Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1953, p. 2

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kJ. i'-ri VMtHKls and neighbors are invttiair ®11 Of the friends of Mr Md Mrs. Harry C. Lock to' at open house at the Lock at McCuIlom Lake next May 3, in honor Of the dMpte's •Silver wedding anriiver Mty. Open house will be held between 4 and 6 g,m. fT'" It y Bv 0i ttmrtakg League Annual Dinner The 9 o'clock ladies' bowling league held their annual dinner rft Simoninl's at Algonquin last Monday evening. After the del i c i o u s d i n n e r , p r i z e s w e r e awarded for high game to Marion DonneHy, for raising their averages the highest, Julia Kralowetz and Mildred Kinsala High team series went to Mc- Henry Hosiery Mills. Election of officers then took place, with Gertrude .Barbian elected as president, Alice Gaulke as vice-president. Loretta Paluch as secretary and Jean Sund treasurer. Members adjourned after making plans for a pot-luek supper to be held in the fall. David Meyer Hajl * Birthday Partj' , David Meyer, son of Mr. and Mis. Fred Meyer, observed his fourth birthday anniversary last Friday afternoon by entertaining a number of little friends. Garnet-- were enjoyed, after which tasty lunch, featuring a cake decorated in cowboy motif, was served. Young guests included Jimmy Joe and Jerry Glosson. Bcbby, Timmy and Jimmy Donnelly, Charlene Klapperich, Joyce Adorns, Terry and Mary Larkin, Donny and Jackie Hester, Jackie Thennes and Jon and Randy Meyer.' ' Adults present- .i #®re Mrs. Maud Rbtliermel, Mrs. SfcrtMtrn Krause. Mrs. Audrey Glosson, Mrs. Marion, Donnelly and Mrs. Mary Ann ThennM. Honor Mr*. At PInk-Btae Shower Mrs. Don Mather was guest of i honor at a pink and blue shown* given on, April 16 by Mrs. Emily Rees of McHenry and Mrs. Mar}' Hawkins of Elgin at the Mather 1 'home on Vox street. Games provided entertainment, ywith prizes awarded to Mra. r^ilHi Hunt, Mrs. Dorothy Freund and Mrs. Mather. A tasty lunch was served at the close of the eveftH^ Other guests included ""Jane Weiss, Ethel Wilson, Johnny Simon, Midge Scharf, Helen Mc- Curdy, Julia »Kurbyun, Mitzi Klontz and Lila Hawkins of Elgin. Announce froth Of Esther Stelnle Mr. and Mrs Paul Steinle, of Wonder Lake announce the en* sragement of their daughter, Esther, to Dale Houghton, son of Mrs. Arthur Krause of McHenry. No date has been setter the wedding. Mrs. Petersen To ^ Entertain R, N. . ' Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. will meet May 5 at s p.m. at the home of Mrs. Kei ieth C. Petersen, With Mrs. Peter C. Leiser as co-hostess. ' Home Bureau Meets May 5 At Johnsons The Ringwood Home bureau will meet with Mrs. Charles S. Johnson in McHenry on Tuesday. May 5, at 1:15 o'clock, with Mrs. Ed. Peet as co-hostess. Mrs. John Hogun will give the lesson on "Meal Planning For Appetite Appeal." There will also be a seed, plant and bulb exchange. :iNhe Sale .At West Side Locker Fox River Valley -Camp, it.NA., is sponsoring a bake sale, to . ;he held Friday, May 1, at 1:30 o' West Side Locker. Filli i toft Hnon first Cominiinh snl tfT. and Mrs. Earner Justen entertain*^ Sunday In honor of their daughter, Darlene, who made her First Communion at St. Patrick's church that day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs Frank Petrosky and Mr. and Mrs. Jtoseoh Justen and son, Joey, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and children of McHenry. Surprise Party Honors Couple Mr. and Mrs. Joht) • Kttvehek were hosts at a surprise party for their son and daughter-lnaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Kerehek, one evening last week, honoring1 the couple on their fifth vedding anniversary. Guest# included Messrs^ and Mesdames John F. K^rechek, "fene Chesen, Richard Zander, Thomas Thorsen, Andrew Vilhuck, George Ferguson, James Moriarity, William Herbert, Fred Zimmerman, Bernard Stakerski, John and Mary Batruel. The gathering was really a double celebration, since it was also Mrs. John Kerechek's birthday anniversary. Rosalind Rees Guest \t "Coming Out" Party ' J One of the youngest honored ruests at a "coming-out party" was wee Rosalind Rees, who found herself the center of attraction at a parity held at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Simon, in Chicago on April £2. Twenty-five guests were present, most of them lady employees of Club Ivanhoe, where Mr. SimOn is employed. A delicious lunch was served during the evening. Next moHkfng oftr tsfaKu memoranda usually turns cut to be indecipherable or insane. AMONG THE SICK NimmiiiimiiMmfflNmiP'wmmrammmunffliti Gus Unti returned home Mbn- Hay of this week from Lake Forest hospital, where he had been confined for a week. B I R T H S Itr, • and Mrs. Raf Rode are the parents of a daughter, born April 23 at the JWoodifcock hospital. She has been named Valerie Ann. The Rodes have one ether child, a daughter, Julie, 3V£ years old. Mr. and Mra DcMaMT Mafher are the parents of a sen, born at the Woodstock hospital April 22. CARD OF THANKS The undersigned wish to thank the voters of Lakemoor for their support at. the Polls Tuesday. This vote of confidence expressed by our residents indicates the satisfaction of the plans for progress in our community. We shall sincerely endeavor ,ift the future, as in the past, to do what is best for the Community' as a whole. * CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT . JtlCHARD HYATT • '•HARRY BRADY ^ :6ARRY SOOSTElfe^ / i 'fifLIFFORD KIEHt* , * JDR. JOHN GRAY : -RAYMOND CYNOWA JffORMAN MORRISON •51 PHILIP KIBBE ' Some ' m i g h t y i m f f b r t a n t a - chtevements succeed only by the narrowest of margins. ?u Altar A Rosary ;;4 : To lleet May , The Altar and" Rosary sbdaffty Of St. Patrick's church will hold Its next meeting on Monday. May 4, with Mrs. Anton Weyin charge. Mother's Day Prograai Planned For P. T. A. The children of St. Mary's school will present a Mother's Day program on Wednesday, May 6. at the regular P. T. A. meeting at 3:15 o'clock. Mrs. Ernest Freund will head the social committee, assisted by mothers cf first grade children. One hundred and twenty men accompanied Columbus when he discovered America. Grand Opening •M"l' 111 •>•! 1 t i | n Charles Buss of Chicago visited McHenry friends one day last week. * • • •. Mr. and Mr#. Jack McCarrolI visited their daughter and husband, the Charles Paiges, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last week. Mrs. • CarHe Covalt of KeoSHa, Wis., visited fi lends here Sunday after ' having just returned from • a trip to" South America. ,<» Mrs. Richard Stenger and daughter of San Mateo, Calif., Visited her mother, Mrs. William pen Per, while Mr. Slenger wan ttendlng a convention in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, George Barbian were guests^ in the Milks Ryder and Eddie Vldtor homes in Libertyville last Sunday. Mrs. : Barbian acted as godmother at the christening of her grand" niece, Gwendalee Victor. jJHr. and Mrs. George Stenger and family of Moline, 111., spent the weekend visiting friends In McHenry and also at Waukegan, Freddie Thompson of Waukegan spent the weekend with his aunt, Miss Rita Martin. Several members of the-Northern Illini Bowmen's clul) attendied a meeting at the Illinois Conservation department at Lake Villa ope, recent evening. Movies on wild life were shown and^discussed^ '• Mrs.- Mary KrejSa of Friend-• ship, Wis., who'hfas been goending tile winter in McHenry, moved last week to her recently completed home at Highland Shores, hear Wonder Lake. ( Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olhava; of Chicago spent a few .lays ip McHenry last week. Mrs. t>crls Ferris of Huntley was a recent visitor in the E1-- Yner Winkelman home here. Mrs. Harold Whiting of (Chicago and daughter, Mrs. Carlyie Wulff, of Ontarioville, visited McHenry friends one day last week. * - , * CARD OF TfTAWKS ' We wish to thank friends and neighl»rs, especially those in Oakhurst, also the McHenry fire department for their quick response in saving my cottage from Ming destroyed by flrd. *51 THE ZENNER FAMILY > Iodine is obtained chiefly from kelp or ashes pf bruxit seaweed. 'SPRING PICNIC PLANNED BY HOME J3JUREAU FOR MAY 1 ; The Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock, will be the scene May 1 of the McHenry county Home Bureau's annual spring picnic. Spring Picnic is the main 4$otirfeatiaaal event pf the Home Bureau calendar. Special recognition and Wei coAie will be given to all women ,who have joinojJ the Organisation since tast Dejemhef'S rcoo^nltloh HOURS: Mon. Toes, lf-6 VKtod. Thurs. Sat. *-€ ' Friday 9-9 312 E. Elm Street McHenry, IflL PHONE 748 i SALE JJ.' ring Coats, Hats & Dresses 25% s w' ' ' k, ' « v. M EVERYDAY LANGUAGE' . • • ' We coiiH list tll6 VEOHOU^ ' of loans we make by their Individual titles .However, it's just as simple to say that we make as many kinds of loans as thsrf . are worthwhile loan puipos66. > "i-'." • ' ' ' -•< 'A- , - DEttTS WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU If you have a sound reason to borrow and can meet a few simple requirements, we'll gladly make you a loan, at -low cost. $M BS abort an ecenonical sotutta to |«ir crait proWaitis. fe' MeHENRY STATE BANK • *5'-if. •' it: tea. This will indude the eightythree meminirs who Were gained in the recent county membership drive. , . ' Spring picnic win begin at 10:30 a.m. with rt&litrstfbn, followed by mixers and recreation. A/ pot-kick dixuitt ved at noon. ,, The afternoon program will include stunts from twelve Home Bureau units in the a-;rtliern half of the county, // J. j. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM « INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS _ , 1040 V//7//r; rirmananf Dullness Greater Elasticity KT" . . . . . . . . ^Higher Snag Resjstane# Il|{ -li-v V^t 5bftne»s 60 Gauge, 15 Depier 51 Gauge, 15 Denial !Si KASTALON NYLONS (ROTHY'S MILLINERY1! ! and LINGERlf' ' f! 105 5. Green Street ' McHenry, 111, 'J* All"8's In or THE NELSEN and GREG<J LEARN TO DANCE BE POPULAR INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS IN ALL SEVEN BALLROOM DANCES Including: Fox Trot - Swing - Walts - Rumba . .i Tango - Samba - Mafiibo •eglnnlng: SUNDAY MAY 3rd, 1953 2 to 4 P. M. AW) EVERY SUNDAY THEREAFTER - -- W-00 for 3 HO^HI AT CLUl LILYM60ft ROUTE 190 AT LAKEMOOR WM hi M ATTENTION , . . i Permit Holders! SEE US! pefor® you contact ior any type oi Heating System in your home. We are now instaU- ||ng New Furnaces and Conversion Burners, l^hat are the best mon ey can buy. At Substantial Skivings to You! * NO MONEY DOWN 36 Months To Pay! 'S Hardware BEALERS fXM ~ Lennox -- torrid heat PHONE MCHENRY 2M SUN VALLEY, Idah6 -- Danny Eames, driver of the 195®, Dodge V-8, kisses the Red Ram hood ornament, after pilofe ing entry of the Los Angeles area Dodge dealers to victory in the 1,206-mile Mobilgas Economy Hun between Los An* geles and Sun Valley. The Dodge entry, equipped with standard transmission and overdrive, chalked up a record of 23.4189 miles per gallon to capture top honors in Class C for low-medium priced cars. The Dodge ton-mile-pergallon record was 52.8565, for second place in the Sweepitakes. The Dodge also was the top economy performer $mong all eight-cylinder cars in the field. Watching J bestow the kiss is Arch Merideth, relief driver. wf »*•< COME IN AND TEST DBIVE THE NEW DODG*.' w A S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Itic. 301 east pearl street . v|fraoo6 MILE ottAJuurrEp • _ ttllll ( ^ McHENRY. ILLINOIS ' . - i . wmMHimiuiiitiiimiiiHuwiiiiHiiuiiuiiiiiiitiHifimiiiMiniHmAtiiKMmiMiiiiiiirHmHiiiiMK vif.. v.', . jf' . • •' t... •- • ;/

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