Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1953, p. 2

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: -.. WFIFC... „•..... . . . ... -V •'. ... ••" ' _ LT_. • I... i*y'™ w'ii p ,# & r; •,i;--:--'•'•« v;r "•"£ '" " FEBRUARY 4MHMI I I I I f n »H M » I • • ! ?»:, ^ %^x}v ? * »~#i *' Thursday, Msrch 5, »T Soadby •oil of Mr. and Mrs. celebrated hia secblrthrtay anniversary last afternoon and evening, were present to en- Jo? <*rd*. visiting and a tasty A cake decorated especfor young Mr. McNish con- '^kined miniature houses circling til* outside. Attending the - gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford and |tr. and Mrs. Robert Hanford ted son, Bobby, of McHenry: Mr. •ad Mrs. John McNish, Jack McNish, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leh- «aan and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Arsenau and children, Barbara v |n4 Randy, of Richmond; Mr. and MTS. Jack Braidman of Ber- Wy» and Mr. and Mrs. William Hanford of Downers Grove. Ifttsrior Decarat-ng Subject Of Meeting , The monthly meeting of the Pan-Hellenic chapter of the county was held Feb. 23 at the home of Mrs. Bernadine Brinxm& n in Harvard. Mrs. Art Schultz of Harvard gave an interesting talk on interior decorattng, emphasizing the element of surprise and showing many samples of draperie and upholstery fabrics. Next month the holding guest night. St. Peter's To Sponsbr Party Mrs. John Jung and her committees will be in charge of the St Patrick's Day luncheon and card party for tlhe benefit of St. Peter's school, Spring Grove, In the school auditorium at 1 p«fn. March 17. . ;-j:' 1 I 1 1 -fr-M-A-M-i-M'*»•» *• PERSONALS Thomas Kanes To #Mrve Anniversary . .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane *111 observe their silver wedding anniversary by holding open house for their friends and relatives at the Legion Home from 3:30 o'clock on in the after* noon. An invitation is extended to their friends to <& Barium Howard Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Barbara Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Howard of Mc- Cullom Lake, and William Bryan, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, at Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will reside at 4410 Lepulveda Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Calif., after March 10. <>Nop« ie Pan-Hellenic chapter of . county held a dinner fcr membero and their husband and friends Saturday, Feb. 21, at Big Foot Inn, near Harvard, •wenty-eight couples were pre- 3nt to enjoy visiting and cards, ter which a roast beef dinner «tes served. lertheran Congregate* IWoyed Social Hour The Ladies Aid of the Zion Lutheran church and members Of -the congregation enjoyed a 'party in the church basement last week. Lunch was served, hostesses being Mrs. Martha Feltz and Mrs. Pe&^l ^Pp,fcBke. Mrs. William Justen attended the hairdressers' convention at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago last Monday. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirt?' attended a conceit given by the University choir, the men's glee club and the girls' glee club at Smith Music hall in Champaign last Sunday. Their son, a freshman at the University, is a member of two of the groups. Mr. and Mrs. William Hay are vacationing in Florida fOr two weeks. Most of their time is being spent in Tampa. LeRoy Bauer has been visiting in the home of his brother, Gerald, in Tulsa, Okla. Richard Stenger of San Mateo, Calif., was a recent visitor in the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. William Spencer, while on a business trip to the mid-west. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Simon Stoffel, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl have been enjoying a vacation trip to Coral Gables, Fla. Mrs. Delia Matthews h^s been visiting in the home of her son, Edward, apd wife, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bickler were recent visitors in the home of Chicago relatives. Kenneth Tonyan of California has been visiting hia father, Willi am B. Tonyan, who is a patient at the Woodstock hospital. He ha* also spent time with other relatives and with friends during his stay. Miss Mary Ann Bolger of Rosary college, River Forest, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith of Rockton, 111., were weekend guests in the Martin Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Skoney and son, Jim, of Elmhurst spent Sunday in the home of her parents, the Frank Weingarts. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva, Wis., Mrs. Emma Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Wright and family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith of Fox Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith. # Mrs. Paul R. Yanda left Wednesday of this week for Minne- RECREATION GROUP TO PLAN MARCH 11 FOR LOCAL gtJRVEY A planning group for McHenry Township Recreation Association, Inc., will meet on March 11 at the A. J. Roesch home to further map out an organization program with counsel from Robert L. Harney, district representative of the National Recreation association. Local survey of existing facilities and resources will be made early in March. Mr. Harney of Madison, Wis., is one of eight field representatives of the National Recreation and Education association in the United States. The N.R.E.A. is a non-profit organization of 12,000 members who contribute voluntarily to a $700,000 budget each year to serve communities with initial planning assistance for leisure time recreation and education. The" organization was established in Boston in 1906. Its ideas have been handed down to most park systems. The planning assistance has been successfully tried in many Illinois communities. I In most communities, leisure time recreation and education programs set up to serve people of all ages were sustained n their initial years by voluntary contributions and fund raising programs promoted by service groups and interested individuals. They are said to be usually successful and eventually become tax-supported when they prove their worth. At the March II meeting, plans will be made to assist Mr. Harney in making the survey. Committees will be appointed to proceed with the necessary steps toward a permanent program. *ie planning for an over-all program will in no way disturb existing activities. Service groups too, will be urged to continue their present programs. The present planning group will aim to bring as much information to the community about the M. T. R. A. over-all program as will be made available by experienced planners. COnNG EVENTS •1 <»»»*•• I l"M I »• IMI t i t» v March 8 Home Bureau Unit -- Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Fox R.ver Valley Camp, i$jy.A. -- Mrs, Kenneth Peterson _ ^ March i« Friends Night <•-- McHenry Chapter, No. 547, O. E. S. -- 8 P.M. -- Acacia Hall March 11 Adult Girl Scout Meeting -- Legion Hall -- 1 P.M. -- Troop 10, Hostesses League of Women Votes* -- Civil Liberties Work-Shop* -- 10 A.M. -- Mrs. Joseph X. Waynne Home. American Legion •Sim Weinstein Photo MRS. ALVIN SCHAEFER This charming bride was Mtn With Langworthy before her marriage on Valentine's Day to Alvin Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer of this :ity. Their, home is at 397% Green street. •• 4*4* 4' • *?* • • 4' ifr 'fr <tn|i1 Residence Changes 4.».j, •), .g ,f, ,| Mrs. Betty Nielsen and daughter have moved from their apartment on Riverside Drive to their new home in the Country Club subdivision. ~ REINWALL-HAWLEY NUPTIAL PERFORMED IN RINGWOOD CHURCH Miss Marian Hawley, daughter of * the Louis Hawleys of Ringwood, and Ernest Reinwall, son of the Ernest Reinwalls of Fernwood subdivision, southeast of McHenry, were united in marriage at the Methodist church iri Ringwood at 4 o'clock Sunday, March 1, by the Rev. Darrell Sample. „ •_ Miss Hawley, given in marriage by her father, was charming in a poudre blue suit, with corsage of white roses. Her only attendant, Mrs. Harold Stanek of Elkhorn, Wis., a friend, was attired in a tan suit and pink rose corsage. Card Party -- Benefit Skier's School, Spring Grove --I" ol Auditorium -- 1 P. M. , | • Chicago, couBin of the bride, served •s best man. Soloist fOr the nuptials Wfes Miss Ann Wiedrich, who sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer," accompanied on tl)e piano by Miss Bonnie Holliday. Both Mrs. Hawley and Mrs, Reinwall wore navy tolue dresses and had pink and white corsag-es; A reception for 100 guests followed the wedding in the church hall. Relatives and friends attended from Chicago, Oak Park, . w , ! Austin, Barrington, New London, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen, joWa pox River Grove, Crystal who have been residing with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Justen on Riverside Drive, have moved to their new home on norUi Ceurt street. - BIRTHS Michael Richard is the name selected by Mr. and.Mrs. Richard Carey for their first child, born at the Woodstock hospital March 3. Mrs. Carey is the former Margaret Bolger. Lake, Elkhorn, Greenwood, Solon Mills and McCullom Lake. After a short wedding trife. the qouple will, reside in thdfr new home in Cooney Heights, south of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Reinwall, Sr. entertained the wedding party and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley at their home in Fernwood Saturday evening. .March IX Spring Time Fashion Treat --I A. American Legion Home -- 8 p.m. Q. March 1| Girl Scout Pageant -- High School Auditorium ^ V ; S March Riverview Camp, R. ff; ifcn* nual B.rthday Party -- Pot-Luck! Q. Dinner --- 6:30 P.M. • St. Patrick's Day Luncheon1 And St. Peter School League Of Women Voters General Meeting -- 8 P.M. ---j Mrs. C. Pf ItloDeraott Home. Lakemoori Mareh 17 St. Patrick's Parish Partjr -- Church Hall. i March 19 Bazaar -- Sponsored by V.F.W, Auxiliary -- V.F.W. Clubhouse; April 4 Bake Sale -- Sponsored By Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid June 26, 27 A 28 John4burg Community dutt Carnival. eat? Salt perk. •• •. ' -:1 Where does It conre and how is it identified? ' The side «f pork. Spareribs are removed leaving a boneless piece, the bacon strip. Cured in salt, it is salt pork. Smoked, it is bacon. How is it prepared? By roasting or panfrying. In either event the salt pork is ! cut into dices about '/« inch : thick, covered with hot water and allowed to stand for 5 j minutes. Slices may then be; removed, dipped in milk and. rolled in corn meal. To roast,! slices sore placed on a rack in a roasting pan and cooked for 30 minutes in a 350°F. oven. In i panfrying, the coated slices are slowly cooked in lard or drip- , pines until well browned. Salt i . pork is frequently used for' Masoning vegetables and other ( dishes alio. It is good to see Bob Conway up and about. He looks ultra dfctinguished in his new Horn burg. His ribs still aohe and he requests that the ladies please refrain frcm hugging him toe the time being. • It is planned to have a card j night fojL the members once a I week at the clubhouse. It will be either on a Thursday or,Friday night and promises to be a popular social function. The rifle squad has' announced that 'the new indoor rifle range on Herb Freund's 'property is about ready for use. Herb is financing a good part cf the project. The squad also reports receiving six new rifles for use. by those participating in the program. Three beautiful Legion junior basketball league trophies are now on display at the high school. Take a look at them ana feel proud you are a member of the McHenry post. DON'T FORGET! Mass initiation of all new Legion members of McHenry county at the high school next Sunday at 2:30 p.m., followed by buffet dinner and dancing at the clubhouse. Also, the regular meeting next Menday night. Ask your wife to let you out that night. You will en- Joy the gpod fellQ^sliij? the gocd food! • •- .r-y CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this manner of thanking all those who sent cards, flowers and good wishes of all kinds and those who. visited me during the time I was confined to the hospital and after my return home. They are grea&y appreciated. •43 MRS. GLENN DRAPER 1 , ^ £ Subscribe To The Platadealer. Unbel'evable bargains are contained in tiie "Value Days" feature which appears in tids of the Plaindealer. > Read the Want Ads M EVERYDAY UUMUffi * SfH THE : iQmm sim SIS E. Elm Street McHenry, «rf PHONK W* ; SPRING HATS The Crowning Glory lor Young America. SPRING COATS - Unsurpassed for Valuf L - - - - R I -- - r i - II r r --*•* This is the* name given to bank' loans which we make to finance autoiadbilSB, home repairs and! improvements, household appli-j ances--and for many other neoee-r sary and worth-while purposes.! HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO Wl Wisely used, it enables yout to eh*\ joy the benefits of goods and services, while paying for them in convenient monthly instalments.1 SM IS fir Iiw-Cttt cwJI: -- Iff nMai te -- --M' McHENRY STATE BANK MBMBBJR FETflBR^L RESERVRE SYSTHM INTKREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSn|| PHONE IMS % F. W. Anxlllary > «• Sponsor Bazaar The V. F. W. Auxiliary unit and Mrs. Paul Gerasch of MclJkk making plans for the bazaar Which they will sponsor on Viwraday, March 19, during the afternoon and evening at the clubhouse. Supper will be served from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bakery goods, fancy work, rugs and • T*whtte elephants" will be inoludt- 'Wl In the several booths. Riverview Camp Plana .. Anniversary Party - • Rfverview Camp, R. N. A., is fanning for its annual anniversary observance by holding a party and pot-luck dinner at 4:30 o'clock on Tuesday evening, March 17. CARD OF THANKS • I want to take this way' of thanking the many kind friends .Mll. „ . . _ k and relatives who sent cards ana r.™ prayers in my behalf and visited me during the time I was in the hospital and since my return home. The many remembrances wer* very much appreciated. where she will visit relatives. She expects to be away for about two weeks. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Fred Smith Henry, Mrs. Margaret Steinsdoerfer of Crystal Lake and Lenore Miller of Richmond attended the funeral of Mrs. Lena Mullenbach in Johnsburg, Minn., last Saturday. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, visits and the many other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the hospital and since my return home. Everything was appreciated so much. *43 ASSUMTA ALTISSIMO iflninniiniiHiiuiiniiiiiuiiHiiiiiiHiiipiiiiiiiHiwiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiti 1 ONLY! 101/2 Ft. Auto. Crosley Shelvador Was $429.99 $36995 iimMHHNinmiOT FJ.OOR SAMPLES LIBERAL sumwunuvuiinnin. I Z ONL' FIRST COME FIRST "•V • • * % ; •Vi Ft. Auto. Crosley Shelvador Was $369.95 $29995 irninwinimiiiiiiHiiiiiimimii SERVED 4 BOXES ONLY! L&H Television and APPLIANCES SM FRONT ST. PHONE SOS TRADE 43 MRS. NICK M. JUSTEN Unbel'evable bargains are contained in tlie "Value Days" tea-' tare which appears in this Issue of the Plaindealer. Subscribe for the Plaindealer Remedies at Wattles Drug Stor McHenry, • •. L- If " CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Michael A. Sutton wish in this way to1 thank Rev. Coakley for his comforting words; also Rev. Mef- Gowan, and friends for beautiful floral offerings and kind expressions of sympathy extended in our recent bereavement. We are also grateful to donors of cars. MRS. M. A SUTTON BOB SUTTON MR. AND MRS. HOWARD WESSON 43 NEW STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MARCH 11. 1953 The Following McHenry Stores Will Close Every Wednesday Afternoon and Remain Q^y'On Thursday. 1 MAIN STREET :* Watch th'e issue of the Platadealer for the "Value Days" feature. • •. < ONLY! 9J/j Foot Crosley Shelvador Was $299.95 $2699s JXcHENRY, ILL PARAKEETS :;Vkom Talking Parents Usually talk wlthia 4 to S months. »695 HYBRED BIRDS $25.00 Value $15.00 Large Selection PARAKEET and CANARY POOD and TOYS METAL CAGES $6.95 - $10.95 - $12.95 GEO, OOLLETTE, Owner 108 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 489 We. give and redeem Qoid liand Stamped*"'- Nickels Hardware Lee & Ray Electric . Main Street Barbers* Niesen). 5 to $1.00 Store Schaefer's Groc. & Mkt. McHenry Lumber Co. . m West •• WITH BRUNSWICK - Buy the ball that scores with all professions^ bowlers. Now we htave the new BrunscOmeter Measuring Device for aocurate fitting. Also we have some pre-bored h^lls on hand, priced at only IU.95 Brunswick Bowling Ball Bags priced from 9S.4S. Bowling Shoes for both men sad woman. MabkH u SPORTING GOODS MARINE SUPPLIER Staffers Groc. & Mkt. Steffan's Jewelry AHhoffs Hardware P. M. Justen Furniture Alexander Lumber Co. Stoffel & Refhanspergar Lcleker Service RIVERSIDE DRIVE,» McHenry Dept. Store . JBorbian s Grocery . The Gift Port Peter Geb The Kent Corp. Ace Hardware Betty Nielsens GREEN STREET MsHenry 5 & 10* Store Fitzgerald's Men's Sliop Huppy & Leo's Groc. & Mkt. A Vycital's Hardware ELM & FRONT ST. V Kleinhans Lumber Co. L&H Television Tonyan's Home Furn. Antonson's Candy liar ^ '1 V Phone 1000, 111 & OREKN 8«nht \

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