Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1953, p. 7

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• • i I. " : T J . . !l . I I ll|; LAKEMOOR & IH.YMOORII By Mn M Morrleoa I j The "jungle Jim" outfit that Wally and Stef made possible through their generous donation Ot a gift and the help of many friends who aided in the enter- . was installed last Sunday OB the beach playground in Lakemoor. We would like to thank Emil and John Stencil, Mr. Stencil, Sr., of Chicago and Lakemoor, Clark Havens of West McHenry, and Arthur I*vand of Lakemoor for setting it Up. Hie outfit is ready to use nqw. Any article that is lost on the «|hall beach can be retained from Vivian Vineer's home as die usually does the cleaning up after the children. So if you have lost anything while on the beach, ask Vi--she may have found it. . Judy Dietrich of Lakemoor •jigd Arlene Wijas of Lilymoor Went with the Girl Scouts last week into Chicago. The girls Hayed at the Palmer House and While in Chicago they visited China Town, Kungsholm, saw alt opera, and also went on a tour through the Palmer House. The girls report they had a wonderful time and are real excited about it., Can't say that we blame* them. Mrs. Willia*^ Bender of Lake* moor received a note last week from Mrs. Lorraine Swanson's (lister in Chicago thanking, all the neighbors and friends of Mrs. Swanson's for the lovely flowers that were sent. Anthony Surleta and , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Surleta of Lakemoor attended the christening of Anthony's grandson, Randell Steven Kline in Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stencil and family are coming out Friday from Chicago to stay fot the aummer in Lakemdor. We are happy to welcome them. ; * The men have been working ' week on the community pouse and. it really is looking -Bice. We would like to thank Mr. Vertucci of Lakemoor for! donating five gallons of paint' for the building. Clifford Todd ot Lakemoor left Saturday for Springfield to attend Boys State. He will be there for the week. Marcella, Bud" Goss and family and Kay and Merle Goss and son, Greg, went to Libertyville Sunday, June 21, for a picnic. They report the weather was! just fine for it and they had a] wonderful time. ' } Shirley Fisher of Waukegan, sister of Eleanor Todd of Lakemoor, spent last week at the Todd home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richards and' Shirley Brown of Oak Park were Sunday guests at the William Gibson home in Lakemoor. Mr. and Mrs. William Bender were out over the weekend in Lakemoor. Mrs. Gorske, Sr., and 'grandchild, Alice, were also visitors in Lakemoor "over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Levand and family qf Lakemoor helped Arthur's brother, John, of Fourth Lake, 111., celebrate his birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cynowa and family of Lakemoor went to Chicago last Saturday to visit Ray's father, wteo had all his family gathered for Father's Day. Everyone had a enjoyable day. "Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrison and family of spent Sunday in Niles and Chicago visiting relatives* The Lakemoor Jets will be playing baseball against Bimbo's of McHenry next Sunday afternoon at the McHenry high school baseball diamond. Try to get out to see the game, Many happy returns of the day to Dick Beahler, Henry Hoppert, Joseph Cammarata, Emma Kunz and Jean Steadman of Lakemoor who will celebrate their birthdays this week? W£ would like to convey our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Kroncke of Lilymoor, who will be celebrating their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary. June 21 and also to Mr. and Mrs. Buchwalter of Lakc*m>or on their twenty-eighth wedRiing anniversary June 27. Don't forget the fire department carnival coming up July 17-18-19. The plans for the children's parade are in progress We would like as many children as possible to enter. The registration fee is twenty-five cent? per child and prizes are going to be given to those for the best decorated bike, wagon, what have-you and for costumes ir the different age groups. Ttu age limit is 3 to 12 inclusive The parade includes children from surrounding communities as well as Lakemoor. It promises, to be a Jot of fun, so sigr your children up. Now that the hot weather ha.1 arrived, our beaches are becoming quite crowded especially or weekends. We would appreciate it if the parents would watch their smaller ones in the watei BUTCH'S SAVE MONETf " ON YOUR CAII Regular., cheek., aps.. hI maintenance by ear experts •eaas lewer car easts Jar ?m! We Do Complete 309 W. Elm Street Phone 811 24 Hour Towing Serylco, tor Ovutfilliii ' McHenry, I1L fleefdonce 91-R JKU> 'olice Chief ttenfr sis- NYE DRUG STORE 7/<ut ie /3-LuLO-t.yi Q<Uelca**u>_ 129 N Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. tMUMttt MKJJIKM' \Si*H ?CHC4/ DRUG STORE .ASPIRIN Settle •f 190 (limit 1) ABSORBINE Jr. ^84 mm NAPKINS ChlfliM Sex 80 (Liait S) SOAP xmm PEROXIDE Hot Weather Needs! Hi i 'f PINT Bottle*... .< im AntiieplttfSfris prepared 15* TMtff if IHIRE Mild--29b. H-auncesize 27* CAUUMMK 1JTI0I v Soothes skin.' 4-ounce .. II* SVLFSSft PfVBER Refined--4*oa package. 97* OLIVE §l|. USP quality. $tiuace .. 69* y o i m N F . E D T H E M F O R FUN OUTDOORS X Am» iw . SUN TAN LOTION 5-ez. CQc E«y bottk . Vv to use Stainless. Wisk on. MOL SW TAR U«ll» Mi A 3%-ounce bottle ioi . . *!< K1FICTIM SN BUR C| LOTION. 5-oz bottle . . . Perfection Cold Cream • «' aa Large 18 oz. Jar Mm 20% r.d.rol [«cia* To* M TaitetriM imttl- «• S*ft With THEE CRIB SHEETING 18,27 J4( incfos . . "J Fresh latex .89' 60c Site [MURINE |fer tlii Eyes tew. 54*' Far Summer IORIFFIN I ALL WHITE cleaner Justrifce CLEANIN6 FLUID 29c1 45c Sin ALKASELTZER 1 Tube 25 CMC relets 94 Carton of SO BOOK MTCHESl Alwey* Handy I 16-IN. UTILITY ZIPPER BAG 79 Pint Hsrdwood 49c SALAD1 TO TOOL BOX Protect ifetl US KOYAL" SWIM1NG CAPS Aotects 70* tfcefceJr. I» iMhtPlt*** F«rumf teem TWO CELL FUSNLI6MT AM TAMPAX Wl<em Idea to Sanitary Protection I Pack '*i 10 39c I ftagu/ar lO|c Powde|r PUFFSi Ckrad-aoft veloux! With this coupon H 2115,* Imm-mmi •0 that veftted. Jean steadman. of has been moved from tlM| Rabida sanitarium in Chica^%] the Bob Roberts Memorial pltal. She is undersoinff there. It would be nice to her cards ' to let her know _ haven't forgotten about her. fSke address is Bob Roberts, MWQirial hospital, 924 East 59th street, Chicago, 37, 111., Room 316. Village President Claude 1(0* Dermott, Lieutanerit of Pol Frank O'Leary and Fire Chi Ray Blades are going to at the civilian defense dinner meetV ing given by the Motorola con^> pany this Thursday, evening in Crystal Lake. Dr. Kri'eger, village kaaltih officer, and President Claude McDermott took samples of Abater from our beaches and hannel last weekend to have them tested. Now that the reaches are becoming More crowded, it is a good safeguard to see if the water is safe. By the way, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Dermott are patiently walthug to collect on the chicken miers they won on election be&s. Ctome on, folks, pay off. -We would like to congratu- 'ate two of the nicest people ^e wow of in Lakemoor on iKjMT twenty-fifth wedding anniversary this week--Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yache^.v May you ' both •njoy many more years of parried life together, folks. Vtr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley of f Lakemoor announce proudly that they became grandparents on' Father's Day. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Erwin J. Sarley, D. D. S. Little Steven weighed in at ,7 lbs. 2 ozs. Mother and son are doing fine. Dr. Sarley and grandfather, Joseph Sarley, will long remember this Father's Day. Mrs. Fern Stahl, Delaneo, N. J. is spending two weeks with her brother and family, Harry Rogers. • WE THANK YOU! The Scouts and their volunteer leaders are grateful to many folks who assisted them in their local camporee. For being especially generous they thank John Pot tie for furnishing the grounds, Anderson Tree Service for spraying the grounds 'for mosquito control, to L A H Television for furnishing the speaker system, to Robert Walters for testing the I drinking water, to Emil Nieman for furnishing the flag pole rope, to Thennes Oil company for supplying the cooling tanks for the refreshment stand, to Charles Herdrich & S6n for supplying the truck used for a warehouse, to Freund's Dairy for furnishing milk and to the McHenry Plaindealer for keeping the public so well informed. ; *7 Read the Want Ads DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Aft 196 S. Gfttn Street McHenry ' (Cloeed Thursday Afternoons) tYES EXAMIKED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINKHfi -- VISUAL REHABILITATION " CeXFLETt TI8CAL ANALYSIS ^ H6VJRS DAILY t • * fc A. M. 1 to 5 P. || FRIDAY EYBlTlSSHi «:00 to 8:J0 P, H, KYENINGS ff¥ APPODTTHENT ? PHONE pf^HENRY 452 DLLDKH8 FABMfiBS FACE SHOBTAGE Of STORAGE FACILITIES Illinois farmers were warned they. aire faced with a serious shortage' of wheat storage facilities. This warning note was sounded by Charles B. Shuman, president of the Illinois Agricultural association. "Farmers in the state are Just beginning to harvest a crop estimated at more than 48 million bushels," Shuman said. "Latest figures show that we already have twice as much wheat stored in Illinois as we had a year ago, plus other large stocks of corn and soybeans. This indicate there isn't going to be enough terminal elevator storage space to take care of this year's wheat harvest." One thing that farmers can do to help solve the situation is to provide more on-the-farm storage, the IAA president said. the Wheat on their farms, it will help ease the critical situation. However, these, facilities must be of good quality in order other problem plaguing fartners, 4 Jk Mitt ' * Wa ^t<i ! h* sairi Another thing farmers csn do, according to the IAA president, is be sure that wheat is in good condition when it's harvested. "Wheat that is harvested when it]s too wet is not suitable for storage even if facilities are available. Moisture content of wheat being harvested should «be 12 per cent or less. Wheat harvested with a higher moisture content may be dried, but drying facilities may be overloaded because of the bumper crop." Lack of storage room is costing farmers a lot'of money, the IAA president said. He cited as new crop. A shortage of transportation facilities during harvest , la Present indications are that there will be a shortage erf railroad cars as the wheat harvest starts in southern Illinois. This is because - Southern. TIHtv^, farmers start harvesting their wheat before the harvest is finished in the large wheat-producing states of Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma, Shuman said. And railroad car manufacturers jare building just about enough new cars each year to offset the number retired by the railroads. There will also be a shortage of ships and barges for transporting grain, Shuman stated. sn example the recent sharp de- Such a shortage will be caused ' by the increased amount of grain being moved «by water. "Inadequate storage and transportation facilities emphasize that farmers should be prepared, to store some wheat on their farms if possible for orderly marketing at & later time," Shuman concluded. N-. cline in wheat prices. "The government loan price for No. 2 red wheat in Chicago is $2.54 a bushel," Shuman declared. "However, the current market price is some 65 cents below that figure because of in- If farmers will hold some of adequate facilities to store the MERE'! THE LATEST SCOOPft L&H Television •*?v§«>w DO. J"; "Eiecirlctl Wiring' alio Free Estimates Ob ANY Wiring Jobs. CALL NOW! » McHENRY 909 Appliances 606 Front Street Housewiring McHenry Jll. Are Yon « SMALL INVESTOR? Or a first investor? Or maytoe too inexperienced in analysing what's a good investment and what iant? Or are you busy with your bosi- •;! •sess with little time to study in- ^ vestment opportunities? -.*4 The aalRtion tar any Or all of these itiuMeiwIs: Mutual Fpnd aharca. ' TfeosMlfkads of investors like yourself have Invested their >J savings this modern, scientific way. Wouldn't you like to know more about Mutual Funds? Ton ' ' | can, by mailing the coupon today for our free booklet, -UI| David A. Noyee & C*» Members New York Stodll • v V; Exchange . XS S. Spring TeteplMH DAVID L HEATH, ' ••••, Name- « Address t"!f"T5v' i I - r • } own personal experience, that there is no ;'^»-weH, he's as happy and trouWe-free 4,1;; faster or surer wj^y to relax and refresh than •/;,^'s possible for a motorist to be. - ? ^ Id take to thf highway with smooth, He is sum^unded with comfort--and his' ^ comfortable, quiet Cadillac car. f res ^ jt majces a man just to sjt enjoyable that his mind clears, as the miles a 1953 Cadillac. , '^thind thd> whe*l. he glances about his 1» by--and his heart grows gay «nd his[^ Cadillac's gracious interior, he's reminded. ^Itlook bright and hopeful. iands of other Cadillac owners throughout .that he haa made something out of his \ t He has literally driven his cpfffs Mraylf America who will gladly add supporting "years--and t&t, in itself» givw a lift tP L You really ought to try it sometime, V jSKtimony to these revealing statements. Ibis spirits. 1 |g fact, you ought to try it today! - ^ And then, once he*? out on the highway pl^PfThere's a great industrialist in Detroit, and well-known scientist in New York, and a famous statesman in Washington who wilt tell you that the best way to relax from the ires of the day is to get behind the wheel a 1953 Cadillac. • And there are also thousands upon thou- For these motorists know, from their OVERTON CADILLAC 400 FRONT STREET . j, PHONE 1? - ^ Th^car is waiting--and so a«c AC M Ast, & J'

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