Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1953, p. 7

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M * j. -#;«*•* wv. - 'SPi '•• \i *• ' McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesque v* mstis Am Cfellom-Knoll Meeting s and trustees of the CuUom-Knoll association will meet At the Frank Poledna home en Saturday, April SS, for the monthly meeting. Starting in May, it is planned to have the meeting at the beach so that all members and tboM wW wish to joift may attend Spring Training j.pspp* weatherman may not be able to decide just what the season is but there is no doubt that it is spring when we Bee the cream of McCullom Lake's young men out for training. Eddie CJaron. Billy Hbuck, Bob Cable, Tom Mortimer, John Hart, Paul Seeber, Jack Osterby, Donald Hayes, Hank Houck, John Scarbrough, Don Addams, Jerry Raycraft, George Baumbeck and Den Conway are the faithful followers of the American sport of baseball. TTiese youngsters are sponsored by the McCullom Lake Shamf Remodeling ' The Leo bales' home in Knoll- Wood is getting a new look tlmnks to the willing hands of Bbb and Jack. The boys and their wives, J$t>ris and Jean, w6re weekend visitors to help Mth the carpentry. . Mrs. Sales said it would have been perfect if Jjm could havfe been part of the gathering. Jim is with the Marine Corps in Kore&^ s a carpenter. Baby ghomr Mrs. Dave Boyle was the charming hostess at the surprise shower held for Mrs. Alan Mlp- Ktm last Wednesday, April 15. Relatives and friends turned out in large numbers for the occasion. The guests were Mrs. B e t t y B a u m b e c k , Mrs. Ben 43chaefer, Mrs. Marie Hojnacki, Wanda Crick, Anne Matthesius, Mrs. Martha . Lorch, Mrs'. "Lil Hansen, Mrs. Louise Passal, Mm. Ceil Warnes and Mrs. Lena Carbanaro. The future heir at the McKim home received many beautiful gifts and most of them were in that lovely new shade of yellow which is so appealing for babies. Mrs. Boyle had beautiful decorations suitable for this joyous occasion. Delicious refreshments marked the climax -of this wonderful party. Louise Passal' presided over the tea and coffee pots and served their choice to the guests. "rename From Hospital: Mrs. Herbert Rowe, turned home on Sunday from Illinois Research and Education hospital. She underwent surgery there last Tuesday, April 14, for a serious thyroid condition. Mr. and Mrs. George Liening provided the transportation from Chicago. Mrs. Rowe's sister-in-law, Mis. Mildred Schwebke, of Chicago, came out on Suifclay to stay with her during the convalescent period. • . 0 Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rowe, Jr., moved to their new home «n the Country club subdivision this week. This is by way of an anniversary celebration for Shirley and Herb because they were married just three years OR tile fifteenth of April. On Vacation Several trips to Chicago, and a lot of gadding around was the vacation theme for Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddelson this* past week. Mr. Kiddelson is employed at EdMval Laboratories in Ringwood. Week In Rock Island Mr. and Mrs. Louis Witthoeft of Germantown enjoyed a week's vacation in Rock Island recently, visiting with tKelr son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Witthoeft. Mrs. Witthoeft is quite a horticulturist. and enjoys making things grow. She brought back with her several different varieties of plants which she will proudly display to her neighbors Trip To Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Merle • Wqtkins of the Beach Road enjoyed a weekend trip to Dfivenport^ Jowa, to visit friends. ' They were atcompainl^d' t»y their children Marna, Karen, Michael, Jimmy and baby Murr a y ! , , ' • " ; ' ,,,N«w Neighbors * We are losing one of our newer families in May. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boyle have sold their lovely place on Fountain Lane and will be moving to their new ranch house in West Chicago, which they recently purchased, to be closer to Dave's place of business. Dave has done a lot of work on his home but the new owners will profit from his toil. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langerback of Chicago will be moving In on May 22. The Langerbacks have one married daughter who reside* in Wonder Lake. Receives Injury Terry Hafth is back at school again after recovering from a rather serious wound he received while playing in an empty lot across the street from his home. His mother, Mrs. Ernest Harth because of her Scout training, had enough presence of mind to apply a tourniquet to the pressure point near the injury, and then rushed the young lad to a doctor. Here it Was discovered that one of the blood vessels under the ankle had been cut from stepping on broken glass or a jagged tin can. /•-- •' Have Your Rugs ^Gleaned This Tferry fiten Ueatment and sent home to recover. BlrtMay Greetings To Mrs, Emma Lieser of Lakewood subdivision, who celebrated her thirty-fifth birthday oft the seventh of April. To Chryssie Levesque. who is marking off the days on the calendar to the twenty-eighth, when "she? will be 7 year* op. ' if Receive Certificates Several of our residents who are actively engaged in the Scoftt program received their certificates after attending courses in basic training at the V. F. W. hall. However, this course was not sponsored by the V.F.Wf as -erroneously reported here. Those receiving the awards were Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Mrj and Mrs. Walter Aufrecht, Mis.* Ernest Harth and Kenny of West Shore Beach who ifi ait assistant cubm aster. pubbc ia cordially invited tp tend. New Car Have you seen the proud looks from Eleanor and Bill Creutz as they cruise merrily along in their spanking new Buiek? , ' Attend W Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Schmitt and Miss Betty Burnell of Mc- Henry attended the wedding of Mrs. Schmitt's sister in Elgin on Saturday. The bride was the former Miss Maureen Burnell and she was united in holy matrimony with Mr. Donald Weberpal of Hampshire, 111., at St. Mary's church. Miss Betty Burnell was maid" ctf-honor during the service. So long until next week*, ' " jllan Marti Gras f . "Hie' <5nb Scouts of have completed plans and will stage a colorful extravaganza tomorrow evening, April 24, in the girls' gym of the high school The affair is planned Around the theme of a March ORS The HIGH SELLERS Mc Henry county hogs were high sellers at the Chicago Stock Yards on Wednesday's market. E. M. Miller, of Ringwood, shipped 43 head of high quality crossbred butchers that averaged 230 pounds each which sold for $21.80 per cwt."- China's Great Wall was built in ihe third century, li. C. Worwick's Mdfenry Camera Center Clsuni Bought, Sold and. Exchangafc ' jk PHOTO SUPPLIES FNa Expert Srrvtee Does Not Stop WIth A Sale. Sea us Mire you buy. OBWmtS STUDIO 111 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE BO: Salvation Army: Prison Sunday The Salvation Army, now in its seventy-first year of prison work, will observe April 26 as Prison Sunday.- On that day Sal-, vation Ajmy officers and soldiers will visit 292 city and county jails, state and federal prisons, reformatories, training schools and prison farms in the eleven north central states comprising the Army's Central Territory, according to Lt.-Cblonel Anton Cedervall, prison secretary for the territory. In the Chicago area; inmatV.- of thirteen penal institutions will participate in special services conducted by The Salvation Army. Included are the Cook County jail in Chicago, the Old Prison at Joliet, city and county jails in Aurora, Elgin and Waukegan; the Boys' Training School at St. Charles, and the city jails of Crown Point, East Chicago. Gary and Hammond. The Salvation Army! is recognized as a semi-officftt! Adjunct of the penal system, and works with prisoners throughout the year. In addition to rehabilitation j of the prisoners. The Salvation J Army extends help for the needy families at home. When a prisoner has served his sentence, the Salvation Army offers help with a job, cloths, tools and the opportunity to take a productive and responsible place in society again. Colonel Cedervall reported that 62 persons were paroled iirectly in the care of Salvation Army prison workers iji the Cticaga area last -year. May 4, 1607 was the date of the first permanent English settlement in North America. F I S H E R Y EVERY FRIDAY friday, apwl i7th V.' ' ' AT ,:X,; - oX McDONALD'S TAVERN McClTLLOM LAKE PHONE 381 DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ITKS EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATES COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY s 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to t P. % FRIDAY EVENINGS: 8:00 to 8:S0 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 H I I I mil 11 I 111 I I I 11* | Ticker Service A feature of our new ground*. floor office at 23 South Spring]' *|*3t. (across from Sears Roebuck) *\s the only Translux ticker iiu^ I [the Fox River Valley. Here you4' ••:an get the latest New Yorto. XStock Exchange quotations and" • 'up-to-the-minute financial news*» Ion every business day. Our di-|| \ |rect wii^s to principal markets] • • enable us to give you quick» "lervice in buying or selling se-| • • purities. - | |For information on any invest-; ; • >ment matter, with no obligatta ] [whatever, matt coupon below. J \ ;;David L. Heath, Mgr. J David A. Noyas It Co;; j|!S S. Spring St. Blgta, Ob ; • ^l^pbone tm\ \v ;i 'Members New York Stock Exchange j \ i»and Other Principal Exchange* • » ' « * . LNam© .. 'Address . ^Informati«k ; ' D e s i r e d . < . . - f i TP •V%. :/• * ' 1 is NYE DRUG STORE 1jaU-'->ie It'elcc-rju'- 12S N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, ill. M SALE THURSDAY. fMDAY & SATURDAY 'WuuJ DRUG STORE MINERAL OIL "WORTHMORE", U.S.P., FUU PIHT «-»..>.k.."S 400 TISSUES 33c. SOCIETY. IN DISPENSER BOX <u.»»..... .... ABSORBINE JR REGULAR $1^5 SIZE. CAMAY SOAP 3523 REGULAR SIZE CAKES. (Limit 3) « « 1 Tex :n Tcilflrtai. ol>4 MU«I4« Tr. (Limit 6) Thick 'n 10C WASH CLOTHS^ »',.3i23c NEALTM INSIKANCE... Law than 3 cwnti a tfay Uuurat you r»quir«m«ntt o< 11 ••MDtial vitamine. Incl. blood-building B-12! Otafse> AYTINAL Maltiple VitaaiRS Bottlt of 100 ... 222 fast NYlON Brittle p«ck of 3 Valu-Dent fife RuHs Tooth Brush tote «•«« • • garbage bags 2519° • Chei Line . package oi7. • PHONE 275 8 I I I I >• ilif Year m GILLETTE Bsfor Set mmmwu*. 9* Diifntectant M/,: Children . r4 For Junior Boll Ployorf Fielders or Baseman Glove With sponge ,m n. rubber balf 1 39 /^T\W « ior only . . ; . ., I -- Boby Tidy-Upi! >1 CREAM Cittoi-Tipt •EOIOMIT JWieitirs Fino Tett-Rit* RUBBER GLOVES Silicon* . Tnottd/ "M»" Inri Coif Balls Plastic Fram SUNSOSSES 50* 2 " 33c Or.' 47' 59° ,or M«tof./,te Ofic *1.65 Itmtt.... 90 p r i n / . Be dainty sure Packs of 100. c o i n RUBBER TIP JULU BOB PINS Thin ... tough! PLASTIC GOLF TEES ^lo^^nt". package of 35 . t,. 40c NOXZEMA Skin Cream •ounce jai. iH-m. VICKS VAPO-RUB Menthol-cool! 33 10-n. Slse S.S.S. TONIC Builds appcthc 1" Regardless of where he drives, no man is wholly a stranger to the people about him ••if he sits at the wheel of a 1953 Cadillac. His name may be unknown--and also his occupation--and, likewise, the whereabouts of his home. ' . •> But he is not without standing. For his Cadillac marks him as a man of character and substance. Let him arrive at the door of a distinguished hotel or a famous restaurant-- or let him seek the ear of anyone for direction or information ... and he has the courtesy that gbes with respect. People assume that the man who owns a Cadillac \ijis earned it through personal achievement. * And let it be said for Cadillac owners that, ' almost invariably, they respond in kind. -^Indeed, the honor which Cadillac does to Tts owners is the fruit of the honor they \ have so long bestowed upon C adillac. When r so many wonderful people favor a particular make of car over such a long period of 4 time--the car must inevitably become a • mark of distinction. All of this, of course, comes to its owneras an cxtrapoy and satisfaction.^ , It comes in addition to the magnificent performance of Cadillac's 210 h.p. engine and improved Hydra-Matic Drive ... the wonderful comfort of Cadillac's new Air Conditioner* ... the car's soft, easy, relaxing ride ... its marvelous balance and handling ease ... its long life and dependability ... and its truly amazing (BfcJDnomy of upkeep and operation. #u5 them all together and they spell the grandest satisfaction in all motordom-- •--satisfaction so great that, once a person moves up to Cadillac, the odds are overwhelming that he will stay with Cadillac. JHave you seen and driven tho 1953 version of the "Car of Cars" ? * If not--we should be happy to see you at any time. Why not come in today? ~~ - *OytiMuJ« nW ran> mi OVERTON CAD1LLAC-PONTIAC 400 Front St McHenry» Phone 17 . * •

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