Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1953, p. 11

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•wyr?. vl Thursday, January 8, 19$j ff f^ >r 1 '*~f?" '{^f- F T1 . "J ; - «'* * . ^ ' '<* CL *e •* M Wit" m ?'.i *' >'•1 'v* Ifwl MCHENRY ULATNMALEft RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Alan W&gner announce the arrival of a daughter, born Dec. 31 it the . Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Ulrich cf McHenry and sister, Miss Agnes Anderson, of Sioux City, S. Dakota, visited Mrs. B. T. Butler Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, returned home Saturday from a trip to Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Saturday until Monday in the Frank Block home at Sheboygan, Wis. Charlotte, Mary and Patsy Hogan spent Monday in Chicago, ^harlotte attended a meeting for the M.Y.F. officers and district superintendents of the Rock River conference At the Chicago Temple. Mr; and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family had dinner on New Year's Day at the Rustic Manor at Gurnee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and family of Lincolrfwood spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt. Merritt Cruickshank of Norton Grove was a caller in the Mrs. Grace McCannon home oh New Year's Day. Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Grace McCannon were callers in the Floyd Merchant home at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Wolf Shadle left Friday to visit relatives at Pasadena »nd Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Einil Ehlers of Elgin were visitors in the Beatty-Low home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City were dinner guests Friday in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. Marie Wegner and son 6f Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben* Walkington spent New Year's Eve and New Year's day with relatives at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk and family spent a week with relatives at Holland, Mich. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Cruickshank spent New Year's Eve with friends at Libertyville. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Loren, of Woodstock and Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry were callers in the George Shepard home Saturday afternoon. John Neal has received his discharge from the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boyd of Skokie spent Saturday afternoon in the Beatty-Low home. Phyllis Bruce spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni were guests of relatives at Genoa City on New Year's Day. . Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock and Sgt. Owen Carlson of Ft. Riley were visitors in the Clayton Bruce home "Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson were visitors in the Ardin Frisbie home at Greenwood Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison were visitors in the Wayne Donahue home at Huntley and the Donald Brenner home at Arlington Heights Sunday. t * j Pag* Eleven; Mrs. Laura Peet of Woodstock spent Monday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Emily Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Poplar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner were callers in the Clayton Bruce home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent New Year's day in the Mrs. Lena Peet l>ome. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family spent New Year's day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, at Poplar Grove. < ' Charlotte and Mary Hogan attended a sub-district meeting at the Zicn church at 7:30 Monday evening, where they planned the mid-winter activities for the M.Y.F. Election of officers for the coming year will be held at Woodstock February 6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of McHenry called on Mrt. Grace McCannon Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Peet of San Diego, Calif., spent Tuesday evening in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Mrs. Tollefson of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. Grace McCannon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent New Year's Day in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family returned home Saturday from a trip to Phoenix, Ariz. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Blackmail and son. Tommy, of Antioch spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn Mr*. Grace McCannon w*s a guest in the Oscar Berg home on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a dance at Hebron on New Year's Eve. New Year's bay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon and family of Richmond,' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parfary of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Irving May and family of Johnsburg, Miss Eleanor Gleason of Grayslake. Pvt. Gerald Condon of Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams. New Year's Day guests in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn "home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon. and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy of Kenosha: - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family cf HebrSn spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mv.( and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughters, Judie and Bonnie, were visitors at Elgin and Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, ]vfary,»Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family spent New Year's Day in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mrs. Jack Lenard and children spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. s^rarararaBampawaiaGaazsgBaBa* I ranged for another , wrestling T.. * T 1J TP 1 [event to be pulled off at his twice lold lales place on Jan. 18. Forty Years Ago •George H. Hanly and F. J. Barbian of this village have been named as two of the six directors cjjj the McHenry County Independent Telephone company. The ide harvesting season opened up in McHenry on Monday of this week when both the McHenry Brewery and the Borden Milk, company began operations on the mill pond. The ice is about twelve inches thick and of verv good quality. Don't forget to blanket your horses. McHenry now has a humane society, so it will be well fcr those, who, in the past, have been careless in, this manner to heed this warning. We are enjoying our first sleighing of the season. The merry jingle of the sleigh bells i chaplain winds good. Winters is here injS a muel McDonald; organist, Poluhni, the mystic mind reader and magician, appeared before two appreciative audiences at the Central opera house on Sunday and Monday evenings. Owners of speedy steeds are already casting their eyes over the ice cn Fox river. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of our horses will appear again on Fox river this winter. Last Saturday night, at their cozy hall in this village, the local Masons installed their newly elected officers. Everett Hunter was in charge of the installation. New officers elected a short time ago and installed that evening included W. M., Will Spencer; S. W.. J. C. Holly; J. W., Floyd Covalt, secretary, William Bacon; treasurer, O. N. Owen; S.. D.. Arthur Hunter; J. D., Fred Sattem; S. S.. Frank E. Cobb; J. S.. Fred Matthews; Rollin Watte; . tyler, ron. .Woodstock last Saturday whed ' The marriage of Miss Anna Miss Dora Hutson of this place Neiss, second daughter of Mr.' and Mr. Earl Smith of Woo*-i and Mrs. Johi\ Neiss cf this vil-1 stock were united in marriage. J lage, to Mr. Pat Carigan of jv -1 * Canton, Iowa, took place last) Naturali2ed citizens & ^ Saturday evening. - ; . - A wedding of local interest Umted States entitled to.ill. was solemnized at the Congre-, privileges except that of becon*-* gational church parsonage at ing president f * - I iTscrifilion rharnnicisls real earnest. Old \fother Earth is covered* with a mantle of white and merchants are finding a ready sale for overshoes and rubbers. I Now that an interest has been j created for the sport in Mc- Henry, and yielding to the many j urgent requests made upon himj for another exhibition, F. O. | Gans, the genial proprietor of! the Riverside House, has ar Frank Schnabel. Florence Hcwe was installed as worthy matron of the O.E.S. and Floyd Covalt as worthy pat- F U L L E R LAUNDERABLE D R Y M O P (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) '1 • Reyort of the Condition of Mchenry state bank. McHenry, Illinois transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1952. RESOURCES 1. Cash and due banks $1,317,442.72 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed 3,911,771.75 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 684,855.95 5. Loans, and discounts .! / 3,100,769.82 6. Overdrafts .71.7." .. : 1,306.40 7. Banking house $1.00, Furniture and fixtures $1.00 ...- 2.00 GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES .... .. $9,016,148.64 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock ... .................J* $ 100,000.00 14. Surplus ........... ........... 100,000.00 15. Undivided profits (Net) 160,773.80 16. Reserve accounts 162,720.21 17. Demand deposits 4,797,818.69 18. Time deposits 3,650,886.48 Total of deposits: f . (1) Secured by pledge of assets .... $ 206,579.77 (2) Not secured by pledge of assets 8,242,125.40 (3) Total deposits...... $8,448,705.17 25. Other liabilities 43,949.46 GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES. . $9,016,148.64 Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged: / (a) U. S. Government obligations direct and /or fully guaranteed $ 274,500.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged ^excluding rediscounts) Total Amount of Assets Pledged . (must agree with Item 26) $ 274,500.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts showp in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law, ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashier, --; --Correct, Attest: State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. GERALD CAREY C. J. REIHANSPERGER, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1953. THOMAS F. BOLGER, - (SEAL) Notary Public DIRECTORS C. J. Rsihanirerger - William M. Carroll - William A. Nye, M. D. Gerald J. Carey - Robert L. Weber MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MKMBKR FEDERAL DS8QUT ItfSU&ANCE OOKPQRATION ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP will be closed all day Thursdays until further notice. USK IT ALSO L I K E A DUSTING MIT (Set Full Value from Your Doctor's Services... Wlow his guidance carefully. Use Itm treatment he prescribes faithfully. Keep Hhire appointments promptly, and be a "good patient." By so doing, you will get the best results from your Doctor's services, and the fufl benefit of his knowledge. It is good (ildgment and good citizenship to so help nature restore your full health. T« this end too, we provide complete stocks of Parke, Davis & Company products and other quality drugs and pharmo* ctuticols, to supplement our profes* rional services. Entirety New I Entirely New I Entirely New I Entirely New I Entirely New I Entirely New I Entirely New STYLING I POWER IPOWERGLIDEJ ECONOMY I SAFETY I DURABILITY IPOWER STEERING Chevrolet's lowmr in height, with long, flowing, smoothly rounded, modern lines to give you the newest, smartest look in cars! New 115-h.p. "Blwa*_ Flame'7 engine with Powerglide.* Advanced 108-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine in gearshift models. New automatic„» Go farther on every starting and passing ^gallon of gas! Arid, range gives flashing again in 1#9 5 3, getaway, greater4 Chevrolet is the lowpassing ability in - ast-priced lineln tha , city driving. low-price field. Greater ease and safety. Greater visibility with a new, one-piece curved windshield. Finer, smoother brakes. Heavier, stronger, more rigid construction means even longer life for a car always famous for durability. Entire/if NEW through and through / You park and steer with finger-tip ease, yet retain^ - the feel of the road. o*. tional at extra cost. t *Combin4tion of Pow**g!td« automatic »i' mission a*d IK5-Kp. "Stu*-Ftaw«" Mete; optional an "Two-Tan" and S«i Air wdw at *itra cost. (CMlin<*w mi Oomdmdf «fuipawn* mnd irua Huttmlni * etpaarfHM •a avoilobiil/ of motoriaL) MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROIITS THAN ANY OTHER CARI CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY* ILL. 1#W • Tt, :*rt : i •* t: 5: i! •e • » I t •e : Botgers Drug 108 Green Street PHONE 40 McHeary, OL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps T. E. RIETSEL Wonder Lake, Illinois PHONE 4233 The shop will be closed January 15-2& DRUG S I ORE ON DISPLAY FRIDAY, JAN. 9--SEE IT! VA M M '^TKvT.:, . I;4 > <v < s i\ Mir 274,500.00 CHEVROLET FOR 53 : . 4 i i T

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