 bottom plow 560 gal per minute Irrigation Pump, complete with Chrysler engine 1 John Deere 7' mower 1 McC 10' double disc drill, 2 -- years old - 2 Lindsay rubber tire wagons, complete with grain boxes 1 John Deere side rake 1 McCormick 8' disc 1 John lieere 9' disc 1 JD Model E manure^ spreader 1 3-section drag 1 Meyer pressure sprayer 1 High-Boy manure loader -- John Deere 4pk>r International H or M 1 JP 14" 3 bottom plow, power trol i 1 JD 4 row rotary hoe 1 jJD 16" 3' bottom1 plOW 1 10' Easy Flow fert. spreader 1 John Deere power duster Electric fence posts and fencer Milk cans; Electric hot water heater; Forks and ShovelA Many articles too numerous to mention TRUCKS 1 1949 GMC cab over engine tractor and 1947 Fruehauf open van trailer 1 1937 International truck with //VI rwrrm. stakf body 2000 Bushels of Ear Corn. 30 Tons of Alfalfa and Timothy Mixed. 100 Bales of Straw and 18 ft. Silage. TERMS: Feed"and all «nn« of $35.00 and writer cash. Over that amount >4 cash, balance six months time on good approved notes with interest at SS.OO per hundred, plus recording fee, when repaid in six monthly installments. N6 gedds to be removed until settled for. Nof responsible for accidents. 0 FROELICH & BEHM, Auctioneer* Arlington Heights Xattoaal Bank, Arlington Heights, III., Clerk. 98 ACRE FARM AUCTION 98 acres of good farm land'to be sold at 2:30 p.m. Located on old Me* Henry road. V2 north of Rte. 22, in Section 14 of Ela Township* I Terms to be made known on day of sale.. >" - • • Put a man behind the wheel of 9. Golden Anniversary Cadillac--point it to a desti-/ nation some hundreds of miles avtfay--and try to stop him! And small wonder! .• In all the world, there is no finer relaxation fqr a work-weary man than a day's drive at the wheel of a Cadillac. Try it sometime, and See for yourself. The moment you slip into the driver's seat, you'll sense, that something extraordinary is about to happen to you. The car has a "feel" to it--even when it isn't in motion. You sit right. The wheel falls naturally into your hands. You look out through the big curved windshieldover the beautiful hood and into the distance-- and you know that ^this is //"! And then you turn the key and the great engine whispers into action--and the day's fun begins. First, there's the silence--only the soft sound of the wind slipping by--and the occasional tick-tick of the ele^fric clock. And then there's the comfort-- the easy, soft ride over almost any type of road. And-next, the handling easel The steering wheel moves with the weight of the hand. There is remarkable steadiness on bot$ straightaway and curves. And the big, easy» acting brakes give you added confident! every time you touch the pedal. -1- So the miles go by and the miles go by. Towns and villages appear and disappear* "What's that? It's time for lunch? "Okay--but let's make it quick and easj. We'll have a big dinner tonight." .- • * * Don't yc^i think jrouV likfc to own the car that can make a journey such a great delight? * If so--come in and see us--any time* WATCH THE FOOTBALL GAME OF THE WEEK EVERY SATURDAY ON NBC TELEVISION OVERTON CADI LLAC-PONT1AC Co. 40O Front St McHenry Phone '•i a# t