Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1953, p. 7

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, T^,* V. *•;• *• ' ^ • , * *":% . ' - •? : • • <f" r- ** r • - .&*& ^ -s ffff * ?». m 1 W^fi v . <V [ / . . ' t t r * * ' * < r i V - v a r t r f nYm i •v-^' W&*8* • *';•. »i/V W!LP!!IW! F^ET^Pl^FlilF mvsE f1 *-• \ •- : j&'S £f£fr3 ffcHenrr Plaindealer ;v Published every Thuradav at Vmaienry, 111, b* thTSJlenly publishing Company, Inc. *|f IN AGONAL EDIT Of IA L IasS0C5ti3n -! m. BURFBUNDT, Gen. Manager. -jftr^DBUE FROEHIJCH, Editor. Plaindealer Want Ada »ifv> No ads countevi less tKan 25 ie #ords $1.00 minimum. I<* if, insertion fl.00 fife ' (Count 6 words per line) &<v>: 25c service charge on all blind Cash with order. i*" > 'lard of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum l» .. Want Ada close promptly at 10 *v»m. Wednesday. ij?. :&0;- SUB8CBIPT10N RATE ^Yw A A Entered as second-class matter 5r'.\$fc postoffice at McHenry, 111., <>;, ohder the act of May S, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE , ""f; ?.r "n f e ' - v . ' -V - • r.,'. .-"••• ' : • •'. v - HMjilli FOR SALE SPRING SALE ' Combination Doors, $16.36 and $17.40; Kitchen Cabinets, Birch or Pine, formica tops, quick delivery. Picture Windows, thermopanes. Interior and Exterior Doors, all kinds, all size. .Sawdust, shavings and kindling wood 25c bag. Bags ITJc. CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. Cary 7243. 48HI HELP WANTED Retail Factory Outlet Store Women's, Girls' and Boys' Slacks - Dresses - Skirtq - Blouses - Big Selection of Remnants. Also factory seconds. RIVERSIDE MFG., (X>., at old bridge on Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. 41-tf FOR SALE (IMillh Bifeedtng Stock Ribbon Winners / N.C.B.A. Graded • DooMe R Chinchilla Ranch R.PJ5. No. 1, Crystal Lake, HI. Phone Crystal Lake 99 41-4 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. "a good -place f 'TELEPHONE .. * FV:- JOPERATORS ' * " Good salary to start; frequent increases. You'll be working with girls your own age and you"U be doing interesting work in an 'r^rr* ant industry. . See: Miss R. Marshall, . Chief Operator at 102 Park Ave. 49-tf •-3* .REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessorim and Seat Coven . I IMMUNITY ALTO SUPPLY ; 409 W. Elm Street -4|mi Week Days 9 A.M. te , P.M. ^ Sundays » A.M. to 1 PJK. 11-tf fOR SALE--1952 Ford truck, ton pick-up; reasonable; for quick •ale. Owner in servicfe. Phone 528- H-2 after 6 P. M. . *43 BUSINESS SERVICE MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Plane and Piano Accordian. Clarinet and Saxophone ' EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 6-tf PIANO TUNING KlSO for sale high grade Spinet ,Yftanos. overhanled upright pianos. Prompt bar* ice. C. J. H. Diehl, >• phon- 2M^-T7. Woodstock. I1L W-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY .Iteol and Die Shop, fully equipped, for rent Located in Spring Grove, Illinois. Good opportunity to start business with little money. Write Box 318, c/o Plaindealer. 40-tf tV* SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, -I ADDING MACHINES. Service on •11 makes, /•ko ribbons for all . makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltx, day St. Woodstock. Phone 549. ~ 7-tf FOR SALE--General Motors electric refrigerator; 7 cu. ft.; two beds and bed springs; nine piece dining room set, also misc. items. Good condition. Phone: McHenry 546-M-l. , . *43 FOR SALE -- Bend|x electric clothes dryer and Hot point electric stove. Phone 476-J. *43 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ludwig Drum Set, including extras. Also Suntoean Shave Master, brand* new, $15.00. Call McHenry 538-M-l evenings or weekends. 43 FOR SALE -- A.K.C. registered German Shepherd pupies, 3 mos. old. Phone McHenry 657-R-2. 43 FOR SALE -- Full bred pencil point Collie, 10 months old. Call Wonder Lake 3347. 43 FOR SALE--Used sofa; 2 chairs; buffet and bookcase. Call 238-J or S49-MX. 43 FOR SALE--Beautiful male Collie, good with children, 4 years old. $25. Curran's Boarding Kennels, Rt 12, McHenry 632-M-2. 43 HELP WANTED FEMALE -- Sewing machine operators. Experienced. Unexperienced - we will train you with salary. Steady employment. Pool rides obtainable. Next to Northwestern depot. Magic Slacks, Inc. Boat K, McHenry. 88-tf ' • v'V' OUTDOOR MEN J, 17 to M j 'To Trim Tre<w . ' Also Older Men .. Wot Ground Wotlt, ' PHONE WAUCONDA 2238 or CARY 264S 18-tf ; 11'4'<'Ifl'M 111 H t'H I 1 1 M I <'•'! 11 | Jak-Ana Heights HELP WANTED -- Girl ienced in bookkeeping, general oL .oe. Stenography desirable but not essential. State a^e, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-tf -X : : HELP WANTED -- Experienced farm-hand on dairy farm. References required. Steady and pleasant work. £hone Richmond 723. . *42-2 MISCELLANEOUS Cleaner verses Before You Buy A Hom« See JAK-AflA HEIGHTS OUS'S PLACE (POTmerly Alibi) . ISO S .Green St. LENTEN SPECIAL Fish Fries, 50c - To go 60c PotE- o Pancakes, 60c Wedneedly A Friday Evenings After Lent, Friday ae usual *43 in Johntbuxg. Tou tin get a modern home on | n 100 x 200 foot lot* overlooking ih« beautiful ;; countiyside. Neat church, school New Memorial '• :: Mall and shopping dUMct, . JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS •; 1b Johnsburg Tel. McHenry $7 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois ATTENTION WOMEN--Be a success. Homemakers like yourself are earning a good income representing nationally known Avon Cosmetics. No experience necessary to start. Hours to stilt your convenience. One opening in McHenry for qualified woman. Write: Cheryl ET. Haley, P. O. .Box 56, Rockford, 111. 43.2 it GARAGE DOORS WOOD RSCTIONAL Residential, ' ommprciai or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH feales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-F 14-tf BUS. SERVICE --Interior Palnttng and Paper Hanging. All. work guaranteed. Free Estimates. Tel. 525-M-?. 36-tf L Si H Television ft Appliance FOR SALE TELEVISION SETS 10" 12%" 14" 17" Motorola* R.C.A. Crosleys Fhilcos General Electrics SKeniths and Admiral's 315.00 to $100.00 All in good working order. Call L & H Television when you want a Service Call In a Hurry! We believe in quick service. PHONE 909 - 43 MISSING comfort in work shoes ? Find it in WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES. They're soft as old House slippers, yet super-tough to save you money. Drop in and see 'em. FITZGERALD'S MftN'S SHOP 208 So. Green Street McHenry, 111. 43 HELP WANTED -- Supplement your pension with part time work. | Large commissions. Call Gnayslake 3-0264 after 6 P. M- 42-2 FOR SALE--20 shares of McHenry State Bank Stock at $250 per sh&re. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf GRAPHIC ' WEDDING CANDIDS throughout toe whole eventful day from Hoine, Church, Reception. In full album form. MAX F. KOUN McHenry 566-W-l CUcago RA 6-6507 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair am? install pump:.. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Teleohone 167. 26-u .ftALHl L CLAltV Piano Technician ,t Repairing -- Tuning 908 Garfield Road. Harvard^ 111. Phone 748-R 37-tf BUSINESS SERVICE- ~ Boat storage and refinishing. Johnson Seahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104% S. Riverside Drive. McHenry 1076. 18-tf ! WANTED -- Down or crippled cattle. $20 to $60 cash. Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907, colleet. 39-tf DEAD ANTMAL8--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. % 36-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Staling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. ~ 48-tf FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIREPROOF Johns-Manvllle Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stilling. 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 41-tf FOR SALE -- Metal frame chaisette; 2 white frame chairs with star seats and backs. Reasonable. Call 1060. " 43 FOR SALE -- Oak dinette set, with four yellow padded chair*, pad, tWo extension leaves; $3&00. Call 656-R-l after 6 P. M. *43 FOR SALES--Drefser, chest, bed, dressing table, chrome kitchen chairs, utility cabinet, 2 bedroom ohairs plus misc. items. Phone 831-R. *43 FOR SALE--5 pure bred spotted Poland China bred gilts. 544-R-l. Lloyd Fisher. 43 FOR SALE--"Titan" electric milk house heater, thermostatically controlled. Only $19.95. Vycital's Hardware, Green St., McHenry. 43 HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES--Telephone soliciting from your home part time. Large commissions. Car necessary. Phone Grayslake 3-0264 after 6 P. M. 42-2 HELP WANTED--Young man to drive car on paper route. Must have driver's license. Krause A Son. McHenry 379. 43*tf WOMEN WANTED -- For light machine work. Day and night shift open. Precision Twist Drill, 13 Woodstock St Crystal Lake. Phone 1144. 42-4 MEN WANTED--To work in our production department. Liberal bonus for shift work. Paid vacation after 6 months service; paid sick leave after 2 months; group insurance and hospitalization plan. See us Mondays through Fridays, 8 A: M. to 4:30 P. M. The Edwal Laboratories lac, Ringwood, 111. Wonder Lake 2411 43 HELP WANTED--Young mtan to work in our advertising department. Must be neat, aggressive and willing to sell. Apply McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. . »43 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Mailt Atreft! Phone McHenry 100-R ' 20-tf REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with | or without bath. Special weekly, j monthly or year-round rate. River- | side Hotel, Riverside Drive and i Elm street. x&-tf McHENRY - 4 room brick, automatic oil heat, full basement, 2-car garage, newly decorated, near church, school and shopping. Price $14,900.00. Owner will sell completely furnished including automobile for $18,900.00. For information, call our office. FOR RENT--Completely furnished; 2 bedroom home until Sept. 15. Call 598-M-l or 932-J. Reason- i able. *48 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE!--8 room modern; gas heat; 2-car garage with 20x30 ft. work shop on 2^ acres of ground. Located within city limits; near schools and business district. Acreage suitable for subdividing. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Priced for quick sale by owner. 909 So. Green street. Phone 51-J. 39-tf FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPER** Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond ReajA McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 4214 McCULLOM LAKE - 4 rooms, bath, electric, all jmur 'rownd home, only $5,000.00. JOHNSBURG - 4 rooms, tile kitchen, tile bath, gtas heat, 2-car garage, water rights. Price $11,- 500.00. ^ ALSO 4 room summer cottage, near Johnsfourg, gas and electric. Price $3,500.00. PISTAKEE LAKE - 1 mile north of Johnsburg; 4 rooms, tile bath, oil heat, garage attached. Near bathing beach. Price $8,250.00. Jim Hettermaim All above homes will be shown by appointment with our office. We also have many other proper ties for sale. H-t^AOOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE FARMS WANTED All Sizes, from 5 acres up. DO YOU WANT TO 8EIJ. YOUR FARM? If You Do Call GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty U.S. No. 12 at Sitopllght Fox Lake, ID. In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 8 43-tf R SALE -- Being transferred, must sell, year 'round home, 4 roms and bath, downstairs; master bedroom, up (can be made into 2 bedrooms), fuyy insulated. 7-1011 jiewly decorated. Full basement, 27-tf (g-gxage, hot water, forced air oil . ___ t r~~ . --ZZr ' heat. Near stores. Call 537-W-2. ACREAGE WANTED I 1 to 5 acres of vacant wooded j land with frontage on Fox Blver.| Please write P. O. Box 425, Lib- 'ertyville. 111. 43 43 LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT FOR SALE--5-room house; also utility r<y>m; 40-ft. porch; garage; on two lots, 60kl80. Rights to Pistakee Bay. Tel. McHenry 802-R-l •43-2 FOR SALE OR RENT--Trailer on two lots. Running water and electricity. Located in West McHenry. Only five minutes to depot Phone 758-M.. „ *43 WANTED - We are moving our FOR RENT--2 bedroom home in pMint^ locally ^and have opening8 Emerald Park; gtove te&tet, in tor B. and S. automatic screw sulated. For information phone machine set-up men, operators, helpers. Call McHenry 506-W-l for details ctr write c/o Plaindealer Box 326. *43 McHenry 530-J-l on Friday night or Saturday until noon. 43 Read The Want Ads! Help Wanted SfOR NEW BAMM6T0N PUHT i OFFICE and PLANT * Itut now in our Chlc*gt> plut and mm TO our new Barrington plant in the near future. Sigh Wages Steady Employment Generous Production Bonuses to Machine Operators Overtime on plant jobs Days Only Group Biding Facilities A?«ilable f " ; / : '-- r - APPLY ' - . • -• •• Barco Manufacturing Co. 1N1 W. Wtnnemac AVfenae Chicago, Illinois (5060 North) MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY & W • ' 1 ^ * NEW PLANT SITE Hewgh Street v- . SATURDAY: 9 ui. to 13 aoea r FOR SALE--Lake lot on Wonder Lake, 50x152. Priced |3,000. Call 106-R for information. 43 MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write year ad on the lines below. One word In each= space. Please print cash word plainly. MISC. -- Protect priceless baby shoes in pastel colors or bronze. Call, Pearl Pietsch, McHenry 665- M-3. 42-5 Don't miss the "Value Days" featare In this week's iasue of the Plaindealer. C.S.Q.--Power lawn mower repairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also repairing of all outboard motors by skilled mechanic. Special: $1.50! sharpens any hand mower; $3.50 j sharpens tiny 21" power mower, • includes pick-up and delivery. For | information call McHenry 575-W-2. 43-tf WiU You Have Enough Hot Water For Spring Clean Up Jobs? Lakemoor Electric can install at a Special March Discount, a New 1953 Crosley Hot Water Heater. Modern, efficient, low-cost hot water service can be yours now! We handle the complete line of, Crosley , Appliance*. For dependable service and free es^nates on all your electrical needs call: Ken Cunny, McHenry 595-M-l. LAKEMOOR ELECTRIC 42-tf A known • m hardfy \ ; .. ; .;y Jswfc Intod. Scncfy McTarak. M tkimk it's /»•« WlmSmdr * Wswin a* •• • 4 • £MM< MOM", in fm. :,i • Sfm McHenry " Cleaners its wim st. PHONE 1M-M We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. On another page in this isHue1 of the Plaindealer Is the big' "Value Days" feature. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Large male police dog to a good home. Must live in the house. Very good with children. Call McHenry 632- R-l. 5 ' 43 jrt WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for yom homes, summer homes, farms. 3"d bmlness properties. We can sell your property if your prioe is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATJ In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 \ 27-f | of February, 1953 and entered upon the regular record book of said Bank. ROBERT (Corporate Seal) LEGAL NOTICE CEKTIFIED COPY Oy --t RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS . OF t MrltENTtY STATE BANK. McHfcNRY, ILL. WANTED TO BUY WANTET) TO BUY- Top price paid fa trm, met»ls uid junl> cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf WANTED TO BUY--Office furniture; office desks and chairs. Tel. McHenry 1005. , 43 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUY-- Five room house. Willing to pay small down payment. Desire to locate within city limits only Phone: Wauconda 5388 $5-tf WILL LEASE -- With option to buy; 4-5 bedroom year 'round home on waterfront; convenient to good transportation. Address: Box 324 in care Of Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. *42-2 WANTED TO RENT -- Chemical Engineer wants to rent 3 bedroom house for wife and 3 children. Contact: Jos. Krajicek, Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, 111. Tel. Wonder Lake 2411. «3 ---_-- . • j HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS CLASSIFIED Want-Ad Rates Per Insertion 4e A WORD «L60 MINIMUM AJ1 bold face or cap lines 20c per line. Iin| « in ^ up* Let Pennies Bring " You DoUa«B Copy most reach the McHenry Plaindealer Offlee before Wednesday Hi. H. At % meeting-of the Board of Directors of the McHenry State Bank held on February 13, 1953, the following resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS by Section 17 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to promissory notes, bonds, due bills and other instruments in writing" approved March 18, 1874,, as recently amended, it is provided in part that any bank doing business within the State of Illinois may select any one day -of the week to remain closed and that any act authorised, required or permitted to be performed at or by or with respect to sueh bank on a day which it has selected tc remain closed under the provision; of Said Act may be performed or the next succeeding business day; /NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to all the provisions of the aforesaid Act this Bank hereby seleots and designates the 4 th day of the week, commonly called Wednesday, as the day of the week to remain closed, commencing With Wednesday, the llth day of March, 1953. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cadhier of thia bank, the officer having charge <5f the records of this Bank, shall be and he Is hereby directed to certify a copy of these resolutions, to file the same with the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County and to publish tlhe same at least once each week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in such county, all prior to the date of sueh first closing. I, the Cashier of the McHenry' State Bank, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Bank at a duly constituted meeting of the ,*aid Board held on the 13th day L. #EBBR. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY SB. On this 13th day of Februaiy, 1953, before nae, a Notary PutollC in and for said County and Statfc, personnally appeared Robert L. Weber, known to me to. be the person who executed the foiefntof certificate, and acknowledged^ to me that he executed the samcj. ^nd being by mc duly sworn did depen* and say that he is the Cashier at the McHenry State Bank; that «S such officer he has charge <af t$e records and seal of said bank; and that the foregoing certificate is true to his own knowledge. VERNE E. HARRISON, Notary PubUe (Pub. Feb. 18-26, Mar. 5) NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN: HoW to "Profit from JOB PRINTING BUSINESS CUBS When you v i s i t a client what does he see first? Your business card, of course! To make that first impression the best it is only natural to use a card that is in good taste. Let us show you our many quality samples. McHENRY FfaAINDEALEII 102 N. Green Street PHONE 176 S, USED CARS & ALL RECONDITIONED AND WITH WRITTEN WARRANTY v- ^ ..*.*• Be Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad. Name Address Phone Number Words Times To Run Amount Enclosed Compare These Prices with Anyone -- Anywhere! '52 DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan (RAH * $1875 Combine Luxury With Low Coet. *51 KAISER 4 Dr. Sedan CDrive - Tou Cant Beat This Plica. '50 DODOB Corout 4 Dr. <** a> *1375 Gyro-Matic • Had The Best of Ow - Equipped. '49 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Tudor «*•> $995 One Owner - Extra Clean - Mechanically Perfect. '49 MERCURY Tudor Sedan .(RA H> SJQ75 Excellent Condition - High' Quality - Low Price. '49 BUICK "Super" Sedanette ,B") *1095 Very Attractive Car - Very Attractive Price. '48 MERCURY Club Coupe <**«> <795 New Engine • New Rubber - Had Special Care. '46 DODGE Custom 4 Dr. <R *675 Perfect Post War Car at Pre-War Pllw, |? •% These and A Wide Selection of Other Models May Be Seen At ^ A. S. BLAKE MOTORS McHenry < JHmM* lf| "!:.i * ,i;

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