aw:® • £ jj, ir ^ »*•! Ufa Of ? from Pa«e 1 S , - f* *• ^ •. ; y Jfi£ .^fi' ' *X&: T ^ ^ \ ^ ^ f y*r <• -' ~£ 'J**4' k^Vv LV *v ' ••'•: iH, l' "i.K 'r# ;v!. Hay Ends Spring Grove OHOhiB Mothers and Altar ao» f,v ***: • . r ^ One of Mrs. May's greatest I ptaurfires was telling her family the story related for more than f ft omtary, down through each f fMMRttton, of the chapel north sj* s':| Of McHenry which was erected t ' * by her grandfather, Fred Schmitt In 1843. »* & ' 7 With other young Germans he set out to find a new home in this great country a year before. By Mrs, Charles Frwrti Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brit* ittended the First Communion of Marjorie Brit*, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz at Moline, 111., on Sunday. They also greatly enjoyed the crowning of the May Queen service at night. Miss Joan Brit* was the May queen. Miss Chariene Sheets was guest of hoftor at a shower hekl The chapel was erected in ful- for her on Tuesday night at the fillment of a vow made on the home of Miss Patty ocean while stormy weather was I Patty and Sharon FYeund were encountered. Giving up hope of •eeing land again after almost three months, Mr. Schmitt said if his life and that of his wife were spared and they were permitted to reach the United States, he would build a house of y worship as a monument to the. watchful care of the Virgin' 7: Mary. The chapel on the Johns- . i burg blacktop road is that monu- " ment. ? Mrs. May is survived by six children, Mrs. Rose Staines and Mrs. Irene Guffey of McHenry, Mrs. Martha Heniken of Woodstock* Joseph M. May of McHenry, Mrs. Hilda Bungard of y Elmhurst and Mrs. Frances Smslfelt of Kenosha, Wis.; also one brother, Joseph J. Schmitt, of Spring Grove. Her husband preceded her in death on April 20, 1932. The body rested at the George Justen & Son funeral home until Tuesday morning, when last rites were conducted from St. Mary's church, followed by interment in the church cemetery. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, „ STUDENTS PRESENT ft SECOND PROGRAM Continued from Page 1 An unbelievably large orchestra, expertly trained, played severai selections and displayed a y technique on the various instru- " ments which might well be eni$| vied by much older persons. The choir, too, performed admirably, £ fies as did the panel group chosen P to discuss the life of Blessed Plus X. j::' Beautiful scenery made en- R tirely by the Sisters and cWldren added greatly to appreci- ,:U ation of the various music pre-; I.':, POST OFFICE HO ^ The McHenry peat elfio# West McHenry station have announced the following schedule tor. Memorial Day, May 30: Lobbies will be open from 8 a.m. to & p.m. There will be no window Service, no rural delivery and no city delivery. hostesses. Approximately thiHyfive guests were present. Bunco furnished the entertainment and prizes were given. Chariene was the happy recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. A delicious lunch was served. Chariene will become the bfi'de of Dif* bert Smith on June 6. Members of the Tibbits Game* ron bowling team and their wives greatly enjoyed the banquet held at Twin Lakes on Thursday night. A most impressive ceremony was witnessed by many at St. Peter's church on Monday. The crowning of the May queen was held, with Betty Meyer as May queen crowning fc? the Blessed Virgin with a wreath of flowers. All children of the school marched in proces^on dressed in white and pastel colors. The First Communion class led the procession. First Communion services were held in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and* family were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. John Miller, In 1952, 26$,430 pedestrians were injured in U. S. traffic accidents. Bead the Want Ada . v'-> V V'v r' Bright os soft, light or dark-- *Now available In the very Martio-Senour brings yon finest flat enamel, satin-gloss whatever interior or exterior or full gloss enamel finish and j paint colors you want... ex- exterior house paints, Mamp- - perdy blended ftrdit beauti- Senour COLORS can be du- ' fal color harmony you've plicated at any later date! For dreamed of having! new thrills, new beauty, new. y j You can even get painted lasting charm for your home samples to help coordinate ...see these Martin*Senour *** Finishes today! IN GEO. COLLKTTE, Owner Drive . SHONE 4N BL m' *'^:! i r. £fi«" Htln>gh>dulj)sdmiriA MOO NM. OVW, TM a»4 IM*ot bodiM. ' v - ' " " j h f . " - * Wm «x p«Ml ImMe body Isagi 90 indiM. AU^imI bo4yw w Was plckep taedsla, M-teii te MOO RM. OVW rating. AH, I, and bsdlti. Faoevi Silver DiaMond valv*-ii»-)i«ad engine. ig&Sifr**'#•' ,v;»- How you can senr* real money on new light, medium, and light-heavy duty Intranational trucks. Compare the qtial- It* Compare the performance. Compw the price. See thwn. Drive tfiam. Come in today. Your old truck may equal the down payment. Convenient ' r. m.? PHONE 185 7" " 303 W. Elm StTMi V///W INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS avf. [I C ' J Ground BEEF OCFT OWN CURED -- KOSHER STYLE CORN BEEF ' Swing righi in step with our Holidjfty Par&d# of super food values lor perfect picnics . . d*Ughi!ul fUnners . * . bounlilul Juliets. It4 .3 (Ideal For Picnic or Lunch) IEJUIMTCWTAPE A STANDING -- cut RIB ROAST lb. Yee -- all the line foods for trul^ wonderful holiday meals are lined up for your selection . . . and all at low, low prices that will have you cheering for the big savings youll pocket when you buy ALL your food needs at CERTIFIED! So march in today -- and save to beat the baud! ' 1; Open Friday TU B P..j|f» ^;:4r MIRAGLE whip Choice Grade SALAD DRESSING Sirloin Steic 75« j Weiners v: 47^ Oscar Mayer - 10-18 lb. avg. ' Canned - S'/2 HiS." Canned Hams 89^ j Picnic Hams *189 Already Oobed ( A HoUday Treat Chop Suq M- •J«rrjrsjrt J* (Beef - Veal - Pork), 1 IPfll|P I 9 ENL^CING GIANT 29< BUDLONG HAMBURGER -- Refrigerator Jar PICKLE SLICES LAKE tillf r ^ SWEEt PICKLES J . *.m '• -mf Sm>' *21' •i h 4$ A «>• w r-' tr.yk" •£ GALLON* ' MILK 69' im jfr. ' Wi-f<***%• NEW CALIFORNIA WHITE POTATOES COUBP SOLID CALIFORNIA LETTUCE FRESH LARGE BUNCH RADISHES . bdi. 10^49* 21- sa' .•** ±±k.' > AU8WEBT v MARGARINE Colored Quarters 1U>- CO* Ctna. .i 1. ' %*&• NAVEL 8UNKIST ^•y OGR^H 29* (HWM Items On Sale Hmnd«y and Friday Only!) B0SC0 12 oz. jar 30' FROZEN FOODS BIRDSEYE FROZEN PCUT-UP FRYERS IPM* 1 aOTH FOR «FT> T.AHgfT COFFE $5t *» Vdfe.- t -At" J. .* . fe. DEL MONTE NM PI Halvee or Siloe4 % 2SN ASSORTED FLAVORS PLA^¥OR-AID 6 £ 25* : "f*- V*rjiw T.V. TAN POPCORN ; ^2T CRACKER JACK z. 25* - a Weekly Premiums §