Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1952, p. 7

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wmm. •v iVi THE MCHENRY PUUNDEALEB hM Vsg* Stvfli Tlrarwiay. Daeambar U.MS2 MeHevy Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, ni., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURPEINDT, Gen. Manager. FFESLE FROEHJJCH, Editor. 25 Plaindeakr Want Ada No ads counted leas thaw *orils $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion ~ $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) ' 28c service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. "3ard of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 fan. Wednesday. r ^ L. ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATB t Tear \ $8.00 Entered as second-class matter at the pos toff ice at McHenry, Dl., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE PLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 AM. to . F.M. SnndGjrs 9 AJL to 1 PJH. 11-tf FOR SALES--1949 Chervolet. cab over engine, 2-ton truck with new tires, A-l condition. Central Gaigja, Johns burg. 30-tf BUSINESS SERVICE ACCOUNTING aad BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, Estates. All State and Fedaral Taxes. ELMER P. ADAMS Fox Lake 7-4*01 80-10 ^ PIANO TUNINO Also for Bale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W. Woodstock, Dl. Bl-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kilt*, ffltay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf OBAD ANIMALS--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs: no help needed to load. Day and night Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36-tf BUSINESS SERVICE JSAFHIC WIMMIO CANDID6 rhroughout ue whole eventful day from l&ime, Church, Reception. In ftill album form. MAX F. KOUN McHeary 5M-W-1 CMeago RA H667 CHARCOAL SKETCH > PORTAITURE Call Jane Weiss. 223-R-4. IIS Country Club Drive. 31 MASONRY CONTRACTING Brick, Stone and Cement Blocks Fireplaces, etc. J. F. LOFF . ftoae McHenry S74-M-2 13-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair an<? install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 1€7. gfi-U kUSIC INSTRUCTION ; In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordiaik Clarinet and Saxophone KARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 0S8-M-1 RALPH L. CLARK , Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 902 Garfield Road. Harvard, 111. Phone T48-R 37-tt FOR SALE 1 WW <<$ • FOR SALE FOR 8ALE --T junns»iuuis- VILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl 8L» McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. l#»if JOHNS-MANSFOR SALE -- Spotted, Poland- China boars. Frank Jung, Rt. 2, Richmond, 111. Phone: Richmond 826. *24-8 FOR#SALE--Blonde bed, spring, mattress, practically new, 3 pieces for less than the price of the mattress. 2 five-drawer, unpainted chests, for les9 than th j price of one. 52-R. Evenings or Sat. and Sun. 31 Wt KATUM DMHl FMW *•* by OWH Mff to, * Bwlilnl BMiImi «f TW Saaar Mff. C*. Hjtm* *M WXM-FMHI VENTILATION * THAT PAYS! 7 S*** P*^U%t WunUtot Stoetf StU€4 7&e/ tm r># Otmlh T«|n« SITUATION WANTED Will • -care for babies in my home Mc- Cullom Lake, 549-R-l. 31 DAIRYMAN'S 5UPPL.Y CD. • •BOX 34 McHENRY, ILL. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for yon homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property If your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATE In Johnsbarg TeL McHenry fl 27-tf FOR SALE--Ladies red gabardine suit, size 14; also ladies dresses, size 12, and 14. Reasonable for quick sale. McHenry 517-M-l. 31 FOR SALE--Chrome dinette set, table • and 4 chairs, $10. Combination book case and writing desk in good condition, $25. McHenry 596-J-2. 31 FOR SALE--Baby grand giano. Reasonable. McHenry 089-R. 31 FOR SALE -- 15x16** Wilton Rug, Davenport * chair. Good condition. Reasonable. 544-W-l. 31 FOR SALE--One pair of boy's Johnson's Hockey skates. Size 6. Like new. McHenry 51-J. 31 FOR S ALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The WallfiB Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE Dolls - Doll Clothing - Wigs, ete. Repairs £ Replacements MoHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL On Pistakee Bay Road, one block east of Old Bridge in McHenry. Phone: McHenry 664-M-2 26-6 FOR SALE--Hereford Cows - 20 good big dehorned TB and Bangs tested cows. $120 a head. .Geo. Steuer, phone 620-R. Fairfield, la. *30-2 FOR SALE -- Christmas special "New Home" Sewing ^Machine. Up to $50.00 for your old sewing machine. - Freund's Sewing Machine Sales A Service. Phone 664- J-2. 30-2 GARAGE DOORS WOOD S3CTIONAL itial, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Speoially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf ; $1* WAVE - f&SC Beauty Shop 11 Marylane fiuntarvilte Park Subd. £ ALICE MARIE BLASKI8 Flume 705-M 23-tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat storage and refiniahing. Johnson Seahorse Sales and 8ervice. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104% S. Riverside Drive. McHenry 1076. 18-tf FOR SALE -- Fuller brush and cosmetic Xmas Gifts. Orders may be placed by phone with your local Fuller dealer. Ted Rietesel. Phone Wonder Lake 4293 30-tf FOR SALE -- Factory SSconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.00; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St, West of Northwestern depot. 15-tf FOR SALE--Sofa with slip cover, excellent condition. Wonder Lake, 4622. 31 FOR SALE--Like new Smith A Wesson 38 .Special Military and Police revolver. $50. Will only sell to bonafide police officer. Phone, Wonder Lake, 2803. 31 FOR SALE--Pair of ice skates with shoes, size 10, used twice. Best made, child's sled. 2 feather beds, pillows, chairs, tables, etc. Phone 658-W-2, afternoons. 31 FOR SALE -- Lively furniture, parlor and dining room sets, lounging chairs, antique secretary desk. Very reasonable. Call 658-W-2, afternoons, v 31 FOR SALE--Studio size piano full key board $200. Bendix console comb, record player A radi6> Phone 114-W. 31 FOR SALE -- New 4 . burner bungalow gas range with attached kitchen heater. Reg. $189.50. Close out special $129.50. Vycitals Hdwe., Green St., McHenry, 111. 31 FOR SALE--2 prs. girls white shoe ice skates, size 4.- Pistakee 558-Rrl. . 31 FOR SALE--Double bed (without spring A mattress). Limedoak, with book-case head board. Like new; reasonable. Phone: McHenry 667-W-l. 31 newly 31 FOR SALE--Hide-a-bed, covered. Call 767-J. ' This Is How To Spell Goodyear "SUBURBANITE" Safe on wintry roads || Users rave about it B est accident prevention XJtmoet traction# even on ice R eplaces chains Belongs on every car A miracle in tire safety N<10 winter driving worries Inexpensive, if/fou use our recaps Tbey perform aVn d are guaranteed like new tires !IC arly ordering assures prompt delivery SEE THIS NEW SENSATIONAL WINTER TIRE RECAP AT P Marticke* Nixon, inc. Recappers & Vulcanizers GOODYEAR DISTB1BUTOBS »11 s. ELM STREET MCHENRY, ILL. % PHONE 424 FOR SALE -- Young Roasters, 2I/2-SI/2 lbs. 25c lb. Young Roasters, 4-5'/Z DM, 18C •>, Stewers--28c lb. Also--Geese and ftiuskove Duck*. All live weight. Large doll buggy like new. A. W. Schafer, 1st. House North of Rt. 120 on West job, come in and discuss the ad HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Girt experienced in bookkeeping, general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State age, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. . 9-tf ADMIRAL NEEDS Assemblers - Wirers Solderert - Packers Inspectors and Analysers No Experience Neoeaaagf A*"FL» AT ADMIRAL CORP. 007 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. HELP WANTED--Television and radio repair man. Must have experience on televisions. Call McHenry 979 or apply at F. M. Radio Service, 206 E. Elm St., McHenry. ^' 22-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sales, Rts. 31 * 120, McHenry, III. Tel. McHenry 484. 28-tf FEMALE HELP WANTED Address and mail postals at home. Each ord«tr pays $1. Instructions, •25c LENDO, WatertoWn, Mass. 30-8 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO.' "a friendly place to work*" Opening in our McHenry Business Office for a poised, intelligent, young woman (18 to 26 years old) who likes to meet the public. Good salary to start. Four raises 1st yesr. - 40-hour week (Monday through Friday). * If you want more than just a McCullom Lake road M-2. Phone SOSSi FOR SALE -- Least expensive and most beloved Christmas present for your child. Part Shep ard puppies. Will hold for Christ mas. Very reasonable price. Johnsburg Airport, 600-W-l. 31 FOR SALE:--Combination radiophonograph; mahogony console; like new; reasonable. Call Mc Henry 697-W-l after 5 p.m. 31 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near de pot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drite and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT--Furnished Apt, 3 rooms and bath; at McCullom Lake. Oil heat and electricity furnished. Electric stove, refrigerator. Tel McHenry 535-W-l. Mra Bennett. 31 350 ACRES FOR RENT--Dairy farm, McHenry County. 50*50 share basis. 230 ac. tillable; 73.atael stanchion drive-thru barn; good fences. Modern residence. March 1st, possession. References required. L. B. ANDERSEN A CO., INC. Wheeling, Illinois Telephone -- Wheeling 53 31 FOR RENT--5 room apartment, heat furnished. 541 Main street; Close to railroad depot. Call McHenry 999. 81 FOR RENT--1, 3-room furnished apt., 1, 4-room furnished cottage. Lakemoor--Phone 628-M-l. 31 FOR RENT--3 room heated apt. Stove, refrigerator, water heater, washing machine included. McHenry 742. . 31 HELP WANTED OUTDOOR MEN 17 to se To Trim Treap > Also Older M^ For Ground Wofk. PHONE WAUCONDA 22S8 or CARY 264$ ift-tf HELP WANTED - Man wanted for yard work. Alexander Ltlmber Co. Phone 5. 30-tf vantage of a telephone career. See Mr. Wllburn, 101 Van Buren St., Woodstock - or call collect Woodstock 9995. 30-tf HELP WANTED--Truck drivers and laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 3221. 25-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST--On RingwoOd road, at the school bus stop, a childs trumpet in gas^. Please return for childs sake. ^Reward. Phone 508-R-2. * \ 31 MISCELLANEOUS GIFTS and TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS MODEL SHIPS -- AIRPLANES CARS -- FIGURINES MAGIC OIL PAINTING SETS TRICKS FOR YOUR PARTY BUSCH'S BAR-B-Q JOHNSBURG, ILL. Electric trains repaired. 28-4 WAR IS DECLARED on boardstiff, foot-wrecker work shoes! Why not? It actually costs less to wear moccasin-soft WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES because they weai so much longer. Try on a pair at Fitzgeralds' Mens Shop. 208 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. 31 (as most PLACE FOR TELEVISION, folk know) And radio repair, THE TO GO, Is OUR 8HOP,-'-installation, repair. Trustworthy service at rates most fair! F. M. Radio A Television 206 E. Elm St -- McHenrV, 111., Phone 979 1 31 BUY YOUR HOLIDAY SPIRITS at the SPORTSMAN INN 513 Main LWge Package Goods Dept. t>- -• 31-4 i > REAL ESTATE S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached Complete $9,000 ISaay Terms AIR8PUN BUILDERS McHenry 611-R-l and Wonder Lake 2793 36-tf HELP WANTED--Part-time in vestigator on a fee basis, to cover part of McHenry county. Prefer retired or semi-retired individual having connection wit! bank or financial institution. Reply R. W. Franchi, Dunn and Bradstreet, - 300 Adams St., Chicago, HI. 31-2 HELP WANTED--Woman for full or part time work. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. 31 SALESMEN--Report earnings of $1000 per month selling fireproofed safes to farmers. Free sample offer. Full or part time. Hamilton Safe Company, Belolt, Wisconsin. 31 HELP WANTED--Rural Carrier Examination announced for McHenry. Sufficient time to prepare for examination. Start your preparation at once. Valuable information free. Established in 1896. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington 2. DC. 31 HELP WANTED-- Stenographer with legal' experience preferred. Hours 1 to 5. Write Box 304 care of McHenry Plaindealer. 31 HELP WANTED -- Woman, at least 35 yrs. old to care for my twins, while I worts. Tel. 549-R-l. 31 HELP WANTED -- Professional office needs secretary, willing to train right person, but would like some experience. Good starting salary. Tel. 23. 31 HELP WANTED--Truak drivers and yard helpers. Apply McHenry , , , t, --mrVr9l Lumber Co. note «. jptotffVH Toi'ify Plrt^^pler WOMEN WANTED Light Assembl Coil Finishers •Solderers No Experience Necessary C O M E T CORPORATION JOHNSBURG, ILL. -31-tl HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100 x 200 ft. Lots in JAK-ANA HEIGHTS about two blocks north of Johasburg, overlooking the beautiful St. John's church grounds, If you like to live out of town, or intend to retire, thi* (he place w live. For information call at our office or phone McHenry 37. SITUATION WANTED WANTED FARMS WANTED All Sixes, from 5 acres up. JR0 YOU WANT TO £ELL YOUR FARM?: If You Do Call GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty UJ3. No. 12 at Stoplight Fox Lake, DL Phone 7-1011 27-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh. Phone McHenry 563-R-l. U 23-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Responsible young couple needs small furnished apartment in or near McHenry for occupancy as soon as possible. Call McHenry 294 31 Farmer's Question Corner! tftlFAfttl IV FAR ASHSIL SHINI WHAT ABOUT THE DOWN COW? Q: What down? • A: There causae eaws ta- t* JACOB FRITZ--REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg;, TeL McHenry 37, T 14-tf FOR SALE -- House for sale. 6 rootna. Located 210 Richmond Rd. Call Wonder Lake 3845 or McHenry 429-R. Steven Freund, adm. A »17-tf FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phooe: McHenry 421-J 24-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE McCullom Lake -- 4 rooms, bath, automatic oil heat, lot 100xl5<). Price $8750. For appointment call our office. JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE Tel. McHenry 37 29-tf REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE WONDER LAKE, 4 room home, 2 bedrooms, glazed-in porch, garage attached, oil floor furnacc, electric water heater. One block to beach. Price $9,000. JACOB FRITZ In Johnsburg • REAL ESTATE Tel. McHenry 37 23-tf REAL ESTATE 87 acres level br<?wn slit soil, on hwy. 7 room house, pressure water system. bath, furnace, ^f>drive through dairy barn stanch 28 cows, box stalls, silo, milk house other bldgs. by appointment $23,500. F. E. Howe 310 Gates St. Crystal Lake, Phone 495. 31 2 acres on hwy. could be zoned for business, nearly new house, 4 rooms, utility room and bath, furnace, breezway, garage, $9,- 250; Also 8 room house with furnace, large lot, barn, $6500. By appointment F. E. Howe 310 Gatas #1 Crystal Lake, Rjiohe *05. 31 are several causes; among them are leukemis, acetonemia, milk fever, "hardwsre disease". and nutritional deficiencies. Or the trouble may stem from fractured bones, nerve injuries and various poisons from Infections and food sources. Q: Are these disease* very deadly* A: Most of them can prove fatal. Q: What should the owner do if a cow goes down? A: H i s f i r s t step should be to call a veterinarian, so the trouble can be diagnosed and corrective treatment started. While waiting for professional help it's a good idea to cover the cow with warm, heavy blankets, because In most of these cases the cow's temperature usually drops. This is especially true of milk fever. Keeping her warm helps her chance for recovery. Do not try to move the cow as it may lead to further Injury and complications. Q: Is there any advance warning that a cow Is about to ge down? A: In milk fever, the cow often looks dull and doesn't like to move around. In leukemia, there may be a swelling of the lymph glands in the neck, general weakness, loss of appetite and a wasting away. "Hardware disease" Is marked by a loss of appetite, grunting and other symptoms. Q: How successful to treatment? A: It depends on the^Individual case and how quickly treatment is started. Modern techniques are now saving many down cows which would have been considered hopeless cases a few years ago. NOTE--Due to space limitations, general questions cannot be handled by this column. Will Buy Those Extra Christmas Gifts Finest Cash & Carry Dry Cleaning McHENRY CLEANERS Its ELM STREET PHONE 104-M McHENRY.JLLV We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. if N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ALLEN V BISBEE AND HELEN" P. BTSBEE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDiMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held; by McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a change in classification from Farming District (F Classification) to Business District ("B-l" Classification) or for a variation allowing a business district "B-l" Classification) use of the following described property in accordance with the prayer of the petition filed with said Board: That part of the West Half of Lot 1 In the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Northwest Quarter due South of the Southeast corner of lands conveyed by Edwin V. Knox and wife to John C. Otto and William F. Otto by deed dated April 14, 1931, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Ale- Henry County, Illinois, in Book 200 of Deeds, page 209, (said point being 1,079.7 feet more or less East from the Southwest corner of said quarter section), thence North along the East line extended and the East line of said lands conveyed to Otto, 468.5 feet, thence East at right angles-to the last described line, 262.59 feet to the East line of the West half of aforesaid Lot 1, thence South on the last described line, 468.5 feet to the South line of said Northwest Quarter, thence West 243.9 feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract of land described as follows: That part of the West half of Lot 1 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning on the South line of said North- • west quarter at-a point l,20&j| feet East from the Southwest .corner thereof, thence North 468.5 feet at right angles to the South line of said North w eat quarter, thence East 115 feet at right angles to the last described line to the East line of the West Half of aforesaid Lot 1, thence South on the last described line, 468.5 feet to the South line of said Northwest quarter, thence West 115 feat to the place of beginning. Said hearing shall be heard ffe the City Hall in the City of Crystal Lake, McHenry County, minute, at the hour of 3 P. M. on the 30th day of December, 1952. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONINO BOARD OF APPEALS By FRANK NAGBE* Its Chairmaa. P<!t!l!imei's Attorney: JOSEPH X. WAYNNE 809 Waukegan Road (Route 4) McHenry, Illinoia. Telephone 492-W 11 t 1 1 c -IM NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE f Estate of STEVE HARVEY, Dt» t i ceased. * Notice is hereoy given to all 4 persons that January 7, 1953, is the claim date in the estate of $TEVE HARVEY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said satate on or before said data without issuance of summons. MARY HARVE1T, Administratis WILLIAM M- CARROLL, Jr. Attorney at Law • Woodstock, Illinoia (Pub. Nov. 27, Dae. 4-11) koncB My office will be closed ffttm now until April 20, 1953. 31 DR. C. W. KLONTi 'Ti . First Experimenter • Chrffflaan Huygens rHbyglklVftr. 17th century Dutch mathematician and astronomer, who identified flto satellites of Saturn and appUad pendulum regulation to clockwork was one of the first experimenters with the internal combustion engine A used gunpowder tor the fuel Read the Waat Ada Abnormal A little fh'l in Newton, Mass.. reported, in some ^ pualcment, thst her cat bites people, ha*«s catnip, is friendly with mice. WWW FROM THE Agatha Shop DINNERWARE LINENS TABLE LAMPS GLASSWARE FIGURINES Costume JEWELRY PHOTO ALBUMS DIARIES CANDLES BRASS-WARE N O T I C E RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOT WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd and MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th » [110 Green St. McHei HI. I Turrent Lathe Operators Fully skilled operators who can set up their own jobs will earn well over $2.00 per hour under our combined guaranied base rate and production incentWe syste^L Overtime up to 58V2 hrs. per week Start in our Chicago plant now with the opportunity of moving to our new Barrington plant soon after the first of the year. APPLY New Plant Site, 500 Hough St. Barrington, III. SATURDAY: 9 ajn. to 12 noon 1 OH Jarco Manufacturing Co. ' 1801 W. Winnemac, Chicago. I1L ^ ^ ' " MONDAY through SATURDAY .;4| "'J ] ' V'" 6

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