Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1952, p. 5

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•MwEL"lP % ~ f rr-r»'r^f AThursday, November 6,1952 McHenry Plaindealer THE McHENKY PLAINDEALER •VV . . BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE FOR RENT HELP WANTED Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. ,* V<£)ELE FROEHLICH, Editor. Plaindealer Want Ads t No ads counted leas than 25 «*ords $1.00 minimum. j, 1 insertion $1.00 r ( C o u n t 5 w o r d s p e r l i n e ) _' * ,25c service charge on all. blind Ids. Cash with order. , ykrd of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum " Want Ads close promptly at 10 . Un. Wednesday. i^' SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Tear $3.00 *.;> u. Entered as second-class matter fV. at the postoffice at McHenry, III., Wider the act of May 8, 1879. "A itf.ji.r AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS •i- Accessories and Seat Covers U.. COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY tg; 409 W. Elm Street pi Open Week Days 9 A.M. to • P.M. Sundays 9 A.M. to 1 PJM. WINDOW SHADES -- or VnenAN BLINDS -- New line of rv movable slat and Bauflex original blind* ana tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE & VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651- M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat storage and refinishing. Johnson Seahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104 % S. Riverside Drive. McHenry 1076. 18-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's SJacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co, 000 Main St, West of Northwestern depot. 15-tf FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANSV IL L E HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wall fill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl St., Mc- I Henry. Phone McHenry 18. l#-tf | FOR SALE -- Spotted, Polandj China boars. Frank Jung, Rt. 2, I Richmond, 111. Phone; Richmond 1826. *24-8 FOR RENT--Modern furnished 4-rm„ 2-bedroom . house; storpi windows; fully winterized; oil heat; with garage; $65 month" Tel. McHenry 534-R-l. • 26 OFFICE GIRL WANTED FuU Time Office Girt Wanted CESSPodfes and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10-tf MASONRY CONTRACTING Brick, Stone and Cement Blocks Fireplaces, etc. J. F. LOFF V Phone McHenry 574-!*-* 13-tf FOR SALE -Trumpet, satin siV ver finish, $50; Royal Standard full 120 bass accordion with case, $150; Thor automatic gladiron, like new, originally cost $100, a bargain at $50. A. W}edenhoeft, Oakhurst subd., phone evenings, McHenry 572-W-2. 26 FOR SALE --Estate gas range, 41 years old, perfect condition, original price, $400, will sell for $75; also Frigidaire refrigerator. $35. Tel. McHenry 560-M-l 26 Jl-tf FOR SALE--1949 Chevrolet cab over engine, 2-t<-n with 14-ft. van body, new tires, A-l condition. Central Garage, Johnsburg. 5-tf ^ FOR SALE--2 K-B-5 International trucks with boxes.. Both in good *; working condition. Phone 127-M * or 799-M. V--' *2« i BUSINESS SERVICE WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN | WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, re- | pair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telej phone 167. 26-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordian. Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistdkee 633-M-l fr-tf FOR SALE--Sewing machine, $10; Royal vacuum cleaner, $35; Kitchen steel top oil stove, $30; Metal boat, 12-ft., $60. Phone 223-J. 26 & 4 ' & ' PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Dieltt, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf OKAD ANIMALS--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night. Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf ' ALLAN ELECTRIC Wiring for Light and Power Radio and TV Sales Sc Service GRAND Ave. & RUSHMORE Rd. Opposite Grant High FOX LAKE 7-2751 t3-6 I PARAKEETS - $5:95 Raised in our own aviary by control method from the celebrated Hemsley talking strain. Metal cages, $2.50 and up. Hemsleya, on Grand ave., opposite railroad depot, Fox Lake, 111. Phone 7-1841. Store hours: 9:30 to 6 P.M.; Fridays to 9 P.M. Sundays to 1 P.M. House phone McHenry 419. Order your Xmat Bird now! 7 26-tf RALPH L. CLAKK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 902^Garfield Road. Harvard, Al Phone 74S-R 37-tf FOR SALE--2 Steel I beams, 20 ft. long; also 4 inch steel posts, " ft. long. Call McHenry 682- M-2. *26 FOR SALE GARAGE DOORS WOOD S3CTIONAL 1 Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. *. KEN LEIBACH Sales, installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf 910 WAVE -- $6.5C Beauty Shop 11 Marylane Huntervi]i«j Park Subd. ALICE MAIIIE BLASKIS Phone 705-M 23-tf V WEDif>HO C AND IDS Throughout the whole eventful day from Ktflne, Church, Reception. In full album form. MAX F. KOLIN McHenry 566-W-l ' ,. ' ' Chicago HA 6-6557 »-tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing, good condition, for entire family. Formals. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment, Resale and Antique Shop % mile west of Terra Cotta factory cn Rt. 31. Phone: Crystal Lake 1346*R-1. 22-eow FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfttl Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE--Speed hoat; 23-ft. Hacker Craft; very good condition; Just overhauled and aew seat cushions. Can be seen Lot 39 Orchard Beach, McHenry. Call Wahl. McHenry 52-M. 51-tf FOR SALE Dolls - Doll ClKhing - Wigs, etc. Repairs & Replacements MclIENRY DOLL HOSPITAL On Pistakee Bay Road, one block east of Old Bridge in McHenry. Phone: McHenry 664-M-2 26-6 FOR SALE -- Two piece maroon living room set; 9x12 beige rug. Tel. McHenry 708-J. 26 FOR SALE - Practically new Winchester No. 12, 410 ga. pump shotgun. Phone 294. t 26 FOR SALE - Priced For Quick Sale - Honey maple desk, maple couch, maple Chairs, maple coffee table, lamps, combination radio & phonograph. Phone 1031 -R. 26 FOR SALE --- Oil flolor .furnace, automatic controlled. 1 year old Phone 196-R. 26 FOR SALE- Ladies' ski suit, size 14; Ladies' riding jodphurs, size 14; Also ladies' boots, size 7. Phone 545-W-2. 26 FOR SALE- $15 each. Apartment size gas stove, oil heater and coal heater. Phone McHenry 580-J-2. •26 FOR SALE--Alcohol Anti-Freeze, 188 proof. Special 79c in customers container. McHenry Department Store, 103 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. 26 A small car with BIG car-Eeaturei MINOR Its specification reads Just like a bl*car s.Lockheed hydraulic brakes. Independent frontwheel suspension. Special rust-prooflng gives permanence tofine finishes. And there's convenienceandeconomy, too. Easy to steer, to park, to garage, to buy and to run.' TWO DOOR SALOON A real family car with elbow room and head-room for four adults. Lively 27 h.p ensrine Fuel consumption 35-40 miles per grallon FARM PROBLEM. What farmer INSISTS on the work shoe that's super-tough and buckskin-soft -- stays SOFT after every soaking because it's triple-tanned? Ans: Why the farmer that's tried WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES of course, 'cause once a man's worn them he'll never, never wear any other kind. At PlTZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 S. Green Street • McHenry, 111. 26 On TELEVISlON~oTRADlO; you can bet. There's no finer fix that you can get Than that done HERE, - so come, or phone, known! F. M. RADIO & TELEVISION 206 E. Elm Street McHenry, 111, Phone 979 . 26 FOR SALE-- Stoker in good condition, priced reasonably. Call McHenry 108-J. 26 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot anto schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf The passengers experience no fatigue even on SEATING FOR COMFORT ridinsr comfort. WITHIN WHEELBASE ivr~ 7 CUBIC FEET FOR LU66A6E Note that spare tyr» can be lifted in and out without MMifrtac luggage. "MONO-CONSTRUCTION ' BODY k CHASSIS A feature now in many costly oars. Substantially adds to Btren^tte, y*t reduces weight. FOREIGN CAR SALES" DIVISION OF SWITZERCRAFT McHENRY, ILL. FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel. Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT--3 rpom*nested apt.; stove, refrigerator, hot water heater. Adults only. Call McHenry 742. 26 FOR RENT--1 4-room & 1 5- room .apartment in Johnsburg. Phone: McHenry 87-M. *26 FOR RENT--Large 12-car garage for storage or other purposes. 209 E. Elm St. McHenry. 26 FOR RENT--3-rm. year 'round home in McCullom Lake; suitable for couple. Call McHeniar 656-M-l. 26 FOR RENT -v Two 2-bedroom homes in McHenry. $50 and $80 [ per month. Knox Real ^ Estate Phone 4?1-J. 26 FOR RENT--4 rooms; bottled gas floor heater; $40 per month, 1-yr. lease, walking distance to town. / -- also -- 3 bedroom year round dream home on 4 beautiful pine tree lots. The monthly rental that you pay will be applied as a down payment if you desire to purchase the home. $125 per month. PosseMion at once. P. J. SKIBA ft CO., Riverside Hotel IHdg. ^ " Phone >MrlIenrv 91S ll( Must Be Accurate. Good Opportunity. RIVERSIDE MFG. CO. McHenry's Oldest Industry. Next to N.W. depot 2# FOR RENT J- On Pistakee Bay Nicely furnished 5 room heated apartment; all utilities and garage. $10# per month. CairPistakee 711. 26 FOR RENT- 1 and 2 room hotel apartments; also 3 and 5 room homes furnished or unfurnished; also for sale modern and new 5 room homes. Call evenings, McHenry 560-M-2. FOR RENT - Furnished 3 rt>om duplex, with Imsement, bath and hot water. $15 per week. Tel. 627- R-l. 26 HELP WANTED OUTDOOR MEN 17 to 80 ' To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUOONDA 223S or CARY 2643 18-tf HELP WANTED -- - Carpenters and carpenter helpers. Call McHenry 511-R-l after 6 P. M. 21-tf HELP WANTED--Admiral needs women for part time work, 9 to 2:30 daily. Apply Admiral Corp., McHenry, 111. 18-tf HELP WANTED---Truck--driver* and laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 3221. 25-tf HELP WANTED--Married couple for farm work. Beef cattle, no dairy; heated, unfurnished, mod*i ern apartment; wife to do some, work in house. 21-2 miles south of McHenry on blacktop. Wm. Bockman, farm manager. Tel. McHenry 892-R. »25-2 HELP WANTED--Men - 18 or over for outside, year round work. Union scale. Call McHenry 1167-R. •25-* HELP WANTED--Surface grinders. Apply Lake Tool Co., 214 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 1730. 25-9 HELP WANTED -- Upholsterers and upholstery cutter and sewer. Riverside Customs, 307 Pearl St, Phone 1085. *25-4, HELP WANTED - - Experienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sales, Rts. 31 & 120, McHenry. 111. Tel, McHenry 484. 26 HELP WANTED WOMEN Light Assembly COMET CORPORATION Johnsburg 25-tf HELP WANTED--Television and radio repair mah. Must have experience on televisions. Call McHenry 979 or apply at F. M. Radio Service, 206 E. Elm St., McHenry. 22-tf HELP WANTED -- Girl experienced in bookkeeping, ^general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State age, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-tf Announcing the Opening of the McHenry School of Music, Thursday, Nov. 6. Enroll your I child in our 4-week beginners' j trial course. Four private lessons, j four band lessons. Piano accor- j dion furnished free for home prac- . tice. All music furnished. Total cost $10. Payable at $2.50 a week, j 209 Elm St. (at intersection Park j St.). For information call Wood- j stock 662, main office. 26 j MISC.--Before you get to old to I cut the mustard anymore, ball j Mrs. Wynne Jolitz for piano play- j ing at McHenry 531-W-l. I aim to please. „ *26 j REAL ESTATE ADMIRAL NEEDS Assembler* - Wirers Solderers - Packars Inspector* and Analyzers No Experience Necewwrf APPL* At ADMIRAL CORP. 807 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached Complete $9,00C Easy Terms AIR8PUN BUILDERS « Phones: McHenry 511-R-l and Wonder Lake 2798 38«U STOP WISHING START ACTING Ambitious woman with car for $aleswork. No investment. Write to Box 298, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. »26 PRESS GIRLS WANTED -- To operate our automatic pressing machines. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West McHenry, 111. Next to Northwestern station. 20-tf ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100 x 200 ft. Lots in . '• JAK-ANA HEIGHTS about two blocks north of Johnsburg, overlooking the beautiful St. John's church grounds, if you like to live out of town, or intend to retire, till* 's the place live, F#r Infoiniunaon call at our office or phone McHenry S7. JACOB FRITZ--REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg. TeL McHenry 87 ^ * 14-tf FOR SALE -- House for .sale. 6 rooms. Located 210 Richmond Rd. Call Wonder Lake 3845 or McHenry 429-R. Steven Freund, adm. *17-tf stretch your drydeaning dollar at our low, low prices Save Safely McHenry Cleaners 108 Elm Street McHeaiy, Hv PHONE lftt~M We give and redeem Gqld Bond Stamps. REAL ESTATE A GOOD JOB TR our McHENRY BUSINESS OFFICE for alert capable youn£ woman, 18 to 26, with good scholastic background. " • Good starting salary. Frequent increases. (4 your 1st year) . 40-hour week (Monday through Friday) If you want more than just a job, come in and discuss the advantage of a telephone career. See Mr. Wilburn, 101 Van Buren St., Woodstock - or call collect, Woodstock 9995. 26-tf FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE NEAR JOHNSBURG and Pistakee Lake, 4 room ranch type i home, garage, corner lot,, only $1,500.00 down, bal. terms, for appointment call our office. Also WONDER LAKE, 4 room home, 2 bedrooms, glazed-in porch, garage attached, oil floor furnace, electric water heater. One block to beach. HELP WANTED Full Time Bookkeeper • 'Ideal Working Conditions • Top Wages • Paid Vacations Apply McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 LOST AND FOUND LOST--Brown brief case, containing business papers, men's bifocals. Very important to owner. Reward. No questions asked. Please call, McHenry 697-R-l. 26 LOST -- Hampshire Boar Pig. Weight 250 lbs. Phone Wonder Itake 3823. 26 MISCELLANEOUS PLANT NOW HOLLAND BULBS Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths. Crocus. Large selection. Reasonable prices. Elm Street Florist, 300 W. Elm St, McHenry, 111. ' 22-tf JACOB FRrrZL- REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 23-tf FOR SALE -Year round cottage, Rt. 120, Lakemoor. Call after 6 P. M. Walbrook 5-7328 or write Wilbur Schuerr, 5425 Justine St., Chicago, 111. *25-3 ATTENTION BOWLERS We are still taking orders on bowling shirts and blouses. Merrill Wool Store, Rt. 12 & 120 in Volo. Call McHenry 682-M-2. ~?S6 RBAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE McCullom Lake -- 4 room year round home, side drive garage, on 2 lots, $7500. Possession at once. -- also -- 4 rm. brick bungalow, full basement, side drive, 2 car garage, only $9500. Bring deposit and take possession. P. J. SKIBA & CO., Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone McHenry 91S 28 FOR SALE-- An ideal summer or year 'round home, now rented until June 1, 1953, at good rental for winter; cottag£ at Wonder Lake all on one floor; 2 bedrooms, each with closet; large living room; floor furnace heat; large kitchen #nd range; full bathroom; wonderful view of lake from glazed porch, 20x16; all storm sash and screens for entire home; insulated; warm floors; porch piped also for heater; utility room and garage; heated; attached to home. Elm trees in front; cement walk and curb. Can add 2 ,or 3 rooms in attic; fruit trees bearing. Call McHenry 456-M. 26-2 HELP WANTED -- Experienced lady bookkeeper for general office j work, typing, good starting pay. ! Write to Box 260, c/o McHenry | Plaindealer. 50-tf I I HELP WANTED--Part time service station attendent. Experienced preferred. Phone 905-R. 26 HELP WANTED Lady, for ^ull Time Office Work. Ideal Working Conditions Top Wages Writ® Box 10, c/o MtHenry Plaindealer SALESMAN WANTED Are you qualified to take over an established territory in your immediate district? Home nights. Top earnings. National advertised line. Will introduce man selected to present users and will train you to be successful. Must have car. Write Sales Manager, 701 S. 42nd Iti/Omaha, Nebraska. 26-2 Wanted - 2 Men to work in our Production Department on late shift - from 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. • Liberal Bonus For This Shift ?aid vacation after six months' service. Paid sick leave after two months' service. Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan. See us Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 soon. The Edwal laboratories, Inc RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS Telephone Wonder Lake 2411 '-VHOUSES FOR SALE : "Midwest Homes - 4 to 7 rooms. Low in cost. High in quality. All houses custom built to your specifications and floor plan. .Beat the winter weather with our one day shell erection. Write for free catalog or visit house on display. Merton S. Baker, dealer for Midwest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St., Sycamore, 111. 26-4 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Bookkeeping, accounting, financial statements and all office detail. Full or part time. Write Box 291, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 21-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Will care for child, aged 2 to 4 day or evening. Inquire at 412 John St., McHenry, 111. 26 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for yom homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We sell your property If your pi Is right. X LEG A L S JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATF in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 27-tf . WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk ears. Ed Marsh. Phon£ McHenry 563-R-l. 23-tf N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF A PETITION FOR THE DETACHMENT AND A N N E X A T I O N OF SCHOOL TERRITORY. Notice is hereby given that a County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois praying that the following described territory be detached from District No. 118 in Lake County, Illinois and annexed to School District No. 156 in McHenry, County, Illinois: All of sections 5 and 6, Township 44 N, Range 9 East, McHenry County, Illinois. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on said petition before said County Board of School Trustees of McHeary County, Illinois as a special meeting thereof on Monday, November 17, 1962 at 7:30 p.m. in the County Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, at which time the prayer of said petition may be supported or resisted. Dated this 20th day of Qctetii|| A.D., 1952. County Board of Scho9) Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois by Richard L. TazewaO* ' Secretary* (Pub. Oct. 23-30, Nov. 6) WANTED TO BUY -^ Hospital bed and sick room equipment. Call after 6 p.m. McHenry 271. 26 WANTED TO BUY -- Twin r.ize beds with springs and mattresses. Must be in good condition. Phone McHenry 378. 26 COAL PRODUCTION A sharp upturn in Illinois coal production is revealed . in "the monthly report of the state Department of Mines and Minerals, which lists an output of 4,445,- 356 tons in September, as compared with 2,582,060 tons in August. The September production came from 40 strip mines which turned out 1,747,422 tons and 99 shaft mines which hoisted 2,697,934 tons. N O T I C E The Mayor and City Oounc&4#: the City of McHenry, County of -McHenry, State of Illinois. repre-> senting the property owners and acting in their interests, will receive sealed proposals at meeting to be Jjteld Monday. November 10, 1952. 8 P. M. at the City Hall of McHenry for plans titled "Improvementa to Allen Avenue". Plans, specifications and contract forms for the eonstructiott of 'Storm Sewer, Curb and Gutter | and Bituminous surfacing may be secured in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. * EARL R .WALSH, CUy Clerk of McHenry, mbwli (Pub. Oct 30 A Nov. •) f HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS HITCHHIKING LOW * States in which hitchhiking i> illegal are: Arkansas, Colorado, Connectict, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York, Ohio. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah. Washington. Wisconsin, Wyoming and the District of Columbia. Ariaona, California, Maine, New Jersey and Texas prohibit the soliciting of rides while standing in the roadway. 'mi --- ftur Maimf -- wllv P Aifrt Several fbMi 1.1«y 1 Gd. Svptr KmhT«C» $4.98 2# Get a $1.39 S«p«r Ciskin Ralkf-Keoter far ealy $ .39 3.SAVC$1.00 mIM $S.45 tdL SAVE WITH THIS SBPEI KEM IIUtE CUPfli GEO. OOLLETTE, Oww 1M lIvacaM* Drive PHONE 4M MeHewy, Open Sunday Mornings 9 to IS Noot We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. .'j, .kdskrii \ As*, "it

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