Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1953, p. 10

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3'J ' 4/1THE MCHENRY PJJORDEMXR -!-» I wi^rfw,!* -iTr*tg*- W-*--'V •%".•<• "I-...' .. • .'••>••" >."•••"•#» •'••.ir.. 'i±.e " \ „( • o »<•' « "5Pf5TW*TW*T^W~W*WWw:Wr t •: •'* ••; ?«//jC' ^- $ ' ' " f s Tfambf, Much (. 1983 Lake By Eve Levesque -Knoll Mooting HlOhthly meeting- of the 11 a s s o c i a t i o n w a s 'It the Frank Poleana home , ftlttirday Feb. 28. The main {Harassed is the poor con- ^of our roads. Equipment d ^ gravel for fixing our ttaruNgfif&res is expensive and lptfUl-- of the poor response on t|W past of the .members and liim-members, the treasury is in .. fc' sad state. 1 ^ 'i For the benefit of those who iSren't aware, this is a non-profit organisation, designed for the welfare and, betterment of our oommwiity. Surely good roads are the desire and ultimate goal q{ all who live in McCuIlom Lake. As residents, there are two things we can all do to improve our community. ^ 1. Join the Cullom-KnoU asisbciation and for a nominal "sum per year you can have the feeling that you are carrying ybur ' Aare of the burden. 2. And almost as important, •We can each be. responsible for fixing and maintaining the small stretch of street in front Of our own homes. Let's prove to the cynics and •Coffers that our type of government will work. . Our beach will bj i safer *nd lllore pleasant place on which to relax, due to the hundred yards of sand which was dumped there list week. and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koch of Elmwood Park. Betty and George Baumbeck opened their home and extended welcome to the William (Lambie) Baumbecks of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen entertained members bf their family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen and children Kaa-. ren. Butch, and Alan, of the Country Club Subdivision and ghamnwfc Social _ The Shamrock S. C. had their monthly social at McDonald's Tavern on the blacktop, Saturday night. Mrs. Lillian Hansen was the hostess and served a delicious meal of "Lasange." All who attended agreed the food was out of this world. Needless to say, a < most enjoyabie Mine was had by all. 4oes so much to fnold the cbir* Acter of bur future citiaraa in their formative years. ftp-gita who are interested in enrollt&g their sons can contact Mrs. Harth. And, incidentally, a Pen Dad is urgently needed to help carry on the work In 'Scdutlng. Any father interested in this Job -can call Mrs. Har&. . Returns To OUare Field Private John Cunningham returned to O'Hara field this week, where he is stationed, after spending a most enjoyable 16- day furlough with his mother, Mrs. "Theresa Cunningham. , New Arrivals ( ... --_, Mr. and Mrs.-ffrthur Nelson of Mrs. Ted Olsen. Jr.. and chil-1 Spring Road are the proud parrlren, Ingrid, Nancy and Deborah j ents of a handsome lad born of Wonder Lake enjoyed a very! last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Guettler of Germantown are elated with their darling baby girl, born last wrek. The brand new, Miss Guettler will answer to the name of Jean. pleasant day with the Olsens. Mr. and Mrs. George Poledna" of Cicero visited with Betty and Frank Poledna of Knollwood. ' Volunteer workers will be" Heeded in the near future to dean out underbrush and trim trees to help ready the beach area for the summer season. More details will be publishedlater. Oat-Of-Town Visitors Viola and Ben Hands of Knollsod are proud to announce the iition of a new member to the'r happy household. Pepper is the new comer's name and he is a toy Doberman. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hands and children, Sandra and Kenneth, brought the little dog with them from i Kansas City. On Sunday, the Hands family Was very happy to entertain Mr. •lid Mrs. Fred Smith of Chicago -*• Willard Kiddelson returned to the Naval Air Station, Glenview, after spending a, weekend pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddelson Cub Siwtorts WW The McCullom Lake Den 6, Pack No. 382, where the very proud recipients of the Gold j Cup award which signifies first and Mrs. Martin Grepling. pj.ace jn . the recent window disf n Ellyn were visitors at nf thpir handiefaft The Mr of Glen the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Creutz.. • • . plays of their handicraft. The boys responsible for winning the award are Wally Aufrecht, Johnny Boyle, Tommy Byrnes, Elmer Glosson, Terry Harth, Kenny Homo, David Miller, Edwin Reid, Edward StacRnick, Winter Vacation Mrs. Delbert Smith arid her daughter of Missouri are spend- t ing two weeks' vacation with j jr.( and Donald Vycital. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer. Mrs. Smith is Mr. Schaefer's daughter. Birthday Greetings May we extend birthday feHci- wonderful tations to Peter (Bud) l-ieser of ! Lakewood subdivision. | And to Tommy Olsen, who 12 on March 3. Much of the credit for guiding these boys goes to Mrs. Helen Harth, who is the Den mother. Eight-year-old boys are eligible for membership in this organization which Terry Harth of Fountain Lane recently graduated from the Cub SCouts and received a certificate to that effect at the Blue and Gold - banquet. Terry is now eligible to become a Boy 'Scout. <• / Surprise Party Mrs. Chuck Miller of McHenry was pleasantly surprised last week with a party in her hon6r at, the home of her sister,- Mr#. Helen Harth. The ladies who brought birthday greetings were Mrs. A. C. Anderson, Mrs. P. C. Lieser, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. |E. Horn, Mrs. T. Horn, Mrs. Mary Anne Newman, Mrs. Miriam Miller, Mrs. Helen Millar, Mrs. Lorraine Boyle, and Mrs. Lillian Miller. Refreshments were served by - the hostesses Mary Anne Newman, and Mm. Helen Barth. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts. Recover* From Illness Mrs. A. W. Anderson of Lakewood subdivision, we are happy to report is recovering from a serious illness which incapcitated her for several months. Ticklers fly George 1 .y •• «* «t •; y ' •, f* »-" • r. r' fr&. * > ; 4 ^ if • > OF. SANITATION & TRUCK LICENSE FEES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced that at a recent conference with. Attorney General Latham Castle plans had been formulated Jor the collection of 1(102 deliquent truck license fees.' Constitutionality of the legislation increasing the fees was recently upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court. Secretary Carpentier stated that to avoid working an immediate hardship on numerous small operators it was decidedat the conference to set May 1 as the deadline for payment. Secretary Carpentier Said that failure to pay the fees by that date will make it necessary to cite the operator to the Attorney General, Latham Castle, for immediate action. In all such cases <tfc4 cost of litigation will, b» -added to the fee. "In View of the recent decisis® of the U. S. Supreme Court^' Secretary Carpentier said, "we believe that a great many of those who have not as yet paid their full 19S2 truck license fees will now avail themselves of the opportunity to pay this oblige « Ion and avoid the burden of » ditional legal fees.' j* .It is estimated that there aire a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 1 7 , 0 0 0 t r u c j t units on which delinquent fees have not been paid. The amount of money involved is believed to be in excess of $10,000,000. , v - - . R « c r * d R a c e ' bicycle race at tRfe' 1988 Olympics at Helsinki, Finland, was the 116-mile road race. Cyclists frotn all oyer the world rode their Steel steeds 18 times around a mile course, of which only 3%i miles are paved. & ays So .long until next week. Fena Weeds • Cummer is an excellent ttma to get rid of pond weeds, such as cattails and water lilies. Use a strong ester type of 2,4-D on the exposed leaf surface. Repeat fepray application when new erowth apoenrs Volunteer Workers Needed Willing hands are needed to assist Mrs. Ruth Smith, who is chairman' of the local Red Cross drive. More information can be obtained fey contaattqp Mrs. Smith. *• The B4-T)ollar Quenfon Just what did the Fred Thompsons eat for Sunday dinner? Couldn't have been minted pot roast, or could ' it ? ? A collection should Y>e taken to purchase a new cook book for our lovely Marge!! DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 0 EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL BEHABILITATIOS COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY t 9 to 13 A. M. and 1 ta 6 P. • FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6t00 to 8:S0 P. V. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. ' PHONE McHENRY 452 "I don't care If she says she's thrifty, I still .think she should get a garbage can I" AUTHORIZED Packard Saks & Service We repair and service all makes of cars. Wash - Crease and Polish Stop in fo see and drive the New Packard. Samsel & Meersman 104 & Pearl Street McHtary* PHONE McHENRY 1010 to Beauty SUPER glo; AU THROUGH YOUR HOME Even If yog have never painted, you can give walls and woodwork e uniform coat of color::; With this velvety smooth paint. (0m» Coton SII«Mtr Hl«lw4 KE&HHO qmti Flows on fiesta drfes in 3 to 4 hours to a satiny surface like baked enamel. Beautiful lustre enamel for kitchens, bath- j rooms, all woodwork. 20 colors J Peter Pan SOAP . . 3 for 21* BLEACH .. 49 Swift's - fie I McHenry Dept. Store GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 108 Riverside Drive PHONE 469 McHenry, 111 . 3 for 29* GREEN GIANT -- S68 Stae GOLDEN CREAM CORN . . . 2 r 3B* LJBBYS GARDEN SUGAR PEAS . . . 2 r 39* LIBBY'S ' JUNIOR BABY FOODS . . . . 2 r If* ONE POUND HILLS BROS. COFFEE . PLENTY OF FREE PARKING If you haven't been shopping here you don*t know * what you're missing! Here's a big fine supermarket just filled with the most wonderful fresh foods. Big variety! Big selectioif! Lots of everything that's palatable and nutritious. Wake up NOW to the youll get here. Cone in for the buys of your life. Rolled Rib or Rump Cubed MILWAUKEE - Whole Summer few - DUBUQUE LIBBY'S -- No. %yt Can PEACHES - Halves or Sliced PETER PAN CREAMY -- 12 Om. Jar PEANUT BUTTER . TALL CANS CARNATION MILK . T ninvfi TOMATO CATSUP * . READY TO SERVE -- 8 Ot OM SALADETTES . . 8 OUNCE PACKAGE ' MACARONI CREAMETTES . . 8S» . . . 3 3 * . . 35* . . 15* 1 for 35* . 2r 25* 2 for 23* FR0ZEE1 FRESH Plctsweet - 10 os. . 19* ; 19* . 27* GREEN PEAS . Leaf - 14 o/.. SPINACH . . Table Top - 10'/2 OS. STRAWBERRIES . Tropk-ano ORANGE JUICE . Dole - 14 ox. PtNEAfflE CHUHKS . 17' PEASSCARROTS . 2for39< NEWTON PEPPtN Apples . . . . 2>- 25c FANCY TEXAS NEW Cabbage ... . *-5c MINNESOTA DRY Yellow Onions 3 26c FANCY SNOW WHITE - Jumbo Stales Celery . v . . 9C No. 1 RED MocLuRBS Potatoes ... 10 n>«. 54* EMPEROR Red Grapes 21° I Block North of" .. Hi. 120 « 4 Just East of Old Bridge

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