m' fr v-», ff- ^ > * 1 • ^ \m '•j -'jj Johnsburg Couple Wed Fifty Years IMii--r „,... Nettle Weber Mrs. Nettle B. Weber wti surfe: f t|>rised by her children and A;, ; grandchildren it a picnic dinner jj; ®4and supper last Sunday in honor V jbf her seventy-first birthday. •; i-Mrs. Weber received may beau- ^ tif'il gifts from her family, f * Those attending were Mr. and 'J?.-' iMrs. Earl Conway and family, j,"- ;lMr. and Mrs. Robert Weber a-d family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber (and family. Mr. and Mrs. John iFicken and daughter and Miss Gertrude Weber. . ftonor Mm. Hfnman "On Mth Wrthday > On Wednesday, July 8. Mrs. 3E«telle wtnman observed her . »i*hty-fifth birthday anniversary at the Shan-era-la rest home, where she had been staving for three months while a daughter. Mrs. M. Henry, was away from the city. " Tables, attractively decorated for the occasion, were set up out of doors and the frues+s enjoyed It tssty lunch and birthcay cake •on the lawn. Mrs. Hinman was presented with a beautiful bouquet of. roses from Mrs. Blsbee, owner, and resident* of the rest home. Present at the party were the . truest of honor's two dauH^ters. Mrs. Henrv and Mrs. Bstelle Ekeroth. Andrew Fidler of Ar- ,|inetr»n V*1«rhts and John Walker of Chicago, both octogenari- _ ani themselves and residents of the home: Mrs. Joseph X. tVaynne, Mr. and Mrs. Bisbee and Mrs. M. Bykowskl. As Mrs. Bykowsld was ob- **rvine Her twentv-sixth wed- _Jding anniversary that day. she Was presented with * corsage. MM» Fveond jFamfly Senates Members of the Mike Freund ily feathered at the home on chmond Road recently to bonf> r the Frsunds' daiisrh'e*- M>*. Leonard Garrett and her family jhf Fairhaven, Man., who have l»een vi«iting here for a few Weeks. The Garrett* have not west in ten years and. ^needless to say, their visit was '{greatly enjoyed. Present at the reunion were jjMr. and Mrs Georare Wagner d family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ^,"?lMiUer, Mr. end "Mrs. Elmer d arid family, Mr. and Mrs. I" !Harvey Freund and family of k Chicago, Mr. end Mrs. Arnold pr JFreund and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kt' .^KJeorjre Hlller and family. Mrs. I ^JBIliabeth Freund. Mrs. Teresa ' \ <4Neies and Mr. nad Mrs. Elmer | ; i^pundy of Mlchlraib f - * . A • • • 'Hf+HHeaee Bwcaa • tlae Ia«taHstton ® ; > The • Ringwood unit of tlhe pome Bureau installed new ofat tjie July 7 meeting at ir<;\ • (tingwood Methodist church and I,'A ' Witnessed a review of some of , the 4-H accomplishments. ; Before an Impressive installs ' 5 tion. ceremony, supervised by y ^ iHome Adviser Irene Downey. ofv,. tficers retiring reported on their i%V-;"-lpast work. The unit held eleven regular .. meetings during 1952-53. The iflrst special undertaking was a ^ very enjoyable picnic held in the Walkup Woods and the unit also gave a card party, a paper demonstration, & handicraft meeting K/. ** and a Family Fun Night. , The latter was a successful get-together and brought some member*. A showing of V " elides by Mrs. t>orothy McEach- •gy ren, taken on her European tour, § added to a pleasant evening. The treasurer, Mrs. John J. I'Jeuharth, and the members of •"•L ways and means committee , managed so well that the treas- % ury lg larger as they leave <rf- | fice than when they took over. * Nine new members were added f through the coonerative effort* t"-J.- Mrs. Walter Troxell, retiring |v vice-chairman. Eaatem Star To Hold Card Party The McHenry chapter of the Order of Eastern Star wlD Sponsor a card party on July 23 at Acacia hall, beginning at 1 p.m. With Mesdames Elsie Hoppe and Martha Neuharth heading the committee in charge, a successful event is almost assured. Numerous attractions Save been planned in addition to an afternoon of cards. The party is open to the public. The O.E.S. especially welcomes members of other chapter who may be spending the summer in the McHenry area. Rlagwood Resident Surprfo^d On Birthday Math Welter of Ringwood was lights of the pleasantly surprised on the ©e- sion. This scene at the golden wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Sdholz of Niesens subdivision will linger long with ' the couple as they recal' hiKhmemorable occacasion of his seventy-fourth birthday anniversary last Sunday when forty members of his family and friends gathered st the LeRoy Welter home In McHenry for dinner and a social day. The gathering was also held for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Welter of Oakland, Calif., who have been visiting McHenry relatives for the first time in twenty-tw) years, fie Is a brother of Math Wefte*. Birthday Dinner For Arnold Sehaettgaa Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Smith entertained at a dinner at the Wing and Fin club recently to celebrate the birthday Of Arnold Schaettgen. Following the Qjbuiar, the evening was spent at the Smith residence. The enjoyable social hour herved to honor, besides Mr. Schaettgen, the Julius Goffos, who are leaving the country club which is next to the Smith estate. >:'$i PLANS UNDER FOR ANNUAL STYLEREVUE IN AUGUST Plans are already getting under way for the annual fell style revue and dessert luncheon sponsored by St. M4ry's P.T.A. and under the direction of Betty Nielsen. It will be held Aug. 19 at 1:30 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse and grounds. General chairmen are Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Scholz observed their fiftieth year of married life on June 28 at a reception held at the Masonic Temple, Logan Square, Chicago, with 120 guests In attendance to enjoy dancing, visiting and a buffet lunoh. The couple exchanged nuptial vows "in a home ceremony on June 27, 1903. In 1924 they built their present home at Johnsburg and fourteen years later became permanent residents there. Mr. and Mrs. Scholz are both In good health and he continues to work for the Gilbertson company as a silver and gold plater. Mrs. Scfholz retains membership in an O.E.S. chapter in Chicago and is very active in social life in this community. Their greatest interest is in their fine fimi'y of five (ihildren, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The children are Paul, Kenneth, Mrs. Sabina Rix and Wesley, all of Chicago, and Robert of Harvard. One grandson, one granddaughter and one great-grandson reside in Denver. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh of Fox Lake announce the birth of a son at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Juty 11. The baby was born on his father's birthday anniversary. He is the first grandchild of Mrs. Helen Lemm of Long I<ake and of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh of Fox Charles Brda and Mrs. Jack 'l*ke. „ , Buckie. Other committee chair- Mr- «»<! Mrs. Robert Peterson men include Mrs. Charles Jur- «• the Parents of a daughter, ack, ticket sales; Mrs. Ray Al- born July » Rt the Woodstock bright, prizes; Mrs. J. E. Sayler, | clothes transportation; Mrs. H I A daughter was born July 7 G. Liptrot, flowers: Mrs. Elmer at ,the Woodstock hospital to Mr. Hettermann, serving; Mrs. Ed- *" * " "" """"l Newman. ward Thennes special; and Mrs. William Barth, Jerome Steinbach, gifts. J • .miftn's subdivision Mrs. Charles Vycital win act are the parents of a son, Neal as mistress of ceremonies and Miss Bettina Nielsen will be narrator. Mrs. Albert Barbian will preside at the piano during the revue and there will also be other entertainment to be announced later. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends for prayers, cards, flowers, food and other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. We appreciated these thoughtful gestures so much. THE BLOMGREN FAMILY •10 Kenneth, born July 1. The Barths also have a daughter, Kathy, 3 years old. MHHHMIMMIUHIM# PERSONALS Mr. ahd Mrs. Clifford Kiehl and family returned recently from a Week's trip through the South and East. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cnellni, Sr., have returned from Arizona, where they have been vacationing since early in March. Miss Van Died rich has been vacationing in Tucson, Aria., having made the trip west by plane. week in the home of her eistar, Mrs. Ellaabeth Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bykowskl have been visiting the Wisconsin Delis, the trip being made in observance of their twentysixth wedding anniversary, which occurred July 9. MEMBERS OF HOME BUREAU PERFORMS VARIED SERVICES ? ^ Much recognition for patient industry Is due to Mesdames Leo J. Smith, Wilkinson, Swan^ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boley, Wright and Hogan, who daughters, Janise and Joe Ann, have given very generously of of Silver Springs, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohlrich of Woodstock were recent visitors in the home of Mrs. M. L. Worts. Mrs. Mae Angelo and Mrs. Lola Mears, daughters, Mrs. Betty Funke of Chicago and Shirley, and son, Butch, have returned from a 3,000 mile trip through the southern states. They visited their niece and he~ children in Abbeville Ala., and also saw friends in Missouri and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter, Clarene, and granddaughter, Greta Martin, and Miss Betty Bauer visited Jacqueline Justen at Madonna high school last Sunday. Jack Tegge, son of ttie Norbert Yegges, returned home last Friday from a *hree weeks' vacation in DeWitt, Iowa. He was accompanied home by his Aunt, Mrs. Henry Yegge and three children, the trip being made on a streamliner train. On Sunday, Henry Yegge, son. Bill, and daughter, Mary, arrived from DeWitt. The Louis Yegge family of Woodstock Joined the group for a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Laures of Wheaton, formerly of McHenry, announce the arrival of a son. born July 10. They also, have twin boys and a little firl, Vicky. Mr. and Mrs. William Jdhns and daughters, Cathy and Carol, of Elgin, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. James West of Augusta, Ga„ visited McHenry relatives last Thursday. Mrs. Johanna Comiskey and Lee Hughes of Topeka, Kans , have been visiting the letter's sister, Mrs. Renard Blum, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney and son. Jim, of Elmhurst spent the weekend in the Frank Welngart home. Mrs. Josephine 8chlau of Chicago spent a few days this paat their time and talents to the ,4-H groups the past year. 'Their reward came in the form of fine performance of the members of Sunshine Girls, Happy Clover adn Happy Hour clubs. Though Mrs. William Born, retiring Home Bureau recording secretary, did not enjoy perfect health, she performed her duties well and attended as many meetings as possible. Mrs. Ben Redman kept the unit, posted on citizenship news. Mrs. Ed Peet looked after the garden beautifying phase of the unit's needs. Mrs. C. U Harrison gave lessons on health and a delightfully entertaining book review. Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, with the help of Mrs. Neuharth, gave helpful handicraft demonstrations. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, recreation chairman, kept the unit's spirits high with entertainment and gave planned suggestions for vacation trips la the home state. ' The officers who will take up the work next year are Mrs Gertrude White, chairman; Mrs. J. Hogan, vice-chairman; Mrs. V. Milbrandt, corresponding secretary; Mrs. C. Harrison, recording: secetary; Mrs. E. Eppel, treasurer. At the peak of the afternoon, members of the three 4-H groups gave a review of what they learned during the past year. Their program was made up of reports, singing, square dancing, modeling, displays of crafts and especially well prepared scrap books. The young people gave some pointers on making quick breads and proved them with samples attractively presented in a decorative bread basket. Special mention goes to Danny Cheney, 12, who gave a very professional demonstration of coffee cake making, with numerous tricks for handling batters and utensils down to a finished cake. EVENTS I If i|< 111IIHUH l l i j l l l t July if-19 Carnival And Chicken Dinner -- Sponsored By St, Piter's Chtlrch, Spring Grove. > <***' - July 22 Riverview camp, R. N. A. Picnic -- 12:30 P.M. -- George Reiher Residence. July U Dessert Luncheon And Card Party -- 1 P. M. - Acacia Hall -- Sponsored By McHenry O.E. 8. Regular Meeting McHenry Garden Club -- Mrs. J. J. Gruenfeld Home, Clement Lodge. July 29 St. Clara's Court, No. «59, W. C. O. F., Joint Picnic With Johnsburg, Elgin And Aurora Courts -- City Park. * August 4 J, Hullabaloo Day -- McHenry Country Club August 7-8-9 St. John's Church Carnival •-- Johnsburg Aogaat 11,14, ]*, if „ V. F. W. carnival -- V, F, W. Grounds. - ' Angvet 19 :.4* i Fall Style Revue and Desaert- Luncheon -- Sponsored by St Mary's P.T.A. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse ~ 1:80 p.m. Dessert Luncheon And Style Show -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored By St. Mary's P.T.A. August 21-2* Flower Show -- High School Residence* Changes The A. J. Keevil family has moved into the Lennon home on north Green street, having transferred their residence from St. Petersburg, Fla. John Schari Di«d la Chicago'Hospital i John Schanf, 68, a resident ot McCullom Lake for twentythree years before moving to J Wonder Lak*, died at Billings., hospital, Chicago, Monday even- 4 ing, July 6. He had recently' undergone a major operation there. ; ' Four children survive, Mrs. E. Korte, Mrs. Sophia Lass, John Scharf, Jr., and Walter Scharf. Services will be held - Friday at 2 p.m. from the Giela funeral home in Bensonville, 111. It Pays To Advertise Summer Schedule of Services at Zlon Lutheran Church 408 John Street, McHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 A.M Service 9 AJM Sunday School 10:18 AJM. Service -- All Welcome -- Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 889 Miss Wllda Kramplts' of Waseca. Minn., is spending a few weeks in McHenry with her brother, Kenneth Kramplts. u Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation AwM littestintJ Upset! Get Relief This Vegetable Lautivt Wtjr! 4 fo» constipation, ntvtr take harsh drug*, They cause brutal cramp# and (ripint disrupt normal bowel action, make i5» peated doses seem needed. Get sure but gentit relief when roe •"temporarily constipated. Take Dt. Caldwell s Senna Laxative contained ia Synip Pepsin No salts, bo harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell s contains an extract c£ Senna, <m* »/ tkt frntst natural imxmttvts known to mcdicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tarns aood, gives gentle, comfortable, satismne relief for every member of the Cuafly. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves Brighter soft, ttgfit or dark-- Bfartia-Seubur brings yoa Whatever interior or exterior peiat colors yo« warn... expertly bleaded for the beauri- 0*1 color harmony yoa've •earned of having! You can even get painted •ample* •» kelp coordinate y»ur color 1 sourness that constipation fncti bno^t. Buy Dr. CaldweB*S 30^ sire today. Money back if not satisfied. Mail botdS •Now Available in the very finest Hat enamel, satin-gloss or fiill gloss enamel finish and exterior house paints, Martin- Seaour COLORS can be duplicated at any later date! For new thrills, new beauty, new lasting charm Car your hoM • ..see these Martin-Sesow Finishes today! 'S&t Sfytly \"T 4 ' ? C f L GEO. COLLETTK, Owner AW Btvarelde Drive PHONE 489 McHenry, IIL We sincerely thank the McHenry ftrfe department and also our friends for the many kindnesses extended in the past and for the expressed desire -tjHuture helpr - -- •v-r ^ A. Andsma -MititittmmtttHiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiirtmitmmtHiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiitiiiiiiniimiininwifiiiiiHitiHittmmmHiHil FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF 4 . Crystal Lake Savings & Loan Association : 131 N. .Williams Street Phont 1400 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS At The Close of Business June 30, 1&53 -- (After payment of dividends) RESOURCES F%St=Morlg»ge"Lt«ns on Homes . * ' v> This Week's 1. VAYA-CON-DIOS (Lea Paul A Mary Ford) ^ 2. YOU-YOU-YOtf (Ames Brothers) 3. GAMBLERS GUITAR (Rusty Draper) Join Our Record Club. With Every 1} Records You Boy, Yen Get A Album FREE. STEFFAN'S 8 v Tel. Mm IN EVERYDAY I^NGUAfiE HERFSWRATIT MEANS TO YOU We make fast-action cash Inatw to help finance the purchase of new and used cars. A borrower here repays in monthly instalments, at low over-all cost; pays no "extra" charges; and may place the car insurance with his own agent (we finance that, too). This plan saves the borrower tims and money; enables him to deal lo&lly, and to build credit at our bank for future borrowing needs. F* al-rouid safefictiM, fimwet yr cir tlw Ink mi--I ^ McHENRY STATE BANIf MEMBER FEDERAL ^RESERVE SYSTEM ^ Hh7ERE8T PAID ON SAV1NGMI DBPOMT^, HK»I 1544 ti t. This Association holds first mortgages on homes on which monthly payments are made ^y bor. $293,408.22 rowers until the property is debt free. Prepaid Insurance Premiums, etq. Furniture and Fixtures (Properly Depreciated) Federal Home Loan Bank Stock $ 2,500.00 United States Gov't Bonds. 13,946.88 661.91 1,281.99 Cash in Banks Quick Assets TOTAL ....... 32,213.91 $43*660.79 48,660.79 LIABILITIES Savings Accounts Funds Invested in this Aseoelitlon by individuals and firms. Loans in Process of Disbursement ............ Amounts due to borrowers upon completion of their loans. Escrow and Other Liabilities Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank . Reserves Funds set aside for additional protection to iavestors. TOTAL $306,072.91 $248,330.34 21,665.66 4,490.41 . 30,000.00 1,586.50 $306,072.91 INSURED SAFETY 7 Under an aol of Congress, Public Law No. 7t7, each Investor's ac. count in this Association is automatically and permanently insured against loss up to 910,000.00 by an instrumentality of the United States Oovernme&t CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 2V4% SALE! New G. E. Washer & Dryer A $55000 Value AUTOMATIC WASHER Normally Sells For • • 95 ELECTRIC DRYER Normally Soils For . ; • *249" BUT N0WS YOU CAN HAVE BOTH WASHER & DRYER FOR ONLY Yi5o£E $39900 ; CAREY Electric Shop 119 Groen Si. McHenry, IIL mkjim Phone 251 m i