. . « • ; * ' ; _ v ' ; -v i ' * / • * ; • " ' * ' • " " \ - " ! " , - J • - M 1 r-m«»t;-'T: <r"-sv*.'. - -*»-, ,: 5iSS^:M?f»K- .•! • July 1 1953 ' y%» * * • • «w" •» i ^VW.? Jft/; HMMMN RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard '•. " • *: -y@fc Mra. Art Hoppe, Mrs. McNeil Shepard ljome were Mr. and K ^nd Mrs K«nneth Cristy enter-! Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago, Mr. •"" 4**ained at a bridal shower for rerol Martin at the hoifte of trs. Cristy Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained their ^five-hundred club legday evening. Prizes were 1 warded t<^ Mr. and Mrs\ Kenth Cristy, high, a&d Mr. and Ira. Ben Walkington, low. r*- Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler JfgNttt Sunday in the Harold home at Elkhorn. Mary Jane Stanek returned home t jJwith them for ,a visit. Monday guests in the Mrs. fcrnily Beatty home were, Mrs. 6 a rAh Duggan of Dowagiac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White of Holland, Mich., Mrs. Mary Gates of Downers Grove, Jtfr. and Mrs. Wilson Boiyd and Mr. and Mrs. George Inline of }3radentioit, Fla., and Mrs. Harry Smith of Oak Park. )l Mrs. Agnes Jencks has returned home after spending the fvinter in Florida. :• Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison were supper guests in the flehry Marlowe home at Huntley Saturday evening. "hit. and Mrs. Ed Becking of ~Vfp0d8tock were callers in the Xn. Flora Harrison home Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent a few days the past we«»k ^.In the Wm. Heine home in Chicago. Mrs. Grace McCannon of Woodstock visited Mrs. Oscar Berg a few days the past week. i Paul Stephenpon and mother, Mrs. Luella Stephenson, were visitors in the Agnes Jencks and Mrs. Flora Harrison homes Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son, Howard, Jr.,# of Memphis, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. John Wendling of St. Louis --are spending the week in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk and family spent • the weekend at Holland, Mich., where they were called by the death Of his father. Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood visite<J her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Thursday evening in the Mrs. Georgia Thomas home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian , and Mrs. Woods spent the weekend with friends at Stanley, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni returned home Saturday evening from Gresham, Wis., where they j spent the past week at the Sil- " ver Spur ranch. ^ Sunday guests in the George and Mrs. Alan Ainger and fam ily of Hebron, John Dreymlller and Wm. Claxton of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son of Memphis and Mr. and Mrs. John Wendling of* St. Louis. Marilyn Diedrich and Nancy Bowman attended the Cubs game at Wrigley Field in Chicago Wednesday. " Charles Cai# spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mes.. Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Khlert and daughters qf Richmond, Mr.' and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and son and Mr. an4 Mrs. Obermiiler of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Chicago fend Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family enjoyed a picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. •John Ehlert Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and three daughters of Mt. Victory, Ohio, were Sunday dinner guests In the Paul Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley and daughter, Linda, :<f Woodstock spent Sunday evening at in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mrs.. Fred Bowman spent Thursday in the Dean Ehlert. home at Kenosha. FIRST DISTRIBUTION QF TAXES MADE BY COUNTY TREASURER of BIBLE OTCaSB l.v* CONCLUDES VERY - SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL The McHenry Bible church concluded its most , successful daily vacation Bible school last Sunday evening. This year the top attendance was 118 and the average for' the ten days was over 103 daily. Contributing to "the success of the school were, the faithful teachers and helpers, who were as follows: Nursery department, Barbara Zenk and La- Vonne Dodd; beginners, ^ Mrs. Hueckstaedt, Mrs. Herndon, Mrs. Liberty and Mrs. Miller; primary Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Bonder; juniors, Mr. Skemp, Mr. Dresdow, Mr. Nixon, R. Beahler, Mr. Knight and Pastor Liberty; intermediates. Mrs. Hansen. The school director for the first week, was Mr. Nixon and for the second week, Mr. Dresdow. The merchants contributing prizes were Lakemoor Hardware, Traffio experts, who base f Lakemoor Variety store, Bjorktheir traffic toll predictions on 1 man's Ace Hardware, Vycital's previous years' experience, gaso-j Hardware, McHenry Department Predict Holiday Accident Toll**^ Traffic/over the Fourth July weekend will claim sixteen lives on Illinois roads, the Chicago Motor club has predicted. A further toll of 735 injuries is expected to occur over this major summer holiday. The prediction is lower than the twenty-five lives predicted for last year. Traffic experts are influenced by two factors in releasing this year's lower predictions. First is the fact that Independence Day falls on a Saturday this year and for most people that means a two, rather than a three-day holiday. The second consideration is the fact that many manufacturing plants this year are closing down for two weeks around the Fourth of July. This means that many motorists will be gone on trips before Uie holiday occurs, thus lowering the amount of holiday traffic. The first distribution of 1952 taxes was announced by Country Treasurer J. G. Stevens last week, at which time it was made known that schools in McHenry county received the greatest portion of the total amount. Of the (2,110,420 distribution sum, $1,492, 750 .went to schools and the balance to other taxing bodies. High schools received $489,- 600, consolidated districts, $336,- 000 and district schools, $667,- 160. The funds distributed last week were from taxes collected^ largely from first installments of real estate and personal property. The second installments of real estate 'are payable until Sept. 1 without penalty. Penalties are charged against unpaid first installments beginning June 1. line consumption figures, and automobile .registrations, point out that the accident rate can be cut by extra caution on the part of holiday motorists. On the open highway the following points are particularly important in holiday traffic. 1. Increase all safety margins. Allow extra following distance, extra room when passing, extra stopping distance at intersection. 2. Watch all intersections carefully and do not depend on protection from stop signs at protected crossings. Approach all Crossing points with caution.. 3. Schedule trips to eliminate night driving, which produces two-thirds of all fatal traffic accidents. 4. AVoid driving when fatigued or under the influence of alcohol. 5. Limit trips to comfortable driving distances. 6. Avoid "traffic jitters". Do not attempt to rush. Allow extra courtesy and keep relaxed when on the road. Want Ada, like freedom, are everybody** business. LAND OWNERS . . .REALTORS! LOCATIONS WANTED FOR TASTEMEEZ STOttSj We are seeking A-l locations for TASTEE-FREEZ OF AMEP'CA. We now have ovet 600 stores nationally aod we are expanding our Illinois operation. LAND OWNERS and REALTORS, if you have a top location for building a drive-in store, we will lease ground sod building and pay you an ••usually high return on your investment. PHONE - WRITE or WIRE TASTEE-FREEZ of Northern One North La Salle St., Chicago 2, UL Telephone Financial 6-3215 * Bead The Want Aia! store, McHenry 5 and 10, Niesen's Variety store, Ben Franklin 5 and 10, Nye Drug store and Bolger drug store. The church members are grateful to all who assisted in the success of the school. V.F.W. NEWS Dividend Declared By Marengo Loan Group F. R. Kelley. secretary-treasijrer of Marengo Federal Savings and Loan association, has announced the declaration by Its directors of a semi-annual dividend at the rate of 3 per cent per annum to be paid on June 30, 1953, to investors of record at, that date. In addition to adding liberal amounts to reserves, the association is in a position to pay n rate of dividend considered larger than average. Since its organization over twenty-five years ago, it has never paid less than this rate. "* • F. R. Kelley stated that the total dividend ' being paid oyer 1,000 investors for this semiannual period exceeds $40,000. AUXILIARY Ily <Hady& Soucie The ladies' auxiliary enjoyed a very nice picnic at the last regular meeting when they started their membership drive. Many guests were present, after which a short business meeting was held. Many reqprts were given at this meeting, among which was the report of . the Downey hospital party. The following women attended: M. Hettermann L. Smith, H. Low, L. Thompson and G. Miller. Lemonade was brought to the patients. The next party is a planned picnic. Lina Kilday, our department legislative officer, reported that our auxiliary was honored by being placed on the national honor roll. Una was presented with gifts by the president of the department and her personal feeling^ was , that the encampment was a huge success. Alice/Brda also gave a report on this encampment and she themselves. Our auxiliary was1 represented by H. Low, L. Kilday, L. Smith and A. Brda. Delegates were electcd for the national convention which is to be held in Milwaukee Aug. 2 through the 7. The delegates ate P. Pries and H. Low. The alternates are L. Kilday and L. Smith. H. Low stated that anyone wishing to go to the convention is more than weeome stated that everyone enjoyed and anyone wishing to march the day of the parade should present themselves at Milwaukee on Aug. 5. For more particulars, call H. Low. It has been announced that a joint picnic of the Uptown post of Chicago will be held in conjunction with our own Post 4600 July 12 and all members are most cordially invited. There was some discussion about the carnival, after which the meeting was adjourned. ACCIDENTS* The Department of Mines and Minerals reported there wore three fatal accidents and 88 nonfatal accidents in Illinois coal mines during May. Coal production in May was 3,329,996 tons from the 94 shipping mines. Shaft mines accounted for 2,- 057,745 tons and strip produced 1,272,251 tons. \ JOIN ASSOCIATION Charles M. Diedrich, Ronald M. Paddock and Sons and John H. Bingham of McHenry have been accepted as members of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America by action of the board of directors at their recant meeting in St. Paul, Minn. Subscribe To The Plalndealer FARM SAFETY Farm people can help hold accidents down on the farm by developing the attitude that farming the right way js firming the safe way. Make farm safety a family affair every (Jay of every year. Staofpf I It now at the Plalndealer. Order It Pays To Advertise II THE RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP WILL IE OPEN SATURDAY: JULY 4th Kmp Irihmp Floors ~ FOREVER Qiy with no.WMll.tjJ,, map u0 ! i ADJUSTO-CKII* finely We've got what you need for a fun-filled FOURTH here at STORE NAME'S. Stop in and see how much you can save on your holiday needs as well as savings on everyday needs antf dozens of other items. Get your share of these savings. * * DM easiest. metf effective dad MM* Nary way to stop destructive drip from iwnHiw tanks. Protects your IiuHii uow floor from rot, linoleum bwlee, tile rust. No mildew or u*> pleasant odors. Quickly installed as onderslde of tank with *xduiivt« "Adhisto-Grips"*. No tools need od. Rustproof aluminum with white WnllR Won't stale or tarnish. smts FIT MOST TANKS No. 16 UNIVERSAL MODEL - Fits tank with exposed canter pipe. « • - $3.45 B. No. 17 MODERN MODEL -- FM took that rods an bowL Trad* Mark. HARDWARE 1S2 Green St. 2 Griff Appliances in 1 It s a zero-range freezer plus a no-defrost refrigerator all in one beautiful cabinet. -9.5-cii-ft capacity. So different! See it MfjmH Model LM-95K W WRH after down payment REFRIGERATOR FREEZER FEATURES Refrigerator Fresh Food Shelves Adjustable You'll have to tee H fo bei/m HI CAREY Electric Co. lit«. Green Street PHONE 251 McHenry, UL VYCITAL'S SHEET METAL SHOP PHONE 98 McHenry, 111. •"Dotfr fltffo foswanee WW!* yDBTWR oompftrfMs pwro Sw ptttec vrfw of ^ Allstate's protection and service. Allstate, the auto insurance company founded by Sears, Roebuck ^nd Co.; ^is nationally famous for its " • New ea»ler-t» wlinlaad palky • 14 ^MfaoNrw at m extra cast •Spedd lew Roles far Femers • Fair, fast cfah • Over 1,000,000 peHcybeMers Get the plain facta about Allstate Auto Insurances Fill out and mail the coupon below. There is absolutely no obligation. FRANK E. LOW, Agent ^ 209 Maple Ave., McHenry - TeL 1004 Without obligation, picas* send me rates and fvll details on Allstate Auto Insuranc*. Name*.•••••••• Addreit >*••••• e » e • • • • e • . .State I N I U R A N C I 4 L J I T founded by S«ars, Roebuck and Co. A whoffy-ewnod svMdlary of Soars, Rocbuck and Co., with assets and KoMMh disKnct and separata from the parent company. Homo Officii Chicago, Mtsofc. New Richard Hudnut Nome PermaMitt Wave Refills FFJOHH Beauty rinse neutralizer net creme rinse built-in. Automatically neutralises, con ditions end beautifies hair ISO 94c in one quick step FOR outihgfun Vacuum Bottlt ggg SUrdy. pW ,ll# • Pap«r 15C Paekac* * * oanut Oil Castile Prapa"* ». « 1 4 C SHAMPOO Mokat*ol . |2 Pap«rOuf» Hat ar eoW 100 Straws Ife C0TT& TINT notf* "an Copportont *«*»*•• otuiXi Jan Jan T A a»Ae». mm t .. TartM Lotion Jkal Lotion "MWC-lf ttff.. Mtisana "*«He lew* Action-Proo Spray Style Deodorant $5; ^4B. PMBLtUrMs R**ML L I**?* DRUG STORE Giean flfeMBtt,