I"Sf 9 S-., •IFW' 'v?^Vr£ < ^ * ^Jw S?. MEW^ FROM Wonder Lake «taa Yaaesse S«ll» .. _ . iphild Study Group The Child Study Group resumed their meetings on Jan. 6, 1953 at the Harrison. School at 8 p.m. The topic for discussion. "How ^Adult are Adolescents," was led by Mrs. Isabelle Swan- "WMi and Mrs. Maida Bastian. The Christmas party sponsored by the P.T.A. of Harrison school was very successful. Santa Claus fole for this occasion was assumed by fcaul Vacula, and while from all reports he didn't fool many of the small fry. still they decided to "'let him have his fun.' The teachers provided the ice cream," the room mothers tfte cookies and the P.T.A. pro-' vided the pop, candy and presents. The next meeting1 of the P.T.A." will be on next Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. and we urge all mem-, bers to attend. We.^have made arrangements with Doctor H.H. Garner, a psychiatrist who maintains offices in Chicago and Mc- Henry to address the group, with particular emphasis upon our socalled problems in our dally lives with relation to our children. We anticipate a very interesting question and answer period. Please come. It is planned to have only a short business meeting so that our guest may have Most of the evening for address tag the group. expected to support the jut* grams as they are noHr operating. OM Christmas Cm* / What do you do with your old Christmas cards ? If you just throw them away, why not give a disabled vet a chance t<p make something of them. There is a box at Wally Dean's store for the cards and any donated will be appreciated. Wally says the veterans cut the cards up, using the colored paper and sometimes the scenes, to • decorate jewel bbxes, powder bcxes, aAd cigaret boxes.- ~" Mrs. "Magdalene (Marney) Sullivan is chairman for the veterans' craft division of the Legion auxiliary and was given one of the boxes made by a veteran and decorated with parts of old cards. Anyone interested in inspecting the box may do so by getting in touch with Mrs. Sufc livan. ' These boxes, plus, many other items are on sale at the Legion auxiliary meetings. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Barney's Coming Home Barney Donash, Hickory Palls, whose leg was shattered when a car hit him Dec. 9, says he'll be Come Sunday to watch the footall game over his own TV set. Barney ' has been a patient at the Oak Park hospital since the accident with the leg in traction. It will be put- in a cast by the weekend and Barney will be ^permitted to come home. Mrs. Amanda Donash has been in Chicago with her husband since the accident. Their youngest daughter, Jackie, has been staying with her cider sister, Mrs. Jerre Elbersen while Mrs. Donash has been away. At the time of the accident barney was occupied as a policeman with the Chicago force. Gospel Church News " We .are now observing the Universal Week of Prayer here at the G. C., as we believe prayer to be the , mightiest weapon against the powers of evil. So we invite people who really believe in a prayer It's BEAUTY! It's ECONOMY! It's the tiEW PLASTIC WALL TILE Holy Name Society Ed Fitzgerald of Wickline Bay is the new president of the Holy Name Society of Christ the King Catholic church. He will preside at the January meeting Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in a meeting in the William Lowrey home, Wonder Center. Elected to serve with Pitaeraid are Art Hahn, vice-presient; Howard Simpson, secretary; and George Halbauer and Thomas P. Mathews, co-treasurers. Men's Club Meeting • The Wonder Lake Men's club has abandoned the idea of monthly meetings and will make an effort to increase member- Ships at $3 yearly for the upkeep of athletic activities for Che boys of the area. At the present time there are basketball fames weekly at McHenry high school gym financed by the men's club and the football fames for the little leaguers is also a men's club sponsored project. All of the football uniforms As well as baseball uniforms Were purchased by the club. ---- A speciaf committee will carry out the club program. Members of the committee include Ernie- Vogt, Victor Milbrandt, Joe Lundborg, Earl Miller, Paul Murdoch, Tony Audino, Bill Itann, and Pete Bendl. The club will not sponsor * dances nor other activities for funds. The membership fees are n tm RICH THIRD DIMENSIONAL IOOK DtSIONID FOR BfTTft LIVING Ulln IT k-(w wad til*, of rtym, yow"v» atwayi Wanted--BEV-AU PLASTIC WAU TOE. Th« •iftroorrfinory rich b*outy and qualify of IMi M<v til* r*c*i**> nothing but PRAISE. Pron* far low first coit• low upkeip bag lif*. Thk h*avi*r, rkfc*r HI* hot a NfW IOOK that ebwl*t*< ortwr ID*. 32 colon in Solid .««< Past*! . . . Morb«lii*d . . . P*ori«K*nt, mokn it *aiy to ««lect o color or combination of colon with which you will bt completely taMifltd. Alto with REV-AIL you get a complete all-tile installation, eliminating metal or rubber substitutions. And it is especially EASY TO CUAN. BEV-All is available « two sizes 414' * 4'A' and 8'/l' * 8'/]". owe k to yoKwW to «•» t«mpl»t« Wowolai a* KV-AU--THE NEWEST in Plastic -- INSTALL IT YOURSELF -- FREE ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY AT NO OBLIGATION. i; . • - Howard Freund PHONE McHENRY 602-R-l i AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN 3 YEARS Prices of better grades of beef are lower right now than at any time during the past three years. The dollar-wise shopper will benefit by purchasing beef for their freezers right now, whether it be for your own home freezer or for rented locker space. The following prices are submitted on well trimmed beef cuts or well trimmed carcass only, which eliminates the less desirable cuts and really offers you your moneys worth. U. S. Good Beef Back 49* U. S. Good'Beef Rib 51 U. S. Good Beef Chuck 47* U. S. Good Beef Round 53 U.S. Good Beef Loin 66 UNTRIMMED 'A BE U.S. GOOD . . . . . . . 45i Front Qtr. US. Good 45- Wnd Qtr. IIS. Good 48 ""THE'ABOVE PRICES APPLY ONLY ON PAY~AS YOU PICK"UP BASIS. WE ALSO CUT AND WRAP FOR LOCKER and HOME FREEZER. ASK US. tb Tt> answering God to Join us in this ministry of prayer. Four Cottage Prayer, meetings are being held during the week at the following dates and places. Tuesday night, Jan. 6, at th^ heme of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dornbush here at Wonder Lake, Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bordwell at 635 E. Calh o u n , W o o d s t o c k , T h u r s d a y night at the Vearn Hanson home, North Drive, W. L. and on Friday eivening at the Gabrielson home in Island Lake. The meetings start at 8 p.m. Next Sunday, Jan. 11, the Sunday Bible school will meet at 10 a.m., Morning Worship service at 11 o'clock and the evening Gospel service at 7:45. The pastor will speak on "The Greatest Ministry in the World." There's always a hearty welcome . af |he Gospel Church, Republicans Preparfc*^™ For Lincoln Day Dinner Clarence N. Bergstrom, Chicago attorney and former judge of Illinois Court of Claims, has been named general chairman of the 57 th Annual Lincoln Day dinner to be held at the Sheraton hotel in Chicago on Feb. 14. In announcing the appoint ment, Morton Hollingsworth, chairman of the Illinois Republican State Central committee, official party agency and sponsor of the affair, said: "Lincoln's birthday will be a joyous occasion for all who shared in our great victory last November* Our fifty-seventh Lincoln Day dinner will be a real victory banquet." Bergstrom is a vice-chairman of tjflte committee. He is also Hepublican committeeman of Chicago's 16th ward. .> VA Representative To Assist Veterans Jan. 13 The Veterans Administration ^office of Rockford announced that their representative, Harry J. Pilarski, Will be in Wood- Stock Tuesday, Jan. '13, to assist and inform veterans of the local area on the various benefit programs administered by V. A. Mr. Pilarski will be on duty at the U. S. Post Office, second floor, in Woodstock from 10 a,m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. The Rockford VA office pointed out that life insurance has its greatest value when beneficiary designations are as the insured desires. Prompt filing of beneficiary changes with V. A., as they occur, affords the protection to the persons desired to be protected. Beneficiary changes, or change of settlement options, on NSLI or USGLI may be made through VA's visiting representative. Need » Robber Stamp? Order It now at tt>e Plaincealer. USED RUGS For Sal* TIDY RUG CLEANERS These* Rugs are Trade-Ins on New Rugs and Carpets by Lees for sale a* 1 604 WASHINGTON ST. WOODSTOCK, ELL. , BAMBOO PLANE A plane made of bamboo and •wood--the first of its kind built entirely of Philippine material-- w i l l u n d e r g o t e s t s s o o n a t Manila. Antonio J. de Leon, aeronautical engineer who designed the craft, says the project was undertaken to deter- PITRCHASE PAPER Sale, of the Morris Daily Herald to the Morris Publishing Co., was announced this past week by L. B. Sackett, who has controlled the publication for fifty years. President of the new corporation is Mrs. Mabel S. Shaw. mine whether aircraft bodies .„ could be manufactured in the* Polisher of the Dixon .Evening Telegraph and president? of the B. F. Shaw Publishing Co. Philippines without imported material. , Bead The Want Ads! Arnold V. Lund of Dixon is vicepresident and George B. Barnes of Chicago, secretary-treasurer. FOR THE BEST IN TV l.- SEE YOUR , MUNTZ T.V. - • REPRESENTATIVE DON WEINGART AFTER 5 P. M. PHONE 799-M 807 N. GREEN STREET Ice Cream Desert Certified Food Store FOOD SHCs CANNED ^RUifi> \ J3HOP DOWNTOWN McHENRY Oertified's Prices are - LoWer, Everyday Quality is beyond Question. Make Certified a shopping habit In '58. We guarantee _ M Jave You Money. r v. •» . Top Quality s Chuck Roast OERTIFIED'S OWN lb. Lean Tantalizing Flavor Sliced Bacon |Tt> Fresh Produce Daily Rich In Vitamin "B" Pork Liver Tb Frying Chickens. each Tender Succulent Tasting Fryers Table Ready Roasting Chickens^^c Stewing r^c HENS lb, lb. TOP QUALITY Steaks Round Sirloin 87' Shorts lb. Delicious for Braizing or Soup OX <3Qc TAILS 3y lb. Tender Skinless J 7c OTHERS'" *• JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES . 2 doz. 59c EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA CARROTS . . 2 bchs. 21° FLORIDA ZIPPER-S&IN -- 176 Size TANGERINES . doz. 27c 10 LB. BAG RED POTATOES . * p0 OC CALIFORNIA -- 280 Size ORANGES . 2 doz. 59® YELLOW ONIONS . . 3 lbs. 25° Grocery Dept. LoonWhatsToOWMTBuy LOCKER SYSTEM HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE 6 Oz. Tin 12 » *1.00 GARTH I SLICED BEETS | No. 2 Tin 1 10 -*1.00 RAGGEDY ANN - Fancy APPLE SAUCE 303 Tin 6 *1.00 LIBBY'S 1 SAUERKRAUT 303 Tin 1 8*1.00 ALLEN'S IRISH POTATOES No. 2 Tin 8 *1.00 VAL-VITA UN*PEELED 1 WHOLE APRICOTS Single Can -- 29c | 2% Tin 1 4 <« *1.00 RAGGEDY ANN - Fancy, Solid, Pack TOMATOES No. 2 Tin Single Can -- 22c 5 i. *1.00 CHICKEN-OF-THE-S4I 1 . r u N A , Bite Size 1 3 *L00 1 GERBER'S STRAINED 1 Baby Food 11 *r | 1 COLLEGE INN Chicken Noodle Dinner | 16V4oz. tin 29C CRISCO 1 3 lb. Tin 87° 1 NU-MAID - Table Grade MARGARINE 1 ' 1 lb. Ctn. 27° DERBY 1 T AM ALES -13V£ oz. Jar 19^ Special Premiums Given Weekly - -- ASK OUR CHECKERS} ABOUT OUR PLAN -- FLA YORKIST 4-1 SALTINE CRACKERS . . 1 lb. pkg. 25* DOMINO / PURE CANE SUGAR "»«49c HUNTS or PACKER'S LABEL COLLEGE-INN PURPLE PLUMS TOMATO JUICE Tin COCKTAIL Single Can -- 25c 46 Oz. Tin 4 for 89° 30° Friday Nite Is Family Nlte • Open 'Til 9 P. M. | MORE PEOPLE SHOP CERTIFIED