~A'r - ita to the MAth were Mrs. Emil ton, Joe, Mr. and Ntbpn of Chicago, Mrs. Robert Fueckert tad her mother, Ntittagern, of Wau- ; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Norof Kentalta, the Robert and Lawrence Nimsgern of McHenry and Mr. Art Ninugern and son, **n<fcr Frank Tlnney and daughter, Kitty, Mrs. Charles Freund and Mm Frank Tinney visited Bud Honey and Tom Freund at Salvatorian seminary in St. NaSlanz, Wis., on Sunday. *n»ey greatly enjoyed the Mother's Day program presented by the glee club, of which Tom Freund -It a member. /' / John Karlt, Who had trten in failing health for several years passed away at his home on Saturday night, May 9. r„kT£LY tOO JfESSBD ANNUAL >fcAL PROGRAM By Ldrile Bernard _ In spite of the inclement wteather on Saturday and Sunday evening, the McHenry Choral club's Spring program was enthusiastically received by a audience at the high school auditorium. The program was well arranged and beautifully presented. First, the formal portion Was presented by the entire chorus with a duet by Mary Ann Wiedrich and Roy Redwanz. Then, the themes varied from country style, Indian, and the deep South. A portrayal of^ plantation life and music after a hard day in the cotton fields was most impressive. There was an excellent presentation of "Way out West," too. Just to mention the mountain flavor of the "Martins and the Coys"v or the hilly billy touch wculd be unfair, when Dart Justen must have gone to consid* erable trouble to bewhisker himself . . • with that mop-bead job! ' • The rest of the cast in the rr prom where I sit... Joe March PTA Gets Stun* The local PTA is feeling sheepi* 4adar.9ew*fctl»ey • the youngsters weren't learning / Mrtltii. AM ttiey ewMfcl - gpdfcfrKfcefclfachrth--Ei tta'spfelkfiiifcte- ( \ **I captain of the PTA'ers," : -Doc" Brown told me. "Both | «*»"» made the first round just the. Bat em the second round JJbeedy Taylor went down on <UBeiency.' Then his boy Chip, fcto happened to be next on the adbool team, rattled it right off. tiMB «m it wms metier !w fio mw -Dofc" nyk that the whole PTA is thinking of •§!•- iafe np for night school! From where I sit, it always pijrs te look and think before you Hap to ceadnions. Take those Mb who weald deny *e a temperate glass of beer without a moment's thonght. They Wouldn't what me to interfere with their personal prefereaceafor, say, buttermilk. It's a good idea t4 think twice before you "spell our rules far; MOfcEFON production et the htartln^. ' oKln' r _ wara certainly an 'onery lool of gun-toting critters. It -was good to see Ida Ann Qutalan sans crutches and wheel chair. She was the spritely grandma-- corncob pip® $nd thte Martins and Coys stint. The lighting and staging #eire well done, with a definite feeling for detail and authentic background. Norbert Maueh provided the art work and BUri Conway and Cllffoht Kiehl handled the staging. Just a word about the themes and the types of music presented by this group. It gives one the feeling that more than the music scenery and entertainment ii offered. There is something else --an undefinable something fclsr -perhaps it's the feeling of good fellowship, tolerance or, maybe it's some kind of a moral. But, whatever it is, it's a wonderful thing for a community to have, 9«d there should be more Marie Ptaytex Baby Prodtoc# Wattles Drug Store * S Bur * PflW>yi» itteiaa?. This is the last call for a little help to those who gave so much for us. Soma gave theik- lives. Others gave an arm or a leg or more. Some of these boys are still in veterans' hospitals. The contribution you make when you buy a poppy is a contribution hot only in money, but in morale to the disabled vet. The few pennies he makes from the poppy As a where-to-buy-it guide, tximtoti row 35c wot fo* no Altai 29e sTtAN BROILER $1*1# *ffefcry Hmw4 wire WMii him toarard rehabiHtation a world which to him hhs begbome strange. It helps him to regain his self-respect by enabling him once more to have a little change in his pocket with which to buy presents foj* his wife of mother, or to send a little trinket to his young child at home. We all realise the' morale-building quality of haying money of your own in youir pocket. The vet who makes the poppy you buy gets paid for his work and the money is his to Spend as he likes. The .rest of the mcney collected from the poppy sales goes to the veteran many hoapitala wtaerfc veterans ate treated ahd heated Ww*rd making a normal Mffe poeitbie again. No organisation makes a pi-oirtt from poppy aalee. Att help is free. Do hety htm. Btty a popfcy and give as geherouaty a* you can. CARt> OF TllANKg My sincere thanks to frfcnds and neighbors for cards, prayers and the mahy other kindnesses extended during the time i was hospitalized. They were greatly appreciated^, JAMES FREUND for yewr BUKK BABY Onr spring chcckuo dose of iwuphur is li|» ft phur and molasses for your Buick--sends it out on tne open road or into traffic full of get-up-and-go-places, ready for warm-weather driving to caw Ask details. family through the 2 Illinois has been sawartfajl first prize by tbi AmerifiKn heritage Foundation for "dKC^ standing performance in of the national non register and vote camp&ij|n 6i 1982" according to an announcement by Governor William G. Stratton. In last November's general election, Illinois topped an east north central states in Mb pt^ortwa ®f wtai rmtt w total nnmber of nHfUfr veteran ' i_--- i « cdtiBcd bBoifck" ' ' A. baked flam dinner will be aerved at the Greenwood ohnid| 6n Thursday, May 21, between 6 Mid r.-an Dtit it *iu be Ved family styte. SabacHbe To Thh jllMllijtr '.«.V HfUH l 14l i t# Sift Doai R. L OVERTON ttbfOR SALES Parclort tHte audacity boys^ but -- thkt's Way't tufi. you don't mind my telling you, I lik« men who look NEATER, arid are smart enough to knoW that MY dry cleaner is TOPS when it comes to prompt service and doing the Job right. Who JS my Cleaner ? I, thought you knew. It's * ^ FREE PICK-UP AND DEUVlfr « M E Guarantee . 1951 NASH Ambassador »"V-i 1951 NASH Statesmen •> 4 NASH ftttnfeiar - Convertiblf Ambassador - 4 / Doot • 4 hu6s6N CHEVROLBt j • ^joinssij^: « MANY OTHER£(\TO CHOOSE PfipM Front st. McHeAry, BL 1 PHONE I 206 8. Qreen St. PHONE 20 " ' McHenry, HL i You just can't "teat the "Classified" ?A6ES ••A*** • • • "I can buy 2 iuirtmer dresses with the gas savings on my Aero Willys. md with "My savings on gas frith my Aero Willys; aoes for a now suit."1 mm No matter what it is you need, You'll find it herewith ease and ipeecM LOOK in tttt YELLOW PMS -the CLASSIFIED section of your telephone directory-- • F6r wMksual products M hard-to-find services. * For local dealors in nationally advertised sendees or tradTnarkgd products. With an Aero Willys, tf you «VM»ge only 27 miles • tor 10,000 miles yoji would use About 370 gallons. At 26c youfc gti wotold cost only $96.20 a yeah {Reports hate been meiye^ oj special tests shouting up $5 t&iles per galion, wttf> overdrftnKy " If you average 13 miles a gallon with your present car, &n£ ^tve it 10,000 miles a ye»r, you would use about 666 gallon| of gas. Regular gat it 46c would cost .you $173.16 a yeifi The difference you can. save on gas alone with the Aero v Willys mky bfe as triucll as $76.96 a yeair... but you Aim save on oil, repairs ind other maintenance. In addition to economy, this low, young-looking, stylish car is e*t * tremely comfbriable, has the ruggedpess of the 'jeep'... the luxuty of ian airliner.:. has been judged the safest 4/ year byi Motor Trend Magazine. *1 pjan to use my Willy! gas tovlngs as a down payment on a nower mower." "I figure ©or gos savings witl help on the doctor bHI." "Aero Willys s«*ve» me enough to halj^ pay my vacaHort. r0. / , • m ^ "HM - (F«c« o< Ballot Shell a Special Tax' fot Road 'T'"* . . . I Mm* itaH et *1499" lift aaici for A«*;lork 2 Q«pr Si- <|«K f.OJ. Tol.do, Ok*, ftp.. fiHl.ral Toxm, Stal. and local; Ttyift (if ony), Fr.iflhl p*llv«ry' and HandTing Chargai, Optional Equipmant, Extra. m Y-} i-Door Aero-Lark Illustrated 0* r •': ; .rj (Back o( BfUM) OFFIGIAL iALLQT McHenry Township McHenry County, Illinois Special Town Election, June 2, 1953 on w Hock, Macadam Hard Road Tax tolling Place: The Qity Hall, McHenry iOouCiSLf EVERY SUNDAY V^Wy* bring* yw» WO*U> WW* ,-mf CHfimiU*. CmmmU for nJnpap# #br Wm* cni iWWh. A New Kind of Co# That Can Deltvtr Umema*s Nbul Vnbdieeable Gasoline Mileage! M AM j ..aafaiAaBai 904 FRONT STREET , McHEN Wi ales PHONE -mnn-. Mmmmm M McHENRY, ILLINOIS /