Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1953, p. 2

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THE McHENBY PLAINDEALBR Alter and Rosary Iftoetlac April 6 The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church vvili hold Ha next meeting on Monday^fevening, April 6, at the school hall. ' The committee in charge includes Mrs. Paul Doherty, chairman; Miss Lenore Frisby, Mrs. Harold Hobbs, Mrs. Robert jKnox, Mrs. Thomas Doherty , and ' Mrs. William Boetsch, J!*. ' £ i Helen Weber Heads W. C. O r. Helen Weber was elected chief Singer of the Women's Catholic 0rder of Foresters at the annual election meeting held recently. Others named to serve with her fOr the ensuing year were the following: Evelyn Blake, vicechief ranger; Kathryn Worts, recording secretary; Lillian Stoffel, financial secretary; Mary Freund treasurer; Susie Justen, first trustee; Margaret Freund, second trustee; Winifred Young, tlkird trustee. - Other officers are to be apjointed by the chief ranger. Plans were made to have in- . Qtallation of officers on rhurs "~3tay evening, April 23, preceded by a dinner in the school basement. Qlrl Scouts Planning Father-Daughter Banquet The Girl Scout father and daughter banquet will be held Tuesday, April 14, in the high tchool cafeteria at 7 p.m. All reservations and money for ' them must be turned in by April 8 to the leaders or' directly to Mrs. Avis Gans. METHODIST WOMEN PLAN INTERESTING PROGRAM APRIL The McHenry Community W, S.C.S. offers Methodist women a delightful afternoon of enter tainment and information,.-" 6: Apiil 16 at one o'clock in the church. In a triple treat, Mary Ann Wieidrich will sing, Mrs. Harry StineSf>ring will give a view . of distant Bingahurn and Jrfiss Margaret Brooks wnl toll about the Lake Bluff o: ph.mage. Mary Ann is a, talented young performer groomed in the musicdepartment of McHenry high school with promise of desirable future in her art. Her pleasing voice sets a jdelightful tone to all programs, where she appear?. Dramatics are Mrs. Stinespring'. s long suit. It is estimated that on April 16, she will bring a "Vision from Bingahuru" that will move her listeners to tears and laughter. Miss Brooks, from Lake Bluff, will talk about life in the orphanage as she sees it from her executive position. McHenry women who know Miss Brooks feel that she will have a most interesting story to tell about the home and the children „ it cares for. APPEARANCE OP BAGPIPE BAND TO BENEFIT HOSPITAL When the Scottish Highlanders, all-girl bagpipe band of the State University of Iowa, appear in Woodstock at the high school on Saturday, April 11, at 8:15 p.m., they will have performed to more than 3,500,000 persons in a 16-year travel itinerary adding up to 50,000 miles. Their appearance will benefit the Memorial Hospital for McHenry Gounty-Auxiliary. Tickets for the concert are available in McHenry at Nye's drug store and the Toddler shop. Girls in the band are receiving hospitality^ from local families. In McHenry, the Herbert Engdahf family will accommodate two of the girls during their stay in the county. "Family Fare" Aids Homemakers "Family Fare,** published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Is a bulletin for the Nation's ' million homemakers who are trying to do a blue-ribbon Job of feeding a family well. Illinois homemakers can obtain it by writing to Home Economics Extension, University of Illinois College of Agriculture, Urbana. When you read "Family Fare," you'll find it packed with ideas to use ih serving enjoyable meals and in keeping your family well nourished. There ate ideas to Th«rwi|, Apr!! % 1953 > 1' »-I »»1 4 •» •!' •!' »» \ PERSONALS BIRTHS K. N. A. Camp At Harrison Home The next regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., will be held on Tuesday, April f, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs C. L. Harrison in Ringwood, with n0Q(jje3 Mrs. John Hogan as co-hostess Goohi, Qvut&i By Marie Schaettgen If you have, ha^- chicken or ham for Sunday dinner and have some left over try serving it this way. However, we think this recipe is good enough to warrant buying chicken breasts especially for the occasion. Chicken and noodle casserole. 12 oz. padkage medium cut Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossom of Ringwood are the parents of their fifth daughter, born March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas of Johnsburg announce the birth of a son, Bruce John, at the Woodstock hospital on March 23. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund are the parents of a daughter, born March 28 at the Woodstock hospital. A son was born at the Woodstock hospital March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Olson announce the birth of a daughter at the Woodstock hospital March 28. Deborah Lynn is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller cf John street for their new daughter, born Friday, March 13, at Belmont hospital, Chicago. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz., at birth. Residence Changes -H' Mrs. May Lenox and son of Downers Grove spent the weekend visiting McHenry friends. On Sunday evening she attended the honor award dinner at the high school as a guest of Miss Helen Stevens. Miss Rita Martin returned home Saturday from Dearborn, Mich., where she had been visiting in the Frank Altman home. Mrs. Elvira Durland, who had made the trip with her, was unable to return home because of the" sudden illness of a member help you practice thrift when*l of her family In Royal Oaks, need be, and also ideas to en- Miss Mary Ann Bolger of courage you to save time and Rosary college arrived home energy where you can. Tuesday afternoon to spend the One section is devoted to recipes of stand-bys and special dishes. Time-saving short cuts are given, together with suggestions for fitting foany of the recipes into a lunch, dinner or supper. Another section you'll refer to often is the one that lists ingredients, and their amounts, that can be substituted for other ingredients in a recipe. For instance, for one cup of all-purpose flour in bread baking, you can substitute up to ohe-haif cup bran, whole-wheat flour or corn meal plus enough all-pUrpose flour to fill the cup. Home Bureau Unit Plans April Meeting The Ringwood Home Bureau unit will meet next Tuesday, April 7, at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. J. Neuharth, With Mrs. K. C. Petersen acting as co-hostess. -- Miss Irene Downey, home advisor, will give a lesson on "Foundation Garments." Mrs. Leo J. Smith, 4-H chairman, will advise the group of ladies on 4-H work fOr the coming season. HARRY STINESPRINGS CO-PRESIDENTS OF COMMUNITY P.T.A. V* ,1b. grated cheese Thin cream sauce Warden Ragen Club Speaker Warden Ragen of the Illinois state penitentiary has been secured as guest speaker at the meeting of the Men's club of the Community Methodist church to be held Monday evening, April 20. A man of much experience iij his field, he will present pictures and a lecture on prison life. All members of the olub are urged to be present and. to bring a friend. < Easter vacation with her mother. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock visited in the home of Mrs. John Bolger last weekend. ' • " Mr. and. Mrs. J. S. MatuuzeW- 4ki of Shalimar, their son, Bill, and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Mills, and son, Gregory, of Hinsdale, are planning a weekend trip to spend Easter with their son, t)onald, who is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arnold of Chicago were recent McHenry visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horan visited in the home of their daughter in Chicago one day last week. Mrs. Kathryn Freund, Mrs. Helen McCarroll and Mrs. Nellie Bacon attended a luncheon at the Knauf home in Crystal Lake recently, where they gathered to honor the eighty-seventh birthday anniversary of Dr. Theresa Abt of Chicago, an old friend and a former local resident. Jack Steilen and son and Mrs. Kathryn Steilen of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. AnnAbelle Aicher one. day last week. The latter remained for a longer visit. The Joel Bergquist family of Rockford were recent visitors in the Elmer' Winkelman home. Mrs. George. Johnson left this past week for Hollywood, Fla., where she is visiting in the home pf her sister, Mrs. A. K. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson visited their son, Robert at Fort Sheridan one recent day. He was inducted into the Army a couple of weeks ago. WOMAN'S CLUB TO LANDSCAPE GATES AT ISLAND LAKE It was announced 'at the !as? meeting of the Island Lake village board thm the Island Lake Woman's club had generously offered to landscape tjie various Gates in that community, as well as to place reflectors on the posts designating the jates fdr safety sake. During the evening, it.was announced that the first allotment due the village under the motor fuel tax funds will be made during the month of April. President WiUard was authortzed to order dog tagj so that they will be Available to the residents on May 1, when the new fiscal year begins. iiMmmmfliHttinininiiiimiiiiiHiiinnfnitnmmmim AMONG THE SICK imiHIIIiyillllHUtllliHWUIUItVIIIUIUUIIOHMllMtnitll Ben Justen is a surgical patient at St. Margaret's hospital in Hammond, Ind. BENEFIT PARTY ' The card party for the benefit of the McHemy Public library will be held" April 15} instead of thfc sixteenth, k* Wtifc naUy planned, at the LegiO® H«3fneKNC' Wken all tile joyous ckurck bells T o p e a l f o r E a s t e r t M # ' / 1 :. . " Let gladness eater every heart, \ 'JLsui.peace ajullove abid*.. A riAPPY EASIER TO Alt OP YOU FROM ALL OF US AT THE BANK McHENRY STATE BANK \pMBER FEDERAL RESERVE 8Y8TBM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITSPHONE 1040 ' i Last Thursday evening the members and friends in attendance at the McHenry Community P. T. A. meeting not only met in the hlgb school building but felt they were attending classes again as the speaker, Wilbur O. Church, presented everyone with an examination paper almost as soon as they arrived, covering many new things in science. He found very few scientific brains in the audience - but many good sports. Mr. Church proved to be a fine Jecturer, with a delightful sense^ of humor, and everyone enjoyed him. Election of McHenry Community P. T. A. officers for the coming year was he)d, with the following results: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinespring, Co-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hans, covice- presidents; Mrs. Charles Peterson, secretary; and Mrs. Helmuth Meyer, treasurer. The meeting was . followed by a social hour in the home eco-; nomlcs room, with second and third grade mothers serving refreshments. The candidates for the boards of education who made an appearance at this meeting and spoke to those in attendance were Mrs. Florence Engdahl and Lorain Booster, runnirig for the high school board, and Mrs. Margaret Haug for the grade school board. Mrs. Engdahl told oif her experience with youngsters of high school age, her belief that a woman's viewpoint would be beneficial to the board and her desire to represent the former, who is a large taxpayer in this area. Mr. Booster expressed his desire |o represent Lakemoor on the beard, feeling their need of representation and his interest in all schools. Mrs. Haug told how interesting she had found the three years she has served, which has led to her wish to continue serving the community as a scrtool board member. The balance of the candidates were unable to attend because of previous engagements but sent their regrets. Cooked chicken sliced in large slices if possible, - otherwise cubed. The amount of chicken or turkey in this recipe may be whatever you have left over; if you are buying breasts for it, three breasts will give you many nice slices of white meat. « Boil noodles in salted water until just done. Drain. While noodles are cooking make a thin white sauce. If sauce becomes too thick it may be thinned oat with milk and cooked a few seconds longer. This sauce requires constant watching as tha milk will boil over very easily. Butter a large cassetfole and alternate layers of the cooked chicken and noodles with sprinkling of cheese over each layer. Cover to about one inch from top with cream sauce. Sprinkle top lightly with buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees about half hour. For those who like them, a can of drained mushrooms may be added to cream sauce. This is a one-dish meal that usually proves very popular with guests as well as with the family. A salad is all that needs to accompany it. Fruit or ice cream make a good dessert with this substantial main dish. Mrs. Lorean Jones and children moved from an apartment in the Carey building on Main street to an apartment in the Henry Stilling building on the same street. The Stilling apartment was formerly occupied by ~Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, who have moved to the May cottage on John street. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilkerson and the Jones family have moved from the May house on John street to Johnsburg. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking the many j friends who remembered me with visits, cards, flowers and gifts during the time I was confined to the Woodstock hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. JUNE OXTOBY 47 Richmond, 111. as fresh as a field of daisies uses in the Latest Smartly -Styled Sheer NYLON. All Ideal Gift for Easter. sizes 34-38 $5.95';d Other Blouses - $1.9g to 98.95 GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 103 Riverside Drive PHONE 459 McHenry, 111, SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PRICE .POSTPONE MEETING ^e regular meeting of the A£l*lt Girl Scout organization has been postponed from the sec- Md Wednesday of the month to Fill your home with the Easter gladness of radiant flowers from tm Give her a gala corsage to -makkee her the grandest lady in We carry a wide as- Stop in soon to select your favorites Bortment of the finest flowers er yours A U TOMA T I C from our sparkling assortment of Easter Wafer Heater flowers. ft* tStol Please order early! } that's RAINBOW'S cleaning! i More and more people are bringing their clothes to Rainbow because they like the freshness, bright appearance, and feel of garments cleaned as Rainbow cleans them -- in fresh, sweet, clean solvents. NO ODORS -- BRIGHTER COLORS DEPENDABLE SERVICE -- i JET RECOVERY ACTION heats water faster than you normally use it. See these heaters that cost little to put in, and little to keep up. 30-GAL. NATURAL GAS MASTER MODEL Only *74.50 plus installation VYCITAL'S Hdwe. Sheet Metal Shop Green St. McHenry PHONE 98 Open Sunday Mornings always plenty of FREE PARKING space S S A V E ! 1 0 % O F F " s i " 1™ C A S H a n d C A R R Y AT OUR PLANT OR BRANCH SERVICE STATIONS RINGWOOD LAKEMOOR WINTER'S STORE LAKEMOOR HARDWARE j Phone 927 For Prompt Pickup Service 5 Street Florist 300 W, Elm Street McHenry, 111. I - PHONE 230 g \ r-- _ eaniJi 8 THE FRIENDLY CLEANERS N. FRONT ST. around the corner N. of National Tea COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICES TbO! RUGS EXPERTLY CLEANED FlUS CLEANED and STORED

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