Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1953, p. 14

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w ^ Harvey Powmi, Btfhth DUtrfct iS that the Illinois L*fishas Governor Stratton's ii1! * J"'!®'--presented earlier than /£Sf many years--we can get to $V:; work on the state's major spend- 'ng needs. Here are some of the amcunis called for in the Governor's baJ- -uiced budget: For Administrative agencies: $362,451,363, a drop of $20,209,- 206 from the current two-yea: « period. For education: $164,038,000 to common schools, raising the per , capita allotment, and $89,211,- s 858 for colleges and universities. ' That is an increase of $3,751,- 300. For new buildings: $47,769.- WO, including a new state office building and improvements at velf.are and education centers, j For highways: $329,000,000, an increase of $79,718,395 over prei cet»t highway allotments. This is the biggest hike in the budget. - rtiich totals 51,552,400,290. ( One item which the state will I not have to pay is the $100,000 deficiency appropriation sought by the Coal Products Commission. I think that the work of a sub-committee, of which I was a member, has saved Illinois tax-* payers that much money and i possibly more which the Commission might have gone on spending without authorization. We gave our report to the Governor recently at a meeting attended by majority leaders of "he Legislature. It showed that ;tate funds had been spent for improvements on private property, that debts had been run ur without authorization, y^ri that the Commission Kept few records, even financial ones. ; Along with other northefti Illinois Legislators, I had dinner last week with 1>r. Leslie A. Holmes, president of Northern Illinois State College, at Dekalb. He discussed some r[ the problems we must face in the educational field. Progress cn this front has already been made with passage in the House of a number • of '-ecommendations of the Schoo' .Problems Commission. The sup- ;C**rt these bills got demonstrates .again haw anxious we are tc • ouild a beneficial school pro- ?ram. Recent visitors to the State Oaipital have been Judge Albert . • )'SuUivan, of Belvidere, in !? Springfield on business, and Mancel Talcott, former maycr of % Waukegaii, who attended House '•ommittee sessions. ll'i eaoy to take lovely and impressive pictures outdoors at night. Picture Talcing in the Night yOU know when the sun goes * down many picture taker* cither put away their cameras or get out their flash equipment to shoot indoors. Somehow the snapshooting possibilities outdoors at night never occur to them. Actually, it's a fine time to experiment with taking interesting* unusual and beautiful shots. One of the things necessary for taking such pictures is to have some means of rock-steady support for your camera, since they will be time exposures. While there's usually no fear of subject movement, there's always the possibility of camera movement A tripod is the best way of insuring yourself against such a happening. There's hardly a camera, no matter how simple, that isn't equipped for taking time exposures. So, actually, taking these pictures presents no problem. If you've ever seen the silhouette of a brightly lighted city against the night sky, you must have been struck by the thought of what a fine picture it would make. The bright reflection of light on water, a snow-covered street, a house gleaming a welcome through its windows, are all wonderful night time subjects for your camera. Also, in spring as the weather becomes Warmer and is often frequented by thunderstorms, you can take very interesting shots of the lightning. There's not much worry about composition with such pictures for the lightning itself provides the pattern. The length of exposure will depend on whether you wish a shot of one flash of lightning or whether you wish to record several, one after the other to make one picture. If you try the latter you'll end up with - fascinating .shot of an intricate maze of lines. If it is raining, these shdts can be made through a windo v. All you need to do is place the camera on a solid support, with the lens pointed in the direction of the lightning, and set it for a ti: - exposure. You needn't worry about the lens opening, because the vividness of the lightning will insure a picture at any setting. You cannot, of course, take such pi :tures of s^eet lightning, although it will serve as b good background against which buildings and trees will stand out as in a silhouette. Night shots such as these will impress your friends greatly. Although simple to make, they're very effective and dramatic. And you will see for yourself how much fun and satisfaction you can get out of using your camera outdoors after dark. ~John Van Guilder , J , J.',.1!" " . " * %: Boys and girls riding bicycles are frequently the victims of traffic accidents which could have been avoided by the use of a little more care on both their part and the part of aatomoblte drivers. Bicyclists most observe the same traffic laws as automobile drivers. (Section 24, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic.) One of the safety rules for bicycle riders which can do much to reduce each accidents is to ride single lie. Bicycle riders cannot maintain the speed at which most automobile traffic travels, and they will be overtaken and passed by moat calse going their direction. Riding single file will enable ears to pats them without swerving into the opposite traffic lane. Be sure your bike is equipped with a light on the front and a red reflector on. the rear, eo automobile drivers can see you readily. A copy of the booklet. "Rules at the Road," containing many traffic safety suggestions, will be sent to yon free upon request. Write to EDWARD J. BARRETT, Secretary of BUte, Springfield, Illinois. F L Y SFLL.& i Bamboo Fly Rods -- 2 Tips Choice 8'/j Focjt or 9 Foot Length. . $16.50 Value • MONTAGUE .... KOW *18.50 Value SHAKESPEARE *3.00 Value LEY£L FLYLINE "D" HOWS9.9S NOW $1.98 Snakes have I ajrs of ribs. as as GEO. OOLLETTE, Owner Riverside Drive PHONE 459 McHenry, IU* THE McH&NSKf St Patrick's Catfeftte Ckvnfe Rev. Edward C. Cdakley, Pastor Masses Sunday Masses:. - 9:00, 10:00 and 11:30 • 1 J* -Daily Masses: 7:00 and. 8:00 A.M. First Fridays; communion distributed at 6:80 and during 7:00 and 7:30 Masses. Confesslohs Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:06 p.m. and /:t0 to 8:00 p.m., and ea Thartilays before First Fridays: 4:00 to #:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:06 pjn. Joseph M. Blltaeh, Pas Masses 7:00; 8:89; 10:00 11:80. Holy Dsys: 7:00 and 1:00. Thursday More First Friday: 1:80 and 7:«0. Zkm iTNfdleal Lathfraa Church The Cnurth of the Lutheran Hour 408 Join St W. McHenry, IIL Rev. Carl A. Loblts, Pastor Snnday School: 9:00 Service: 10:15 a.m. Ton a*e cordially large* la attend our services? fit Mary's Catholic Chare* Msgr. C. & Nix. Ffestor " Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:30. Holy Days: 0:00; 8:00; and 10:00 Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions . Saturdays: 8:00 p.m. and 7:06 p.m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 1:66 p.m. and 7:60 p.m. fltt. Peter's Catholic ChtKh ' Spring Grove Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastdf Masses Sunday: 8:00; 10:00 and ll:Qfc Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:66. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. . ^ Confessions jV, . Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:IS. Thursday before First Friday: 8:30 and 7:15. St. Joseph's ChwrCMi \ , Richmond, HI. - ^ Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 Daily Mass: 8:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Rev. Fr. Frank Miller, pastor Christ the Wing Catholic Church Wonder Lake Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 A. M. Rev. Janes A. Yanderpool, pastor Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00 A. M. First Friday: 8:15 A. M. Catechism: Sunday, 9:00 A. M. Confessions: 8undagr, 7;86 A. If. and 9:30 A. M. « - „ * • St John's Catholic' CkarciT Johnsbirgr St. Mary's Church (Episcopal) Oriole Trail at Dole Avenue Crystal Lake 3ervices: Sundayr 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. i 10:00 A.M.* Choral Eucharist. 10:00 A.M. Church School and Nursery. The Church School and Nursery are held at the Mission House, 33, McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. , . Director of Education: Mrs. Charles S. Wright. School Superintendent: Miles E., Westbrook. Family Eucharist: First Bunlay of the month 10:00 -a.m. Men's Corporate Communion: Fourth Sunday at 8:00, followed by breakfast. The Rev. Donald M. Ledaam Priest-in-Charge Ceamnnlty Methodist Charck of McHenry Italn and Center Streeta • {, Elliott Corbett, Pastor , Services: Sunday School: 9:30 Morning Worship: lO^Ht Senior MYF: 7 P.M. Junior MYF: 7 P.M. .Official board meets firft nesday of month, 8 p.nV W*- Senior choir rehearsal^ .S P-m. Thursdays. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Young Adult Fellowship:. second Sundays: 8 p.m. McHENRY BIBLE CHURCH Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald G. Liberty, pastor Sunday School -- 9:45 A.M^ Worship Service -- 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic Service--8:00 P.M Wednesday: * Prayer Meeting, 8 p. m. For other information, write P. O. Box 232, McHenry, 111., or call the R. W. BroOks home. McHenry 601-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here." * f#Nr Lake Gospel Charsk -*>g (Nonsectarlan; yr, , CTank W. Anderson, Pmatof ,. -r Services Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Eveninc Service: 7:46 P.m. , , Prajrir meeting Thursday, 8:06 p.m. Bring vhe family with you to 8anday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome tor everyone. . JUbgwsod Methodist Cfcareh Blngwood, IIL Rf. Darrell D. Sample", Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 930. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening. St Aadrew's Episcopal Charch Sunday: 7:80 aqd 11,00 Sunday School •id Family Eucharist, 9:00 £•». Jon K. k., (wfhw*; pastor Phone Qrayslake 3-2911 (load Tea In making good tea, It Should be prepared quickly. And be sure the water is boiling in order to bring out the flavor of *he tea. Allow one teaspoon of tea for each cup of boiling water. Cover closely and let leaves steep from three to five liUHtfs, then strain. Twe-Plece Costume Two-piece costumes of tweed ^or.dlcting of s slender skirt and a sofi jacket are perfect together. When you want variety, Wear the jacket with a pleated skirt or the skirt with a sweater and a bright scarf. Discuss Street ^ Light Situatibn - , ifBuc rvus .. > ; A drive through the streets of McHenry at ni^ht will remind My of us "Young Old Timers" of McHenry as it existed more than a quarter of a century-ago. The street lighting situation is deplorable, with many lights inoperative. How could this happen suddenly? Who is to blame? I believe the city government is amiss of their duty. It is the responsibility of our duly elected officials to see that the water we drink is pure, it is also their responsibility to see that the streets of McHenry are properly lighted. I think the present lights should be repaired for temporary use and I believe we should have a new lighting sys- «r tern. *»t I do thm <£(• be dons tar all tpe people of the city of McHenry thropgh tMr city government. Our city Officials are elected for just such problems. There are various ways to attack such problems and finance them. We certainly would not ask the Kiwattis to underwrite our water I make these statements no animosity toward any IsdMdual or group but only in tfce sense of fairness. Any voluntary subscription plan for a. lighting system, even fit its beat, will be most inequitable. I believe there is another way, a more proper way, but if it WiH not be done and it has to be, t will be a generous but reluctant contributor. • ::: Richard J. Overton : feaertos Aires is called the "Washington of South America." tuturiout Mallory Plicdeli -i- finesf In hat quality, by She'll remembar your greeting with joy if you sand her one of the lovely NORCROSS Rosa cords. 6« euro to see our special showing of Roses --and all the other fine NORCROSS Mother's Day Cards PURPOSE HIT HOSIERY DYE tint your stockings in the .washbow) with this Special Hosiery Dye thai works on all hosiery fabrics--and dyes mpre for the money. Choice oi | three ultra-smart shades. Big Box 25C BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE V * 4 Feel the difference Pr^nier Quality^ The Mallofjf Dallas in j tPliqfelt*--a trim, Ojjsuctl lightweight^) M national favorite. Qth^r Mallory Hats $15 PHONE 40 MdlENRY cOEE'S ll'i S. GREEN STREET' - ^ STORE HOURS: Open X>aU^ 8 a4niHba 6 pjn. Fridays, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~ Sundays, 9 a.m. to Ifoon We give and redeem Gold Bond Stampe. BOLGER'S Qreen Street PHONE 40 McHenry, IIL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. :THE FOX HOLE: # # m # # m m m (JUVERSIDE HOTEL) t OPENING Sat; Nite April 18th Entertainment *^Buffet Lunch DINNERS SERVED NITBLY from 5:00 P. M. on SUNDAYS from 1:00 till 10KW P. M. Wednesday Nite FRIED CHICKEN - S ALL rou J50 EAT 1 CLOSED ON TUESDAYS eeeo prices redirced on a/I models...up to $201m 3 Dodge V EIGHT OR SIX M| •wfllcation* mnd «gvipment tmkjat to cAm* wMohI MMeS. Cone! Coapart! Sec Hm Mack Mora Ym Got!' MOKE ROOM .. . extra head, leg and elbow room. / MORE COMFORT... restful chair-high "Comfort Contour" seats, "Oriflow" ride. MORE VISIBILITY . 1. curved "Pilot View" windshield, wrap-around rear window. MORE DRIVING EASE ... "snugs down" on J curves, parks where others pass by. ABILITY ... unchallenged for 38 yearf. you ..-IkJL . ..AiV Cmm h A. S. Blake Mbtor Soles, Inc. i S P E ED eLECTftIC SIZI OV«N 24-inch Miracle inwvee »f bread or two 15-lb. ^ nme time. Perfect, too. for ty* ym smallest oven meal. ^ LOOK-IN SIC WHAT'S COOWN® Now you can food bake or roast to per fection without wasting oven heat. sum COROX UNIT OPTS MP HOT IN 30 SiCONPS Fry deUeiouabaconandeggs in just 3 minutes from tne turn of the control. 1UILT-IN SUMAC! AND OVEN LIGHTS PLUS automatic USftRlCOVlNTliO* A afceefoe r> #W(lil My T0II* »w®CT iWfotinrtKWse PHONE 25i McHenry,

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