Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1953, p. 16

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• ' • •••••'! ••'•";i v • By Mrs. George Shepard ,.»T -- 1 square dancing and had refregh- '-W£*> ADfli of Bethel, Vt„ ment.^ couple of days the past ill the Ben Walkington and Mrs. George Shepard home Wednesday from Tenn., where they their son, Howfcrd, and Jo Ann Dewey- of Armstrong, . Sll.. and "Xary Nirman bf Evanplton gjfettt the pa£t week with / Afceir v gVandparerits;' Mr. ton'd - i .tWiru. Ben Walkingtoa. • and Mrs. G. Ieard of Like and Mr. and Mrs. Pagni ure- spending the at the Silver Spur ranch "A>.j Qresham, *Wis. A k Jamgi Brighton of Liaurence- . Hiirg-, Twin., spent the weekend the Ben Walkington home. • ?v£l , Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard fer#re spending a few days thi? f;'f. wt-ek with relatives in Chicago ^ ^ had a? attendance fefc'- j\- Mm. Ben Walkington, Pred!ol- fifty.two pupils. They held a |f* Allen of Bethel, Vt„ and Mrs. c]f)Sing program on Saturday I JLyle Peck, of Elgin spent Mon-1 evenin^ in the church hill, with I? day in the Ansel Dewey home' display of their work jf " - at Armstrong, 111. 4. r", Mr. and Mrs. Fred • Wiedrlch,' rpt'UAV fWt'PCP j a ' jr., and daughter, Mary Ann. lvLDUA wlUijob 4-H Reporter Wtifwoo/ Happy Clover 4-H club met at the home of jean Marion. The meeting was called to order by our president, Lois Hunt. The secretary's report wa* read by Judy Troxell. It was approved as read, ttoll call viTas given. We had a demonstration and talk by Barbara Mahal and Jean Marian on leavening agents. Patricia and Mary Jane Bell gave a demonstration On waffles. Marlta Thomson gave a demonstration on blue berry muffins. We then adjourned the meeting and after that we. served refreshments. We were also entertained by Danny Ohenny. Mary Jane Bell, reporter Ringwood Bible school closed |r. and Mrs. Charles Brennan CAKE PROVES TO ' ^ttended a family region at B£ CHOICE DESSERT fltax River* park SimdSy. There ^Twrere eighty present. --. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and | daughter, Mary Ann, Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Fred Davis spent Wednesday in the Phelps Saunters home at Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison it Sunday with their daughrs and families at Huntley. Mrs. Collins is visiting in the fcome of her son at Wilmette. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison Attended funeral services for tieir uncle, Merritt Thomas, at Woodstock Monday. £ The' Meeting of the Happy lour 4-H club was held in the lurch hall an Wednesday at pm. Annette Smith called t h» leeting to order with thfe pledge the flag. The secretary's report was ^proved as read by JUnmie old Imfdness, we decided to Icebox cheese calte is a 4e" lectable dessert. Mafc* it wftli baker's chee*^- or #l6i smooth creamed cottage cheese. The cheese filling 1s to be put into a pan lined with a graham cracker crust. Here are their directions: Soak 2 tablespoons plain gelatin in 14 cup water. In a double boiler prepare a custard made from the following ingredients: 14 cup milk, 2 egg yolks, cup sugar and 1 teaspoon salt. Stir the custard during heating. When it begins to thicken, add the gelatin and beat until smooth. Cool the custard in cold water. Then stir into it 2 cups of seasoned baker's cheese or smooth creamed cottage cheese. As seasoning, use a teaspoon each of grated lemon rind and pure vanilla extract, plus 3 tablespoons lemon jikice. If you use cottage ^ t - £->- 1 1 I O - t :Vl i, ; >. *' ' . «• A fwvitrf of bokl«| kt* In the fUv« cemperlmenf of Mr I.t wis* yrKwitlM. firM c*m gN started fMdy -- hi Mm ove* h Hw or tuMroy. Sprtnkl* Mda ever Hw wnlrhi will bt i«stoutly MtlagvWwd. I«kla| n <• caribea nlfrpntWee itlwhkam,sm•• Usnyim,and neelifc-- 1 PRICE INDEX The all-commodity index of prices received by Illinois farmers increased 4 per cent during the thirty-day period ending May 16, but still was 8 percent below the May 15, 1952 figure, according to state and federal departments of agriculture. Decreases in the price of wheat and soybeans were 'offset by a slight upturn in quotations on corn and beef cattle and a sharp increase in hog prices. The JJ.S. Index of prices paid by farmers, including taxes, interest and wages, remained unchanged during the month ending May 15, but stood more than 3 per cent below the mark recorded last year on the corresponding date. STATE INCOME Hie State of Illinois received almost $21,000,000 more from its six leading sources of income during the first five months of ll>53 than in the same pet+od last year, according to Director Richard J. Lyons of the Revenue Department. Reflecting the onecent increase in gasoline taxes, motor fuel taxes showed the largest upturn. Receipts from this source from January through May were $4T,677,247, up $10,148,087 or 27.04 per cent over last year. The sal^g tax continued to be the largest single source of revenue, producing $88,560,857 as compared to $80,838,192 last year, an in crease of 9.55 per cent. Increases were also recorded in cigarette; public utility, liquor and petroleum tax "receipts. Although the Revenue Department is on its way to a record-high ye-ar in collections, it is operating with a reduced staff, in accordance with Governor William G. Stratum's policy, and now has 200 fewer employees than in 1949, Lyons said. . jpeet at the drugstore at 8 ajm. curds. ijlune 28, Sunday, where we will Into the mix you now have, ^^.•^Ineet at the church for 4-H Sun- We decided that if we dMn't have our scrap books done we couldn't go to» the ;y! August picnic. After that we : J . discussed going to Home Bureau s and decided what we would do to entertain them after that we '•c ~ * At%" 4* fcj? fold 1 cup of heavy cream that has been sweetened and whipped. I Last of all, fold in two egg.1 whites that have been - beaten, until stiff. Fill the pie shell, I sprinkle with -* few crumbs left from the shell and then chill the' pie six to twelve hours before RADIO TV PHONOGRAPH REPAIRS Bring it into our shop for Faster Service, ;* Now you c«n check your own tubes Free oi Come in and we will show you how* RADIONIC SALES and SERVICE The monthly report of the Illinois Public Aid Commission has shown that public aid rolls declined about l.rf per cent t0 a total of 25i,586 persons dufing April. In the previous mdnth there werev 280,404 on the rolls. The greatest decline was in direct relief. Due to spring outdoor work, 2,419 recipients dropped from the rolls. A total of 53,749 persons was. paid $2,034,- 682 in relief during April. "This is an average of |37.8fl per person. • • - The report showed that there were 109,978 persons receiving old age pensions during the month. This was 990 less than the previous month. Total payment 'for this aid was $6,120,- 035, an average of $55.65 per HAVE YOU LOOKED AT: YOUR CHIMNEY LATELY I Palnttag : Tuck Pointing ^« Chimneys Rebuilt Window Caulking, etc* -- . FREE ESTIMATES -P> Insored Worfcmm 1<0 8. Green Street PHONE McHENBY 336 person. thi*i tea#s u««fcr the akiCk'i aid U dejwXIat , chiidrW* »ogwut atn«uMed to |2,1*0,014. Averl^a payment was *32.74. tills Wis a reduction of 456 persons froni the March roHa. Blind assistance to 3,916 pefsons, a decline 6t 36 pkrson* from March, totaled $238,316, with <an average payment of $60.87. , , The one exceptidQ to the April downward trend ^was in disalfll- -'t *ily*"~ asiSiance sixtyfottir 4,659 " and .. $g&& ato 'iUNrag^ $70,76. Total expenditures for the five public aid ^bJfrailA" amounted to $11,482,730 irt AjMl. Thi* was a' reduction of $211,(^0 from the' previous month. The number of recipients and< IMfejQt .... . . niarx; age pension, fXUttklt. • . /fifcf."'1). - Need. A .mmwmrnnf it at the --^ - - H Mali M fisM 4m* mi ... »*«*eM» ae« mm i. mtfnttK Jim* •%**»*) •mr •*'M H< M^i*§"4 m JU raa •HIT •«, M VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 132 S. Green St. McHepry PHONE 98 fROTlCT A9AINST MOTHS. ANTS. ROACHtS, AND OTHSR INSSCTS i-*:" non-potoonou* AEROSECT yaur Iwm* ' m«HM, rocck**, ««>>, oMrar %•*•« «»d crawfino with hm-PoMmom AEROSECT ... Thii it th« EASY, ECONOMICAL way rid your of that*, patft. Up V/t Mm«« mwi ifFIC. TlfE ... It will «mwtr *11 your iaflctlcido M«di. NOW AVAILAKEI AEROSECT For- "»uU J. non-rtfilUM* bomb with puth-biitto» »•<*•. Non-ln{urloui wM« tttod •• dlroctod. A n«w formula, JHhfwt Irom oriain*I AEROKCT Mfb^rMtyro bomb. Alio CMtoini no DOT. 12 es. sis»t $l.Sf *•' Itif --ilerotect BOLGER'S DRtJG STORE PHONE 4* McHENBY HmHwHwHmSi't* 'l"t' •1'4>4"1"1I '*• • ROK WAILj, WOOUWOWK, TURN'TURE Boll It O* or Brush It! % When it gets soiled scrub it new again and again Here's an AAllkkvydd opaaiinntt tthhaa t Can take extra hard usage and rough wear. In gorgeous Colors, tints and tones that ft"*; fire beautiful--any where Nickels Hardware 522 MAIN STREET McHENRY, DLL PHONE 2 WW* 812 MAIN STREET ' McHENRY, 1KL, NEAR THE BANK You Get Greater fiidina Profits with thl iMf.W*' GRANULAR GRIND! I,#{ •W. "* Hire's Why} * * . i MAKE THIS TEST, Rub H little Granular ground feed between your finger tips. Comi jpare it with a "flouryfeed and feel the differs feven very finely ground ^grain feels like sand in your fingers when it comes out of a Blue Streak Mill. Try it and you'll be convinced that it pays to get the Granular Grinds FREE BOOK THIS WHAT TIM --AWMUe (HUM KUANS TO YOU 0 Interesting smi illmttrmttd fr+m c0*tr H mvr. Graphically expl+ms what tit CrsntiUr Grind is *md W it Mps ft attare peak feeding profits. Bt utrt jmm get your copy. No ebligatien/ BEFTER' FEEDINO. VALUETTG« the mo* out of your feed grains--get the right type of grind; s : the kind we give you with our Blue Streak Mills. It's the mealy Granular Grind--more easily digested by live* stock and poultry:;; more thoroughly assimilated--pro* vides more nourishment;;; cuts down waste. That's why a litde goes a long way! BETTER MIXING QUALITY: i i The « Granular Grind is free from flour and slivered hullsmixes smoothly and easily with supplements throughout the entire batch. And with two-speed, twin-spiral Blut Streak action, you get completely uniform mixing in oi|e« half the time; so we can give you fast service; We will be glad to help you get top feeding profits recommending and furnishing the right grind and mi|^ for your stock and {poultry; ~~ Iff «S CftM TOVft HiUN t • • McHenry County Farmers G>-op. IttWrakaauiiUw* PHONE 72^ * • • • : • : • J »!Hii>iilii i m u | u ij McHenry« Tllinoli i t iBT JUL THIS FftOM JUST ONE CHOOSE AN AUTOMATIC OAS WATER HIATEk ^ 1% . . l: ^ Plenty of hot water for shaves, showers, baths, dishes, laundry, cleaniog--yes, evo|ff flung--is yours w,ith an Automatic Gas Water Heater. You're always sure of v fnough, even for the extra demands of todayS automatic washing machines and dishwashers. That's because new Gas Water Heaters are faster--their "quick 1 recovery" gets you more hot water in a hurry to replace what you've dntwn off. ^There's no need to have a bulky, space-taking tank, either. * not when Gas gives you more efliciency with a practical size unit.1 \ a f ' You'll also like Gas economy ... jjist a few pennies a day brings yon abundant hot water. Low installation cost saves you money, too. Start now to eajoy unlimited, low*cost hot water«.. get a Automatic Gas Water Heater. , Today's AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS •re built to save fuel and give lasting servi<|^y They're solidly constructed and protected J; against corrosion ... a heavy jacket of insulation:; all around keeps heat IN, cold OUT. Thermostat automatically keeps water at the temperature you set. See the newest Automatic Gas Water Heaters lit o4r nearest store or your dealer's# ?> ^MQUC COMPANY s5 pOW N {AN? V, 0 N : ^ p •,

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