"•s' *<; '4-' >.,r../^- • . « i-^T pe>-;2$p KWP 3? 7-ItoT«DA«rm 1952 3.1 "L.JLjsI • A., . t. •'•.^ -.' ". . THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McCullom Lake News (By Mrs. 'Gertrude Makofske) by Mrs. Linda Betts Were sure you've all noticed something new has t~eri added to Orchard Drive! Fes,"it's those beautiful new yellow and green awnings which really make a striking appearance by adorning the home of Mrs. Langley Benefit. Sr! « Mr. and Mrs. Art JHuhlfeier ,4fve a'so enbanced their home Ta Orchard Drive by a beautiful awning over ttjeir front entrance and decorative iron railings. These railings, incidentally, were a wedding anniversary gift from Mrs. Stuhlfeier's mother, which •was truly appreciated by Art fad Maude! Last Friday, Mr. and mW. ' #Vlix Matzat, Sr., were enjoying a fi'om their daughter, Edith, and her hubby, Joe Schiffer, and their three children,«, Joe, Jr., Cathy end Jeanie, who live in Morten Grove, when later in the evening, their daughter Rosemary, of Chicago and son, Felix, Jr., with his wife and son, Allen, of Rockford,* "111., also drppped fn unexpectedly, makihg, it a wonderful get-together for everyone !! # May , we wish little Allen Matzat a very happy birthday on Nov. 21, when he will reach the ripe old age of £ years! Belated congratulations Art attff Evelyn Burg, the proud and beaming parents of a son. ^John Alien, born Oct. 14, weighing in at 6 lbs., 5 oz. Sunday, Nov, 2, John Allen was christened at St. Mary's «lurch, and his godparents wero ene Pietrowski and Mary Burg. Later in the evening a delicious supper was served to the guests, who included members of the family. Thursday night, Nov. 13i as Evalyne Levesque got ready to attend ^ihe Pinochle club gathering, of which she is a member. , and which was at the home of &rs. Betty Baumbeck, she had no idea of what the evening held in store for her! When she arrived, the hostess, MrSj Shirley Rowe, and the other metubers, who include Mrs. Betty Baumbeck. Mrs. Betty Houck, CTIWHaiililll!liiri:iti;ililnpi aaiiailil 1:111 liiii iii;i;ma-i;i i iiimim laiiwaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiatuBri )Mi^s Beverly Houck, Mrs. Marge Olsen and Mrs. Theresa Schiiltz, were all there! Everyone then proceeded to sit down and have an enjoyable time playing pinochle. About the fourth gaqie, the roof almost caved in when Evalyne laid down her hand of 1000' Aces! "Evie" had been dealt seven aces, and drew the eighth cut of the "blind" L Well, as you can imagine yourself in Evie's shoes, her knees got weak and nearly dropped in a "dead faint"! We don't know the statistics on how many times this has happened, but we do know it's very rare!! You can be rest assured that these gals, especially Evalyne, wont forget that night for a long- time ! May we say again, "Evie", vhat was terrific playing, arid your thrilling experience eouldn't happen to a nicer person!! Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olsen, Sr.^ will be sailing for Norway Marelj 25 on the SS Oslofjord. This will be Mr. Olsen's first trip in forty years, and it certainly v, will b« quite a reuniorfe for all their rel atives. This trip„ will also be a wonderful experience for Thomas Edward. Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen, who was thrilled beyond words to know he would be able to accompany his grand parents on this trip. These days to come will find Mr. jand Mrs. Olsen busy shop* ping for gifts for-tflteir relatives and getting their luggage to- IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing tether fof^ tills forthcoming trip. They will also take their caaboard ship, and therefore have their own transportation while in Norway. « We just know this will be a tremendously happy trip for* you all, and all our good wishes are included too! Last Sunday afternoon, Lorraine Kvetko was truly surprised when her hubby, "Scotty", gave a surprise party in honor of her birthday. All of their . friends who were guests had a wonderful afternoon of fun! Sunday, Nov. t. 18, was a big celebration for the Jerome B. Steinbach family of Knollwood. •Their new daughter, Ann? Catherine, was christened at St. Mary.s church, with Msgr.iNtx officiating at the baptism.( Her godparents were Mrs. Afijbld Anderson of McHenry and Wm. Steinbach of Round Lake. The baby was attired in a christening dress which has been in the family for forty-four years, and also which her mother wore! After the services, dinner "was served at the Steinbach home to their guests, who include Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steinbach, Mr. and Mrs. John Steinbach of Chicago, Miss Ann O'Neil df Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Jtisten of McHenry. Jerry, the doting Papa, Is now back to work after a week's vacation at home getting acquainted with the new baby! Theresa ahd Evalyne of Jake- Will's Food Shop, with tears in their' eyfes, had to sell their "well kfiown" jalopy, which gave them three years of faithful service, but just couldn't take it any more. The girls will now have to break in their newly bought '36 Oldsmobile to carrv on!! Piflt Ntoe Perhaps many of you folks do hot know this, But. Jake-Will food shop is closing at the end of the month. Jake and Evalyne, Will and Theresa at this time would like to thank their many customers and friends for their loyal patronage in the past, and may we in turn say "Thank You'* to them for always being so cordial and pleasant to deal with. We'll miss you, folks! Happy birthday to the following: Judy Murray, Noy. 13; Mrs. Art Miller, Nov. 13; Will Schultz, Nov. 20; Mrs. A. Stuhlfeier, Nov, 23* * .• Remember, iJf you htv« news, please call McHenry C73-R-2 before Monday noon. Subscribe for the Flaindeafer Dra't Waste Vegetables Leftover cooked vegetable* tMm be mixed with fresh raw ones like cucumbers, cabbage, celery, green peppers, or tomatoes in salads. ^V^Towing BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular., cheek., aps. and maintenance by oar experts means -lower ear rests lit }••! We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, HI. Phone 811 Residence 91-R Service V. F.W. r- OLD TIME , EATHER PARTY This Saturday Nite, November 22 V. F. W. CLUBHOUSE McHENRY* ILLINOIS EVERYBODY IS INVITED! Donuis & Coffee Served = Get Yoilr Thanksgiving Turkey Here! §| iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiHHiiie There is No Substitute Fer Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 TURTLES OLGER'S. DRUG STORE A *4, GREEN/ STREE--T PHO--NE ^4# . McHENRY, ILL. / uble Gold Bond Stamps Friday, November 21st. "IIIIIIIIIIIJlfllililllllilllllHIIIIIillllMHIIIIMIIJIIIIIHIIIIIIlilllllll.l'IIIIIHri'llirilinilililllllillll You don't have to pa fancy prices lor a tru*y nderiul whiskey. Buy Guckenheinier--and y°u will see what we »ean! MktKICAN * M. a e tarting a \ But reliable statistics kept by a great tire manufacturer show that certain Cadillacs in its testing fleet have 1 approached a million miles--with amazing recoraslSr over-all economy. Naturally, when you take possession of a new Cadillac, you are not thinking of owning and driv- Happv, happy man! His time has come to own the car of cars * . . . and there he goes for the first thrilling ride at the wheel. ; • -, But what an additional thrill he would have if he could look down the long, long road that car will travel before it comes to its final stop! for.then he would know, bevond peradventure^--_Jng it for such a spectacular distance. that he has just taken possession of one of the Rnf think wKaf tliK'nlipnnmpnal mechanical masterpieces of all timeK t Accurate records of Cadillac mileage'are seldom kept throughout the car's whole span of life. For the ayerage Cadillac has a succession of owners--and its - accumulative mileage is thus difficult to compute. And it means, of course, that the value of your Cadillac will endure. Even its second, and third, and fourth owners .will find--as thev pass the car along But think what this'phenomenal endurance foretells for your own period of ownership!. " It is your finest possible guarantee that the thrill and the satisfaction of your first mile at the wheel will go on and on--until, with reluctance, you pass the car along to another proud and happy owner. -- that its relative value is amazing. There is almost always a demand for a Cadillac, regardless of its age. Of course, the great thrill of owning a Cadillac comes from the^vr'a jiiarvelQuj perforniance and its wonderful prestige. But it is so nice to reflect, as you sit at the wheel, that your pride is practical--and that your satisfaction is coming from a sound investment. Is it time for you to think about a Cadillac? If so» we would be happy to see you any time. -- , t1>jG co.. INC.. I"-. T^E AMERICAN ®ISTI^!.* grAIN NEUTlRAL SPlMl# . 86 PROOF » T2W* ^ A Favorite Whiskey the World Over WATCH THE FOOTBALL GAME OF THE WEEK EVERY SdTURDJY OX NBC TELEVISION . OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC Co. 400 Front Street McHenry Phone-- 17