Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1953, p. 11

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%i^z T • • , <r . *;'T-'« •T^yr **»7*Er Tj^w. -T K^ryWj % * * 1 ,. J* £ ft **» " ^-(1 Thursday, July! 1 953 THE McHENRY **•< * rags Elsvtn News '•; ,'fc; By Bin. Betty Hettermann ' A big weekend was in progress in the form of a carnival. The carnival took place on the Community club grounds. There was a constant hum of tars going to and from the carnival grounds. People came from near and far to take advantage of the many amusements winch were in progress. On Friday evening oyer 400 persons enjoyed a delicious fish dinner which wag served in the Community club building. In spite of "the bad weather Sal' urday evening there were many people on, the grounds. Sunday many person^ thronged to the grounds to get the last bit, of fun until carnival time next yea1*; The rescue squad had .their equipment and truck - on dipptay all three days. Many person's were surprised to see how well equipped the rescue squad was in spite of the short time they •re in existence. In case of emergency the number to call is 1130. The truck * and the squad are always ready to give assistance, d^jr- w night£-r-t#~ anyone i n n e e d . ' " Johnsburg community has been cordially invited to attend the Lakemoor carnival 'on July 17, 18 and 1$. The children from 2 to >12 lit* invited to take part In the parade on vriday evening July 17, at 7 o'clock^ The children are asked to come in c. itume and with some type of decorated vehicle. Prizes will be given for the best one in the different age group. Mothers are asked to accompany the younger children. The rigistration will take place at the McDermott building in... Lakemoor on Friday from 1 until 7. A fee of twentyfive cents will be charged for each child registered. | Mrs. B%tty Freund was hostess to a group of ladies on Tuesday evening at her home in Pistakee Bay. A cosmetic demonstration was in nrogress during the course of the evening. Mesdames Joan Freli, Rita Miller, Emm,a Freund, Dorothy Adams, Thelma Hamshfer, Betty Jackson, Glorice Jackson, Betty Hettermann, Catherine Dehn and Miss Dolores Michels attended the ^demonstration, after which Mrs. Freund served cake and coffee. _ '•ti-i"- • •- • 1.' f ' The Christian Mother# are sponsoring a bike sale next Saturday morning, Julyr 4. Anyone wishing to donate a home baked item . will do so by dropping their goodies at Fred Smith's Central Garage by 8:30 Saturday morning. The public is'~ cordially invited to come in and look around and maybe purchase their favorite home-made treat. We have many good home bakers in our town so be sure to come early because the items will be sold as fast as they are brought in by the ladies. The proceeds go toward the new school fund. Jfr. anfl ijlrC AC .13, Kbzie, who have their home on the river Mr. and will entertain a house full of children, friends over the fourth of July. Those present will' be Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. T. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobsen, Mr. aqd Mrs. J. Neyman, Mrs. Degna Neyman, Mr. and Mrs. Dante, Mr. and Mrs. L>. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Chodera, all of Chicago. A very gala weekend is planned for all. Congratulations are intended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sehule, who observed their -fiftieth wedding anniversary on June 27, A celebration dinner was given by the children Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Schulz. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schulz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rix. The dinner was in Chicago and was attended by the grandchildren and great grandchildren also. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas entertained a large group of friends last Sunday with a lawn picnic. Those who were present were Mrs. Julia Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kilday and children, Leslie. Betsy, Paul and Kitty, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith % and children, Richie, Bobby, Kathy and Mary Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Low and children, .Mike, Tim and Tom, Mr. and Mrs. F. Low, Mr. and Mrs. V. Weyland and children, Vinnie, Margaret and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ozark and Roy, Mrs. Ted Getner and L a r r i e , P a t s y a n d Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Gonigle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGonigle and Rosemary. The McGonigles yet* from out of town! Mrs. Wm. Elliott and daughter, Bonnie, of Chicago are spending the week at tltft. James Hettermann home. '/•. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson and family of Wonder Lake were Sunday visitors here. $ The "Big Seven" club met' Sunday at the home of Bill Ricks of Sunnyside Estates. The topics of discussion were the news and happenings of the past week. Members who were present include Harvey Murray, Chester Crowley, Bud Butler, Adolph Breitenbach, Bob Vaughan, Bill Mclnnes and Bill Ricks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schafer are spending a two weeks' vacation here. Judge and Mrs. Seinstock were Sunday visitors here, M the A. Schuberts. were Mr. and Mrs. Smeltzer and family drove to Johnsburg on Fridiy to pick up Mrs. Jos. Smith and take her to Rockford. On Saturday, Mrs. Smith went to Chicago to visit relatives with Paul Zimmerman, her son. FRIENDS MOOT!! DEATH LAST WEEK OF DARHELL LYALL Funeral services were held in Chicago last Friday, June 19, for Darrell H. Lvall of West Shore Beach, MeCullom v Lake, who died of a heart attack a few days earlier. Rites were conducted from the Lain funeral parlor. 4 Mr. Lyall had beeh a resident of .MeCullom Lake for the past fourteen years. Before his retirement he a printer uin Chicago. -• ... J His wife, 'Gertrude, Burvives. Twice Told Tales Forty Years Ago Wdliam Bacon, - the McHenry well driller, has just completed a well at the Borden milk factory here thit is capable of producing 150 gallons of water per minute, or more than five times as much as any well the company has ever had at its plant here. A small blaze on the roof of the Mrs. Robert Schiessle home on the West Side brought out the fire department on Monday afternoon. The blaze, which was caused from a firecracker which had been thrown on the roof by ordinary post card. a child, was extinguished before the hose carts arrived./ The large coal elevator at the Wilbur Lumber company's yards on the west side began to show signs of weakness last week, necessitating strong braces to be erected along the lower west side of the structure. Many from here were at Johnsburgh last Sunday to witness the celebration of Father Nell's first mass. In last week's issue we failed to make mention of the fact that Mrs. Frank E. Cobb was the winner in the post card contest conducted by M. M. Niesen, the Centerville grocer. Mrs. Cobb wrote the words, "The Booster Store," over 1900 times on an Mrs. Cobb Read The Want Ails! 117 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE OBOI Lenette, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Schiebold. formerly of Chicago, now residing in Detroit, Mich., is spending the week visiting the Frank Schafer family. The Schiebolds are former neighbors of the Schafers when both families resided in Chicago. Lenette's parents will pick , her up enroute to their next stop some place m Minne sota. ! 4? TURTLES ! Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Camtrai Bought, Sold and. Exchange#^" PHOTO SUPPLIES Oir Free Expert Servioe Does pfot Stop With A Sate. See us before you buy. WORWICK'S STUDIO PHONE !75 QgjOl From where I Joe Marsh Bad Case of the "Ztutters" BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. SPEEDY A M? HENRY GARAGE WHO*! HALT? y SMUtf! MOST EVBRYBOOY OJ0W* HOLD EVERY lUHKWto TWN6.FB1END' NICK MILLER'S RUNS LIKE WHEHRYGAftAGE V CAN REVIVE ANY AUTOMOMJI " v&aK""" AMD AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES TOO I Our copyboy ft eeteKt. 9e the editor (me) is taking over some #f his chores--which inclnde run. *ing the addressing machine on •mailing-out night." Last week I didn't have the Usual number of papers left over for sale at the office. Couldn't figure what had happened--until Chub Zimmer called to ask why he'd gotten 50 copies. Then I realized--"Zimmer" is the last name the machine prints. Guess I forgot to turn it off. and it just kept grinding out -Chub's name on all the remaining topies. That machine just didn't know when to stop. From where I sit, people are like that sometimes. They often.!- don't know when to stop. Like .those who are prejudiced against someone with an accent, perhaps ...or against someone who likes a cool bottle of beer with his supperl So, in these columns I try to _ persuade everyone to "throw the switch" on prejudice so H want get repeated. CLARENCE'S SHOP louses - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch Picnic and Umbrella Tables - Pier and Park Beache* Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Saad Boxes - Window BMM Flewer Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, Trellis - Picket Fesrw, eta. Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Cornice*, etc. ( \ t Cement Chimney Caps and Cesspool Rings an# OHVll MADE TO ORDER CLARENCE J. SMITH PHONE S8S-J-1 JOIINSBURO. ILLINOIS Copyright, 1953, United Stales Brewers Foundam* ' r \ Powermowers Why Buy Before You Try . A Free Demonstration -- -of the- -- - - /# FAMED JACOBSEN --In Your Own Yard?~~ HETTERMANN'S SINCLAIR SERVICE PHONE: JOHNSBURG 413-J wa« awarded a beautiful set of dishes for her efforts. Butter was declared firm at cents on the, §l_ftn boards. _ of trade Monday.*"" jgj Classified Ads bring results. ' Place yours with the PlaisNtealet i today! . J| A. F. & A. M. 107 N. Court St. Meeting l-3rd Tues. Visitors Welcome vPhillip Ricker, Secy. Phone McHenry 41? O. E. S. / 107 N. Court St Meetings 2nd * 4th Tues. Vls<tors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 PROFEfJ lonfu DIRECTORS' if*. C. R. SWANSON Dentist 1M S. Green StrM# Office Hoars: " Dally Except Thursday ** / 9 to It --1:30 to 5:« •" Mon., Wed. and Fri. JBy Appointment Only , telephone McHenry 1M J VERNON KNOX V: Attorney At Law OtV. Green and Elm ^ McHenry, UL Toeeday ami Friday Afteeaw* Other Days by Phone McHenry 4S WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Attorney At Law 11*4 Beaton Street fhoae Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, IUiaola , ^ "iy JOSEPH X. WAVNNS Attorney At Law Nt Waokegan Road (RFD Phone McHenry Itt West McHenry, DL !ki jl^V! JOHN F. LOFF l,BoxS>I Phene 674-M-f . McHenry, IBInola . f VASON CONTHACTOR iX" IneUred Wtrkws ' Free Estimates ' , • - 4^ • Ml mrn SOMEBODY WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES «04 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 IS READING ABOUT THE *40.00000 Finish work on m home when illness strikes N#t Scott Smith and Ids family will never forget that Saturday morning after Labor Day when a 13-car caravan rolled to a stop in front of their home. Out stepped 18 men -- telephone men from ten communities, some as- far as ^0 miles away. But theirs wasn't telephone work. Converging on the house, they went to work with paint brushes, hammers, muscles and good will. Scotty, a fellow worker at Illinois Bell, had-been rushed to the hospital with polio a few weeks before. Besides an unfinished new roof, there were other tasks around the house that had to be postponed--all too heavy for Mrs. Smith and the three youngsters, aged 7, 6 and 5, to handle. Scotty's telephone friends got busy. "Scotty's sick, let's give him a hand." Over the telephone they organized a rescue squad. Meanwhile, another group, Scotty's neighbors in Tower Lake, had the same idea. A week after polio'hit him, they gave the house a full coat of paint. On that Saturday after Labor Day, the 18-man telephone team moved into action. Before they were through, they had finished the roof, given the garage a double paint job, painted the screens, washed the kitchen walls and ceiling, mowed the lawn -- even waxed the car. Polio had stopped all Scott Smith's projects on his Tower Lake home. But his telephone friends took over -- organized an 18-man "paint brush and hammer team"-- finished thf^ new roof and painted the trim and garage. Best of all, just released from the hospital, Scotty was up for "his" day. On crutches, he watched "Operation Smith House" with his wife and the three youngsters. There are a lot of things that make Illinois Bell "a good place to work."To mention a few, good wages, sickness and disability benefits, promotions from within the r a n k s , r e g u l a r s a l a r y i n creases and a liberal pension plan. These are all important, but just as important in any job are the people around you. In the telephone company, you work with helpful, friendly men and women--typified by this 18-man crew which rallied to help Scott Smith and his family in time of need. Illinois Bell Telephone Company. * • ' -".11.;. 1 . . r i "*>• Wfcs? You, or COURSE. These big dividends are important to you because you can have a future share in them--just like your neighbors who save with us and are money ahead right now. When you open a savings account with this association, YOU will be money ahead, too! Next December we'll again add generous dividends to every account. Naturally, it's convenient... pleasant to save here, but the big reason for choosing to. place your funds here is that we offer a safe, profittible place to accumulate cash reserves. % f: SMRd FRANK S. MAI BLACK PUT - Gravel « Excarmiftqr '/f; itoato 5, Mcliwwy. IB. \ :• MoHenvy K6-M-1 •' DIVIDEND JUST PAID TO 10 fand TORN THBLEN Truck* \ Gravel feSNk Wm Kxcavaitag TeL McHenry SS94U or Box 218, Rt. 1, MeHevry, A Jk, P. FREUND * SONS Excavating Contractors Vrucklng, Hydraulic asi Crane Serviea ) i ROAD BUILDING TeL 29 (M MeHevy, INSURANCE > V EARL R. WALf* Fir* Auto, Farm ft Life luorsia Repreeenttag RELIABLE COMPANIES Whcsi Ten Need Insnraaee ^ Any Kind PHONE 43 or SO ^ Ones ft Etna McHeanrt IR, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING t SERVICE • :r n* the small business aaa^; Reasonable Rsites Income Tax Rctnna McHENRY BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE Professional Bidg. S10 So. Green Street Phone 788 or 265-M ITOFFIL ft REIHANSFKBGEB lasorance ageats for all riameoLuK property In the best campssm West McHenry, Illinois Telephone Stt IS7 Main Street MeHcwry, flk to the girl who's " I * fialting for a good job Your best bet is Illinois Bellt See the Chief Operator or Manager at the telephonef office In your community, Savings received by July JOffc# earn from July 1st. Current rate 3% per annum MARENGO FEDERAL and LOAN SSOCIATION SCHROEDER IRON WORKS • • _ Qmano e n t a l f t S t r u c t u r a l S f c N § , Visit Our SbownHMoas ^ t Miles South on Rt. It | 4 , 7f Phose SM - f | V - f - i ' : BINGS PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRKBT, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Gas and Electric Water Vft^ter Syvtems - Water Repairs - Free Phone McHenry 2SS-M 102 North State Si. TsUntuiM 60 MARENGO, ILLINOIS L Over 3i Million In Assets Over 25 Years OM \ ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. BtoaaW Mattee* Private mm-M.

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