Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1953, p. 10

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•lAwt BJiMgtin^ WOOD rge Shepartl "•V tv,.^ „ t& M V"?«: af!* :af. ,/ Thuiffcr, JftAtufy 21 1053 >>Wlt ... . ) • '•••"! • ' ' 1 . " • • t.." M X The Evening W.S.C.S. met at tke home of Mrs. Frank Harri- *0n Wednesday evening. The usual business meeting was held. Km. Harrison and Miss Alice gave the lesson oh "Modern Samaritans" The study group will ,! meet With Mrs. Frank Harrison Friday evening, Jan.«23. It is hoped that more parents will attend this meeting. x . . The W.S.C.S. will hold a bake •ale in Muzzy's hall . Friday, Jan. SO. ^ ^ •This community was saddened .Saturday by the death^of one of Its beloved citizens, Mfcf Flora Ileal, who passed away at a hos- Stal in Los Angeles, where she id been visiting in the home her son, LeRoy, and family. , She was brought here for burial j "in® MicknnJ>) ' "^Die. 4* S night with her mother Mrs. Flora Harrison. "They were on their way to tp^fid the winter i n ' F l o r i d a . ^ ^ Mrs. John Hogan • and Mrs. Chancy Harrison -attended a s e m i - a r i n u a l m e e t i n g of the Women's W.S.C.S of the Rock River conference at the1 Chicago Temple -Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of, Woodstock were callers at the home of Mrs. Grace McCannon FrVid' ay, Duane Andrews of Dekalb spent the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughter, Mae. Mrs. Lester Carr, Mr«. Emma Anderson and Mrs. Grace McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Friday morning. Mrs. Oscar, Berg was a Woodstock visitor*; Friday morning. Mrs. K:mura and son. Shuji, of Oak .Park, spend Friday evein" ,Hhe rG^e^e rShepard »ide her htisband, who passed #way in September. 3V ' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr have Wsoeived notice that tHe|r json, "•«v Charles, who is in service 'in Korea, is ill With polio. ^ > *4 Bonnie Bruce celebrate<l her ^.Hxth birthday Saturday {by en- * tertaining a group of" little friends at her home in the afterj- noon. She received many nice , . .gifts. Lunch was served by her r* Slother. ' , Hie Junior 11.Y.F. met at the „ Some of Jimmie Pearson Friday •vening. The business meeting Was held, after which there was 1 CI study, games and rtfresh- . The January meeting of the - Jlappy Hour 4-H club was ^ brought to order by our president, Annette Smith, with the pledge to the flag. Jim Pearson, our secretary, then read the minutes of the December meeting, which was corrected and approved. Lois Hunt our treasurer, called the roll call. New business Was called and we decided to j J Save our meetings on the second ' • Wednesday of the month as the | J . Agricultural club had their meet- • tag on the first Wednesday. Al-, * > K>, next month we are inviting! • the Home Bureau and the W.S.-1 • L C.S. Jim Pearson gave a very! J demonstration on first aid. i • f.... /v . f- Mary Jane Bell ii' " ' • v Reporter' Btalm M.T.F, lot Green- Wood and Ringwood met in the I «hurch hall Sunday evening. The I / 'Usual business meeting was held, « With i Bible study followed by I . . - games and refreshments. IJV^ Among those from here to fettend the luncheon ancf -meet- |ng at the Community Methodist gshurch at McHenry Thursday, $f*ren by the Woman's Society of Christian Service, were Mesdames John Hogan, C. L. Harrison, Ben Walklngton, Oscar Berg, F. N. Muzzy, George Shepard, Clinton Martin, Mrs. Flora Harrison and Miss Alice Peet. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, JLoren, of Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Xtrs. Laverne .Harrison <of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the J. C. Pearson home. -->••' 1 Mrs. Tollefson of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. Grace McCannon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter, Bonnie and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, spent Sunday afternoon in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue an& daughter of Huhtley spent Sunday with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond spent Sunday in th* Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Davis tv Richmond and Mrs. Jack Lenard and daughter, Jane, atLake Geneva spent Wednesday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. RusselEhlert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zarnstorff and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albright of Wilmot were callers in the John Ehlert- home. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ytfWl Bowman and daughter, Nancy< visited relatives in Chicago' Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., j|nd daughter, Mary Ann, Mrs. Bob Bronnan and son Bobby, spent Tuesday evening in the Jack Lenard home at Lake Geneva. ><> Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and son of Kenosha spent the weekend in the John Ehlert home. Butchie Lenard of "Lake .Geneva spent the weekend i» %ie Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. • n,., Mr. and Mrs. Harold "Stahek and fanfrtyy^ of Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and son of McHenry and A. W. Smitlj were Sunday dinner guests in the B.T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended the Bauer- Wilde wedding reception at McHenry Saturday evening. IJrs. Dewey Beck and children of Crystal Lake were visitors at the Elmer Carr home Sunday afternoon. DISEASE INCIDENCE The 3,931 cases of polio recorded in Illihois in 1952 mark an all-time high for that disease. The worst previous year was 1949, with 2,910 cases. This record- h;gh incidence of polio, and a contrasting downward trend among other major reportable diseases, are shown in a year-end resume released by the state Department of Public Health. Only Twice Told Tales 2af2Eiwrmaaaaaaf2aaaanaaaai Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pierce | SDQBKKnQEBSBQflQpBQQDHQOBOl of Richmond, Miss lone Wlllet and Mrs. Juanita Widen of Wonder Lake, Miss Vandelina Diedrich of McHenry and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kowalski of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Uie ^nVpJga&gnl home. _• * 9.- !*('•"* ' Years I^^lins to look as if ttie Ideal owners of automobiles 'Will be able to run their cars during the entire winter. There are at least a half dozen of our jnachlnes that have beea tifeST*every day thus far. # Anton Freund has succeeded Simon Micnels as the milkman on the S. H. Freund milk route here. Tax Collector John Niesen is looking. for his books this week and will soon be out dEXter the money. . , 15 cases of diphtheria were re- "East Lynne" was the attract- P0rt*tla®1 7hc,f were 28 | ion "at' the "central opeV"ho""uw in 1951. Typhoid fever was diag- f last Sunday evening. The cornnosed m 41 cas^s, against 57 in J pany could stand for a whole lot the preceding year. Whooping of irnprovemeht. cough declined from -1,452 cases in 1951 to 719 last year. For the fifth consecutive year, not one case of smallpox was reported in Illinois. The Want Several prospective auto buyers here are looking over the Mets machine. • . ' Butter was declared, firm at 33 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. * The McHenry brewery ice S - A - L - E at PETER M. JUSTEN FURNITURE CO. "NEXT TO THE BANK" i OBOi--.--lopocasa houses were filled In recordbreaking time this year. It took the gang of ice men just exactly forty-eight and one-half hours to the one at the pond. * - • • • • C. F. Norager, proprietor of the Orchard Beach'hotel on Fox river, situated about a mile north of this" village, has made arrangements for the holding of a big skating race on Fox river at his place Sunday, Jan. 26. Six professional men skaters of Chicago have already signified their willingness , to come out and compete for the day's honors. "Wireless Telegraphy" and "The Value of Domestic Science" were the titles of orations this week at high school. The former was delivered by Harry Step* henson and the latter by Julia na year-end report by tile ££ftte Freund. • That McHenry Is fast gaining fill the house at the brewery audi* P1*56 on ^ automobile map so far as Agencies are concerned is not to be denied when it becomes known that another agency is to be established here in the very near future. Geo. A. Stilling, son of the Ben Stillings, has rented the lower floor of the Buch block, near thfe^ river bridge, and will soon have*lHurne fitted up for sales room purthe preceding year, according to wm OIL WELLS Drilling activities in the Illinois oil fields during 1952 resulted in the completion of Z,- 078 wellB, a decrease of 305 from Geological Survey. Oil production for 1962 was 60,387,000 hartals, a slight increase over 1961. Of the 2,078 wells completed last year, 802 produced oil, 17 produced gas, and the remainder were unsuccessful. Wildcats within two miles of production had a highci- percentage of success than wildcats drilled in more remote locations. Twentythree oil pools and one gas pool were discovered during 19C2. Daily average production. for December was 169,000 barrels, 4,- 000 barrels more than in November. Estimated total production for December, 5,329,000 barrels. Subscribe for the Pialndealer 'if SPEEDY" t7 McHENRY GARAGE ee-MY SwSET- 1 HAVE A rq CONFESSION TO MAKE THE CAR ISN'T NEW IT JUST L0®KS AND ACTS NEW - THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL. SERVICE JOBS Of OH. LUCKY ME' ON MY HONEYMOON, AND MARRIED TO A HANDSOME MAN V*TH A RRtftMT ANO SHINY NEW CAS WHAT 2At stoe LE EXPLORE WELL WHY STILL THAT NICK MILLETS IPHENRY GMMt aoi WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 IOE aoi lesaoi POOPS WITH THOSE TWO Who Said Taxis f" | Are A Luxury? Add tfce cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked olotties tad youll agree door -te-ioor taxi actually saVea money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need CALL 723 ! McHENRY CAB Mr. and Mrs. Milford 8mith of • Chetek, Wis., spent Thursday tasaaaawaMa-aaaBa-*--*--1 II purport* YOUR POCKiTBOOK / Produce First-rate quality for the first-rate folks who shop here. Wonderful to find at these low prices! LARGE BUNCHES CARROTS 2A5 DELICIOUS Wefre sparking up your eating pleasure while we're jacking up your budget, with new low prices on ail our fine foods. For healthful meals and smoothly operating budgets you can't beat our •tore as THE place to shop. / APPLES 2* 29 a o tARGE SOLID HEADS' LETTUCC It VO. 1 BED MoCLURE Ltbby'i 11 OS. HEAT and EAT 3»aOBS 8 UWUJ > - 1* Uh cap ,J INIConCamelforfl' . 45 * • Carefully selected: pure beef, freshly ground far full flavor. Serves m>ns . . ~nRmts leas . . tastes' Wonderful. Oscar Mayer's far-B-Q-Beef . . franco American - 22 ox. Spaghetti .. 2f«r4r« Manor Ha COFFEE Green G|pi$ PEAS v. . • Tomato Sauce w 9 pound LEAN HOME CURED Corned Beef...4 69 ra®ffliiSeMKn8S a wtut&if Neck Bones .. 3 ^ 35' I ^nfehi pkgr $J98«w. j say laiiitf swiscs wia eas drtss Is 0 Unnlrf wwlirtli, **v>fy> ihwn11 Islili In 2 fcowgl wmtm el fcsw ewmn er> wl«Q UWWIX l» ill , Mw ImllnMt, mw bMMty to llwit KMII IMi imim. y esa swly UNtTiX yewMtf--Tt «My. IN «n4 M •• .\#em yw pwrf el Ms HHITCX Ifti |MIHM ell paint Prints, Scats end finishes ia On* Ceett [tO Lowly Colors to etiooo# Consvlt your x Color HarmonizMl t ffmm. -m; VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 1B0 8. Green Street SHEET METAL SHCWP PHONE 98 McHenry, 111. 'fi-i ft! UNI-TtX It nat a SMALL FANCY Pork Hocks yt .Lb. CRACKIN GOOD CRACKERS FREE! -BOTH FOR A H With Purchase of 1 p&Fig Bars J/C 39» CHOCOLATE FLAVORED KRAFT AAALTED MILK riMti m HomE nEEDS fSSb Large Star TIDE 2 for 49 New Foamy Kitchen Cleanser 2-19* -<Cveamy or Crancky - X#. Stee *1 Block North ol Rt. 120 Jut} East of Old Bridge Peanut Butter FARM BRAN? - 11**. 41 Butter IOE

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