THE McHENHV PLAINDEALER --v-g 5-:... Th payee Adams' Birthday Joyce, little daughter of Mr. %ad Mrs. Alfons Adams, obser- ,::gted her fifth birthday anniver- - fcary last Sunday, when seventeen friends gathered at the Adams home for a party. Games Ivere played, after which a tasty ich was served which included decorated birthday cake. Es- rially enjoyable were movies Marine Day shown by Joyce's uncle, Kenneth Murray. The films were much appreciated by the children since many of them participated ill the parade that flay. Guests at the party included K a t h y L e F o n t a i n e . L y n n e Eichinger, Mary and Terry Lar- « ffcin, Jon and David Meyer, Billy *%harles, Charlene Klapperich. ludy Hay, Michael Niska, Jimmy And Jackie Thennes, Dfcrothy "mnd Nancy Adams, Pamela Walsh and Joan Adams. CJ> of A. Xman J»arty December 18 • The Catholic Daughters of America will enjoy their annual Christmas party on Thursday evening. Dec. 18, when a fiftycent gift exchange will take fclace. Those attending are also asked to bring a gift for the pkl People's Home in Freeport. This will mark the second party in the current card tournament. rich, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. James Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hettermann, Mrs. Lena Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Murray, Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. Plank, Mr. and Mrs. Walter De- Roche, Chester Crowley and Miss LaNita Crowley, all of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aboile and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ebehalt of Morton, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyle of Sunnyside Estates and Al.' Severinghouse of. Pis tali ee Bay. gahray-Mop,»ilieteen Vows Exchanged • Walter Zahray and Miss Mary fJ. Megchelsen, both of the research department of the Edwal Laboratories, Inc., Ringwood,' were married on Saturday, Dec. j |3 at 4 :30 p.m. in Keokuk, Iowa. | The ceremony took place in the J • home of the bride's parents, [r. *nd Mrs. Paul Megchelsen. The couple will make J}3ir jtome in Woodstock. G. Kdn 96 Yean Old William G. Ricks at Johnsburg •observed his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary last Sunday, Dec. 14, when a buffet supper in his honor was enjoyed by a .large group of friends and rela- •tlves at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hettermann of Johnsburg. A social evening followed at flicks Corner. Guests included the following: "Mr. Rick's daughter and hus- •bami, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boiler, "• of Morton, 111.; a brother-in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. : Mere, of Granite City, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nitsche. Miss Lil- '• lian Boiler, Mrs. Leo Bouche, Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Linn, all of Cliicago; Judge and Mrs. Al- •Ibert Sengstock of DesPlaines; Adolph Breitenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin May, Joseph Klappe Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh of Fox Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Libertyville were^ Sunday guests in the Alfons Adams home. Atty. and, Mrs. Joseph X. Waynne attended the presentation of "The Messiah" at the Baptist church in Elgin last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Passfield returned recently to Tucson, Ariz., after spending several weeks visiting relatives in this area. They reside at 2866 East Glenn avenue in Tucson. Mr. Passfield has not been well of late and because o/ his inability to be around much, would appreciate word from his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Skiba returned last Friday frcm Arizona, where they had been visiting since Nov. 17. While there They greeted a new grandson, Jeffrey Bryne Skiba, an 8 lb* 9*2 oz. son born Nov. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skiba, Herbert Engdahl has . been spending some time en a business trip to Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were recent Chicago callers. Mrs. May Kresja visited Park Ridge relatives last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horan of Milwaukee, Wis., visited his parents, the Thomas Horans, on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo spent the" weekend with her mother. Mrs. Nellie Bacon. RICHARD PETERSONS. NEWLYWEDS, TO MAKE HOME IN JOHNSBURG Announcement has been made of the marriage on Dec. 4 of Miss June Horner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynn of Round Lake, and Richard Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson of McHenry. Hie bedding was solemnized at 3:30 o'clock in the chapel of the Sfw;- red Heart of St. Patrick's church by Rev. Fr. McGowan, Attend ng the lovely bride was MisS Patricia Viscount of Wauconda, while Vernon Ficken sfcrvedhifc brother-in-law as best rtian. A turkey dinner was enjoyed by members of the immediate families at 8 o'clock at Al's White House:--= The bride attended Grant Township high school and is employed at the Admiral plant in McHenry. The bridegroom is a graduate of the McHenry high school and is an employee of a Fox Lake plant. The newlyweds will reside in Johnsburg. Hand-Made Aid Churdi Project The small group of women and men who are charter members of the new church at Wonder Lake, the Lutheran Evangical church, makes up in enthusiasm what they lack in numbers. Each of the women is trying to raise funds for the church by promoting some money-making project of her own. One of the most diligent workers in this fund-raising activity is Mrs. Geo. Graser of Orchard Beach. Mrs. Graser has been spending her leisure hours and taken a few hours from hei sleeping time to make aome lovely, decorative Christmas trees of foil. . These trees stand about 20 or 22 inches high and are made with silver foil facing. The topside of the branches are in any desired color. They can be used to decorate the holiday dinner table or on any table or buffet. Other members are doing other things to raise funds and it is interesting to observe how ingenious we become when there is a "cause" involved N O T I C E RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd r and MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th QooJu 3O*H*I By Marie Bchaettgen tilings sort of catch up with lis around the holidays, what with shopping and gift wrapping, cooky making and fruit cakes, cards to address and Christmas tree ornaments to get down from the attiCi So---it is provident to prepare in advance just as many items qn your holiday -menu as yon possibly can and have more time to enjoy the festivities. Cranberry jelly is one thing that can be prepared a week in advance and lose not one iota of its flavor or attractiveness. Cranberry jelly. Pick over, and wash four cups cranberries. Put in stew pan with two cups boiling Water and boil twenty ^minutes. Rub through k sieve, add two cups sugar and cook five minutes. Fill jelly glares or molds and store in refrigerator until used. May be kept several weeks. If desired, jelly may be removed carefully from glasses and cut into half-inch rings or the rings may be cut into stars or triangles "of^other decorative shapes. Any pieces cut off may be used by family later. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wirfs are the parents of a girl, born at the Woodstock hospital Dec. 10. The baby has been named Carol Ann. AMONG THE SICK IWUIIIIIIIttlllliHIIIIIIIIIHMIIIIItimmWItWItWIIIIIIMi Miss Lena Stoffel is recovering from surgery which she underwent last week at Augustana hospital, Chicago. P^ul BArbian is again * patient at Hines hospital, wrftere he is undergoing surgery. He will be confined to the hospital for Several weeks. Residence Changes New residents cf the community now res.ding in the Laures apartment, on Front street are Mr. and Mrs. J. Olsen, who have moved to McHenry from . Rockford They are occupying the place vacated By the Thomas Lawson family. MK, Olsen is an employee of the McHenry Hosiery Mill and Mrs. Olseft at the Admiral plant. PARTY HOSTESSBS Hostesses for the recent Christmas party of the Lutheran Ladies Aid were Mesdames A.C. Thomson, Dale Dixon, William Behrens, Edna Wagner and Fred Bienapfl. SLAVE TO A JOBf I V • Do you sometimes feel you are JfUUTl&ge Licenses ,a siave to your job? Take heart. I » f n t h e d a y s o f I m p e r i a l R o m e . according to The Book House For Children, top Jobs were perfortned by real slaves. They were John Boyie, Jr.. anu Lois Tollefscn, McHenry. BOY SCOUTS Osatear' Farming Contour farming reduces loss 01 the top soil and retains the water In the soil for the use of plants. "Harken ye Cub and Boy Scout paters." Heralding the second annual Boy and Cub Scout banquet to be held at the McHenry high school cafeteria on Feb. 7, 1953, at 6:45 p.m. Last year was very successful and enjoyed by 175 in attendance. It is planned to have the clergy of McHenryx ?n attendance as guests of the Scout organization. A selected Scout will act as the master of ceremonies. H. J. Homan will be >fhe speaker of the evening. \He is the Scout executive and entertainer land ai Scouting, * / The committee is madeup as follows: Harry Hans, Andy Anderson and Walter Aufrecht, program; Noim Eggert, Eddie Wittrock and Harry Stinesprin^, fopd and decorations; Fred Petersen, Ray Page, Roy Homo and Henry Jackson, publicity and ticket^. So come out and be a good Scout for fun, education, friendship and to make your Scouting son or protege proud and happy to belong. Henry Jackson |l top notch thorlty on scribes, accountants, secretaries, and very cften physicians, teachers and writers. Any one of them could be tortured or killed at their master's whim. Today, the- modern "wage slave" is usually set free by the hands of g J&mJcutg. IN EVERYDAY UWGUttE HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU An asset is anything owned by a business or individual which has value and could be applied to the payment of obligations; just the opposite of a debt or liability. If you have a growing bank account-- a very practical asset at any time--you are preparing for opportunities and emergencies. A daughter, Mary Grfoe, was I born on Dec. 14 at the Wood-1 stock hospital to Mr. and MrB. J Gene Dobyns. The baby was borni on the birthday anniversary of her aunt, Miss Mary Bouaser. There are about 50,000 Indianhead pennies still outstanding. USED RUGS F o r S a 1 e TIDY RUG CLEANERS These Rugs are Trade-ins on New Rugs and Carpets by Lees for sale aft 604 WASHINGTON ST. WOODSTOCK, ILL. NEW CLUB MEMBER Lenore Frisby of McHenry is one of the newest members of the McHenry County Business and Professional Women's Club. foctfcs thrift with a growing iccoont bore. McHENRY STATE BANK 1 MEMBER FEDERAL KESERVRE SYSTEM / MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSIf*. PHONE 1040 THE mra » THE ONE-STOP STORE SIS E. JG FOR ALL THE REN ON YOUR LIST ST. PHONE 746 52525KdS325H5«5c!?J Give her all these... Send ydur Christmas greetings with flowers! .x. The most wonderful way in the world to say, "thank you" to your hostess and a "Merry Christmas" to your friends. See our selection o f holiday plants and flowers today. I cUQMi> Give her a We Wire Flowers Anywhere PLANTERS VASES *tc. WITH a Speed Queen entire week's wash can be whisked away in one easy hour. Every 5 to 10 minutes a full load is turned oijt, sparkling clean. The same tub of hot suds is good through the entire wash -- saving costly hot water and soap. 5 models to choose front priced as low as <9995 Sksssi Elm Street Florist S00 W. Elm St. PHONE 280 McHenry, IB. CAREY ELECTRIC 19 8. GREEN STREET PHONE 201 give them what their little-hearts' desire... ™ TOYS... tfmi more TOYS S BOOTH MUSTEK *2.98 Two (Mil black leather hohtar* trimmed with wubwraf cencha* and bif ihiny ihidi torn* pleto with two Texas Jr. repealing pistole. Select your gifts from our 1952 Toy Catalog. Ask for your copy if you haven't received one ... it's free. *4-95 t Temporarily Not Available SR' DOLL .--ran w;g ^ m,»» with Pr.„ >• >»zzy. "hy *»-*y Marx SERVICE STATION 1 * AH metal super tervtee station. Mastic can and <11 necessary teals for servicing them. Elevator, Mtyvlew parking, rest room, and loads of actionpacked accessories for hours of play. *19.95 PARK CYCLE and TRAINER Detachable trainer Inop* bike balanced wMe child loams. 14 in. ball bearing wheels, eemipnevmatic tires. Steel frame, adjustable saddle, bike typo tenders. Bright Red. *27.95 MURRAY TRAC m Mm the real thingl Chain driven. It pedals steers easily on bai bearing wheels. Deep d tires and bright red finish. BaHt to stand I usage. *17.95 MURRAY DELUXE VELOCIPEDE Rugged 1 V> in. tubular steel frame. Spoke wheels semi-pneumatic tires. Adjustable saddle and handle bars. Sloe, rod and white enamel. 11-in. front wheel. With 16-in. front whoel-$!9.95. (A) (B) *2.49 *14.95 MURRAY CHAMPION AUTO AH stool blue enamel chassis with low slung fenders, robber tired wheel*. Chrome plated windshield, silver finish grille. Ball bearing steering mechanism. $8.95 (A) Hauler and Van Trailer Just like the coast to coast freight nov ere use. Polished aluminum finish steel van has double rear door that opens and closes. Dual tandem rear wheels and double truck wheels. J7W" long. (B) Auto Transport _JI steel trailer con store cars In- . MOO. Cab uncouples, drives alone. ' Cargo of two cart included. ALTH0FF,S "McHem-y. Caunty's Leading Hardware" 901 Main St. PHONE 264 McHsnry. m.