mgr Vtfti" P«g« Eight SHE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH ~K* cooking to g^tthe same compliments they now get from thirty minutes of thawing "a few things out. By W. H. Tammeus Perhaps you haven't heard that Dr. George Scarseth will be here Friday night, March 27, to tell SlcHenry county farmers about the secrets of "What's Going on In the Corn Field." The place will be the Clay street school gym in Woodstock. 1'hat is just north of the Auto- Lite factory in Woodstock on ? street running north from '•t east of the depot. . I am at a loss to tell." you bow important it is that^you be 'twere. I can only say that every seldom does Scarseth agree' to came to county meetings. I havt rover seen him billed for anyt ing less than state or national c nventions. / Last summer we tried one of his revolutionary ideas' in co- One* good (thiitg about tractors lqf tKey liavo almost completely stopped horse stealing. U.S. farmers, in order to feed the increased population, will | have to produce, by 1975, an ex- > tra billion bushels of corn, l1*. I billion dozen eggs, 4!i '.million) bales of cotton, and 3 billion < pounds of beef. So sayw Dr. Byron Shaw, admim.-"-:;uor of; the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Re search administration. Thursday. March 26. 1953 Static---tax receipts indicate business trends. Sales tax collections in January, 1952, were >18,594,368.76 and in January, 1953, were $17,180,913.05. Motor vehicle license January, 1952 was $9,940,558.23 and in . January, 1953,,. $9,079,439.71. . . Farm visits arc starting. Calls from John Krieger and Francis Pace of Huntley were taken care of last Wednesday. Krieger is planning some permanent pasture renovation and Pace had some - choices to make as to crops to grow on §ome recently tiled low land. Your calls will be promptly taken care of because that is our chief duty. We quickly drop other things if^ you call. In order to save your time and ours, we don't just happen down the road and stop in. Wish that's all We had to do. My wrinkles and gray hair sure do date me. The other day my wife was Introduced' as a Tammeus and the lady said, "Oh! is your father the farm adviser." They usec^to say women spend 85 percent of'the family income. In checking over this statement I find it closer to 115 percent. , Dick M^y of McHenry ^recently did a little McHenry county economic history studying. He has received eighty-eight milk checks since he started farming in 1945. Forty-two of them were in the $3 class, with a few as low as $2.80. Of the balance, eighteen were over $4.50 with four <Jf these in the $5 classv He said the $5 checks came at election time. - • , No woman lives with the same man over a year. After that he's a different man. I got card from*a magazine publisher the other'day asking if I wanted to keep taking the -A letter from John Lindsay,; forhier McHenry county farmer, has axaignificant statement" re- | garding the future of farming. | He s.iys, "In my opinion the best answer as to the future of farming He savs, "In my opinion the best answer as to the future of farming , is if you're an average farmer or below, it's gloomy. Your opportunities are in prooperation with Kane county on portion to yoftr ability' to be Harold Jepson's farm, south of • above average." John Was a tenj "Corn Belt Cattle Feeder." I Returned it stating, He has already been took." 9 EETDRN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thennea returned last week from a seven weeks' trip through the West. In Denver they visited for ten days With their daughter and husband, the Clarence Gaylords. Later, in St. Ann, Calif., they spent^ome time with another daughter and husband, the Ed. Carsons. Other points of interest visited included Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz_ .Death Valley and San Francisco. "fan," meaning. an enthusiast, comes from the word "fanatic." CQJLORED RASTER CHICKS FARMER'S MILL ! ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING TAXES ELMER P. ADAMS Fox Lake, Illinois Tel. Fox Lake 7-4301 -» Algonquin. We planted corn in alfalfa brome sod without plowing and got over 60 bushels per acre. Scarseth got his start as soil chemist for the United Fruit •Company in Central America. He vorked right on up the ladder to >ead cf the Agronomy department, Purdue university, and is • row director of research of the American Farm Research Foundation, which is a subsidiary of the American Farm Bureau Federation. If you are a Farm Bureau •member, part of your dues goes to support his unusual work. He is a dissatisfied man.1* He Is so dissatified, in fact, that he is unwilling to take for granted ant farmer in McHenry county for • a number of years, but recently bought his own farm in Wisconsin. "He says that with his son now in service and with all the work he has to do, "his git up and go"1* has "got up and went." . • - . , Statements recently heard-- There is more horsepower now on U.S. farms than there is in all the factories of the nation. Your income tax is less than half your tax bill. On^ person in four ycu meet is working for the government in some manner or to some degree. The U.S. Army is hording more than its share of strategic metal-brass. As the old Indian used to say, present crop yields. He will "It's potten to be all chipfs and pt-obably pass from this world a 5 no Indians." The idea of putting frustrated man, marked by most as having holes in his head, but twenty-five years from now we will be doing the things he is trying and wender why w.e didn't always do them. w over a hot stove baking and a blanket over the engine of a car in winter, as it stood at the curb, was a carry-over from horse and buggy days when a steahiinsr horse was covered to keep him from chilling. It's hard for a fellow to lose his Women used to slave all ~SSy" 'shirt if he keeps his sleeves rolled up. 1 ^ •!' 'I1 't' ^ 4"l' In The \t Spring A woman's fancy turns to thoughts of fiavl|ig a clean, fresh, wardrobe. And\. . it's time to get out. all of ybur Spring and Summer Dresses and have them cleaned and pressed at Local Cleaners. You can rest assured that the cleaning and pressing of any garment will be done efficiently and promptly by skilleiL__ workmen. * Local Cleaners WEEKLY = Tfce finest quality plus the best ppfees In town-- == 1 RED LABEL ! ^ot's y°ur neighborhood CERTIFIED GROCERS' == ! _• J formula for thrifty living! And it's your best way E E j -- I I J to make those food dollars buy more. Check every EE j I Vr W wl .. \,fem' You'11 se# whY '*'* smart to shop at your H ; - . ; nearby CERTIFIED GROCER! -- J Btl ^ » 1 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Kraft Dinners.. 2 j CHOICE GRADE Full Economical Cuts (any size) = LIGHT MEAT - CHUNK STYLE Star-Kist Tuna.. 3 Mill Brand HAM.. V-: Size Tins 2" Lb." Tin $100 $219 RIB ROAST Lb. 49*1 = CASINO I Choice Grade - Boneless • ROLLED RIB ! - «• ROAST . . 79* i JUNIOR SIZE TURKEYS An Easter Treat 4 to 6 net Pounds * Tender Steer BEEF LIVER 69'* Swiss Cheese . .V » 65 C ! TENDER CHOICE - GRADE A = RED ROSE Pork & Beans .. 2 v 31 SIRLOIN STEAK Lb; 59-1 §= FRESH WRAP Wax Paper 2 « 39 • Cudahy's Canned 314 lb. can • Boneless Tender I Easter HAMS \ BEEF STEW » 59 j fRtlTS^VEGEWBiES BANANAS . ... ib. 15c Jonathan Apples S..A..L.. M...O..N.. ..S.T..E AKS . 65^!1 HALIBUT STEAKS V 49 FRESH SMELTS . . 19%, I PERCH FILLETS . . 39 tfc == tt> .=s PAN REDDI . 2 u»- 27< BREADED SHRIMP 69' CALIFORNIA ORANGES 2 t*. I PASCAL 63'! CELERY 2 w». FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY lO-Oz. Pkg. DONALD DUCK APPLESAUCE 4M • 2™ AA Tins SALERNO FIG BARS 2 it 49 c §§ i DOWNY FLAKE FROZEN I WAFFLES 206 So. Green St. Phone 20 X = £ pUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllQ: = I AUCTION SALE E . v' .'•< | 1 OF I DAIRY" HERD ] I WM. RUSSELL and DAN POWERS, | | Auctioneers | | Due to the death of one of my men, I will sell 1 |m y Dairy Herd at Auction starting at 1 P. M., on| I FRIDAY; MARCH 27 3 v | At the place known as the Clow Farm on Rte j 14, at the northwest Crystal Lake city limits. 1 19 HEAD of COWS s | One Pure Bred Bull. 1 . McHENRY STATE BANK. I Clerking. j Claude Moan . ^nillUlllllllllllllIllllllIllll!l[|ll[||illlUll!ll!lllllllllllllillllllllllUllll]l!!lt!llllUU!li;illlilllillllllilllimillllllllllllU:(n I sfli RED CROSS SPAHETTI 7-Ox. ^ 9 > 2 19c s Mate* ........... .............. BOOTH HERRING CUTLETS IN WINE SAUCE 6M>-Oz. _ j«31c CERTIFIED'S--RED LABEL -- COFFEE jCLEANER CLOTHES SPARKLING DISHES 0 GROUND FRESH TO YOUR ORDER 2-LB. BAG 4 v \ WITH l#« COUPON \ f CERTIFIED \ (ftwi, ?RtENV£y//M€P£#l>Mr variety