Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1953, p. 6

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every Thursday at Dl., by the McHenry Company, inc. • ••• • ^ .••• •• . " '** "•'•'•V1, 's4 '•• - ** • .:%• >-'• ,;-h THE McHBNRY • • - . s Jt.- _ A'* : f7 *t; * Y'>* " * / Mar 14 IMS Plaindealer BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FLY FISHERMAN SPECIAL. v ) stretch K South Bend Bamboo Fly Rods 9 Foot -- Extra Tip $16.96 Value -- Special $6.95 McHENRY DEPt STORE Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. 1 Jak-Ana REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE Heights McCULLOM LAKE - 4 room, all year home, only $5,000.00. *.V*R WONDER LAKE • Nice i roov. cottage, living- room *15x24, fire place, overlooking lake, garage, c o m p l e t e l y f u r n i s h e d . $8,000.00. dollar K 4 our low, km prfe McHENRY CLEANERS NEAR McHENRY - 2 bed ' rooms, garage. Price $10,500.00. 108 Elm Street McHenry, IK PHONE 104-M i idito*iaC .$>$134 W. BURFE1NDT, Gen. Manager AJXLE FROEHUCH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads Wb ads counted less than wtmls $1.00 minimum. ' insertion $1.00 {Couflt 5 words per line) ijftc eCTVloc charge on all blind «$*• Cash with order. MUSIC INSTRUCTION ^ In Your Own Home' .Piano sr.d Piano Aceordian C^aiinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M«I , Nf BUS. SERVICE--Complete Septic Tank Systems. Dry Wells, Seepage Beds, Trenching and Footings Dug (18"x36" wide, 7-ft. maximum depth). Prompt Service. Garrelts & Rogersi. Phone 539-R-l or 563-W-2. McHenry. 51-tf C. S. G.---Power lawn mower repairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also re- Oard of Thanks $1.00 Minimum j pairing of all outboard motors by Want Ads close promptly at 10 skilled mechanic. Special: $1.50 fcjn. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE $3.00 Entered as second-class matter it the post office at McHenry. IB., Tinder the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 408 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 ami. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 ajn. to 1 p.m. sharpens any hand mower; $3.50 sharpens any 21" power mower For information call McHenry j call 537<J-1. "5-W-2. Dealer Page Fences 51-tf FOR SALE--Dab Beer imported from Germany on draft and in bottles. Also large package goods department and all kinds of case beer. Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. *82-4 FOR SALE--Mother and Daughter Dresses. The Toddler Shop, 312 Elm Street. Phone 746. FOR SALE--5 piece blonde wood with plastic top breakfast set; 2 piece living room set, In good condition with new slip covers. 1 SEPTIC TANKS, Grease Trips, Dry , Wells and Seepage Beds Built. Peter A. Freund, Fox St. McHenry, HI. Phone 877-W. 46-tf COLBY MOTORS SALES "Saftey Checked -- Used Cars 1952 Chrysler Windsor 4 D*or Sedan. 1950 Chrysler Windsor Club S<;- dan. I960 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door 6edan 1950 Pontiac Catalina 1949 DeSoto 4 Door Sedan 1949 Oldsmobile Station Wagon 1949 Chrye'er New Yorker 4 Door Sedan ' " 1949 Hudson 4 Door Sedan : 1945 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan 1948 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1948 Buick 4 Door Sedan 1948 Chrysler Saratoga 4 Sedan 1946 Chrysler Saratoga 4 Sedan 1946 P'vmouth I Dor Sedan 1946 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1942 Cadillac 4 Door Sedan. 1941 Ford 4 Door Sedan 1941 Plymouth Club <_oupe 1941 Chevrolet 2 1 oor Sedan 1941 Chrysler 4 Door Sedaaj 1MO Chevrolet 2 Door 8edin Dof-r Door See Us Before You Buy Phone 11X0 Crystal Lake, HI. ' 1 PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upiight pianos Prompt Service, C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makej, also ribbons for all makes, fearben paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 649. 7-tf OARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBAjDH Sales, Installation and Service- McHenry 1187-R 14-tf FOR SALE --Modern Wardrobe; light oak, cedar-lined, five drawers. One year old, used 6 months. Original cost, $100.00.. Will sacrifice for $50.00. Phone 688-W-l. •1 FOR SALE--Porch glider (double bed type) new plastic cushions; Heavy utility trailer, heavy duty tires; 8x9 fiber/ rug; pair French doors; 40-lb. bottle gas tank; electric % H.P. sump pump; mechanical rifle target; clay pigeon trap; child's work bench; bby's winter jacket, like new, sice 18; man's winter coat, size 42; woman's winter coat, size 16; 2 sleds; sectional book cases, glass front; 2 end table lamps; 1 table lamp. McHenry 223-M. 1 . Before You Buf A Hem* $f» JAK-ANA HEIGHTS In Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot* overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school New Memorial Hall and shopping district. • Gas Heat Available \ For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry_37. JACOB FRITZ - REAL E8TATE Rt. 6, tycHenry, Illinois _ •" 1-tf We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. JACOB In Johnsburg Rt. 9* McHenry, Illinois REALTORS TeL McHenry FOR SALE--Steel covered trailer, Luggage rack, 4'x7'. Reasonable. Pistakee 633-J-2. *1 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf RALPH L. CLARK Ptano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 90S Garfield Road. Harvard. J!. Phone 748-R 37-tf FOR SALE -- Toro Whirlwind power mower. 18" Demonstration Model. Special price only $50.00. Vycital's Hardware. 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--2 bedroom home on Fox street. Gas heat. Call 87-M after 6 P.M. *1 FOR SALE--Child's outdoor play pen. lS'xlS'. Good condition. Reasonable. Call 640-M-2. 1 FOR SALE--14 foot Lyman boat and 9-8 H.P. Johnson motor for sale. Good condition. Price $165.00. Phone McHenry 1S4, addreis 15 Orchard Beach. •! TREE AND BARN SPRAYING-- White wash or Flv control, Frank W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence; VqIo, IU. Phone McHenry 54V.T-1. 45-tf . T _ _ , _ FOR SALE--Servel Refrigerator, BUS. SERVICE--We buy old cars I 6 cu. ft. converted for bottle gas. for Junk. Also tractors and farm . Excellent Condition. Ideal for sum. FOR SALE--Refrigerator, in good condition. Call 536-J-l, John Warner. •! USED CAR BARGAINS 1162 Willys Tudor Custom Sedan with heater and overdrive. New car guarantee. 1951 Willys Station Wagon, 4-cyl.. with overdrive^ heater and machinery. Highest prices paid. William Stainea, 53-J. *52--1 FOR SALE FOR SALE New Electric Round Bobbin Sewing Machine, sews forward and reverse, 20-year guarantee, plus free service policy as low as $69.95. Call Freund's Uewing Machine Sales and Service, 664-J-2. leow radio. 1951 Willys Station Wagon, 4-cyl. 4-wheel drive, with heater. 1948 Oldsmobile Club Coupe with ^ F°R SALE--20 ^shares of Mc heater. 1948 Chevrolet Sedan with heatei and radio. 1950 Ford Pickup, Model F-3. 1951 Willys Univ. Jeep with can vas half-top, heater an; Meyer snow plow. 360 Willys Univ. Jeep with canvas half-top and draw bar. McHENRY GARAGE Willys Sales & Service * Tel. 403 604 Front St. McHenry, 111 FOR SALE -- By Owner. 1946 Nash, 4 door sedan, Deluxe "600' Series; radio and weather-eye beater. Must be seen to be appre elated. Phone: Herb White, Won der Lake 2612 for appointmen FOR SALE)--'41 Plymouth Business Coupe; five good tires, ex c e 11 e n t mechanical condition Needs paint. Private party. $25C Ask for Fred. Phone 17, betweer. 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. *l Henty State Banl^ Stock at $250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR P ALE--ALUMINUM~ WINDOWS The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 El Pearl; McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE -- Seed Corn. More farmers plant DeKalb than any other Hybrid. I can sLill supply you. Call 527-M-2. Clinton Martin your local DeKalb dealer. •! FOR SALE--Two oil stoves; one with two 50-gal. drums. Price $50.00. The other with one 50-gal drum, $25.00. A. G. Paulch. Phonr 272-R. FOR SALE--50 Globe Runabout, 14-ft., 45 H.P. Gray engin-2 $1095.00. Call 795-M until 10 a.m after 10, Wauconda 4982. l mer cottage. Also space heater^ 50,000 B.T.U. Call 717. D 1 FOR SALE--Feeding Pigs. Calf 616-J-l. FOR SALE--Portable washer on wheels, 16 diaper capacity, $25.00. Call 431-J. 1 FOR SALE -- Moving, must sell. % bed, $20 complete; Simplex mangle, $25; breafast set, $20; occasional chair, $8 and miscellaneous. Call McHenry 537-W-2. 1 FOR SALE--N axon washer with wringer; studio couch; electric roaster with broiler attach.; 2- burner hot plate; 6-rmv oil burner; reasonable: good condition.' Til McHenry 513-W-l. ^ ^ i^* nrf ^ -- r- -- r~- FOR RENT--Large residence, 4 bedrooms, near grammar and high. ^ School. Available July 1st. Rent $100.00 per month, call Jacob Fritz, McHenry 37. 1-tf HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. "a good place to Work" A TELEPHONE OPERATORS Good salary fi start; quent increases. You'll be working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in an Important industry. Ii«e: Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator at 102 Park Ave ij(-tf OUTDOOR MEN » 18 to 80 To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 22S8 or Crystal Lake 2117-J N-ti HELP WANTED--Waitress. Tel. McHenry 377. 4S-tf Bids are being received for sale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Street. 34'x54' two-story brick with basement. Completely modern. In good condition. Ideal for business or residence use. In-j FOR SALE--Fox River frontage quire GenerAl Telephone Com-180 feet all or 50 feet at $69.00 pany of Illinois Business office]per front foot. 219 feet long in at Richmond, Illinois. Phone j Mineral Springs Park subd. Alsc Richmond 3. ! beautiful homesites, 100'x275.1\ FOR SALE -- Quality 2 bedroom I plenty shade and fruit ^ee8 ranch style home, 1 year old with ! 52,500.00 each in Hillcrest Acret. approximately acre, attached wit^ aOCef5,5° Fox ^lver' _mUc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED "" . 1 H'l.""!"! - HELP WANTED Why pay for transportation to Chicago? Work near home. We have openings in our organization for Secretarys -- Clerks (Shorthand desirable) Five Day Week Paid Vacations and Holidays Attractive Insurance Plan The Edwal Laboratories, IM. Ringwood, 111. -- Call Wonder Lake 2411 , HELP WANTED--Men for Nursery Work. Apply in peraon i Pitzen's Nursery, corner of Wilson Road and Rt. 120, or ca" Round Lake 6-1570. 47-tf parage. Large kitchen-dinette with Crosley cabinets. All large rooms. Call McHenry 934 for appointment * . ^ **49-4 FOR SALE -- 2 Large adjoining lots, 06'*180' each, on north Court street. Close to churdh and fchool. Ideal for ^anch type home with basement garage. Phone Mc- Jlenry 293. 51-tf FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom, year 'round house; modern conveniences, 75-ft. fiver frontage, 2-car garage. 2% miles south of river bridge. Price $l4,C0fl^VCall McHenry 573-R-l. 52 tf HELP WANTED -- Two stead men for scavenger service; promising future; permanent or temporary. Call Wauconda 5206 or Algonquin 4227. HELP WANTED -- Middle aged man to call on local farmers. Par; time Inside. Salary and bonus. Reply c/o Plaindealer, -Box 852*. 1 FOR SALE -- Beautiful moderif year 'round home on a hill top. Two large picture windows in CO foot living room overlooking Fox river with massive fireplace, Bruce plank oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, modern kitchen and dining room. Gas heat, full basement, recreation room and heated iy2 car garage. Incinerator, screened porch with built-in barbecue. 2',^ miles north on Riverside Drive, Huemann'g Sub- 1 division. Price • $28,500.00. Phone i Peterson 575-R-2. 52-2 south of McHenry on East River Road. Call Mr. Seegert or Mr. Hutson on grounds or write Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave. Glendora, Calif. 49-tf FARMS WANTED 'All States, from 5 acres np DO YOl WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM If You Do, Call GEORGE D. WATTS--Realty U.S. No. 12 at Stoplight Fox Lake, III. Phone 7-1011 J7-tf FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 41W 14-tf FOR SALE -- By owner, year 'round 5 room home; 80-gal. jhot water heater; electric stove; garage. Very reasonable. Call McHenry 1198-J. ' 1-tf JOHNSBURG FOR SALE- - -N iesen's subdivision^' year 'round, 2 bedroom home. St 1-orch suitable for 3rd bedroor Utility, full bath. Garage. 19600.00. Phone McHenry 585-J-] FOR SALE-- McCullom Lake. * v . Beautiful home, 7 rooms; 4 bedjj***', rooms, 1% baths, forced oil heat* " insulated, garage. New electrif " stove and 11.6 cu. ft. refrigeratojf included iu price. $16,500.00. Also • « .,R, Lot improved with 24 x 26 fcrle^ ' and stone garage. 16' overheaf ! door, concrete drive, woven wire". fence. Beautifully landscaped, weH and dry well in. Price $3,800.00^' ^ Call 537-W-l. | FOR SALE OR RENT--Six rooi# summer home on Fox River. Bath^^l gas heai, fully furnished, two ca#T g a r a g e . $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 . $600.00 fo#; season. Also city lots, water an#».* sewer. $1500.00. Other good buy#£=^ Call Knox Real Estate, phoni 421-J. t > : mPXZ. FOR SALE -- By owner, year - 'round home; Pistakee Bay, occu^^ psncy at bnce. Phone McHenry 757. . . *% HELP WANTED -- Experienced waitress. Apply in person at Buck's Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 1 HELP WANTED Men for ! HELP WANTED -- Young man, mechanically inclined to learn heating and sheet metal work Permanent position. Vycital's, tel. 98. guards at Illinois State Peniten- HEL,P WANTED--Filling station FOR RENT tiary, Joliet. Between ages of 25 and 50. Eighth grade education. Good physical condition. Reputation must stand investigation. Salary and working conditions excellent. All employees benefit in retirement plan. Writ* far application. #1-3 FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT -- 5 room heated apartment in Spring Grove. Call Richmond 768. i FOR SALE -- 1949 Chevrolet, 2- door; very good condition. Call McHenry 638-W-2 after 5 pjn. -Oi Saturday and Sunday. l FOR SALE--1941 Che vie DeLuxe Business Coupe, $200. Call 431-J. 1 FOR SALE -- 1948 Motorcycle Harley Davidson "74". OJHLV. Like new, $350.00. Phone 259-R, 204 Main Street 1 BUSINESS SERVICE TeL 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats JOHNKok MOTORS New and Used - Terms. Motors and Boats Service, Refiniahing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104',2 S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1070 44 APPLIANCES FOR SALE Bendix Automatic Washer $25.00 to $95.00 Whirlpool Washer $59.00 Westinghouse Automatic Washer . .. .....V..... $159.00 Maytag Washer $49.00 Servel Gas Refrigerator, 9 cu. ft $125.00 Kenmore Electric Ironer $59.00 FYigidaire Electric Ironer $49.00 G.E. Portable Ironer !... $49.00 G.E. Electric Range $49.00 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 2|| ' . McHenry, DL 1 FOR SALE--Scripps' Motors; 1 75 H.P. $225.00; 1 125-H.P. $325. 1 202-H.P. $450.00. All in good shape. 1952 Correct Craft, dual cockpit, 17-ft. Dart, 125-H.P. Gray motor, 30 hours use, $2750.00. New Boat guarantee. "Chuck" Coles, McHenry Boat Co. McHenry 303. „ ' j FOR SALE--Parakeet breeders; 7 pair, 6 breeding cages, 3 nests boxes, 2 flight cages. Would sell the lot for $170.00. Call McHenry 10 or 748. 1 FOR RENT -- Bedroom apartments, season or year's leas* furnished or unfurnished. Riverside Hotel. Phone 266. 1 FOR RENT--2 room house with large enclosed porch, on river in Johnsburg, by week, month or season. All modem conveniences. Call Johnsburg 584-M-l. 1 FOR RENT--New modern 3 bedroom ranch home, immediate possession. Pistakee Bay. Phone 639-R-2. 1 FOR 8 ALE Garderi Patio & Stepping Stones Colored and Plain Electric Cement Mixer For Rent Richmond Cement Products U.S. 12 A 173 v Richmond, HL Phone 1304 l-tf DEAD ANIMALS - Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and nigwf Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Render- FOR SALE -- 1- girl's Schwtnn w* gop®1 bicycle, *, £»li charges. M-tflHenry 16 or 748. Immediate Openings Full Time « Day Shift INCENTIVE PLAN WELDERS Flat Welding -- Premium Pay , SET-UP MEN PRESS & SHEAR OPERATORS Read Blue Prints. Hill (train young men mechanically Inclined. Apply to Mr. DeThorne Employment Office - PACIFIC STEEL BOILERS DAHRINGER ROAD wJktmEGAif, nxBiotil HELP WANTED -- Experienced girl presser wanted. Top wages. Good working conditions. Apply Rainbow Cleaners, North Fron' Street, McHenry. 1 HFLP WANTED -- Female help wanted, over 18 years of age t< work evenings at refreshrren' stand at Sky-Line Outdoor Theatre. Apply in person, or call McHenry 783. 1 HELP WANTED--Waitress. Pink Harrison, Pistakee Bay. TeL Mc Henry 323. 1 HELP WANTED--An adult baby sitter available during the day Reply in care of Plaindealer, Box 344. attendant. Permanent position Must be dependable and ambitious. Experience not necessary. Call McHenry 689-M-2. 1 HELP WANTED--Elderly man work in store. Reply c/o lan to Plai£ dealer, Box 353, giving name, ad dress and age. 1 HELP WANTED -- A boy, after school and Saturdays; to pick up debris in woods, weed, ett. By hour or week. Leibsohn, 894. 1 HELP WANTED -- Lady to do general cleaning one day a week. Mrs. Ed Thennes, phone 32. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- On Fox River near Pistakee Lake; 5 rooms and bath, garage. 66-ft. river frontage sea wall. Fireplace, gas heat, cabinei kitchen, vent fan. 2 water systems. Horn Pitzen's River Terrace Sub. Will be epen Saturday and Sunday. 1 liiiiiuifiaiQiniiniiiHiiHimiiiiiNfliiwiiiHwiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiinHimHwttiwiiHiHtmffitniiimHfflHnHi^ SHOP OFFICE OFMNGS Production Machine Operators Lathe - Drill Press - Heat Treators Gasket Packers - unskilled Some Trainees with Mechanical Apptitude Typists and Clerks Comptometer Operators CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES! * Work near your home. H * A new plant with unusual opportunity for advancement. * High take-home pay, based on production, Incentive ean$lng« and overtime. * Five day week for office employees. * Free hospitalization and life Insurance. - * Paid holidays and vacations -- * and . . . A 45 YEAR RECORD OF CONTINUOUS E M P L O Y MENT. Apply: 9 to 4, Mon. thru fori. to %2 Sat BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. Hough Street Qprrington, Illinois (UmiiuMMiHumwmiUHMuiunwHiiimHniiiiiimiimuflMmiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiHiiiHiiUHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiim REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE ©sftagee <--y-Lots Business Property River and Lake Property Want Ads, like freedom, »veryhodvV business. MdlFNKY REALTY 810 Main Stiff-; McHenry 268 1-tf FOR RALE -- Five room year 'round home; 2 corner lots; 1 Vicar garage. Price $7,900. Call Wonder Lake 2854. 1-2 Northern -- Choice F«fe»h and Close Springers GUERNSEY COWS & HEIFERS; f>B. and Bangs DwM VERY REASONABLE • Som0 Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers. JULIUS MAYER Jllllslde Farm - Southwest Corner Rts. 120 ft St PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 2-2084 ' "Ml aCAMUMVMtUAOE' / ALL CARS Reconditioned and Sold with A Written Warranty. VotrCANT Beat These Prices -- Anywhere! '51-DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan <h-Equipped) $1545 Highest of Quality, Yet A Low Price ' 51 - Studebaker Tudor Sedan (R"H -O D) f 14195 Get Extra High JEconomy on this V-f Beaifty '"•1 '50 -DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan Combine Luxury with Low Co* 1 H50- FORD Custop Cluh Coupe ^ Extra Clean - Mechanically Perfeof ^U-DODGE Custom 4-Dr. S«laa <R H» v. Had The Very Best of Care - Equipped -PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan <HV One of Our Better Buys - Clean '47 - CHEVROLET Club Swlan '«> Economy Plus Real Good Looks Heri? J '46- DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan ""HI Check This Beauty Before, You Buy '46-DODGE Club Coupe <*•») New Engine - Neat As They Come swdiis •%> m **• *1195 *1145 *845 *695 *675 *65° *650 Those and A Wide Selection oi Other Models May Be Sara At A S. BLAKE Motors Inc. PHONE 156 301 E. PEARL STU^T jMcHENRY. H4-. '1M

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