Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1953, p. 6

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j j f t J W " ; HP „ , „ Thursday at XBU by the McHenry Omnpany, Inc E D I T O R I A L ' r - / » ' • . > , • f t , < / » . - •• * • j ' <-»'• •>•>." 4'-r. ^ IT ' . M , : U * BUSINESS SERVICE '•':'rj&. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager iff- &DBLE FROEHLICH, Editor , Plaindealer Want Ads ^ No ads counted less than 25 Words ll.Ot) minimum. f insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind is. Cash with order. rd of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 |km. Wednesday. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATE [$mr $3.00 FOR SALE FOR SALE--1941 16-ft. CKris WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN! Qraft, new red leather uphol- WATER SYSTEMS--We -sell, re- ; steryi completely refinished, new pair and install pumps. Bill j pr0peller, motor completely over- Bacon, 206 Main Streev, Mc- hauled last year;" must see to Henry. Telephone 167. 26-tf appreciate; row upkeep. Call MACHINE TRENCHIN7Gr imFOmR~ I Talcott 3-8126 (Parte Ridge). 5 tf Septic Fields -- Sewer Lines Water Lines -- Footings j poR SALE -- One 6-ft. maat EXCAVATING FOR j showcase with three shelves. Good Dry Wells-Septic Tanks-Well Pits for bottles or canned beer. Mc- Cail Evenings - Crystal Lake 1402 Henry 673-J-2. 8 4tf -- | FOR SALE--New Correct-Crafts TREE AND BARN SPRAYING j in gtocfc, Adams Junior an<^ Aqua White wash or Fly control. Frank | g^rg Lots of used inboard and W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. j outboard boats and motors. Chuck Residence: Volo,. 111. Phone Mc- j ^oles, McHenry Boat Co., Mc- ^ienry 54W-1. 45-tf j nenry 3Q3. 8 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Steeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and %E lm street. ' 10-tf POR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R 20* tf C. S. G - F^wer lawn mower re- FOR SALE^-3 grades of top soil; pairs, complete rebuilding by fac" | $1.50, $2.00 and $2,50 a yard, tory trained mechanic. Also re- j complete power levelling and pairing of all outboard motors by j landscaping. Time and material skilled mechanic. Special: > $1.50 j or contract. Call 584-R-2. Nett's Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, {11., under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and S«»t Covers COMMI'NITY A1 TO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. sharpens arty hand mower; $3.50 sharpens any 21" power mower. For information call McHenry 575-W-2. Dealer Page Fences 51-tf Sand and Gravel. •8-2 FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, j ADDING MACHINES, Service J on all makes, also ribbons for all 1 makes, carben paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf COLBY MOTOR SALES Saftey Checked Used Cars 1952 Chrysler New Yorker Sedan 1952 Chrysler Windsor DsLuxe Sedan 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan 1950 Dodge Club Sedan (2) . 1950 Ford Custom Sedan 1949 Chrysler Windsor Club Sedan 1949 Ford Custom Station Wagon 1949 Plviriouth Special Deluxe Club Sedan 1949 Olds mobile "88" Station Wagon 1848 Dodge Club Sedan 1P48 Plymouth Special DeLuxe CStob Sedan 17?:' . 1948 Hudson Sedan* (S) I&+8 Bu-ck Sedan j " 1)948 Chevrolet Sedan "1947 Oldsmobile Sedan --~ 1946 Chrysler Saratoga Sedan _1942 Cadillac Sedan ; _ VACUUM CJJEANER REPAIRS Rexalr Cleaner Sales & Service CARL BARNICKOfc 74 Woodlawn Park Phone 646-W-2 #tf CES8 POOLS . SEPTIC TANKS Pnmped and Cleaned ' PHONE 776-W. answer call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS 309 West Elm Street McHenry FOR SALE -- Year 'round COMFCRT and ECONOMY w i t h I FIRE-PROOF Johns-M a n v i 11 e I FOR Home Insulation. Installed by the Wa'.lfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 4-tf *'OR RENT--Newiy decorated 5 room (2 bedrooms) heated apartment at 541 Main Street. Phone 1119, Elmer W. Jensen. •Si1 FOR RENT--Two story house 'on Fox River in McHenry. Refrigerator, electric stove, hot water, three bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, etc. Furnished or unfurnished. Chuck Coles, McHenry Boat Co. McHenry 303 or 633-J-l. 8 FOR RENT -- Furnished cottage, 2 bedrooms; on Fox River, by week or season. Phone 248 or 247-W. 8 FOR SALE -- Irish Setters, 7 males, 3 females. Call 643-M-l after 6 P. M. 7-tf COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 today. 7-tf |941 Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan 1941 Hudson Sedan 1941 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1940 Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan (2) Stop Shopping -- Yfca Can't Beat These Buys ||L10 -- PHONE -- 1110 r Crystal Lake, Illinois j DEAD ANIMALS--Highest cash prices paid for oows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINj DOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo 6-tf I Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry --- ! 18 ' 48-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian_ Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5-tf FOR SALE--Maico Hearing Aids. Call for a free demonstration by a skilled representative. Appointment at your convenience. Batteries, cords, supplies for all makes of instruments. Loaner instruments available. Rena Scheid, 207 N. Green St. Tel. McHenry 1254. % 8-2 BUS. SERVICE--Complete Septic Tank Systems. Dry Wells, Seepige Beds, Trenching and Footing? Dug (18"x36" wide, 7-ft. maximum depth). Prompt Service. Garrelts & Rogers. Phone 539-R-1 or 563-W-2. McHenry. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Chicken wire cyclone, ornamental fence, fence posts, hardware cla'h- Vycital's Hardware, Phone 98. 1_ & RENT--Beautiful furnfthed 3 room garage apartment on Fox River, sleeps 4. New gas stove, new refrigerator. By month or season. Phone McHenry 248 or 247-W. 8 FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 3 >4 room apartment; gas, light, heat, hot water and garage included at $80 per month. Excellent river location. No small children. Tel. 445-M. • 8 FOR RENT--Kirk's Kottages and Kabins, hskpg. $15-20-25-30-45. Wknd, $5. Fish - Swim - 'boat. Ph. 661-M-l. 8 FOR RENT -- Summer cottage, modern plumbing. Sleeps 4. Available, July 6. Call 646-J-2. 8 HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. FOR SALE--2 oil burners. Phone d68-J after 5 P. M. 8 FOR SALE --'Studebaker Com mander, IMA, a tudor, blue, O.D., heater and radio, $800.00. Curran's Boarding Kennels, Rt. 12. Call McHenry 632-M-2. 8 FOR SALE--Small Norge refrigerator and a dining room table. Call Wonder Lake 4621. 8 Leave It - Your Gold . At Home! NO MONEY DOWN! WALL A FLOOR TILING Our only business • not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates Call Cary 616^ or Barrington 1276 2-tf --*• 1949 FORD Tudor $895.00 1949 STUDEBAKER Champion 4 Door .... $795.00 1948 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. *695.00 1980 JEEPSTER $695.00 1949 STUDEBAKER Convertible $795.00 1947 CHEVROLET Convertible $595.00 1947 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe ? %... $595.00 -- "Cheapies" -- . * IfcTFontiac Station Wagon, ex tra clean. 1941 Plymouth 4 door, new rings and bearings. 1941 .h 4 door extra clean ' 1941 Ford Tudor, fair. 1942 Ford club coupe, not bad. 1940 Buick 4 door. 1941 Ford 4 door, cleanest in Lake county. 1942 Chevrolet Tudor, new "paint 1941 Pontiac tudor, extra clean 1946 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up $295.00 1946 G.M.C. Panel, Va-ton, like new $395.00 20-Ft. House Trailer, was used ! for office $500.00 , -- "Mechanics Specials" -- 19*0 Pontiac 4 Door, body good, tires good, block cracked $65.00 1942 Pontiac Tudor|, ne eds r.ngs , $65.00 1941 Plymouth Tudor, grill' pu3h- ......... ^ motor good .$65.00 trade for anjvhiag of value! GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Inlustrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf PAINTING AND DECORATING Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson McHenry 890-J after 6 P.M. 6-tf FOR SALE -- 2 lawn mowers; 1 Gould's hand pump; 1 steel wheelbarrow; approximately 300 lbs. 26 gauge new, galvanized corrugated sheets. Newren, Sunnyside Beach, Lots 8 and 9. *8 FOR SALE -- Mahogany Lyman Boat, 22 H. P. Johnson motor, fully equipped, including trailer. Phone 605-W-2. v *8 "a good place to woek" TELEPHONE > OPERATORS Good sal Jury " to Start; frequent increases. You'll be working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in an important industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator at "... ;r; 102 Park Ave. , 41-tf OUTDOOR MEN---i 18 to SO , To Trim Trees ' Also Older Men , For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2288 or Crystal Lake 2117-J 52-tl HELP WANTED--Full time gales lady. Experienced preferred, but will teach. Apply in person. Ben FOR SALE -- Cigarette machine I Franklin Store, Green Street, Mc- with nine selections; National cash 6-tf register; baby bassinette and liner; car bed and seat; sterilizer; new birch training chair; Teeter- Babe; crib bumpers. Old baby buggy given away. Call McHenry 1198-J. .8 Peter A. Freund (Formerly Eddie Huff's) Sanitary Service I clean and pump septic tanks, :esspools, catch basins, cisterns. Phone McHenry 877-W residence, ^ox Street. 5-tf CLARENCE GATH Decorating Service Interior - Exterior - Residential and Commercial -- We Satisfy -- Call 675-R.l 8-tf At the Toddler Shop 312 Elm Street McHenry, 111. , SUN AND FUN# Holiday Specials for your Kiddies. Good selections in shorts, sun suits, cabana suits, swim suits, at money saving buys! 8 Henry. HELP WAMFSD RSTSTATS HELP WANTED--Cleaning wo- REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE fnan, one or two day* a week. Hontes on Pistakee Bay an|t River Hours optional, may work either from ^ ^ days or evenings. Call 894. 5-tf SAVE SAPELYt HELP WANTED--Man with lumber yard experience • only reliable person looking for permanent position need apply. Box 362, c/o Plaindealer. 8-tf HELP WANTEt) -- Several gfrls over 16, or middle aged women to work evenings at Sky-Line Outdoor Theatre in refreshment building. Must be neat in appearance. Call McHenry 783 days, or 333 after 7 P. M. 8 WANTED--Excellent opportunity for neat appearing men for part or full time sales work. In McHenry County call Crystal Lake 2079. 8-2 REAL ESTATE itEAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE Homes -- Cottages -- Lots Business Property River and Lake Property McHENRY REALTY 510 Main Street McHenry 968 <*Ti~?fi-tf FOR SALE -- 8 room house, in McHenry, near schools, churches shopping / areas, good income property. Large 2 car garage. Reply care of Plaindealer Box 359. 5tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- NEAR McHENRY 3 miles South on Blacktop East side Fox River, County Route 'N\ Fernwood subdivision. New 2 bedroom all year home, automatic oil forced air heat, well and electric pump, sewer, completely insulated. Electric hot water heater, beautiful plumbing, tub and shower. Formica gink top. Large wooded lot, beach 150-ft. Taxes $40 year. Road open all winter, $8,650.00. Finance can be arranged, aee owner Sunday on premises, or phone 522-R-2. Van Oeyen. Might be sold as unfinished home, finish it yourself at substantial saving. 6-tf TRY OUR PHONE Hi# 8 FOR SALE--Johnsburg - Niesen's ' Sunrise-View subdivision. Comfort- j able year-round home with full bath, utility room, garage. River rights. Reasonable. Call Jos Him- { pelmann. McHenry 585-J-^. 6 6 DRY CLEANING of low, low pric*$t ' McHenry Cleaners its Elm St. Phone 104-M iifrsr V ,a^ut FOR SALE -- Beautiful lot, 72x 132, hill top location. 3 blocks from St. Patrick's church. Call Wauconda 5387 evenings after 6:00 P.M. ' Stf FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estaig .. <t05 Richmond Roift' McIIonry, Bl. fbone: McHenry 421-1 24-tf FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home; fully Insulated, fruit trees, berry shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $11,000 at terms. Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 4-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Homes on the river, vacant property on river. Homes located in all parts of .McHenry. Have cott&ges in Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. Nice selecuon of lots in Edgebrook Heights Addition with all improvements. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--In McHenry; 3 bedroom ll/i story home. Full basement. Garage. Four blocks from schools and shopping district. 804 Center St. Tel. 916-W. 6-tf REAL. ESTATE -- FOR SALE FOX RIXER - Near Chapel Hill, 2 bedroom home, gas heat, nice lot, sea wall, pier, boat, complete iy furnished. Price $16,000,00. McCULLOM LAKE - 2 bedrooir jiome, living room 11 x 20 with MeatUator fireplace, full basement, t lots with option on 2 more lots Price $10,600.00. HOME FOR SALE -- Modern 3 bedroom, ranch-type home; 1 year old. Large . kitchen, many birch cabinets; equipped with new automatic clothes washeridryer and dish-washer. Double oven electric range, full tile bath, large picture window in living room with beautiful lake view. Coieman automatic forced air oil furnadfe, 'combination screen .and storm windows and doors. Water softener. Large automatic hot water heater.' Garage. Wonder Lake, easy 15 minute drive from either Woodstock or McHenry. $13,900. Phone Wonder Lake 5247. --8 PHONE 1126 FOR SALE -- REAL ESTATE McHENRY VICINITY 75-Ft. water front lot, 2 family all year home; 2 baths, utility rom; shade and fruit trees. Immediate possession. $10,500. FOR SA.-E Modern 4 room faeii brick hoinc, 3 years old; Venetian blinds, plastered walls, full basement, all landscaped, 2-car garage. Will sell with or without furni- n ture, including new 21" T.V., deep freeze, outboard motor. A complete home at a price nobody can duplicate. W. Liebig, owner. Rt. 120 and 31 in rear of Admiral Radio Corp... a*.er 6 P. M. Saturday and Sunday. All day. Tel. McHenry 807. . <8 HOUSE A ( GARAGE FOR 'SALE The former Gun Club is now .wjell remodeled into a three rqom house, which can be expanded. Complete bath and kitchen fixtures. Thoroughly cleaned and nicely decorated, nothing fl.msy nor phogy. On a choice acre in desirable neighborhood near blacktop, in Kelter Subdivision, adjoining McHenry limits. Will sacrifice for a 90-Ft. water front lot, 4 bedrooms,, q.u ick s.a le, at only $55_0 0^. 00. $1000 all year home. 2 tile baths, uie | down balance on easy terms TJ> ^ * baa nhArtn Atlrnat** M aH annr ROn_ kitchen, fireplace, 2 glazed porches, full basement, hot water heat, stoker, laundry room. Shade trees. Immediate jnuMession. Terms. 136-Ft. lot; 7 room house; near McHenry. Hot water heat, hard wood floors, 1 bath, full basement, newly decorated. Shade trees. Immediate possession. $12,000. FOR SALE 5-rm. ye^r 'round home on wooded lot 66x208; gas heat, automatic hot water, sea wall, pier and boat; 2-car garage $12,500. McHenry 696-J-l. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. Wheeling, Illinois Tel. Wheeling 53 8 FOR SALE -- Lakewood, Wisconsin. S m a l l " c o t t a g e , c o m p l e t e l y f u r - lished, on beautiful Wheeler Lake. Small and large pine trees. Good bass and trout fishing. See or write: Robert Carlson, F^air Oaks iubd., McHenry. »8 For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 371 -- HELP WANTED -- JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois ' 6-tf INTRENCHING Teep Trencher and Hydraulic Back Holer - Foundations - Under Ground Cables - Water Lilies - Tiling - Septic Systems. Phone 508-M-l. Gene Johnson. 8-4 FOR SALE--1 % year old Caloric 4 burner, gas stove, - $80. 1023-M. Accounting clerk for billing and bookkeeping. TYPING ESSENTIAL SHORTHAND DESIRABLE "MUST BE GOOD AT FIGURES Five-Day Week Paid Vacations and Holidays Attractive Insurance Plan The TCdwal Laboratories, Inc. Ringwood, 111. Tel. Wonder Lake 2411 J FOR SALE--Thor semi-automatic washing machine, good condition, reasonably priced. Phone 931. 8 HELP WANTED--Girls over 16; Tel. 1 to work at Holly's Drive-in. Also *g j woman to work part-time, eveings. Apply at Holly's Drive-In. ,6-tf V- HALE MOTOR SALES t^Mocks sou.h of Waukegan ; 1252 Sheridan Road xTT7" North Chicago, Illinois at BUSINESS SERVICE Til. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, Church ard Reception i f e O L I N , . *"::>i»graphera OMBuwei"' '^blicity, Sports and Photostats TUTORING -- By Chicago Elementary Teacher at $2.00 per hr. Any grade. Call McHenry 611-R-2. FOR SALE HELP WANTED--Boy or young -- j man for driving car on paper FOR SALE -y G.E. roaster, large route and work in store. 40 hour, size, used very little, condition al-. work. Must have driver's license, most like new. Real bargain at j Albert Krause & Son, 308 E. Elm $25.00. Mosher, 203 Grand Ave.' St., McHenry. Phone 379. 7-tf Phone McHenry 22. »8 , -- _ ... j HELP WANTED*--Maried couple FOR SALE -- 12 windows with | for work on beef cattle farm. Womatching storm sash; 6 windows, | man to do cleaning two. hours size 32 x60 ; 4 w.ndovvs, 22"x60"; pej- day in owner's apartment 2 windows, 27'x60"; sash weights . w«m. Bockman, Mgr. Phone: Mcand triple frames included, top j Henry 892-R. *8-2 sash divided into 3 lights; also *-- French door screen and HELP WANTED--Women, Satur n orm door combination, perfect days or part time for work in for inclosing a porch. Also 1 pair modern, light and airy cleaning of French doors, 3'x6'8", l%" plant. Hours can be |rranged to thick, each; 1 pair French doors,your convenience. Apply in 32 "x6'8", 1%" thick, each.* Call person to Dan Creamer, Rainbow McHenry 980. „^_g_Cleanew, North Front St., Mc- : Henry FOR SALE -- 2-man saw; 1 - . ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing, good condition, for entire family. Formats. Open Tuesr day through Saturday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. ITr^r ^ Consignment, Resale and Antique scythe; 1 basinette. Name price.k"ELP WANTED--Full time girl Shop, * mile west of Terra Cotta I Call 535-M-l. » or woman for front counter and factory on Rt. 31. Phone: Crystal : ~--r "~i---- mark-.n. Apply in person at Rain- Lake 1346-R-l. 22-eoV JOHNSON MOTORS N«w and Ui' d -- Terms. r.Iotor* and Boats . <Mffvice, Reflnls>hing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARij MOTORS 104V'2 S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44 #AINTING "and DECORATING • Interipr and Exterior^ FOR SALE--New and used sewng machines. We rent, buy and repair all makes of sewing machines. See our large selection of yard goods, over a thousand samples to choose from. Freund'} 664-J-2. 30-eov FOR SALE-rCurrants. Bring own bow Cleaners, North Front St., container. Tel. McHenry 135-J. around the corner from National 8 Tea. FOR SALE -- 8-rm. home near 81 beach; with or without furniture; 2-car garage; full basement; 4 bedrooms. Best offer. Tel. McHenry 567-W-2. 8 Bids are* being raciived foi sale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Street. S4'x54' two-story brick With basement. Completely modern. In good oondltion. Ideal for business or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Company of Illinois Business office at Richmond, Illinois. Phone Richmond 3. 47-tf. FOR SALE-*5 room heme; pier rights, double lot, good well, fully insulated, automatic heat and ho water. Phone 605-W-2. *8 ^HIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIliwwmUIIM Shop and Office OPENINGS " pott Accountants Coti Clerk (male) Skilled Machine Operator! High School Graduate* interested Iji learning Machinist Trade. Free Ufa and| Hospitalization Insurance , * I * ^ a We< k in Office ' Permanead FQR SALE -- McCullOttl Lake front; large house electric, gas, nodern plumbing, cement basement, big attic, fruit trees. Furnished to rent for resorte/s. Ideal for handy man and large family. Suitable for year round. Low down payment to responsible party. Phone owner 661-M-l. 8 FOR SALE --' 1% story house, completely furnished. Lot 90x132. Picturesque wooded section hickory and oak. 5 rooms with shower on first floor. Natural fireplace. All conveniences. Outdoor fireplace. $7,500. Tel. 587-R-4" could be used year 'round. *8 FOR SALE--5 room year 'round home, bargain by owner at Island Lake. Call Wauconda 2382, Saturday or Sunday. Leo A. Poirier, Box 151. 8 see phone owner: McHenry 520- J-l. •--«« MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--A wooded lot with sev^ter, water, gas and electric. Will build home for responsible party wffti $700.00 cash. Close to Waukegan. Phone McHenry 574-J-lr Monroe Saynen. -8 MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For da* tails phone McHenry 569-M-l, or Trite Box 172, Barrington, 111. 48-tf ONLY -- ONLY -- ONLY WOLVERINE makes work shoes of tough inner shell horsehide iji both soles anid uppers. Only Wolverine tans that inner-shell by a seefcet process to make it super-soft dry out soft. There are plent^ of imitations, but no duplicates. Come in and see a pair today. FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 So. Green Street* , McHenry, 111. .. 8 SPECIAXT BARGAIN In new double constructed shells for as low as §2650.00. Airspun Builders* Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 6-tf • aA U ClCAM-lOtV MMCMw • 9 2® ' • V -l. J * • Apply AC TAR C O" ^ Manufacturing Co. '1 ,-(11 is. Hough Street b iRRINGTON, ILL. Mon. thru Fri.: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 8 litiiiiiHmiuiiiiHHiiwiiiiiHiiiiiiHwwiHwmmMMmw A FOR SALE--20 shares ef McHenry. State Bank Stock at $250 oer share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf Commercial and ReF'derytlal -- Free Estimates -- FOR SALE---Ajj end to defrost- ; ing mess. Modernize your present | refrigerator. Cut electric bills - j save food - guaranteed. For FREE trial in your home, call Carl Bar- Call McHenry 508.R-1 4-tf nickpl, 646-W-2. 6-tf JfS 8ERVICE -- Ditch digging. | FOR SALE -- 20 Head of good tl*nchmg. Reptif tanks, dry wells young dehorned ' Hereford < cows and grease traps installed. Shal-1 with calves by side. $135 a\ pair, tasv wells and plumbing. S and F1 Geo. Stever, Fairfield, Iowa. T«L instruction. Tel. 513-J-2. 7-2 j 620-R. ; _ . 7-2 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS MILLING'MACHINE OPERATORS DRILL PRESS OPERATORS apply at Tam Corporation ALL CARS Reconditioned and Sold * with A Written Warranty. PRE 4th CLEARANCE SALE ,. SAVE OP TO $100 *52-DODGE Coronal Sedan «*«•<»*> Looks factory new from bumper to bumper. '51 - DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan (H -Equipped) A perfect family car for you and yours. 31 -FRAZER 4-Dr. Sodan (B-H . CDrive) Here's luxury at a low coat - Economy plus! % - PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan <R'H) ; ' You take no gamble on this popular model. - PONTIAC Convertible (R-H-Equipped, $lOAK New top - A car to satisfy your sporting blood. 4 •I0-PLYMQUTH QJub Cp*. (R-H-Riuip, J|QA| Check this popular inodel before jrou buy. ^ •#.MERCURY Sta. Wagon (R-H-Q^r^^ An ideal one owner utility car for yoii. '48- FORD V-8 4-Dr. Sedan (R H) ^ ' A Hit in Looks - Style - Performaiwa. '4B-DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan (R-H) ' ^ New motor - Don't overlook this neat car. These and A Wide Selection of 6ther Models *182S May Be Seen Al ' 1 n- CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP ftOXD PHONE 801 * PEARL STREET. AS. Motors Inc. " -- PHONE 156 •• - - -v / ftcHENRY. 111.

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