Cards Promise 9 A Good Sport «t» * \ A bt&ik „ witi a His y&r/' -- for 1, Is both Father's first day of the Mtam as weB. * coin«^Mier the 1963 Day 4aj0* ftaveft't over- Picturesque outdoor' 11* featured <#» design [n. Eapecially popular of Dad swinging- into with casting rod, golf club tting 4sffi -- lljte the good t»is! far the weather, one greet- ?# allows a curly-haired little boy who's out an the limb of a «C«e, saying -- 1 asked the birds - To sing all day, i -- -7i asked the sun to ihtoe. So if this day Ain't marvelous *fr It ain't no fault of mine! for fathers who follow the major league games, there's a view of Dad gulping down hot dogs at the ball perk. Another, however, simply pictures him reading the box scores at home. j, Says the verse -- •i,: Bringin' home the bac&n ; , * ^ Is tirin' and taxin' j, on your day, Dad, "Don't do a thing *<5ept restin' and: relaxin' Aibout half the cards picture Dpd in animal form --- as a Papa Btar teaching smallfry to swim, or an exhausted Daddy Rabbit s|eep-walking the floor with his fifst child. One addressed "To a of Distinction" shows a smartly-dressed rooster and quips "Here's to a Father's Day that's Worth crowing about i" Several designs fefture traditional "good luck" tokens such horseshoes and four-leaf clovers. A teen-age sdn winks and waves a highly-polished wishbone. Aad there's a "Special Father's Dav Counon Book" enclosed in tfgbC out and one last word. Naturally, the Father's Day •.^aidbv "For My Husband" are as } roigantic as % Valantina. One shows a devoted wtfe and mother ' cooing -- £ • You really are tops >~ E In the role of a Dad On that we all agree love you most Wbm you star in the « _ r Role of Romeo with « Bven more to the point is the VldnMcal scene of a guper-mar- NEW SHOW 1959 IN jUR WILL % i % Dad are bussing around the store in a jet-propelled shopping and the verse explains -- Prices may zoom Or else go boom There may be changes in store But "we'll still go steady ^ Like we're doing already. '% When we ar*' 104' S To whet Dad'9 interest in the Father's Day gifts to come, another card expresses this wish May your ties be wild And your smokes be mIM And your joys be sweet «*# meller . . . So that Father's Day Will be all O. K. -V;;. For a Dad who's opH grand feller! On a few cards designers actually have attached real gifts, pocket combs and tie clasps. There is* what's more, a colorful array of novelty cut-out cards that resemble a man's wallet, pipe-stand, shirt and tie, box of cigars and an old fashioned shaving mug far "aaft, soa^ing" Dad! FOOD PRODUCTION World food production barely kept pace with population increase in 1962, according to a United Nations survey. Production of food crops during the year rose only 'l £er cent above 1951 levels, while non-food crops also registered 9 1 jjer cent gain. The uneven distribution which has plagued the world for many years continued, with the result that "millions of human beings were less well fed in the 1951-52 period than they were in '-ftp* World War H days." Want Ads. Hke everybody's bosbnea. New ineprporationa in Illinois are 4T0 greater at the end of the first five months of the year than they were at tfce same time last year, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announces. Illinois business corporations show the greatest gain, hf said, the 2.162 new groups formed this year being 343 more than! those organized at the same time in 1952. The 288 out-of-state business corporations granted Certificates of authority to operate in Illinois are sixty-nine ahead of last year's figure. In the not-for-profit field, neyr Illinois groups show a gain Of fifty-two, for a total of 776, and out-of-state organisations are six ahead of last year, for a total of ten. Collections from franchise taxes and fee? fell far behind last year's totals during May because returns from the annual franchise tax are not being received as quickly this year, Mr. Carpentier said. The total so far this year is $420,910. 52, just a little more than half the amount received at this time last year. "By July 1, when the tax is due. collections will also £how a substantial increase over last year, secretary Carpentier predicted. rain early the pollen on the most effective in victims » dav of This year's weather has created a worse-than-average year for rose fever. Grass growing ditions have been good and grass growth has been heavy. Througout Chicago there has been enough hot windy weather to stir thhe pollen up but recent rains have tended to level the count off somewhat. However, conditions are enough to guarantee plenty of sneeses for the one hay fever sufferer in ten who responds to grass pollen. Allergists say that one its pollen each day early in the American in twenty suffeira from morning. This means that the! some kind of hay fever. Moat,of grass pollen on a hot windy day them have the fall variety.^" is in the air constantly^ caugiap 1 The club oiteta one bit of en- The CMcsgo Motor *** 1m advised rose fever to seek relief in two ptefcfji - Miami Beach, Fta., and fittt Francisco, Calif. * Rose ferver, tha Motor points out, iff not cfulded tfy nifee but by thhe polls* of: tilftjlus grasses. Allergists use the more accurate designation of gM|ss fever. Unlike hay fever, wtrieh strikes in late summer or aarly fall when rag weed is in blpom, grass fever lasts six weeks %om early June to mid-Ju)y. Gtaaa pollinating frpm the first of Jifne through the middle of July U Hour Towing HUTCH'S ^rptmc Regular.. flHt.. msinteaanee fcy ear uyeiis means lower ear r»«te flip F<M»X ' -Wt Do Complete Motor Overhauling* 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, IlL Phone 811 ,!\ ^ : 'Bogldence 914|' Stop Taking Nartli Dregs for Constipation AviMllwUml llpaK! G«t RaHef TWs ttMto Vafttabfe Umn W«f! For constipation, never take harsh drugs. They caute brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal fcowcl action, make repeated doses seem needed. Get sure but gentle relief when you ate temporarily constipated. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup J"epsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, »ne *f the finest natural vegiutok laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satisfying relief for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's jize today. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to i|ox 286, New York 18, N. Y. WHU AOAMST MOTH*. ANTF. IOACHES. AIM OTMM msson «Mir hem* •nd oft* SyiK* t with wn . This I* Mm EASY, way to rid (Mr hoaM M Mdt . . . Up to J'/i thm KFKCTIVE. ... It will MW»r latoctidda n««ds. tmuAMj Sl?l u wi* asifty b««k N6W AVAILASVKi AHfOSICf FofMMkl t. •Ml' rafillabl* b*mk triMi »•!*•- Honlni «flo»» whM MW4 «l A Mm formula, diff«r«n» froM orlfliul ACtOSSCT >wwi bomb. Alio conUias ao DOT. It as. sl«e,.$1Jf *te l*it -- *•* Aerosecf BOLGER'S i.iTife"' WCEN 8?KEET • PHONE tmi 4|- ^ HAVE YOU LOOKED AT YQV* CHIMNEY UJPLYF Painting Tuck Poinling Chimney* Rebuilt Window Caulkiag* etc. RIB END Chops ^ ^ PHONE McHENRY 386 kst, list century style. Mom and ............ FROItn FHESH ili- ;iiBd ai tart' Lb. Pkg. SUc4d .V; • V.I tfi All Popalur Bacon. $2.03 do. CUT CORN Milwaukee : ^ - Minnie Maid Oacar Miyn Vimsji Hot Dogs Minnte Maid New! Automatic Temperature Control Orange Juice French Fries. [RIMED GOODS COOLING EFFECTIVENESS! GR0KRIES SWMWr T» Mt PMOn Remem ber laat aiunster? Recall juat one sweaty day at the office . . . just one hot, humid night of tossing and turning-:--and you'll remember the lution you made: to install air conditioning! To aleep cool, work coolt •MVI IT ORDERING NOW) Free inatal lation if you place your order within J two weeks from thia date. Special wiring, if necessary, or use in o&er than doable-hung^ windows, not ^ I*" included^ PARKAY 2 for 55* CREAM CORK mm e-r»6o« at coMsmoik- DH MONTE MS MOW--AND CCT REE INITALLATiON* A O-E Air Conditioner gives you "kitten - quiet operation, three tiodrpit air director*, new Automatic Teniperature Control, and five-year protection plan on refrigerating •yftcm. Don't sweat out Call us today. CATSUP for 35* PEAS Z for 39' IHCLSBIS AT NO EXTRA COtT 5-y«or f 4 ; f » s#rvic. en t»al»d mtchanitm and on*-y«or seryic* on oil othtr purft P* provided in w$ih»n warranty! ' f '"€t f KUi SPROUTS Sweet Vine Ripened 1 for 35* i CAREY ELECTRIC Ifp 8. fliw Street PHONE ttl X < itmm* McHenry, 111, California Iceberg - Jumbo Heads LETTUCE /i;* '!' 1 Slock Norths! Rl. 120 Just East of eewrilALiiELICTIIII^- Old Bzidgo • • t - a V*?