m * w1 1 wm mm , -*• *• t IFWW . July2,19S3 M. :N.'A»'Caflmp At I afternoon. Games were enjoyed Bp ". Earl B|iwu Home I by a number of Diane's friends, ;JY Mr*. iBarl Brown will be hos- after which her mother served jjSL, X'. tess to members of Pox River a delicious lunch. J! ^'•Valley camp, R. N. A., on Tues-1 Attending the party were day, July 7, at 8 o'clock. Judy and Karen Hay, Charlene Klapperich, Joyce Adams, Nieki Wirtz, Sandra Dowell, Eleanor Freund, Penny Scholtz and Dolores Diedrich. Home Bureau Witt Hold Installation The Ringwood Home Bifreaft will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 7, at 1:15 o'clock at the Ringwood church, with Mrs. Eileen Downey, home adviser, installing the following new of- . ficers: Mrs. Ralph White, chairman: Mrs. John Hogan, vicechairman; Mrs. ChaAcey Harrison, recording secretary; Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Eva Eppel, treasurer. Mrs. C. 3. Johnson will read the annual report, after which the Ringwood and Wonder Lak^ Boys' "club will present the program. Refreshments will be served at the close of the afternoon. Miller Family Reunion Sunday The Miller family held its annual reunion last Sunday, June 28, at the Vern Thelen residence north of Johnsburg. About fifty members were present to enjoy horseshoes, baseball, checkers and visiting. Dinner and supper were enjoyed in the Thelen Woods by the large crowd, including the following from out of town: the William Miller family of Fox River Grove, Ml\ and Mrs. Ray Hermance«of Richmond and Mr. \ and Mrs. 'Merges of Chi- ...Jljcago. '*i"i "" ____ -- ---- Altar £ Rosary . ' To Meet Monday ^ The Altar and .Rosary sodality ^ of St. Patrick's church will meet Monday evening, July 6, at 8 o'clock in the church hall.. A Edith Harrison' , Vacations In West ( • One of the pleasant reports from vacation land comes from Edith Harrison, who is vacationing dude style in Colorado. It was discovered at a fashionable ranch that Miss Harrison is an expert rider and much to her . surprise she is winding Up her vacation with a pack train. Whether accidentally or intentionally the pack train got off trail. Miss Harrison's vacation has been pleasantly extended. She will return in time to resume to resume 'her duties with the McHenry chapter of the £>. E. S. Tuesday, July 14. The McHenry chapter is planning to give a card party or. Thursday, July 23, at Acacia hall. On Saturday, July 11, the Mayflower chapter will hold an ice cream social on the ground* of the Bessie Thorsell home in Volo. short business meeting will be followed by cards. Mrs. Tillie Doherty and Mrs. Florence Doherty are In charge of the social hour, to be assisted by Eleanor Miller, Florence Freund, Kathleeg Brown, Mary '• Powers, Vera Ptirvey and Mrs. * Howard Reinbokft. -- a Roberstines Entertained Thirty-Five Organist* Mrs. Joseph Koborstine of Colmar, Spring Grove, entertained flirty-five organists from the Oak, Park and River Forest Oxgan guild at her home re- .tf cently. During the evening, c o l o r e d p i c t u r e s which the Koberstines took on their recent Mexican trip were ^hown to the group. h;: V" ;--Li-- ' ' Hold Picnic At •" Reiker Residence At th«. last meeting of Riverview Cajpp, R. N. A., held at the K. of C. hall, plans were made to hold the annual picnic at the home of Reiker on Wednesday, July 22. The regular meeting will take pla<$ the previous Tuesday evening, July 21, at which time final plans will be made for the picnic. Five tables of cards were in play at the last meeting, after which tasty refreshments were served. Christen Son Of v Richard' Clark* The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark, born June 11, was christened Richard Alan in a baptismal service at St. Patrick's church on Sunday, •June 28. Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Grace Messman of Woodstock, aunt of the child, and Francis Costello of Hartland, a friend of the parents. A buffet lunoh was served after the service at the Clark home. Included in the guests were the baby's grandmothers, Mrs. Clark of Bensenville and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of McHehry, Photo by Worwick MRS. ROBERT OXTOBY This lovely bride is the former Elaine Smith of Spring Grove. She was married to the 9on of the Arthur Oxtobys of the same community on Satur* day, June 20, in St. Peter's church. Announce Engagement' Of Patricia Purvey - Dr. and Mrs. John, C. Purvey of Crystal Lake have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Joan, to Donald S. Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville T. Church of Lakewood. Hold Miscellaneous Shower For Bride. Mrs. Kenneth Crist y «M hostess and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe and Mrs. James McNeil were cohostesses at a miscellaneous bridal shower held in honor of Miss Ferol Martin at the former's home in Ringwood on Wednesday, June 24. Games were played throughout the evening, after which tasty refreshments were served by the hostesses from tables beautifully decorated with a miniature bride and bridesmaids. The guest of honor was presented with many lovely gifts. Attending the shower Were Mrs. Clinton Martin, Mrs. Eva Eppel, Mrs. Gene Eppel, Mrs. Alan Dimon, Mrs. A. C. Dimon, Mrs. Ed. Alderson, Mrs. Paul Cooper, Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mrs. Ray Lifto, Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mrs. Lisle Baa sett, Miss Maud Granger and Miss Ann Kaiser, all of McHenry, Mrs. Clarence Wed Fifty-Three Years On Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway observed their fifty-third wed- ^ ^ar»n"~l^':"Nri8on™CrWy; Party Honaaw Diaqe Diedrich Diane, daughter of Mtv and Mrs. Alfons Diedrich of Third avenue, celebrated her seventh birthday. anniversary with a June 28, with a picnic dinner and supper on their spacious lawn. Present to enjoy the day with them were five of their six children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conway and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caring and Greg of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith of Rockton and Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake. Also present was Mrs. Nettie Weber. A daughter, Mrs. Ed. Holle, of Oak Park, was unable to be present because of a sprained ankle suffered in a fall in her home. Mrs. Gordon Fossum, Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Chancey Harrison, Mrs. Jay Cristy of Ringwood, Mrs. Jack Gaylor, Mrs. Irene Benwell, Mrs. Mabel Thomas, Mrs. Anna Martin and Mrs. Clay Hughes of Woodstock, Mrs. Frank Martin of Wauconda Miss Shirley Dvorak and Miss Doris Keck of Fox River Grove. LUNCHEON CLUB MEETINGS The newly formed Lecture Luncheon club will meet the last Thursday of September, October, January, March and April. Anyone interested in joining is asked to contact Mrs. John Varese. Freels-Whitehead Vows Exchanged A pretty wedding was solemnized in Emanuel Lutheran church. Crystal Lake, last Sunday, June 28, at 2 o'clock in the afttrnoon when Miss Marianne Freels, daughter of the Anton Freels of. Rfc» 4, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Ralph Whitehead, son of Mrs. Oladya Whitehead of - Crystal Lake. Rev. Wessler officiated at the nuptial rite. The church was attractively decorated for the occasion with baskets of delphinium and gladioli and with candelabra. Soloist was Richard Ritt, who was accompanied by his sister, Olorfa Ritt. The charming bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in blue chantilly lace tulle over satin, with chapel train. Her fingertip veil fell from a Juliet cap of lace and satin, trimmed in seed pearls, and she carried an orchid surrounded by stephanatis. For her '•somethingold," she carried a handerksrchief which belonged to the bridegroom's great-grandmother. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Marilyn Hanson of Hinsdale, a friend, who wore poudre blue lace and net over taffeta. Her flowers were pink roses in af colonial styfi bouquet. .' The bridesmaid was'" Mary Lou Freund of Crystal Lake, who was attired in a dress styled similarly to that of Miss Hanson, in cotillion blue. Her flowers were also pink roses. Ralph Dawson of Midland, Mich., served as best man and groomsman was the groom's brother-in-law, Kenneth Peterson, of Rockford. Ancel Howqll of Woodstock ushered. For her daughter's wedding;, Mrs. Freels wore a slate blue dress of crepe and lace, white accessories and a pink carnation corsage. Mrs. . Whitehead chose a black eyelet dress over white, with white accessories and a ROSINA CURRAN , MARRIED SATURDAY - TO WISCONSIN MAN •< 8 St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting of a beautiful gummer wedding last Saturday morning, June 27, when Miss Rosina Curt an, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cur ran of Rt. 4, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Edward O'Donnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. O'Donnell of Gays Mills, Wis. Rev. Fr: John Reuland officiated at the 9:30 o'clock nuptial service. The pretty bride was charming in a goWn of white net over taffeta, with which she wore a long net train and a fingertip ' wjil, the latter attached to a headpiece of pearls and rhinestones. White roses made up her bridal bouquets. Mrs. William Covell of Richmond, a close friend, acted as matron of honor, attired in a gown of blue sheer with white velveray design. On her head Mrs. Covell had a band of matching . colored material and she carried a bouquet of red carnations. Miss Lucy Raffel of Woodstock, also a friend, served as bridesmaid, wearing a yellow net dress, matching band in her hair and carried red carnations. Little Barbara Suhling of Gurnee, cousin of the bride, was the pretty flower girl. She walked down the aisle in a green net dress, with which she wore a matching bortnet. Her bouquet consisted of red carnations. James O'Donnell, Jr., of G»ys Mills, a brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and groomsman was John O'Donnell Bob O'Donnell, a younger brother, was ring bearer. Mrs. Curran chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of navy blue, with which she wore white accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. O'Donnell wore a navy blue ensemble also, with white accessories and a similar corsage. The grandmothers of • the couple, Mrs. John Crasser of h«id fnr r*l I McHenry and Mrs. G. Koss of .tivJ^Lra, i ft. «rMtton home immediately following the co"3Ses. ceremony. The couple left later nner for Eagle River, Wife., on f. honeymoon trip. Upon their return they will live in Crystal Lake. The former Miss Freels is a graduate of t&e Crystal Lake high school and of Swedish Covenant hospital School of Nursing. At present she is an employee of the Woodstock hospital. The bridegroom also gradr uated from the Crystal Lake high school and is employed in construction work. • was served at the school hall at noon for "about Order your Rubber Stamps at the Plaindealer. %- Summer Schedule ol Services at Zion Lutheran Church 408 John Street, McHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 AJM Service S A.M. Sunday .School 10:15 A.M Service -- All Welcome -- /" Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 850 100 relative* and ctoss friends. Prom 7:30 to 9 o'clock in the ivening, 250 giieste fittwi here for a reception. ^ The newlyweda left cm a wedding trip and upon their re torn will reside in an apartnifent in Woodstock. The former Miss Curran graduated in I960 from the McHenry high school and has been employed by R. C. Allen Business Machines, Inc., in Woodstock. The groom is an employee of E. L. Bakkom A Co., farm machinery dealers, in the same CHX. \ ; Contest Winners Enjoy Camp Trip The following 4-H'ers, Karen Seegers, Marengo, Donna Lee Buehrer, Spring Grove, Wayne Berghorn, Rt. 2 Crystal Lake, and 'John Neft, Rt. 1, Woodstock, are this week enjoying their trip to camp as the award winners of the contest put on by District Six of the Pure Milk association. The girls won their award for the best essay On "The Value of Milk To My Family." ' The boys won theirs on courtesy, showmanship and good manners in the ring. At a recent meeting, of the officers Vand delegates, they again decided to give these awards. The girls awards will be given for the best essay on "Why Milk is a Popular Beverage." The awards this year for boys will most likely be given on the same basis as last year. 11 # i it i j HHII i •III MI'tfrl 111 l'»Ml 11 n»» Residence Change's ' The Chuck Millers are now residing in their new home in Edgebrook Heights. The place they vacated on Front street is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neuman, Mr. Miller's sister and brother-in-law, who have moved from an' apartment above Mi Place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vance and Lee moved last Thursday from south Green street to Florida, where they will make their future home. A4F i Bake Sale --' Sponsored By Zion Ladies Aid, Lutheran C3iuw% H^rt Smith Market ' . July 4 Bake Sale -- Central Garage, Johnsburg -- Sponsored By Blessed Virgin Sodality Of St. John's CKttfW -- 8:30 A. M. July 7 ; Fox River Valley Cal#, RJf.- A. -- irfrs. Earl Brown Home.-- 6 PM. Ringwood Home Bureau1 -- Ringwood Church -- 1:15 P.M. Joiy » Adult Girl Scouts --- Legion Home -- 1 P.M. -- Picnic And Meeting of Blessed Virgin's Sodality of St. John's Church -- ' Pot-Luck Meal Sisters^ Lawn -- Noon. JUly 7 11 ft I* Fish Fry and Carnival -- 8t, Joseph's Church, Richmond. July 14 McHenry Chapter,- No. 547, Stated Meeting -- Acacia Hall July 15 C. D. Of A. Picnic--City Park -- 1 O'Clock Dinner. ^ V July 18-19 * * Carnival And Chicken Dinner -- Sponsored By St. Piter's Churoh, Spring Grove. July 22 Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Picnic 12:30 P.M. -- George Reiker Residence. July 28 Dessert Luncheon And Card Party -- 1 p. M. -- Acacia Hall -- Sponsored By. McHenry O.E. S. July 29 St. Clara's Court, NO. 669, W. C. O. F., Joint Pienfc, With Jphnsburg, Elgin And Aurora Court* --"City Park. . ;> Card Pirty, -- Sponsored #? m, Patrick's Altar And Raa^ry Sodality -- Lawn Of Rtetary. Angust 18, 14, 15, It ... V; F. W. Carnival --p. A Grounds. ^ ^ August 21-22 Flower Show -- High BrlfrU ' II ni'h BIRTHS Pamela Ann is thfe name selected by Mr. and Mrs. George Nugent of Country Club Drive for the 6 U>. 15 ox. daughter born Father's Day at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. TtMPent ifc the former Betty Kuhbipf Mc- Culloro Lake. ^ A son was born 20 at the Woodstock hospital - to Mr, tod Mrs. William Medfe. I qwtPMHi'llHiP AMONG THE SLCX Mrs. Delia Matthews has returned home from the Woodstock hospital, where she underwent surgery last week. She is recovering nicely. IF ITS WORTH DOING rMrXr " /* a • Ii'i Worth Doing Right. There is No Substitute For Good Plastering# Phone McHenry 1189 Subscribe To Tbe Plaindealer I AND WE MESS YOUR FLOORS (WINDOWS! • SM Our Complete Line . • LINOLEUM - TILE • CARPETING • DRAPES - CURTAINS - RODDING • VENETIAN and VERTICAL PHONE *n lor Fne Enttnu*e TGNYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS i . 208 E. ELM STREET MrfJENRY, ILL. I party at her home last Thursday .< Vv OUR STORE WILL ^*3 CLOSED MONDAY -TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY JULY 6-7-8 PREPARATION FOR GIGANTIC* SALE STARTING JULY 9th S MEN'S SHOP 208 & GREEN STREEV PHONE McHENRT 19 DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenty (Closed Thursday Afternoons) i> , EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- YI8UAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS •ftmS DAILY t 9 to IS A. M. and 1 to ( P. M, ~ FRIDAY EYENINGS) 6:00 to 8d0 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 -as It's 2 A.M. e e f ^ •<*» "• W You need prescription^;- ^ What Should You Do? .RADIO, Bring your set into our Bhop for Faster Service. Self-Service Tube-Tester Now you can oh«ek yoar own tubes FREE! Come ta ttd we will show you how. RADIONIC SALES & SERVICE: 512 Main Sfe McHenry Newr ftfee Ttank IPjWiP;. ciVfe 0 ip® *fi \f - Our bank grants homer mortgage Vl I - - loans at the lowest rate of interest consistent with safety and good IN EVERYDAY business practice. Whenever possible, our terms of repayment ale LANGUAGE adjusted to suit the circumstances and individual needs of borrowed •. ^ HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Our financing plan can make your purchase of a home the pleasure it should be rather than the source ,-4)1 continuous worry it could k Fir really sound in* sftWactory home financing, see us. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO^Tro. KIONE 1040 ""V • '•i , * _ ... •.. * fi| i»rloui emergencies ~ws~&re %>e^flnest ingredients human' • ftt your service, even in the skill can make . . . products ^ ,j middle of the night. After hours from auch laboratories as E. 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At regular price ypu save with the premium volatility you need for smooth-flowing power, quick response in traffic with best possibly mileage. A gasoline can be different. Try it and seel I (SMMOASD