-mm '8 school P.T.A. will utained by a program to ted by the children of on Wednesday, March :15 p.!ft. Eighth grade has selected •*' ft Sksfch called "A Fantasy of WMUa." The cast includes Pat- Vtcki MUler, Gerald Blake, Vic- 1 - torla Zlebel, Judy Hollenbach, Patricia Steadman, Mary Jo Obenauf, Annette Smith, Arlene Wljas, Carol Szarek, Joann May, , - Rose Marie DeMuth, James Qaifc, Gene Plreund, Anthony Stay, John Regner, Thomas Michv • ahM-n and Richard Koenig. | A surprise class song, "Vive VfrfAmour," will also be sung and tfce sixth grade will offer "Come Gentle Spring" .and "Huckleber- Finn," to ,be followed by two recitations. mt' its next meeting at the' church hall on Atanday evening, March 2. . .* Joan SoTfunsffhg To Wed James Holden . / Mr. and Mrs. Geocge Sdimaling of Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake have announced the engagement of their daughter, S.NA Cdmp At « Peterson Home The Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. will meet Tuesday evening March 3 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, with Mr». Franca* fiftee^a co-hostess. tnu+'i ••>»<» 7T Thitinitaj 26, lf$g R. W. N'mta's ' ;'^v Wed 25 Years Mr. and Mrs R. W Wmt* *f Venice Park. McHenry, observed their twenty fifth wedding anniversary on Feb. 18 but celebrated the occasion last Saturday when they entertained 100 friends and relatives at a buffet supper at the Legion Home. The serving table was attractively decorated with flowers and was centered by a beautiful three-tier cake. The bride and L0,.J,£m„„R i?0^: eroom of tw*nty-five years son of Russell Holden of Elk- j horn, Wis. They expect to be married in May. Mr. Holden is employed aa an electrician at Edwal Laborator.es. fourth Party 1ft Touraameat -- The C. D. of A. held a iocial meeting and the fourth party in the current card tournament on Feb. 19, wffth Genevieve Knox •nd Lillian Bolger as hostesses. Winners in cards were Olive *ay, Helen Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson and Alvina Walsh, pinochle; Mary Ann Thennes and Kay Mahoney, canasta; Mildred Klnsala and Coletta Adams, bridge. A business meeting wllL_ be held Marph 5. ifejfohnsburg P.T.A. Visas Amateur Show. Sixty members of the Johnsliurg Community P.T.A. were jiresent at the February meeting, held last Monday night. A founders' day program was presented by the executive board and was greatly enjoyed by those in attendance. Later, seventh and e'ghth graders sang --*nd recited, using Brotherhood Week as the theme. « There was a three-way tie for attendance between Sister Lu4- qella's room and those of Sister Charlotte and Sister Elsa. An amateur show is planned for the next meeting on March S3. Anyone who would be interested in contributing an act for the program is asked to contact one of the officer* presented with a variety of lovely gifts. Out of town guests in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. William , .v. i Fredrick and Mr. and Mrs. Fred His bride-to-be works in the off- ^ ^ villa Park, Mr. and Mrs. ice at the Tag and Ticket factory | Winiam Blythe of Westchester, in Woodstock. . j Mrs. John Burke and son, Dennis, of Wheaton, Mrs. Earl Musicians Md At whiterrtan of South Bend, Ind., Koberstfne Home ' Mr. and Mrs. Anthcny Doolin, , The Melodia Alpha chapter of j Mr'. and Mrs. William Halley, the Hammond Organ society met j Mr and Mrg Milton Waldie and at the home of the Joseph Kober- j Mr an(j Mrs. Ray Bernard of Stines at Colmar earlier this I Chj'cag0t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew "month. A dessert luncheon was I julien Qf skokie, Mr. and Mrs. served at 2 o'clock, with dinner James Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. later at Westlake's in Solon Frank Madsen of Desplaines, Mills. Mr an(j Mrs. Leonard Peet of Hflsbands of members were j Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. also included in the get-together, Carl Mijler of Libertyville. so they could enjoy the organ | j^jr ^ Mrs. Nimtz were marplaying of members. Highlight of I ried jn chicag-0 in 1928 and have the day was the performance of, Raided in this community for Mary Jean Miller, Quiz Kid or-1 about twelve yeara During the ganist, who gave an unusual program of organ muato. ; served in the Navy, he owns and manages the McHenry Plastering business. They have one daughter, Mrs. Donald Doolin, resid'ng in Greeley, Colo., who was unable to be present. 1 v • PER! <11 MH lt< »•»« H Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Milled returned recently from a vacation trip South. Mr. £nd Mrs. William Purvey of Woodstock were guests one 'day last week in the Albert lpUfcr vey home. The latter returned recently from a trip to Mexico with the George Jones family. Earl Walsh and son, Jack, and Dennis Conway visited the Outdoor Show in Chicago on Monday. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biggy and Mrs. Nellie Sterling of Chicago, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sommers of Sioux Falls, '3. Dak., visited McHenry friends one day last week. Mrs. Sommers will be remembered as the former May Sutton of McHenry. * Miss Rita Martin and Mrs. Lekr Winkel visited Clarence Martin in Waukegan one day this past week. Miss Beverly Blish and Mrs JANUARY BBIDE Photo I I I I 1 *•*£+» Mrs. C. »y O. E. B. Stated P. M. -- Acacia H; jftueh 8 Home Bureau Unit L. Harrison. Pox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. -- Mrs. Kenneth Peterson. - March 12 ,< Spring Time Fashion Treat -- American Legion Home -- 8 p.m. March 17 St. Patrick's Parish Party -- Church If all. March II Bazaar -- sponsored by V.I'.W, Auxiliary V.F.W. Clubhouse June JJ6, 21 A 28 Johnsbury Community C}yb Carnival.; ;V.V,V FEB. 14 MR8. DONALD SCHAEFER Before her marriage to Don» aid Schaefer of McHenry on Jan. 24, this lovely bride was Miss I second world war Mr. Nimtz 1 ---j .v. "--. at present Surprise Party For John Scheid John Scheid was pleasantly surprised by members of his family on the occasion of his eighty-third birthday anniversary last Sunday. The gathering was planned by his daughter, Rena Scheid, and her cousin, Mrs. Christie Burns, of Waukegan. Cards were enjoyed. Later Mr. Burns showed pictures > f other family get-togethers held during „ „ . . .„ .. the ZJ y«J and tocK p,ctur,8 C°, Home Bureau Members Hear Landscaping Talk The Ringwood Home Bureau unit will meet with Mrs. C. L. Harrison of Ringwood on Tuesday, March 3, at 1:15 p.m. Mrs. major lesson on for Amateurs" -workers'wl11 be £iven by Mrs- Edd Peet- There will also be a report on Farm and Home Week, which will be given by the delegates Mrs. J. J. Neuharth and Mrs. M. AlhrlgM-Jwe Vows Exchanged Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Marian Jurs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jurs of Fox River Grove, and Albert W. Albrecht, Jr.. whose parents reside here. The service was performed Feb. 7 in St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran church in Barrington, with Rev. H. H. Heinemann officiating. Mrs. Alnrect is a graduate of Crystal Lake high school and is employed in the office at the Oaks Mfg. Co. Mr. Albrecht is a graduate of Grant Community high school and from the University of Illinois. He is now employed as ah engineer for the Penith Radio Corp. Chicago. of the group assembled Sunday. I One of them included the guest | of honor with six co during the latter part of his twenty-five years of service with A. P. Freund Construction Company. The other men present and. photographed were Delphine, Irv- Milbrandt. in and Ralph Freund, Alvin Miller, Leo Meyer and Francis Grasser. A tasty lunch was served, including two birthday cakes. Present at the gathering besides those mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marre of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scheid and family of Woodstock and Altar and Rosarjr -- Will Meet March 2 The Altar and Rosary*sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold CARD OF THANKS In this way we would like to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. They were all appreciated very much t_.^ _ MR. & MRS. FRED PETERSEN Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheid and | MR, * MRS. JAMES CARLSON family of Richmond. j 42 * C. N. CARLSON DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FlTTEUfX YI8UAL TRAmirG -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY : 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to & P. * FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P. EYENINGS BY APPOINTMENT " " PHONE McHENRY 45f Louis Kick and children spent Estelle McMahon of 2937 Estes the weekend at the hotrie of I avenue, daughter of the Robert their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil | J- McMahons of Chicago. The Blish, at Elroy, Wis. , j bridegroom is the son of Mr. Mrs. Nick M. Justen returned and Mrs. Henry B. Schaefer ,of home from St. Therese hospital, 302 Court street. Waukegan, on Friday, where she , The couple exchanged vows at had undergone surgery the pre-: Margaret Mary's church, vious Monday. Her daughter,; Chicago, in an 11:30 o'clock ser- Dorothy Justen, R.N., of Rock- * " * * ~ ford, has been caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan and granddaughter, Kitty Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan of Woodstock were recent guests in the Norbert Yegge home. Walter Warner and daughter, Mrs. William Johns, of Elgin, visited McHenry relatives Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalln and daughters, Mon!ca and Diane, of Waukegan and Mr, and vice, followed by a reception at the Hotel Belmont. They enjoyed a honeymoon. 'trip to Biloxi, Miss., before taking up housekeeping in an apartment at 460 John street, McHenry. The bride is a graduate of St. Scholastica academy and attended the Chicago Teachers college. The groom is a' M.C.H.S. graduate. BIRTHS Pvt. and Mrs. Bernard N. Kennebeck of HUntsville, Ala., are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 21. TWs is the couple's first child, Mrs. Kennebeck the former Joan Weber of Mo- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schaefer are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 19 at the Woodstock hospltal. Lieut, and Mrs. Hugh G. Murphy, residing in Florida, where he is stationed, have named their new baby Maureen, The little lady, their first child, weighed 6 lbs. 5 OE. at birth on Valentine's Day. Tannin Soft drinks usually have tannin in them and since these stains are lOKSOl -gus TOMIR SH8P Subscribe for the Plalndealer j colorless at first, they're usually Remedies at Wattles Drug Store, ignored. When old, they become Mfs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago j McHenry. 8-tf difficult to remove. were Sunday guests in the home of their mother, Mrs. Mollie GiVens. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock spent „ Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Bolger. Sunday vis'tors In the Cornelius Quinlan heme were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pabst, Mr. and Mrs William Schneider and Miss Jean Pabst of Chicago. Ben Rirgio of Maple avenue left Tuesday morn'ng to attend a hardware convention at the Sheraton hotel in Chicago. Mrs. Robert E. Mayer of 124 Country Club drive left last Saturday for Florida for a mpitth or six weeks' vacation. With her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Aust'n Miller. she took a night plane Feb. 21 and will remain at Daytona Beach during- her stay in the South. Headquarters will be Unti's Marine Beach apartments. Dr. and Mrs. Delbert Whiting and son, Dennis, of Elgin y)si$aft in the home of Genevieve 6jhd Marty Knox on Sunday. 4 312 Ei Elm St. McHenry. HI PHONE 746 I Need a Robber Stamp? it now at tha Plalnflealer. Order Spring Coats and Suits for the EASTER PARADE J3oys' Sizes thru 8 Girls' Sizes thru Pre-Xeen We have a convenient Lay-Away nan. CARD Or THANKS We wish to take this meah» •at thaajdng the many neighbojM aftd friends for gifts, congratulatory cards and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of our golden wedding anniversary; also all those who attended our opeh house celebration Sunday. Mil. ^ *42 Step Takitff IP! U ANt> MM. 1W J Coistipatifi CM Chrealc Dosta|! Itapta HinMl RflpiUrtty IDs M Wfl MRS. EDWARD PIER0NI Before her marriage on Valentine's Day, this lovely bride was Miss Janice Justen. She was married to the son of the Ernst Pieronis of Fair Oaks subdivision. Miss Justen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albex$ Justen, .J • 'jEatra *. • • * • ttaiph Surpiuss was 'jM fcltefMrt) Hinior in Topeka. Kan. Most Dangerens Day Saturday is the most dangerour lay of the week in traffic. Taking harsh drugs for cof can puoish you brutally !T£ck crimps 1 and griping disrupt normal bowelk action, make you feci in need tif re-» peated dosing. When you occasionally fed cpnsti-S sated, set snrt/Sr but swt iftikf. Take Dr. Ciklaweu's Senna Laxative contained , in Syrup Pepsin. It's Now ' . salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. CaMwelrsr * contains an extract of Senna, oldest am|., ooe of the finest MAnr«/laxatives know%-'"";' ' to medicine. „• Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative taste#; good, acts mildly, brings tboroughK relief cemftrubty. Hdps you get! lar, cods chroniC dosing. Ercn re' stomach sourness that cons tit ofttD brings. Try the new 25t sue Dr. Caldwell's^ Money back if not satisfied. Matlbofti<[ to Box 280, New York IS, N. Y. IN EVERYDAY UUWUMI HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO YWI F« m Tbe"0C<Mpecanl"ofyourdi«ckui(f account,which wq^send you periodically. It shows deposits, checks paid, bank charges for the period; and the balance on our records. i You can reconcile your checkbook' balance with the bank's recordof your balance--and keep accurate account of your money matter*. b«dS«t records, opw a ebtddag mrt bare. McHENRY STATE BANK ^ MBa^BER FEDERAL RESEKVRK STSTBK PAID ON SAVINGS DSPOARNI. THANK YOU! WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK JR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WHO VISITED OUR STORE DURING OUR GRAND OPENING. WE GREATLY APPRECIATED YOUR FINE COMMENTS ; AND WELL WISHES. YOUR ENTHUSIASM HAS FURTH- ™=tRED OUR BELIEFS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF SERVING YOU WITH QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND BRAND NAMES WITH WHICH YOU ARE FAMILIAR. WE ALSO WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS FOR THE MANY BEAUTIFUL FLORAL PIECES WHICH ONLY HELPED TO MAKE OUR GRAND OPENING AN EVENT IN WHICH " WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER. WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU - IN THE FUTURE AND DISCUSSING YOUR SPORTING ' PROBLEMS. ^ refevision tfat-the BUICT CMCUS HOU|-«wy fsertt TaMday. {SPORTING GOODS MARINi SUPPLIES TSE SBEATESt; BUICK III 50 ORCAT YEARS tHB getaway of any 19S3 Buick--SPECIAL, SUPER or ROAOMASTBR--i», an ooe ^ord, dazzling. Two things account for this. First : increased horsepowers and compression ratios. tecond: Buipk's ne^ Jwin tTurbine •ynaflow Drive.* In every SUPBR and R<)ADMA8TBIl loir 1953, *St*ud*rd on Roeinuuttr, optional st mt$fm cost on otbmrSirUs. is a new kind of V8 Engine-the first Fireball V8--and the world's most advanced V8, first in any passenger car to reach 8.5 to 1 compression. In every SPECIAL is a newly designed F-263 Fireball 8 Engine with the highest horsepower and compression ever offered in this Series. To get fullest benefit from these brilliant engines, Buick engineers designed a new Pynaflow with two turbines instead of one. Result: flash-fast getaway--less sound--and improved efficiency--added to the infinite iipoothness of this power transfer. Getatfff that brings the 19S3 Buick Special up to 30 mph in fewer seconds than the mighty 19$3 Roadmaster. • J l-; r." • But these GoleftMl Arintvferaii'y Buldcs tM. you way ahead in moi^e than time top distance. You're way out front in style, in comfor^ i in ride, in handling ease--and, very defr> nitely, in value. We'd like to prove that to you--while you'rfi * sampling any one of die greatest Buicks ift * fifty great years. Why not drop in this weelcf -WHIN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WIU, BUILD THEMr_. i. Street PHONE 1000 McHenry, I1L R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SAL MeBmzr. HL ... '• ,IWF*fBt-St t i . . ; Ua*. :