Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1953, p. 8

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JS'K* Sko.vfft " (h T C?*:^ KHS FROtf x;v^r " ;"| ./ StcSBBttftY , ;r^ yr vr.iv s i.if *« T' i* „£* •'-- " •' v'» . •« * i ' « » ' r "* t ml i ' n I •• .1 tfTJg. r Lake I'*.. ¥ TUbhh Mil < ..v - Bint While TobogpuMg Hi Mven-year-old son of Mr James Ensminger is a in the Manorial hospital, where he was taken ftandfcjr following a tobogganing •CCident on the Engvalsen farm at the north end of -Wonder Lake. Roger Ensminger was on the HNXlt of the toboggan with his •Ittter, Susan, two cousins, Gordon and Gwendolyn Buhrers of Lombard, and ^nn Carlson of Bark Ridge behind him. They Wore riding the to^ggan down It hill in the apple' orchard on the Engvalsen farm. The toboggan hit a tree and all the other Children bumped against Roger, breaking a leg bone between the thigh and the knee. The fracture caused the bone to slide down sideways and weights have been attached to the leg 10 bring it back together again 1M> that it can be set. „ Roger is in the second grade •t Harrison school. leader, did the investing as all of the girls invested were from her patrol. Mrs. Dorothy Yokley, trcop committee chairman, pinned the Scout pins on the girls. Mrs. Elaine Spuehr, a Scoutpleader, also became a Girl Scout for the first time. She then pinned Gladys Gustavson and Mrs. Eve Johnson of the troop committee. The Scouts presented JKrs. Gustavson and Mrs. Spuehr with corsages. • Ann Lundborg and Diane Hunt, patrol leaders, introduced the girls during the ceremonies. Parents of the girls were guests, as Were Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop, ; Mrs. Sybil Johnson, Mrs. Irene Anderson and Nancy Swanson. Hurt In Sledding Accident Richard Mann, 9,-son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mann of Deep Spring Woods, ran his sled into a parked car Sunday afternoon and cut his head so severely that four stitches were required. Another accident .happened to Russell Spuehr whose young sons. Billy and Lee, urged him to try a "belly buster." Dad was fame and took a flyer down the hill. One of the other sledders cut him off and Russell ended up with bruised legs. Stitches were required to repair the ^huge holt IB his best pants! £ ^ H o n o r e d . Kenneth Cristy, one of the llvlag past presidents of the Farm bureau, is to be a special guest •long with six other past presidents Saturday at a dinner meet- JJKg aJt, the Westwoad school. * • v * • frrogOeslve Dinner « *'A progressive dinner party ||aturday night started with OOcktails and appetizers at the feme of Mr. and Mrs. "Bud Elperson. Shrimp cocktails were enjoyed tit the home of Mr. and Mrs. pred Zandier and soup was serf* d by Mrs.,. Harriet Bell. _ The salad was served at the pome of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Seefhan. The main course was served at the home of Dr. and Mrs ftantos Ruggero, with Mr and Mrs. Thomas Mathews assisting the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. James Stende latch were host and hostess fo: dessert and coffee and liquor' Were served at the home of Mrs Dold. Basketball League J.The Wonder Lake boys' basket , IjsH team, which participates ir little league play each Saturday fkrorning, lost its third straight jtame tn a row last Saturday §nd, as their coach, Fred Zan ""Per, says "They now have a se fre hold on the last place." The Wonder Lakers lost to the ftfcHenry Junior high school #1-6. They face the JohnSburg feam next Saturday. •.« 'Those playing last Saturday Bcluded Jerry Anderson, Waynr frwnaen, Roger Benson, Jim Mahal, Gary Vogt, pan Lundborg, George Taylor, Bob Biggers, John Wright, Randy Sellek . Pick Hoffman and Carl Walter. * Firemen's Dance' The Wonder Lake firemen are making plans for a' big dance to be held in the Woodstock armory May 2. Tickets will be free. It's An ID Wind The old saying "It's an ill trtnd that doesn't blow someone some good" came true this week for Sandi Sells, substitute cheerleader for the junior varsity team. Judy Freund of McHenry came down with the chicken pox and was unable to appear for the games Friday and Saturday. Sandi got her first , chance to show off the cheers she has been Girl Soout Ceremony' Investiture ceremonies were held at the Wonder Lake Lutheran church recently to make five girls full-fledged Girl Scouts. The five invested were Susan Ensminger, Carol Pillar, Joanne Reuter, Carole Swanson and Janet Wright. Mrs. Gladys Gustavson, Scout TOWN & COUNTRY STUDIO Where women love to shop Riverside Dr. McHenry/ OVERALL WEARERS XTIIA MM tMNSi Ttw handsome and dressy Ksy Weave Herringbone Denim stays rich looking much longtr after repeatsd washings. XTRA WIAR: The Key Weave Her. ringbone gives 79.8% greater rip resistance than government stand* ard t oz. denim. Sanforised material Top grade pocketing used, double bottoms. XTRA COMFORT: Expertly designed, streamline patterns give complete protection without binding or looking baggy. Guartateod to fit. XTRA SAFETY: The patented KIYPSAFC Bib Pocket keeps your valuables SAFE. Why you can stand on your head and your money, watch, key*, pipe and other valuables won't fall -out. practicing all season. And Judy's clothes fitted exactly. V; t Harrison School P.Mi The January meeting gf the P.T.A. was held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 13, at 8 o'clock at the school. Some seventy-five members were in attendance and enjoyed the very interesting talk by Dr. H. H. Garner of McHenry, who discussed with us some of the problems which arise in our everyday lives with our children, our reactions to same and' some possible solutions. A short business meeting followed. Social hour of the evening was sponsored by the mothers of Mrs. Lathrop's room, Mrs. Jean Matolewicz, Mrs. Mildred Yager, Mrs. King and Mrs. Beryl Cannon, under the able guidance of Mrs. Elaine Speuhr. We are grateful to them for their efforts.. - 's The next meeting will be on the second Tuesday in February. The child study group, under the guidance of Mrs. "Marjorie Lathrop, will, have its. n«xt meeting on Feb. 3. . Daughter Born It's a baby daughter foV Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Allen of Hampshire. She was born in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Jan. 23, and is their first child. The baby will answer to the name of Sharon. Mrs. Allen is the former Joan Dornbush, daughter of th» IjQwin Dorabushes of Wondsf<LsJke. She attended Harrison schobl, McHenry high stock high. .<?' Back From Flortdfe Betty < Holocwost has returned from a trip to Florida. She made the trip with an aunt and undle and while in Florida visited with Sandi Jo Monteleone, f resident of Wonder LakS, Gospel Church News Next Sunday, Feb. 1, we conduct our monthly meeting at Christian Haven, a lovely christian home for the aged near' Harvard. The meeting is at 3 p.m. At the morning service of the s?me day, we set apart a little time for dedication of children, in His name who said: "Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." This meeting is - at ""11'. o'clock. On the same day in the evening, at 7:45, our monthlv Communion service will be held. ' We also invite you to our weekly prayer meetings on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock as always, a most cordial welcome to all and at all times. Catting MarahmallowH When cutting msrshmaUbw* ifor desserts, dip the shears into warm water betwen nips and the "job Is more easily dnne. CORN# ffOLXDAYS Illinois farmefs were holding 376 million bushels of. corn as of Jan. 1, a quantity 7 pef cent more than a year' ago and 16 per cent stoove the,, "ten-year average for that datfe, according to the state and federal departm e n t s o f a g r i c u l t u r e . F a r m stocks of oats were. 78 million bushels, an amount less than usual and reflecting last season's short crop. Wheat on farms was estimated at 2.9 million bushel^, somewhat less than the ten-year average* and soybeans estimated at 20 million bushels,^ which is about N an average amount for this time of year. „ % Want Ads. like everybody's business. •re ' ' FrUHlNt Buying Urge quantities of dalrj teed paps only when milk pricei are extra good. And a good teed production program is beneficial only when if is based on feeding cows proper amounts according to weight, milk production, and physical condition. ; Another Method We*W*t another method moving coffee stains which may also have cream and sugar mixed with the coffee. Sponge with cool water, let dry, then sponge with cleaning fluid or powder. Old coffee stains may be difficult. to remove, so it's smart to get at them right away. Subscribe for the Plalndealer locaoi I0E30I lOBOl «BO M o Grand Opening Do JOE'S TAP 541 Main Street McHenry, W. jj SATURDAY, JAN. 31st " - ' . * Lunch - -Music Ltagsr fCmr Junior will get longer wear from his * baseball bat if he cleans It thoroughly and then coats it with thinned shellae. While the shellac is out, give your fishing pole s coat or two--it will last longer. If the weather's humid aad jrs§| ' stfll want to wcr hose, cfcooaa the seamlesS styles because' iron (hen wOn't have to t|iro and the hose Into place to have flfli. seams straight. r~ CM Worwfck's McHenry Camera Center Cameras Bought, Sold and. Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES 2 Djur Free Expert Service Does Not Stop With A Bale, :*»Jp ^ A See us before you buy. WOHWICK'S STUDIO / 117 N. MVEI8IDE PHONE 278 CLARENCE'S SHOP S * v : v - • -'tMrd Houses - lawn C%ain - Lawn and Porch 8wlng<%,. "Picnic and Umbrella Tables - Pier and Park Benches • Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window Boxes Flower Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, TrelUf.- Jfickct Fences, KADE TO ORDE^ > Cheat of Drawers, Coinflces, etc. " lament Chimney Caps and Cempool Rings and Covet* , CLABENCE J. SMITH room MtJ-l 10HNSBUB4. nuXOB III SHE! Here Are A Few Ways You Cap. Save By Shopping In McHenry Stores gjUIUIIinUIIIIHUIHIIHmillllHHHIIHUIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIHIHHIIII| S Due To These Special Prices All Stores| i Retain The Right To Limit Quantities|. nllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||IF FRIDAY and SATURDAY JAN. 30 & 31 IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINUIIItllllHIIIHIIIMIIIIIMMINNIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllltylllK PHim Listed Below Are AvallaM|e Only rntii Present Stocks Are Ex- I Iwusted. I HIIIIHIIIIHIHIWHmtlllllflllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIItlWIHIIlim SAVE MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS 'S" Racine and Van Heusen Brands • $8.95 and *9.95 Values ^ McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN llH fib. Green Sftreet ^ ' Phone 47 HERRih,C SONI.. SAVE ALL WOOL - 27 x 54 ' Throw Rugs *&» Regular ^ricej $14.95 NIESEN'S FLOORS SAVE 75' V Saiin Finish - Rubber Base Regularly $1.45 52S Main Street Phone S3 SAVE *5S* 2 ARVIN TABLE MODEL RADIO $2400 Regular Price $29.95 i " * 1 Others Priced Accordingly ; tE F. M. Radio-Television SALES -- SERVICE MS Elm Street Phaoe 979 i SAVE »121 Men's Heavy - LaCrosse Brand g Storm Work Rubbers *129 Regularly $2.50 GLADSTONE'S DEPARTMENT STORE O iM la Oreen Street 182 SAVE *1 oo 95 GEO. COLLEflE, Owner P ItfMide Drive PHONE 459 McHenry, HL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. g ALUMINUM Snow Shovels $1 Regularly $2.95 » With Lifetime Hardened Steel Edge ^ Wood Handle with strong "D" Type Handgrip VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP rn fitrma -Street Vkione 98 McHenry, m. •MHSMBiMMBHBi LTHOFF ^ , "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" K Hain Street Phone SSI SAVE 1 * wn> ' - KEMTILE 9x9 ASHPHALT TILE 5l< pe, m D-GRAD® ' k * r* ' Tonyan's Home Furn. 208 E. Elm Street Phone 917 SAVE s2*> LAMP SHADES *4" Regularly $6.95 P. M. JUSTEN FURN. NEXT TO THE BANK 838 Main Screes Edw. F. Coates, mgr. Phone 88 SAVE '2u u NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Men's and Ladies Yellow Gold Filled Expansion WATCH BANDS »2*' Regularly $4.95 SAVE 94° REGULAR 51 GA.-15 DENIER NYLONS _ These are Our Regular Stock Nylons. Regular 98c pair - BEN FRANKLIN ~ Locally Owned -- Nationally Known lit So. Green Street McHenry, SAVE «13u Nationally Advertised Q LINED 1ACKETS <21 N j Quilted. Lining -- Mouton jQq|pirs • ^ I Regularly $36.00 . I Others Specially Pricg| J FITZGERALD'S ' MEN'S SHOP 208 So* 42roen( Street SAVE 80 M GALLON Garbage Can *3® jugular SWd M4* ! * • b' BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE 180 N. RIVhrslde Drive m STEFFAN'S JEWELRY & RECORDS We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. fU Main Strefit Phone 128-J MISSES SAVE $6.00 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ff Lined Sport Jackets l1 195 Mouton Collar - Quilted Lining - Sixes 12-20 ' Choice of Colofs: Blue, Green or Grey -- Reg. $17.06 Other Ladles Jacfeets Drastically Reduced OEO^ COLLETTE, Owner |88 Riverside Drive Phone 469 IOI , m. SAVE «4" ! 16 Piece Starter Set RUSSEL WRIGHT IROQUOIS CASUAL -CHINA $69* Regular $10.95 ^ " ^ . • Available in Sugar White, Icy Blue and Parsldy Green Guaranteed Against Breakage for 1 Year TOWN & COUNTRY STUDIO N. Riverside Phone 207-4 SAVE 12 4 tkXS WOODBURY BATH SIZE SOAP W m Regularly 4Sc BOLGER'S DRUG STORE, We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. 108 So. Green Street Pt»oon 40 jg loaaok ' . ** •• i

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