faot •I . i • *srv*«; - -»• r,','*tf'( {tA^f' ^iuv.- tHE McHEHRY PlAINDEXLEtt Thursday, November B. 1952 eRIN GWOOD jjfw George ShefOrt ^ Mrs- Pete Sebastian entertain- . fd the Women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock r dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. E. 3 B. Whiting and Mrs. Letter , Carr. " The bunco club was entertained in yie home of Mrs. Thomas Doherty at McHenry Thursday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was 5 served. Prizes were awarded to m Mrs. Georgie Thomas, Mrs. I^ick * Young and Mrs. Nick B. Freuad. Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. •i Chaneey Harrison and Mrs. Jdhn ~ Hogan attended a Home Etureau J meeting at the home of M.rs. •» Milbrandt at Wonder Lake Tttes- * ia y . m Mrs. Robert Thompson • . and * Mrs. Luella Stephenson -of Mc- * Henry were callers at the home •» of Mrs. James Conway Tuesday * afternoon. * Mrs. Wm. McCannon. Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Lester Carr ^ and Miss Mae Wiedrich were visitors at the radio program "The Man on the Farm," at :--labertyville Saturday morning. Frank Walters of New Loftidon, Iowa, Miss Cora Walters and Mrs. Floyd. Howe of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis . Hawley home Friday. Mr. and ,Mrs. C- L- Harrison " visited their daughters a.nd families at Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent the weekend in the Harold Stanek home at Elkfoom. Wis. Mrs. Emily Beatty attended ' a birthday party Sunday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Glen Jackson, at Richmond honoring the birthday of Glen Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and son of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron were Sunday dinner guests in the Qeorge Shepard home. Miss Charlotte Hogan of Champaign spepnt the weekend with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni were dinner guests of relatives in Chicago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Oscar Berg and Miss Mae Wiedrich attended a Home Bu- • nsau card party at McHenry, Saturday evening. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin Spent the weekend with her JBPther, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith flilld family have moved to their new home at Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock spent Saturday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Winters .have returned home from a vacation at Hot Springs and other places of interest. I Mr. and Mrs., Lenard Brown of Clarendon Hills have adopted a baby boy, James Arthur. Wm. Cruickshank spertt the past week on a business trip to Toronto, Canada. Mr«. and Mrs. Kermeth Cristv and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy attended funeral services fcr their brother, Harry, at Waupaca, Wiis., Saturday. Wm. Cruickshank attended a Shorthorn cattle sale at Mason City, 111., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry iHinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank spent Friday evening with their, daughter, Mrs, Costello, and husband at Woodstock. Mr. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, went to Midway Airport Sunday, where they met Mrs. Muzzy, who returned home from Los Angeles. Calif., where she has \ been visiting her daughter: and family. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the Dr. Hephurn home. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank visited her daughter, Mrs. Lovelette, and family in 'Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donahue of 'Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday evening in the Wm. Claxton home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Roder and family of Racine spent Sunday in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkirik and family of Chicago, Lyle Ehlert of Twin Lakes, Herman Ehlert of Wilmot, Mr. and Mr3. Russed Ehlert and daughters of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert of Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago, Dean Ehlert of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Boners Lake spent the weekend in th<> Fred Bowman home. They are all helping build a new home for their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert, next to the "Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkingtcn spent Sunday in the Clarence Hopper home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Philps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, J?r Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington attended funeral services for his aunt, Mrs. Cornelia Marble, at IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right Woodstock Saturday morning and were dinner11 guests in the Lester Edinger home. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, were Sunday dinner guests in the Jack Lenard home, at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Bolf Brennan and son were supper guests there. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday in the Albert Ebel, Jr., home at Marengo. The W.S.C.S. entertained members of the W.S.C.S. of Woodstock, Greenwood. McHenry and Hebron at a luncheon in the, church hall Friday. After the luncheon a. program was held in the church. Mrs. Sample very ably opened the meeting, which included Open Hymm. prayer by Mrs. Collins, dialogue study in W.S.C.S. by Althea Walkington and Florence Kane and vocal Bplo by Mary Ann Wiedrich. Our missionary in Africa, Miss Marian Deyo, who gave a very interesting talk on her work there There were seventy-five women present.- The Round-up club held a party in the church hall Saturday evening. The Senior M.Y.F. Groups of the Ringwood and Greenwood churches held a party in the church hall, Sunday evening. The W.S.C.S. well be entertained in the home of Mrs. John Hogan Thursday, Nov. 20. "Die 4-H County Achievement program was held in the high school at Richmond Saturday evening. Top honors went ta Charlotte and Mary Hogan, who each received the pictures "The girl at the open hajf door". i nrs . Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, Meryin and Deloris Diedrich of Johnsburg and Patsy Ehlert of Richmond attended the show at Genoa City Sunday afternoon. 110 j | "by, Marie Schaettgea USED RUGS For Sale - TIDY RUG CLEANEHS These Rugs axe Trade-ins on New Bogs sod Carpets by Lees for sale a£ 604 WASHINGTON ST. WOODSTOCft, Education of Orphans of Veterans The American Legion and its women's Auxiliary are greatly concerned with the problem of educating the orphans of veterans. Of course, throughout the nation there are • concrete examples of our efforts in this direction. In Illinois, at Normal, we maintain a group of cottages where orphans, both those orphaned by death and those orphaned by that even more tragic incident, the broken home, are housed and educated. But all orphans of " veterans are not „ in Legion-sponsored homes and the many thousands of those others present very special problems. For them the Auxiliary provides many scholarships, educational 'loans and forms of state or federal aid are also available to the orphans of Veterans who desire a higher education. Surveys of children of deceased veterans in For Applied Roofing - Siding Tiling - Garage Doors or Materials Only la' CALL FRANK CANS Sao RIVERSIDE DUVI PHONE 767-W ' Representative far Saaw. Roebuck &TQb. "--FREE ESTIMATES^ their communities have been made by many units of the Auxiliary in order that these children can be placed in touch with educational opportunities when they approach college age. \ Each year the national ^president awards ten scholarships to daughters of deceased veterans, providing $600 to each of them for first year college expanses. An increasing number of nurse's training scholarships are being offered by the American Legion and Auxiliary to help increase the number of nurses available for the armed forces, for the care of disabled veterans and of civilians. With the ever-increasing number of World War n veterans' orphans reaching the age for higher education, the Auxiliary is endeavoring to expand the educational aid activities to meet the growing need. In our McHenry unit, Mrs. Lenore Cooley is bending all her efforts as chairman of the committee for the education of war orphans toward making this important phase of the Auxiliary's activities a success. Don't forget to get your tickets for the cooking school to be held at the high school on Nov, 19 at 2 p.m. Sponsored by AK thoff's Hardware. DON'T MISS ITl- •Sermsd* Cedars For more than three ceaturisS> Bermuda cedar has played a larft part in the lives of the ishtpderSt Until they learned to build their houses from the Aeolian limestone Just beneath their soil, they built with the fragrant cedar. In cedsr ships, they attacked Spanish gat leons making their easting in Ber* muda latitudes. They have long made cedar ornaments and furniture. f| The custom of celebrating, births, weddings, and other event* by planting commemorative cedart. has been practiced for years. ALTHOFF'S I. Q. is the abbreviation for Intelligence Quotient. N0RCR0SS CHRISTMAS The Mbst Beautiful Litte In America Now On Display AT BOLGTER'S DRUG STORE We givg and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. ---- GREEN ST. • PHONE 40 McHENRY,. ILL* WED. NOV. 19th L i ke the f c>mous pony E x p r e s s , R O P f q d e P e n d a b i l i t y a l w ° y s c o m e s t r o u g h v-~ There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 WINTER MORNING ! Come and Get Your THANKSGIVING TURKEY AT It Mary's Feather Parly ON Sunday, Nov.16,1952 AT 8 P.M. IN THE PARISH HAU -- SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vital as any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians' specifications. N Y E ((/cilqrecn cjt'jiii,, Drwj St or* There's nothing like a good night*! rest to fljve you that "gr«aM<*-boalivo" fooling. * Sound »feep is so important to good hotalth! Slip under a comfortably warm, electric blanket this winter ... see for yourself how swell you'll feel I Simply set the ac curate control for the waFmth you like best... just one light weight blanket is all you need regardless of the weather. Sleep relaxed ... wake re/axed every morning this w/nferl Toko Your Choice-- Electric bedcovers are available in blankets or sheets ... with single or dou We controls... in twin or double bed sizes--at prices ranging from $31.95 to $67.95. ft At little « $3.30 down ... balance as low as $2.00 a month. Phono today ... have an electric bedcover delivered to your homol SUSP IN COMPORT /...RELAX UNDER AN 'Wku am QE3? •*. • T" You'll live happily with a dependable n«w ^ "America's Finest Gas Range'y This Range plus many other household appliances will be on { display at THE COOKING SCHOOL 1372-XOPJ Here's superb quality lor jthe years ahead iThis talented ROPER will serve you faithfully day in and 'day oufc With it you'll enjoy the advantages of Alltrol *Center-Simmer" top burners i % : "Insta-EUme" lighters [ i i : b i g " B a k e - M a a t e r " o v e n w i t h i n t e r i o r l i g h t i n g a n d j \pX-Ray"oven doori:: "Easy-Glide" broiler ::; and handy 1 timer.- Come in and see id Floor space 26-9/4 x 36 in. i A SIMILAR STOVE TO THE ONE PICTURED « ABOVE WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AT THE COOKING SCHOOL THROUGH THE COURTESY OF ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE TO BE HELD AT THE McHenry Community • High School See the newest' electric bedcovers at neerest store or 119 N. Riverside Drive Phone -26 3 PUBLIC COMPACT OF NORTHERN lUItfOS "Sponsored by* " AMBON LEGION AUXILIARY TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY OR PURCHASED AT THE DOOR. ALL PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED TO THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY. ALTHOFF'S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" PHONE 284 501 Main Sireet McHeto*jf lit