RINGWOOD t- - . By Mrs. George Shepa.nl Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan «ftpent Saturday evening in Chicago, where John Hogan appeared on the TV program, -Farm Town U.S.A." The county 4-H program was h e l d i n t h e M f c H e n r y H i g h school Saturday evening. Ringwood received the award for having the largest percent of its members present. The December meeting of the Ringwood Happy Hour 4-H club s held in the church hall. The meeting was brought to order by the pledge to the flag. Then the secretarys report was read and approved. The officers of this year are as follows: Annette Smith, president; John Hogan, vice-president; Jim Pearson, secretary; Lois Hunt, treasurer; Mary Jane Bell, reporter. The roll was called, and it was ^iecided that the dues should be . ^0 cents a' month. Then the old business was discussed. We chose a committee to buy the things they needed for corsages or things we are to make for January. The committee is Marita Thomson, chairman; Annette Smith knd Charlotte Smitti. Mrs. Pearson donated a television lamp to us, for which we are grjkteful. jfc The 4-H'ers will sell chances vn the lamp until Christmas. Thene will be a fcake sale in Muzzy'* hall Friday, Dec. 19. Mr. knd Mrs. Pete Sebastian , entertained their five-hundred club Tuesday evening. Prizes were jawarded to . Mrs. Louis Hawleyj and B. T. Butler, high, Mrs. Pscar Berg and Louis Hawley, low. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low announce! the arrival of a daughter, Dorn Monday, Dec. • 8, at St. Theresd hospital at Waukegan. She *wi|l be called Pamella Jean. This is their fifth daughter. The Home Circle held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. pscar Berg Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. A fine program in charge of Mrs. Viola Low followed. Mrs. Sample was presented with >|phristmas boxes of vegetables and groceries. The Sunday school and school will hold their joint Christmas program in the church hall Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sheridan of Chicago spent Sunday in the Harold Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Koehler of Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Tuesday '"•'"evening. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, were visitors at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crisly attended an annual F.B.F.M. dinner at the Methodist church in Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mr: and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs?- Jack Morrison of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bhle*t and Mr. and Mrs. Jofrn Ehlert of Wilmot spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. Walter Low and baby daughter came Thursday from St. Therese hospital to the home of Mrs. Viola Low for a few days , before returning to her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were dinner guests of Mrs. Georgia Thomas and family at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn will arrive home Wednesday from a few weeks' visit with relatives in California. Mrs. Bob Brennan was a visitor at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood spent Thursday evening with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family and helped Jimmie celebrate his birthday. Mr. and' Mrs. Paul Walkington and family attended a Christmas gathering of the Benoy family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy Friday evening. Wm. Harrison of Round Lake visited his mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Tuesday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Sunday in the Alvin Benoy home at McHenry. Mrs. Yuenger of Greenwood was a dinner guest in the B. T. Butler home Thursday evening. Miss Luella Krumpen of Genoa City spent Thursday and Friday in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughter, Mae, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were Elgin visitors Thursday. Merritt Cruickshank of Morton Grove was a dinner guest of Mrs. Wm. McCannon Sunday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Jtfr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family were supper guests Sunday of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. William McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Harold Ackerman, Mrs. Alan Wagner and Mrs. Howard Wagner were visitors at Rockford Wednesday. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs.. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and Son. Bob, of Waukegan spent Wednesday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. --~ Miss Marian Warren of Whitewater, Wis., was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr! and Mrs. F. N; Muzzy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloom and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Solee are moving from the Muzzy apartments to Antioch: Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmohd spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams attended a banquet and Christmas party at the Palmer House in Chicago Saturday evening, given by the bodge Dealers. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and* Mrs. Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. LAKEM00R & LILYM00R (By Kitty Wojtas) Well, Santa Claus arrived in j Mrs. Cammarata is now at home Lakemoor last Saturday night, and he really got a wonderful welcome from tne children in the community. At intervals thje store was so packed with people that it was 'difficult to move about. The familiar man in the red suit and white beard was Henry Wojtas. who is getting to be quite a hand at the role. He had his original experience playing Santa at the P.T.A. party last year. It was hard to tell who had more fun, the kiddies who lined up to place their order for the big day, or Santa himself,, who seemed to enjoy every minute of it. from the hospital, where she underwent an eye operation. A couple more of our local gals are combining homemaking and a career; Eunice Tobey and Mylia Lane have both tanen Jobs recently, and they both like the idea of homemaking 'plus a job very much. Twice Told Tales Mr. and Mrs. Phillip. Kfbbee are the lucky ones. While the rest orf us are battling the sniffles and the winter weather, they will be relaxing on some nice sandy beach in Florida., The Kibbees are leaving on Dec. 21,' and expect to arrive in Melbourne, FJa., on Christmas Eve. They will spend a three-week vacation visiting Phil's mother and other re:atives that reside in that district. Claude F. McDermott had a minor operation last Monday* at( the Woodstock hospital. We were happy to hear that Don't forget the special Christmas program the junior church is having at the 11 o'clock ser vice at the McHenry' Bible church on Sunday, Dec. 21. I qeriainly hope the carolers who will be making the rounds of the village on Sunday evening will go by our home. If anything can give you that added Christmas spirit, it's the feeling you get when you hear those beautiful Christmas songs being sung outdoors by a group of carolers. .. A community' party for children up to and including eighth grade will be held Sunday, Dec. 21. at McDermott's garage, starting from 3:30 to 4 p.m. The party is Sponsored by the L.I.A., the Beautifying club and the' Business Men's association. Forty Years Ago Peter Neiss, who has been employed with the J. P. Weber gang of carpenters, has gone to South Milwaukee, Wis., where he has secured employment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sutton of Emerald Park are making an awful fuss over a youngster who arrived at their home last Thursday. We have had a 10 center on Ed. and so have the rest of the boys.^ John WoUar, the. progressive West Side shoe merchant, has had a handsome new electric shoe sign placed in front of his place of business in the Schnorr block. The sign gives the street a sort of metropolitan air. A drunk on our streets on Monday evening threw a bad scare into a number of women and children who happened to be out. Fred Justen. who for the past few years ha3 been employed by Ben Stilling at Pistakee Bay, will on and after Jan. 1 next manage the affairs of the Buch summer resort. Miss Christina Adams underwent a second operation within a year at a Chicago hospital last Saturday morning. Joseph and Ben Schoewer, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer of this village, and who, have been running their father's blacksmith shop here for some time past, have gone to Beloit, Wis, where they baft | purchased a shop and gone Into * business. * Station Agent J. B. BUM is 2 dead. This sad and unexpected * piece of news was spread through the village Tuesday * morning of this week when word ! arrived here from Elgin that the popular station agent had expired in that city very suddenly on the previous evening. The following is the program for the "movies" at the Central Sunday evening: "An Eventflff Elopement." a Vitograph. PROFEttlOflAl DIRECTORV klNG SI2E q U A L I T V' SNAPSHOTS m PICTURES fNLA/tSeD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Want Ads, like freedom, are •verybody'a business. Are You A Last Minute Shopper? Come in and let us help you select your gift. We have m&ny suggestions to offer. Visit Our Gift Table. Toys Of All Kinds. Everything You Need To Trim Your Tree. •very night until nine and Sunday DR. HENRY FREUND . OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) a ETES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED TISUAL TRAINING -- YISVOL REHABILITATIOH COMPLETE TISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY : » to 12 A. M. and 1 to I F. M. FRIDAY EVENINGSt 1:00 to 8it0 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 PER ROLL 8« Km%tmm Cummrjmfi am.mm99* Wattles Drug Store THE HOME STORE" Main Street PHONE 358 McHenry. HL from 9 a.m. to noetgt* YOU'LL MUlf* A tie HIT when you give small appliances! Ever^pne on your list wants and can use one of these electrical gifts. Be the one to remember .., make this an electrical Christmas! ELECTRIC CLOCKS . From $4.95 (plus federal flUT Niesen's 5'&$1 Store 523 Main Street* West McHenry, I1L Phones 38 and 787 Nimblest Piece of Live Action on Four Wheels! ELECTRIC IRONS Sit G. E. Steam Iron $18.95 Sunbeam Ironmaster $14.95 G. Er Automatic Iron $9.95 4-000* SCDAH. CORONET SEMIS Step into America's all-new Action Car! Discover for yourself the surging V-8 power. See how it snugs -down on curves. Test the nimble change of pace with Gyro-Torque Drive and flash-action "Scat" gear! Here's a Power Packed Beauty that you will drive with more pleasure, own with more pride, than any car near its price. Take a Road Test Ride today! «GH POWERED krt Mt High Priced! New 140-h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine. Most efficient engine ' wesign in any American car. --*i- Stack the new Dodge up against the most costly cars for comfort, safety and performance! . Match it with the light cars for easy handling; maneuverability and economy. Here's a ^ dynamic 140-h.p. V-8 for the price of a 6! Here's the Action Car for Active Americans! Dodge Meedewbreek "6" Series Sets the Pace in High Style at Lew Cesl Flashing style and thrilling road action in the highly economical Meadowbrook "6" Series. If you can afford any new car, you can own a Dodge. EOAP TitT A&60 C0r7or/4&>'»R Specifications and equipment subject to chan/ge without notice. GIVE ELECTRICAL GWTS THIS YEAR! ELECTRIC DEEP FRYER Fryryte Complete with utility rack, popcorn basket and cover $29.95 - ELECTRIC SHAVERS Sunbeam Shavemaster ELECTRIC GRILLWAFFLE IRONS G. E. Automatic Sandwich ELECTRIC HEATING G. E. and Universal Heatipg Pads from $5.95 to $8.93 Grill-Waffle Iron $21.95 Sunbeam.Waffle Baker $28.50 ELECTRIC TOASTERS Toastmaster $23.00 Sunbeam Toaster $26.50 G. E. Toaster $22.95 if 1 R. 8WAMK* Dentist 1M 8. Great Street Office Hoars: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 MOIL, Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry IN VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Oar. Green and Elm Streets '• McHenry, DL Tuesday and Friday Afternooaft . Other Days By Appolntuieil Phone McHenry 43 , Haot-- logo 11 ji WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 1101/2 Benton Street Flione Woodstock 1334 , Woodstock, Illinois saagtonoi--oocr::, JOSEPH X. WATNNI Attorney At Law N Waukegan Road (RFD Flione McHenry 492-W West McHenry, DL FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Limestone Excavating Route 1. Johnsburg Ffebne: McHenry 5SO-M-1 Sand Limes tona VERN THEICN Trucking "Gravel MStBI* Excavating TsL McHenry 588-K-* or MMV4 Sox 172, Rt. 1, Mii^fcw j, DL JL P. FREUND * SONS Excavating Caqtraeters Rucking, Hydraulic and . Crane Service i » --. ROAD BUILDING ~ m 2&4-M McHenry, 1ft INSURANCE EARL R .WALSH lift, Auto, Farm & Life bMM|l Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES , Whea You Need Insurano* «t Any Kind „ pjiane 43 or 9jj ~ -~*J" Green & Elm McHenry SL • .OWOiy---IMM COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for the small business man Reasonable rates. fctcome Tax Returaa McHENRY BOOKKEEPING qgpt TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. 210 So. Green Street Phone 788 or 265-M , 1 -ri ELECTRIC BLANKETS and ELECTRIC SHEETS .From $29.f# -) Sh those and other electrical gifts, too ... at your Public Service store or dealer's Sunbeam Egg Cooker $12.00 Handy-Hannah Hair Dryer $8.95 Sun Lamps from $8.50 Portable Lamp*/ too I ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC COFFEEMAKERS Sunbeam Coffeemaster $37.50 West Bend Percolator $11.95 A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. <'0 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHfcNRY 156 PUBLIC COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS STOFFEL & REIHANSPIII lilW " Insurance agents for all classes ef property In the best computo^ West McHenry, Illnoia ^ Telephone 300 807 Main Stret McHsnry, OL soraoi SCHROEDER IRON WORKSOrnamental & Structural Ste4l Visit Our Showroom* 8 lilies South on Rt Jl gjtone 950 B IN G' 8 PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY. JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softener* Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M AL S WELDING and REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding •Acetylene Welding and Cutting* ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 McHenry, DL -- WANTED TO BUY -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLJ^ j We pay phone charges. * J V'c pay $6 to $'-!5 for OU1 HorsfB i lm for down horses and cattfe MATTS MINK RANCH i ibhnaburg - Spring Grove Phono Johnsburg 314 ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Eleanor Matteoni Private Lessons in I Piano Actxtrdioa J For information TEL. McllF.NRY 68*-M-l IOBQ