Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1953, p. 7

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-- > - ('-v.y TJuanUy. April 2. 1^3- *• . " • : >- t *iU'l M,i M tin »•»•< i 111MM nni 1i1;» n »n i II" 11i f»W LEGAL NOTICES V1L14CE OF LAKEMOOR Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the' 21st day of April, J NOTICE otic« is hereby given that on 28th day of January, 1953, a petition was filed with the 11953 A. D., at the McHenry bible Cokinty Board of School Trustees Church in the Village of Lakeof McHenry County, Illinois, praying that the. following described property be deticiied from School District No. 34 of McHenry Colin ty, Illinois and annexed to School District No. 36 of McHenry County. Illinois: The West Half of the Northfredt Qfarter of Section 8; and (hat part of the West Half of the SdUthWest Quarter of Section 5 lying south and west of til# public highway; all in Townfe*> 45 North, Range S East of th^ Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Notice is thereby given that a hearing, will be held on said' petition before sail County Board of School Trustee® of McHenry County, Illinois, »X a regular meeting thereof on Monday, April 6th, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., C9T., at the McHenry County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, ftt which time the prayer of said petition maj be supported or resisted. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1053. Comity Board of Scbool Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois. By: R. L. TAZEWELL, Secretary. , (Pub. March 19-26, April 2) - ELECTION NOTICE public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of McHenry County entered on the 30th day of March, 196S, on the petition filec in said Court, a special election will be held on 'Tuesday the 28th day of April, 1953, between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P. M. of that day within the limits of the territory described as follows: Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, and the .West Half of Section 19, in Township 45 North, Range 8 Bast of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Also, the East Half ol Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 7 East of the /Third Principal Meridian ,in McHenry County, Illinois. for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters residing within the limits of the territory des cribed, the question of whether the territory hereinabove described shall be organized and established as a fire protection district under an Act in Relation to Pi re Protection Districts enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in tl*e General Assembly, which aaid fire protection district is to b* known as the Wonder Lake Fire Protection District. It has been further ordered by said Court that the legal voters of said described territory shall deposit their ballots, at the polling place to be held at the Wonder Lake Fire House within the proposed limits of the proposed Wonder Lake Fire Protection District. HENRY L. COWLIN ;• Judge of County Court of i McHenry County, Illinois RAYMOND D WOODS Clerk of the County dourt JOSBJPH X. WAYNNE Attorney for Petitioners McHenry, Illinois N O T I C E Ilf THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN J. Til EL EN AND AGATHA THELEN FOR AMENDMENT TO Oft VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby gjven that in compliance with tne provisions of tWe McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the SlcHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification to a Residence R-l of the following descHbed property; t6-wit: All that part of the South East Quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Tfhird Principal Meridian, that lies East and South of the public road that j^oes through said Section 5, in McHenry County, Illinois. \ Said proposed change is for the purpose of subdividing said tract foi residential purposes coming within an R-l classification. Said hearing will be held in the Ciiy HaJi of the City of M6K(enry Illinois at the hour of 3:30 P. M. on the 14th day of April, 1953. All persons interested may attend. MdHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPALS By FRANK NAGEL, Its Chairman. VERNON J. KNOX Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois FARMERS If you havt something to Buy, Sell or Trad* ; ADVEHTISE •\ in the PLAINDEALER moor, Colinty of McHenry and State of Illinois, an Election will be held for; Village President, Village Clerk, Police Magistrate and Six (6) Trustees. The poUs of said Election will be opened at Six o'clock in the morning, and will close at Five o'clock in the evening of that day. Dated at Lakemoor, Illinois, this 28th day of March, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Three. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT Village President v-.: RICHARD J. HYATT Village Clerk s Notice , is hereby given that the following names will appear on the ballot for the Election of Village Officials for the Village of Lakemoor to be held April 21st, 1953. Progressive Party For Village President CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT For Village Clerk RICHARD J. HYATT For Police Magistrate HARRY J. BRADY For Trustees LORAIN H. BOOSTBR JOHN T. GRAY, O.D. PHILIP K. KIBBE RAYMOND J. CYNOWA CLIFFORD F. K1EHL NORMAN H. MORRISON Voters' Lfiafue farty Fbr Village President THOS. F. fiUDIL For Village Clerk ERN8ST J. pftluiHl For Police Magistrate EDWARD JOSEPH KAJUN, Jr. For Trustees CHARLES ANSCHUTZ HEN*Y F WOJTA8 ' MARY 8CHIAVONB CHARLES B. CALEY JOE CAMMARATA (iASIMIR fiRZE&INSKI NOTICE OF IpcnOV PUBLIC NOTICB is hereby given that on the 2lst day of April* 1963, in and for the Village pf Island Lake, Lak$ and McHenry Counties, Illinois, an election will be held for the following Village officials: One (1) - Village President One (1) - Village Clerk • Six (fl)" - VQlage Trustee# That for said election the Vill age of Island Laice has been divided into two election precincts, and the boundaries of each election precinct and the name of the polling place designated for each precinct being as follows: ELECTION PRECINCT JfO. 1 shall consist of al: of the part of the Village at Island Lakr which Hes in Lalce County, Illinois. Polling Place: Holte's .Service Station, S. E. Comer Hifhwa' *76 and Mylitli Park Road. Rt. J, in the Village of Island Lake, Illinois. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 shall consist of all of that part of the Village of Island Lake which lies in McHenry County. Illinois. Polling Place: First Community Congregational Church of Island Lake, South side of Highway 176, between Gates Na 2 fuid No. 3, Route 3, in the Village of Island Lake, Illinois. The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock A. M. and will be' closed at 0:00 P. M. Central Standard Time, on the daJy of said election. Legal voters of the Village of Island Lake, Illinois, must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within Which they reside. DATttD this 23rd day of March, 1953. FAYIJ NELSON, Village Clerk. Nonas QF CLAIM DATE Estate of FLORA NEAL Deceased. Notice is hereby gtvfen tb all persons that May 4th, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of FLORA NEAL, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. . JOHN. M. NEAL, Administrator LEROY J. WELDER Attorney AfcHenryl Illinois (Pub. April 2*9-19) . NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE V' Estate of LAURA HALL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that May 4,1953, is the claim date in the estate of LaURA HALL, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on Or before said date without issuance of summons. EDWIN HALL, Administrator WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. April 2-9>I6) . • ^ < .,£w -«vj. _ V j . • •).. - / _ THE McHENRY- PLAINCEALEH . wpi. un Hirf i jUnMf rfi I WWflvdtf, I SK fOUHR PUT-HN6 &5MSth .THOSE WERE THE DAYS, THOSE' WERE THE DAYSAWH6CAKV TO B£ MOST MODERN/«| By ART BEEMAN JUST TELL WE WHAT VOU WANT SIR--WE'LL STOCK 'EW NEXT WEEK I i 6T^fniO ASI06MNE T6 PLEASE POLKS** GOWCWE3T OR PCMJ WHAT KIND OF A D*U* STORE IS "THIS? -wsP -THE MORE THEY E, THE FOLKS WANT/ NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ROM Arnold . 'HBY! WHOOftlNG IT UP k * AT THfc BLAftCOOft £A$lHO . --UNTIL O-S. MARSHAL ifQSSMCE HANK STEPPED QMIfiTLV TMROU6H THE SWINGING OOOBSi \r IWMI • l*r • 1 4ERTr«ASASTUHNEO SILB4CE...V40MEN ftAlHTEO ..MfeH Vrtftt FftOZEN WITH F«AR...TO f^CC MARSHAL HOSSlM«t WAS 10 JjgATH'ANQSVfAY OOUjnTiLAAVWi I> N TUB VIBST KN£filT! By FRANK THOMAS ' 605«7J THAR AIN'T N0THW -LOOKIT JLAFEAREO OP HOSS* FACE' StlCHT MANC EXES WATCH DOWNWARD TWITCH OF AN OUTLAW FINGER.. DRtAMOujr* TSfPrnnS Sfc.JbMNt LUTHERAN CHURCH, IN Harrison, Klew Jcrs&q, HAS A JUKI* SOX WSTALLED TO PLAY , www WR visnoRsI WHO ENTER THE CHURCH PR AVER/ Tht juks be* for background iMusic.nctds MO coins to operate, , w«s the idu of tMr p*tor,Rw gorn^oert. D -1' SOUTH ONpHf SOM*BOOV it A^ThriN' ft* PULL THAT OL' APRIL WOL HJMC / AH THINK < MEAHBINMO' HCAH COMfl BY COURT ALDERSOM HO, MO, WKTSOt XPftlLSTREAMS, FLOWING FROM THE 9000• FT. TWUDNU>e PEAK, in Mont**a, END INTO 3 OCEANS--TWE ARCTIC, PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC/ THAT DOES IT -Jo |tt&p AGED 8S/ of Wast wood, Calrf;, HAS JUST GRADUATED FROW Muir Junior ColW.qi,--AND /S ENROLLING AT UX.L A. 70 STUDY FOR MS Ph.D DB6REBft (HIS GRADES AVERAGE B-PLUS!) H*hit 7 cHlldrw- and S effsndc^ildrm ! By AI Smith, JACKIE IN RURAL DELIVERY By AL SMITH RUST^ DL D you HEAR )VEH# AND THE ABOUT JACKIE ? JTOHHV PART IS HE GOT A WRIST WATCH FOR HIS HOME COMING • Hi,-JACKIE.' WHAT TIME VA Gcn"> GOSH.l CAN'TTELL TIME NEITHER.' I NEVER HAD A WATCH! I CAN'T LET ON THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELLTlME.' DANG IF HE CAN'T TELL IT AIM T/ TIME' so you ftEAiA-v ftenevepME WHEN I SA»T>yoo'p FlNO A •m«EE "DOLLAR. RAISE Itt VOUR ENVELOPE TOPAY-HO-HO-HO HAW HAW HAW-THAT^ one ON YOU WILLIE -- 1'/ •/" • TTH6 mm.- MtANSST M'A•H' "m' i Tm6 WORLD. if APRIL FOOL..' •LfTTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON Uncle A KUU III l» M M l« be It • taUar hu OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT WH0S THE' OLD) (OH, HIM / WHAT A '--EEZER, CHARACTER' Rl<?K ? £ A T® j THATS HONEVi? UNCLE HUGO/ ITS MV UNtfLE HUGO! HES VERY WEALTHV/ A REAL Financial genius/ SuffH A NICE" MAN f • l)H*WUHt IT ' IS OUIET ' HMMM ---THIN69 GOT KINDA Ouiet aulofa I TCLL.VK, JiM.HES ALWAYS 3R0KE! WANT5TO BORROW ALU THE TIME.' NA9TV OLE GUV, TOO' SUDDEN,HUH JIM ? THE BEFORE THE . STORM I «l|M> muebMWb.l it-tokaa * lot ol fa« r tun tti' othar chut • « "• OKtia* your back up nanr Mpt kttp your ttaiptr down. Keepln' In pink help* • Mkr * keep out of til* red. Peoplt tbo abpv up belt, abar Off iMSl MM «I principle tlwtys eoaunu^ tmareM. _ . The feller who ia • cracker jiek doesn't have to work for peanuts. J D-l DEEMS Uy 1UM UKA i)06 m SHO «MNIIt PAtHSHOONO rOiNT»».+ FO VHOU104 TtUJ««.« MTTS<*CMO«J« eTt 3-51 ACROSS I. FoW around • S. artick •. Tiff 12. Ir•land 13. Inlat 14. Graat lake 15. ntasing 17. To be carritfi 18. h>c<9< 19. Halp 20. Paoattia* ' 21. 8a sick 22. D*pra»s>o<t 23. tddyinq motiM 26. lo oo wroMi 27. Chanlcal mffi* 30. SKarpao 31. A loafer 32. Arrow poison 33. 34. Goal 35. Ira 3b. Forn 38. Girl'rij '39. Land maasurat .41. SLil -?42. Catchword ' 45. Small song bird 46. Commercial aotarpriia 48. For faar that 49. Gold fsp.) . 50. Arabian port 51. Pufi 52. Pala 63. Father (fr.J --CHARLEY GRANT.' ••• SBSQ ••e ••a •ass ana ••• aa uzQui • aaoas •••• mmsonf anaa ena UM d S DOWN • V ¥ J V B n d ~3 T 3 ~d V VA GRANDPA'S BOY BYARNIE MOSSLER ATTA BOY ROVER; bv SmmNk. L 1. Cried 2. Sfir up 3. Region 4. Graen vegetable 5. Path 6. ftjstanor 7. Comurna 8. European finch 9. Publishing 10. Assistant 11. Goit moxndl 15. Gi-da 20. Bog 21. FOTfofi»ka 22. . < 23. BashM 24. Sorrqm 25. ConcW* 2b. Total 28. Born 29. Ewtcoatr.) 3l Smalquantity 32. Ta««f» 34. Bead of burdMk 35. Aijalmt 37. LaesM 38. bvrmm 39. Purtdiirxj took 40. Araeroan laJn tr>fc% 41. Pmmrtiag 42. Y«W 43. 44. Slav* -k. »., 46. Nod 42.

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