Pag* raghl THE McHENBY PLAINDEA1XR . «• rr'tf r i'd 'V'if "*'?'!*•<• "-^:€ Thonday. January 15,1953 NEWS FROM Wonder lake By Vu«tu Sells €Jttte liMiwn At Wonder Lake Honored At Banquet "One of the best ways that a student and future citizen can learn is the give and take of sports and the best way to do that is to get into the sports and play them," said Cliff Fulton, freshman football coach at Mc- Henry Community high school obid varsity coach of the school's basketball team, at the Wondef Lake banquet for little leaguers Sun day^af tern oon. •* . Fulton teld the boys that the ando takfcv of the business world is much \he same as the jive and take oA sports, particularly of football (where there is j 80 much teamwonjc involved. "It' is good to play hard and play clean," he told the boys in closing his talk. . McCraeken Speaks Coach Leonard I. McCracken Who heads the sports programs at McHenry high school, alsc spoke to the boys and said that boys get more teamwork spirit out of football than they do from any other sport. He said also that the boys learn how to take hard knocks. Fred Zandier, rural physical instructor for McHenry county, and co-coach of the Wonder Lake team with Russell Spuehr of the Wonder Lake Men's club, commented on the fact that last year, at the first of the football . banquets sponsored by the Men's dub, it was a champion team present. This year's team did not • do much in the way of winning. ~--Sandier said, but there "is no disgrace in losing when everyone did his best." He added, "I 4m just as happy with the fine Ifroup of fighting losers of this year as I was of last year's champions. Wins Top Award Top award, that of the most valuable, player, went to Jerry Anderson, son of Mr. ~ and Mrs. Gordon Anderson. This coveted prize, a gold football, goes to the boy chosen by the players themselves in secret ballot. Others of the team received either emblems for playing, or "numerals for having participated In the program. Zandier, who served as toastmaster, introduced the Rev. James Vanderpool of the Christ he King church, who said grace, md also introduced James Bell of the Men's club, who was instrumental in taking care of details for the football players, Larry Silva and Robert Parker, scoutmasters of the Wonder Lake trcop. The Men's club has been sponsoring sports programs for the children of Wonder Lake for the past two years and purchased all the uniforms for the Wcnder Lake little leaguers' football team and are making an annual event of the football banquet. In Legion Hall Sunday's banquet was held in the Wonder Lake Legion hall and had the members of the Legion's crack rifle squad and the Legion's commander as waiters. All of the rifle squad were in blue uniforms and wore smart yellow ties and the hats showing the emblem of the Post. Commander John "Bud" McMahon named his waiters as Bob Kiddell, Roy Meiswinkel, and Bill Haak. Cooks for the roast beef dinner were Louise Pilgrim (only woman member of Wonder Lake's Legion post), Lois . Haak and Lillian McMahon. j Award, Winners Boys receiving embleffts as Wonder Center and his Wife is the former Darlene Koiug of Pistakee Bay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Konz. -- Full Circle Around Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, Indian Ridge, is the possessor of a fine water color of a McHenry street and the story of how she acquired it is most interesting. Mrs. McEachren's father, Mason Warner. Sr./ Chicago, is a patron of the arts, and at a recent meeting of an arts group he won a prize, the water color. He noticed the subject matter and thought his daughter might like to have it and it now hangs in her Wonder Lake home. The artist? Dr. Lee Olfltdstone's wife, Gertrude! Legion Auxiliary The Legion Auxiliary will meet Thursday, Jan. 15, at °the Legion home. Sewing Group The Hickory Falls sewing group will meet Jan. 21 at 12:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Virginia Mahal. This group is a part of the Wonder Lake unit of the Memorial hospital auxiliary. players on the team were Jerry Anderson, Gary Vogt, Wayne Tronsen, Jim Mahal, Dan Lundbcrg, Bob Biggers, Randy Sellek, George Taylor, Carl Walker, DicK Hoffman, Roger Benson, Jim Bell, Dennis. Brown, John Feyerer, Ken Lucasik, and Wally Schimke. Wally only played in one game because he passed the 125-pound weight limit, but was awarded an emblem because of his participation in the practice sessions. Numerals went to Roland Hoffman, Rodney Benson, Dick Lundborg, Andy Thompson, Tom Cashin, Ed Walker, Bill Spuehr, Lee Spuehr, Johnny Wright, Kurt Wiesenberger, Jim Cecich, Bcb Cecich, Tim Nolan, Charle3 Corrado, G. G. Corrato, Ron Miller, Mickey Lubeck, Tim Miller, and Tom Roti. IEA Delegate John Lathrcp was delegate to the ninety-ninth sessions of the Illinois Education association at Chicago recently. His wife, Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop, who teaches fourth and fifth grades in Harrison school, where Lathrop is principal, accompanied him to the sessions. He was appointed a member of the public relations committee for the century session of .the IEA. v Dr. Ruggero's Office* That modern building on the blacktop road erected for Dr. S. L. Ruggero's offices is now in use. The doctor is seeing his patients there, instead of in the offices aboVe the barbershop. Dr. Ruggero said that a dentist will occupy, thfe offices with him as soon as the building is entirely complete. The doctor also plans to have a full-time nurse in the near future. Alcng with the handsome building which lends tone to the entire neighborhood, we like the old-fashioned lamp post at the edge of the property which permits patients to get into the offices without a seeing-eye dog. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Russell of Maywood have announced the engagement of their daughter, Roberta, to Donald Grill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Grill, Wickline Bay. Both Donald and his bride-tobe are seniors at the University of Illinois. He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi. ' The wedding is planned for June. Donald was graduated from W o o d s t o c k C o m m u n i t y h i g h school where his sister, Janet, is now a student. < Hospital Auxiliary Eleven women of Wickline Bay have joined the Wonder Lake unit of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary during the past month. They are Mrs. Carl Cihos, Mrs. Donald V. Anderson, Mrs. Catherine Siebert, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Agnes West, Miss Marie Grill, Mrs. Anton Grill, Mrs. S. Johnson, Mrs. Inga Jacobson, Mrs. A. Van Alphen, and Mrs. Ethel VanKanegan. ,, Mrs. Anton Grill has been working, as co-chairman in the Wickline area and is responsible for these memberships, according to Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, chairman of the Auxiliary for Wonder Lake. Groups are still meeting to play cards and are turning the proceeds from the games over Son For Doerrfelds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doerrfeld of Shore Hills are parents of their first child, a son, born Jan. 8 in the Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and has been named Robert James, Young Mr. Doerrfeld is the son of Mrs. Marie Doerrfeld of Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation End Chronic Dosing! Regain Normal Regularity This All-Vegetable Way! Taking harsh drugs for constipation can punish you brutally! Their cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of repeated dosing. When you occasionally feel constipated, get gentle but sure relief. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's all-vegetable. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the finest natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes .good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief comfortably. Helps you get regular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Try the new 25#! size Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. GOING SKATING? WE HAVE FOR BEGINNERS DOUBLE RUNNER SKATES to the Auxiliary for the fund being accumulated for a women's and children's wing to the hospital. Mrs. Veima Sinclair has been having card games regularly at her home and recently turned in $11 to the fuilf;:i' Gospel (Cphftuurrce h News We were invited to a -number of homes fpr- player during the Universal Week of Prayer, which was very much appreciated. We believe that in more homes open for prayer, more family altars, where the Word of God wodld btf read by the members of the family and sincere prayers offered, would have a very wholesome effect upon any community. After all, this only sure remedy against iniquity and crime, so prevalent in our days, is Christianity applied--not a mere profession, but an actual experience, expressed in clean and godly living. * We meet here at Gospel Church for our annual meeting next Friday night at 7:30. Next Sunday, our regular services will be as usual, 10 and 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. We cordially invite one and all. CALLS PRIMARY Governor Adlai E. Stevenson has designated April 14, 1953, as the day for a special primary and July 7, lt53, as* the time for a special election 'ia seventh Illinois congressional dis-Y trict to fill the vacancy caused by the death last November, of Rep. Adolph J. Sabath. • -t-- INSECT PESTS ^ \ A 1952 build-up m chinch bug population has set tne stage for what may be a damaging outbreak of them insect pests In 1953 unless the weather is favorable for their growth next spring. This warning to Illinois farmers is found in a year-end repqrt issued by Dr. Harlow B. Mills, chief of the state Natural History Survey. NESTOR JOHNSON FOR BOYS - Hand toe Jr., Johnson's FOR MEN - Hard toe Hockeys FOR GIRLS - Junior Johnson's , For Women - White Figure Skates WHITE HOCKEYS ALSO SKATE GUARDS -- HOCKEY STICKS HOCKEY PUCKS -•>1' VYGITAL'S HARDWARE 132 Green St. SHEET METAL. SHOP PHONE 98 McHenry Getting A New Car? FINANCE IT THROUGH THIS BANK SAVE MONEY With Our Friendlier More Convenient Low Cost 1 Auto Loan Plan SEE US BEFORE CLOSlNS THE DEAL ON YOUR NEW CAR I McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest Paid On Savings Deposits. PHONE 1040 - HANDY SNACK DEPARTMENT ft Or. Pk g. UEDERKRANZ • • • s ' ; / . • 1 Lb. Loaf Kraft AMERICAN CHEESE 5 Lb. 8 O*. Size Noon Hour HERRING . . - . 6 Oz. Kan Kami-- KLUB . . SHRIMP COCKTAIL Wisp ride CHEDDAR CHEESE ! O*. Pk|. Borden's Sliced] SWISS CHEESE • • 4 • • *. 35c 54® $|79 55c 51° 39c 37® Boneless Beef foi\ Stew 59 L * POUND MAKE ENVS MEET Now yon cm enjoy all the finest meat you want because our prices are low even on the most expensive cuts and our careful {trimming assures you of getting ounce for ounce more meat for your money.. And when It come* to the cheaper cuts you'll find our high quality makes these taste •> like a feast. vegetaMe4 DUBUQUE BRAND - 1 Lb. Cello Pkg. Pound SLICED BACON . . . 45 PLANKINGTON BRAND Pound SUMMER SAUSAGE ... .55 ONIONS 3 25< LETTUCE 17i1 R,NG BOLOGNA Pound . 49 TUBE TOMATOES 191 FANCY MiINTOSH APPLES 3*491 J© flAVOK mCKED VALUE PACKED/ FnmOUS BRftilDS 8 POUNDS CRISCO . . . . 8 3 APPLE SAUCE 2 ^ i J MA BROWN - 12 Ob. Siie ^ _ Strawberry Preserves 31 BUDLONG - Dill and Kosher PICKLES .... . « 3 J ERESOTA - 82 Ox. Pkg: MM BISCUIT MIX ... 41 c c c PICTSWEET BRANDS FROZEH FRESH • e e 23 20 19 SQUASH . .. . . . . 21 GREEN BEANS WHOLE KERNEL CORN . . . CHOPPED SPINACH • • • • • • Buy Your Cigarettes by The Carton and Save! All Popular Brands ^®-<arton 1 Block North of Rt. 120 Just East of Old Bridge