Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1953, p. 5

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" ' " • ',*» •} Tliuidir. April 3ft 1953 vv?;s;.« . ' i *" " ; ' ^CODMTY CBILPBgiy - INVITED TO IN 4-H OPEN CLAS 1 The McHenry county 4-H show m recognising the fact that chil- K<to-en who are not members cf 4- H groups would benefit from the 4 competition and exchange of ideaji at a fair, some time ago established open class for every (child In the county. The home j economics, open class division mrgfa grownups to help children jthis y^ar, as they did last year, jto entir their work in the fine 4 arts, clothing or food exhibits in 'August, 1953. Many ribbons and |cash awards ranging to three i dollars are given away. A list of 'award categories is printed at the end of this article and might be saved until fair pamphlets are available. <• Since prizes are >. awarded for everything from puppets and play clothes to canned foods and cakes, there is some home eco- 1 nomics open class division to apjpeal to almost ^very child. There aie nearly fifty categories tor >j awards with from „three to seven prizes in each category. • Entry rules are simple, and all listed in the fair pamphlets which will be sent to the various | offices of school superintendents in the county, and which will be available at the McHenry County Farm Bureau in Woodstock within the . next two months. Entry blanks will be in 3 these places also. The entry fee k is twenty-five cents. A division which is new this 3 year and which premises to be j very interesting is class rocm exhibits, in which teachers may enter simples of art work done by their pupils throughout the year. If teachers and parents begin now to encourage their children to produce new articles or look up any work they have done 1 since August, 1952, the children of tire county will '<be able to ^participate in a fine McHenry ^ County Junior Fair. Below is a list of award categories: ^ Ftae 3krfts , Photography: Still life, people, ^etc., landscape, etc., animals. Drawing, Painting and Etching-- two age groups: oil, water, pencil, charcoal, etc. . Puppets and Marionettes. Crafts, two age groups: Two dimensional and three dimensional. Class Room Exhibits: Grades 1 through 4, grades 5 through 8 rand high school. Clothing Skirt, blouse, cottdh church and "Street, tailored gar- 'ments, pl&y clothes and lounge 4 wear, «• . •% . I Miscellaneous Rami tanprovement. ' Food Bread: yeast, rolls, and ] quick breads. Cake: Angel, -white butter c a k e , c h o c o l a t e b u t t e r c a k e , sponge and chiffon. Cookies: drop cookies, chocolate; drop cookies, chocolate chip; drop cookies, oatmeal; Vol* led, pressed and Brownies. Candy. v Spreads: jelly and jam. Preservation: vegetables, ned; vegetables, frozen; fruits, canned; and fruits, frozen. THE Mc&ENHY PLAINDEALEB CooJu Some* Marie Sohaettgen There is always the problem of Saturday lunch when the men cf the family are at home or Sunday evening supper wfien three or four hours ago you left the dinner table with the remark "I don't want to lOdk at food for six months." It's surprising wtyat a difference six hours will make in that attitude. So here is a hot sandwich that won't seem too heavy, but still satisfy even a hungry youngster. It is a quick and easy version of the toasted cheese sandwich that requires only a few minutes of preparation and leaves a mininr\um of "mess". Hot Cheese Sandwlcherf * ^ " 8 slices, bread • • 4 slices American cheese'* 8oftened butter Butter one side of bread crfily with scftened butter so as not to break slice or gouge out pieces of it. Place slice of cheese between twp slices of bread with the buttered side on the outside. Warm pancake griddle and butter lightly. Put sandwiches on grilj and Jeave on medium heat until on£ side is golden brown. Turn and brown other side. If you have thie time and patience to stay with it, a loifrer heat will allow cheese to melt more completely. The butter on the oatside keeps sandwich from sticking and gives that golden brown color. 'r • * - Good hot coffee, a fpw pickles or slices of beets make this a nice sandwich supper or luncheon specialty. GABDEN CLUB PLANS FLOWER SHOW AMD. CIVIC PROJECT- +•' The McHenry gathered at the Garden home of club Mrs. VETERANS BENEFtf FROM MASQUERADE BALL ON MAY 9 A masquerade ball will be held at the McHenry Legion Home on Henry J. smith recently for the Saturday May 9, wwiitthh proceeds first meeting of 1953. Conseto be used exclusively for the quently, a great deal of business w&s discussed: In the absence of Miss Mary Burdahl, the flower show chairman, who has been traveling abroad, her staging chairman, Lora Hill, gave a detailed .outline of the show which will be held at the McHenry high schrfcl cafeteria Aug. 21 and 22. A very beautiful show is being planned. Last year the Garden club selected the landscaping of the new library grounds as their civic project. Mirs. George Kramer, civic chnirman, and a committee consisting of Mis. Gretta fine rehabilitation program of Post 491 and its Auxiliary which is carried out at ""Downey veterans' hospital and the veterans' section at Elgin hospital. Pat Lester and his fine orchestra wijl furnish appropriate music for this gala affair. There will be several fine prizes for costume awards. This great evening of fun making will start at 9 p.m., with un-masking at midnight. A most enjoyable evening m t i i t • # ' # assured each and evei\y person attending this affair, tickets may be obtained at the door, or „ . „ _. „ contact any officer of the Post Goodell, Mrs. Lora Hill and Mrs. j or AllxfliarV. Also tickets are C A. Thornt n, report that availaWe at this -time at the planting of evergr eens at, the; TjPjrlon Home> library will be started within the > McHenry Legion and Auxilnext few weeks. | iary has an excepticnally fine Mrs. Jules Gonseth is plan- j rehabilitation program for the COMING EVENTS May 1 Pox River Valley Camp, R.N.- A. Bake Sale -- 1:30 P.M. -- WestSide Locker Bake Sale -- Pepping West Side Locker -- Starts At 1:30 P. M. May S Communion Sunday Of C. D. of A, -- St. Mary's Church -- ( 8:30 Mass May I ( Ringwood Home Airim i-Mrs. Charles S. Johnson Home -- 1:15 P. M. Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. is^A. -- Mrs. Kenneth Petersen Home -- 8 P. M. , | ?•••» »»?*•. »••<? j \ Circle 9,; W. S. C. b, . Gruenfeld Heme -- 1 P. It , May 7 C. Election Of Officers APRIL BRIDE OVER 500 PAROCHIAL STUDENTS JOINED IN SOLEMN HIGH MASS } Throng* of parochial school students from surrounding towns gathered at St. Thomas church, ^ Crystal Lake, recently, where the Rev. E. A. McCormiek and the Dominican Sisters were hosts to the northeast iegional Mass for #the Rockford chapter o fthe National Catholic Music Educators association. The Solemn High Mass began at 10 a.m. Participants in singing the Gregorian Chant were students from Woodstock, Npe- Kalb, Dundee, Hampshire, Harvard, Johnsburg, M c H e n r y, Spring Grcve and Crystal Lake. The Rev. Father Ernest, O.S.B., rP»gt Plfi Millan of Crystal Lake. Annually the N.C.MJ5.A. sors in this area a project again restore in all Cathobe Churches the popular use at Gregorian Chant, the hlghMt form of sacred music. Early Parte! Senrtoe Ancient Hammurabi might t* called the First Postmaster General The Babylonian king ' ad a regulMT "postal service" between towns. Hit "postmen" were foot-runners; his" letters," clay tablets, addressed and stamped with the official seal of •he sender •1! ;i t i l j" Carpentry 1 MRS. CLARENCE THELEN St. John's church, Johnsburg, Singers Make Plans For Program May 16-17 On Tuesday of this week tickets went cn sale for the annual spring program of the McHenry Choral club, which will be presented two , nights, Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17. There will be "no reservations, Following a group of ntimbers by the entire ensenibir:, the forty-seven members will don costumes characteristic of the various sections of the country to present the feature of the evening, "Hear America Singin?." ;.j,y May 8 McHenry Woman's Ct&b. iU1 "uaa V1VUOCWI *9 FIBJl" j ll,Jf,W)iivonvn piw^iaui . TjQjriOfl Hall j| ning a card party at her heme in veterans in the hospitals. One of j 6 ^ :>t Crystal Lake in" June and a'these programs is carried out at "garden walk" is being planned j DowAey veteran's hospital, where ' members cf the Post and Auxiliary go the first Thursday of each month and entertain the hospitalized veterans with music and dancing, yard playing, also cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, .candy, gum, ice cream and cookies. McHenry unit has recently received citations for its splendid work. If you would like to help bring a little enjoyment to the hospitalized veterans by participating in a monthly visit to Downey hospital, please contact Mrs. H. Jt Saynor (Chairman Auxiliary) 595-M-2, or Dr. E. E. Peaslee (Chairman Legion 292-R. , for some time during the month of July at the Eugene Rogers and Nicholas Partipilo home at Pistakee Bay to further the civic project. ^ ;• CAMPUS MOTHER'S DAY OBSERVED THIS WEEKEND Campus Mother's Day will be observed this weekend, May 1 and 2, at the University cf Illinois, where the idea of such a campus observance originated in 1921. 'The event is a week before the national celebration. A busy round of activities for the honored guests is scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Among them Will be the annual meeting of the Mother's association, and of its county chairmen, among whom Mrs. Anton GriU represents McHenry county, Many festivities of the weekend are scheduled several times. Among these are a student presentation of "Roberta"; water show; play, "The Heiress"; variety show "Apron, Strings"; movies; and student sings. Honors Day and military honors c®re» monies will be Friday, \ Mataral Instinct KTatiifal Instinct ustlally enable* domesticated livestock to take care of themselves when they are la familiar surroundings. They are prone to become nervous, however, when introduced to strange lots, loading chutes, moving vehicles and new handlers--range animal# «o*r become panicky. * J'lllllflllHIIHHflHIIilllllllllHIIIIIillllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfMllllllljH Edison invented the flash light in 1914. One horsepower is the power required to lift 33,000 pounds Kne foot in one minute. REVITALIZES! -- FERTILIZES! | Gardens . . . Shrubs . . . Lawns | COMPOSTED STEER MANURE AND STRAW| made at the Union Stock Yards by a scientifically controlled = process . . . making available rich plant nutrients in a stable = well-balanced form ... let the billions of beneficial soil bac- S teria in FERTILIFE improve your lawns and gardens. s : AVAILABLE NOW -- 5 or 50 Lb. Bag* 1 • * ••• i ELM STREET FLORISTS | 800 W. Elm Street PHONE 230 McHenry, Illinoi|s ! illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllMJWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIUJIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIItllllll^ MAIN PAINT CENTER " 413 Main Si. TEL. 1115 McHenry, I1L fflasuL MSRv WHIT* O'BRI E N PAINTS W« onnounc* with pleasure that w» are now distributor* for O'Brien Paints--America's finest decorative finishes. Famous since 1875 for their unsurpassed quality, O'Brien Paints, Varnishes and tnamels are nationwide favorites with fine decorators, architects and large paint users . . . We invite you to make our store your O'Brien Color Headquarters--to make use of the O'Brien Color Clinic service. Our experienced clerks will Wvlcome the opportunity to help you with your many decorating problems--to recommend the right finishes >o make your painting. 40b easier* W» hav* III* b*st, DMl MMphti wlwHn «f wp l» <!»• minvt* paint colors -- ifcsw fa large wlAll fa the Cojfqir AwiHca'i moit «fath«l||| flat wall linnli »eeeeee«4 Stay* whit* loivgcr *n > walk and w«*dw*rk Special •eeeeeeee*eeveeee*eeeeeeeeee %W» c*Mf »n and 29# l*t*lar 70# can *f OVriwi't UquM lite M*n-Y*H*wlng White En*wnL Slay* white in kitdiMM and bathr«o«M. Gat yaar«to4ay. 29c * • #eeeeeeeeeee»eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f o r flANOS or ORGANS See . %|he largest di ; ftnest seleotlea ; fel itbe Vox •aBagr* Hvl -- at -- We buy, sell, tradeT and service all makes. Open Man. * FrL 'til 0 P. M. 26-28 N. tJrove Phooe f-8148 ELGIN, 1T-T», "Buy with Confidence" from Marmion Abbey in Aurora, Womick Kioto conducted the entire congregation of some 500 students in singing a portion Of the Mass. j • d nt a Rn«inU« wa® the scenftof a pretty spring The Schola, which consisted of J D. of A. Business Meeting iWejding Saturday, April 11, the members cf St. Thomas 1 Which united Miss Sue Floto of grade school choir1, sang the jPox Lake and Clarence Thelen j Proper cf the Mass. Organist for | • of Johnsburg. The couple will | the occasion was Miss Carol Mc- r r e s i d e o n a f a r m n e a r J o h n s b u r g 1 ~ ~ ^ _ w h i c h h e w i l l o p e r a t e ; J J T -- -- iSpedalizing in All Kinds at Building and Remodeling Dormers - Canopies aad Ganges For information or Free estimates, call Elgin 4881 •'iV-v..'--** • or write .May 11, Mother's * Day Banquet For C. D. of A. -- High School Cafe- May 19 Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Annual Card Party -- K. of C. Hall Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Annual Card Party -- ^ May 21 McHenry Community W.S.CS. Annual Spring Tea -- 2 Pit. -- High School Cafeteria June 28, 27 St 28 Johnsburg Community . dub Carnival May 29 Bake Sale -- Sponsored By V. F. W. Auxiliary -- George Justen and Son Furniture Store. June 20 Bake Sale --' Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality. Bake Sale -- Sponsored By Altar And Rosary Sodality Of St. Patrick's Church August 21-22 Flower Show -- High School fBED DENK, Sr. ! IN Parttway A venae 1 ELGIN, HX. Most Dangereas Day Saturday Is the most dangerous tay of the week in traffic. FEET HURT? GET RELIEF! - Why accept less ? Get all those Extras NEW Super-Soft DR. SCHOLL'S ZINO-PADS Box of 15 Com Pads, **4 12 Separate Medications JVC for nmoTinc corns... Sclioli's Support aad Foot Remedies at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 MCHEJJBT SoZte WEED & FEED . double action in this dry applied compound combining famous 2,4-0 and grass food. WEED * FEED subtly disposes at Dandelions, other broadleaved weeds as it feeds the grass to greater health and beauty. Excellent for restoring run down lawns. Helps grass Wl in as weeds wither •way. Easy spreader application. Ux, Meets U00 H It $*.*S Bag, Inat* 11,000 s* ft 11.75 for Weed Comtrol ottff -- -- us* Scolti 4-XD, n*w*t»,dry applied form of 2,4-D, it o^by hand or tpr*ad*r. Treat 50 x 50 lawn -$1.75 of new low prices! Two-speed electric wiperfc Safety-Rim wheels ' ^ Uniformly curved one-piece windUUU ^ f , Oil bath air cleaner Oilite fuel filter Aoti-rattle rotary door latches Weatherproof ignition system Longer-lasting baked enamel finish Resistor spark plugs Exhaust valve seat insert# / • Ohflow shock absorbers * Save Up To *201.80 e • • across-the-board price mark big sales gain! 4 V4I6HT OR SIX Come1 in! Compare! fljwfrnMim wm t t t t k m e g i m * i r ailfl. Pick, up the PHONE RJfcA'ROAD TEST* RISE A. S. BLAKE THOtOR SALES. In^ J S01 E. Pearl Street PHONE 1SS ACE W. B. BJORKMAN 8c SON McBeuy, IB. ISO N. Riverside Drive PHONE vat McHenry, UL TIME! WORK! 0NEY! irV EOJl I Wt N _\A_ \ A. i ^ you'll arrive at |m world's h«n)i (IbmI k*t lliiiW NOW1 I Yo u Ca n Ma k e Ha y I n 1 Da y k the hMrt of lh* "LOOK With A JOHN BEAN HAYMAKER (crusher) as rapid- [Ut of hay- :e and By cracking: the stems of your crop the Haymaker insure* drying of the sterna aim ly as (he leaves. You can cut field curing: time in half. This taken the gamble making. Faster drying makes HaynAker hay more nutritious <v leafy, gveen, full of vitamins. Convert your No. 1 crop (home-grown hay) into a high quality feed. That means less outgo for feed concentrates more income from heavy milk production. *S%* Haymaker sajvea timi sad work too! tow more than tvtr you'll en- • making trips to or through * licago by Greyhound! In the • magnificent new S 10.000,000 I Greyhound Terminal you'll ad- * aire the smartly styled, attrao • • lively finished waiting room, * die huge underground bus con- CDurse, the unusual lighting * tfce moving stairways- ' « Write or phone today McHenry 475-R or 6S4r#-S. Mo»r Fans Crop Drying Fans Farm Ventilation Agricultural Ctirmirali yEClAUZED EQUIPMENT • • BOX 34 --McHENRY, ILL. John Bean Sprayers v Disston Chain Saw* FMC - John Bran Hay- (Crnahen) You'll u elcome the complete (Btvel service provided by the tfravel Bureau, Information Counter and Ticket Office . . . the seven restaurants, lounges •nd fountains . . . the many specialty shops and services that make the new Terminal • city-within-a-city! GREYHOUND TIRMINAL 1Mb Green & Elm Tel* 104-R GUS UNTI, Prog! . DAILY TRIPS TO ONSASO Only $1.50 way Only $2.70 iwai trip (as. i : SAVK ON raiY TMPI Is One Rdt t Way TH> •Madison S ZM I 4.0i • Lake Gefteva ... .96 1.0S • Minneapolis .... TJ0 13.90 J' Miami .... 28.00 90.4S • Genoa City ..... Jft .S5 • Elkhorn .78 1JS J Oak Park SiO 105 IM FREE - MOVIE ON' MEAY DRTTTNG. Plan to attend - Hay Is your No. 1 crop. McHenry High Sclipol Auditorium, Saturday, May 9th at 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by The Dairymen's Supply Co. attend - is your No. 1 crop. /McHenry High thods of drying hay. • » • w - --n- i"A - •Ida-Ii" •.•••••••• \ L . • * u

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