Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1953, p. 6

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v-v * * M'^r ">?•• \ M \ f U " . THE McHENRY PLXINDEALER TO * - Thursday, July If, 11 Wonder Lake News lells %. Gertn Lake^ la By Yjmesse Sells An old dog died at our house Jfcat night. She was 16 years old •Ad had been a member of our iKmsehold since puppyhood. Neighbors wondertd, as she ®Qt old and infirm, why we tfidn't have her "put away." But jrou don't do people that way . . JfOU let them live out their lifespan .... and this dog was a member of pur family. From a famous blood line of Jigreed Irish setters, our dog ffered a broken leg in an ac- Mrs. der dinner. rtrude White of Wonchairmaa fir the If m Water Safety Water safety lessons are being conducted on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at'Wonder Lake at 1:30 p.m. There are already 170 registered in the courses.^ Lessons are free and the children of the area are invited to participate In learning safety in (adent when she was . nly a few Wjeks old. And. because of that •trident we we.'3 able to purchase her. How thn.led we were t4 own a dog of her breeding, at a price we could pay. (It *ftvs the middle of the depression J&teen years ago.) *The fancy name of Isieta on Mr pedigree seemed a silly ' Mme for a big awkward dog *$th a limp so we called her "tted Lady. She was the shining c^lor of Titian made famous" in Ms paintings and she loved to htint from the time she could fallow a hunter. Her strange, "Crippled gait slowed her speed tlfjt she never tired. A man with gun was like the Pied Piper her . . . she would follow Wm anywhere. One time, though, •he left a hunting friend who missed all afternoon. She] gave him a dirty look and came fcome. When we came to Wonder ~4hke. housing refugees out of flie city . . . we scarcely had (Money enough to make our ~J6>use water-tight. Along with flie rest of the family, old Red ifelped with the building. One of fcer litters bought a lot of lum- .ier- ^ si Wherever old Red has gone, I Ijppe that there are pheasant* artiich she can snuffle out hapl* iy from where they ,, squat hid ~^en from all but a bird-wise ilog . . . and I hope that there life some men t there in that ftappy hunting ground who won't Iftiss so that she can lay a bird proudly in the hands oi the man frtio shot it. That would be a Ihie dog heaven and one where ft lot of men would like to be, loo. And' good men and good / 4'ogs belong together. the water. Mrs. Ruth Redman is chairman of the Wonder Lake branch of the American Red Cross and can give any further information desired. Visit in Florid^ The • Cheney family; Frank, Delia and the boys, Lynn and Dan (Boone), left Saturday for Orlando, Fla., where they will visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone. former neighbors in Shore Hills. Frank's mother, Mrs. A. Cheney, and Delia's mother, Mrs. Mae Walker of California, are staying at the Cheney home. Mrs. A. Cheney recently returned from a vacation trip to Michigan, where she visited old family friends. graduated from Harrison school, from McHenry high school, and from Lawrence collage at Appleton, Wis. Children's . Parade Children of Wonder Lake between the ages of 3 and 12 are invited to participate Friday night in the children's parade of the firemen's carnival at Lakemoor. Registrltion la Friday, July lit, from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. -at McDermott's garage on Rt, 120 and the parade is at 7 p.m. There will be eighteen prizes awarded for children in costume or with decorated buggies or bikes. If it rains, the parade will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. Lakemoor's carnival continues through the weekend. . TBf Leaves For East Roy ftflcip) Noren "left Tuesday for New Jersey, from where he will soon ship out with* the army for a European post. Skip Is a radio maintenance man. Skip, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noren, Sr., (she is the postmaster at Wonder Lake), was Because of the enormoui attendance at Sunday Masses at Christ the King church, there will be five Masses instead of the usual four starting Sunday, July 19, and continuing through Sept. 6. They will be at 8, 9, i#|r anyil:45 o'clock] ; ". hitewse Beat Powdered coal, prepared by machines which grind the product as fine as talcum, provides the intense heat needed tor best results in •nsny Industrial furnaces Infectious hepatitis of dogs, which resembles distemper, is now widespread throughout the nation and is still spreading. Dogs which Have even a mild attack of the disease become carriers of the virus for some time and can spread the condition to others In the area. As in distemper, vaccines can * be used to protect dogs against the disease by building immunity. LEGALS NOTICE IN THB MATTBR OP THE APPLICATION OP JOHN J. THELEN AND AGATHA THELEN FOR AMENDMENT TO C« VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification to a Residence R-l of the following described property, towit: Parcel No. 1: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, that lies North and^ West of the Public Road that goes through said Section 8, McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel No; 2: The Southeast Quarter -of the Northwest ' Quarter of Section 5, Town- Ship 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian McHenry County, Illinois, Parcel No. 3: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 'except ing and reserving therefrom the right of way of the Chica go. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company, Deed Record Book 102, page 45; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part conveyed by Deed Record Book 167, page 196, from Maftin H. Freundj and Helena Freund, his wife, I to Nellie L. Johnson; also] excepting and reserving there-1 from Indian Ridge Subdivision. as shown by the Plat thereof! recorded in Deed Record Book 5 of Plats, page 63; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book 167, page 524 from Martin H. Freund and Helena Freund, his wife, to Frank Freund; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book 167, page 456 from Martin H. Freund and Helena Freund, his wife, to Alfred Jensen; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book 180, page 316, from Martin H. Freund end Helena Freund, his wife, to William S. Gregg; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book 334. page 96, from John J. Thelen and Agatha Thelen, his wife, to James Novak; also excepting therefrom that part thereof falling within the Plat • of First Addition to Indian Ridge Subdivision, a Subdivision < of part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North.' Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 13. 1952 as Document No. 253333, in Book. 11 of Plats, page 29), in Township 45 North, Range 9,* East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel No. 4: The West Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 5 (excepting and reserving therefrom Freund'* Nippersink Subdivision, as shown by Plat thereof repage 101; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book S52, page 238, from Helena Freund, a widow, to Joseph N. Herrmann; also excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Deed Record Book 345, page 227 from John J. Thelen and Agatha Thelen, his wife, to Verner H. Thelen and Mary Ann Thelen, his wife) in Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel No. 5: The Northeast . quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sebtlon 8, Township 45 North, Range 9. East of- the Third Principal Meridian, In McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel No. 6: All that part which lies on the South side of the center line of Nippersink Creek of the East half Jit Government Lot 1 of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, li} McHenry County, Illinois. Said proposed change is for the purpose of subdividing said tract for residiential purposes coming within an R-l classification. Notice Is further given that petitioners will also request that Lot 6, Block 1 and Lot 12, Block 3 of Unit 2, of Pistakee Highlands be classified as Business B-l. Said lots being part of the above described tract which is being subdivided by petitioners. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall of the City of 3:00 P.M. oft the 4tlt day Of August, M83. All persons Interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING.BOARD OF APPEALS By Frank Nagel, ItS (Tfrffjrman VERNON &;liNOX , .... . Lawyer . } >* 4 Crystal Lake, Illinois v. - NOTICE OF CI4IM DATE Estate of .MICHAEL B. SCHAEFER Deceased Notice is hereby given to D& persons that August 3rd, 1968, is the claim date in the estate of MICHAEL B. SCHAEFER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ' MARGARET THURLWELL, ; Executrix VERNON \J. KNOX Lawyer . - Crystal Lake, Illinois " ' (Pub. July 9-16-23, Read The Want Ads! NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ANNA G. gTO»J1H^ Deceased. Notice is hereby gtfren to persons that Monday, August S, 1963, is the claim dai* in the estate Of ANNA G., 8TOFFEL, Deceased, pending In the County Court of McHenry County, m<- nois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate op or before said date without '««»"*« of summons. CLARA V. BTOFFEL, Executrix HUGH A. DENEEN Attorney 130% Cass Street, •*' Woodstock, Qlinoifc £ j H NEW YOUTH' COMMISSION Eugene J. czachorski, Chicago attorney who has long been active in youth work, has been named by Governor William G. Stratton as a member of the newly-created Youth Comnjission. Governor Stratton previously announced that Lee Daniels, of Elmhurst, former DuPage county state's attorney, will head the commission. corded in Book 4 of Plats, McHenry, Illinois at the hour of SPEEDY h- MCHENRY GARAGE Greenwood Dinner The Greenwood Methodist fchtirch is sponsoring a dinner Jthis evening at the church, with •erving to start at 5 o'clock and ^continuing through seven o' iclock. Fried chicken will be served. WlLLjAMVWAY VM LUCKY ™ WE HAVE THE FINEST PLACE IN THE state fob repairs WMAT'D MEDOtucn a/EPA NEW LEAF? OLAOTO •'VYINOTO NICK MILLER'S WHENRY&ARAfif PEAlLY KNOW THEN? business - COMING andoow WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 IMS WILLYS 2 DR. SEDAN Heater A Overdrive I960 PONTIAC SEDAN 8 Cyl., hydramat(| 1951 WILLYS UNIV. JEEP With snow Plow 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Heater A Radio Overlooking The Fox River McHenry, Illinois Modern year 'round home on large corner hill. 2 years old, cedar shingle and concrete construction. 2 large picture windows, 30 ft. living room overlooking Fox river with massive fireplace. Bruce plank oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, modern kitchen and dining room. Gas heat, full finished basement, recreation room and heated \Vi car garage. Incinerator, screened porch with barbecue. River rights to excellent fishing and boating. Located 2V4 milps north on Riverside drive, through Orchard Beach in Huemann's Subdivision. SAM WINTER or SIDNEY EDENBURG CALunwl 5-4290 • , 1840 S. Michigan AT*. , PAINT NEWS • SATIN ACE-TONE Tht SENSATIONAL Rubbtriztd Paint Now at your ACE STORE • Satin Smooth • Serubbablo Seffn Ac»-Tom tonihlss« lasting satiny beaety wM* real wadiabilHy for • durable, aaiy-to-ap|ily finish e« interier walk and woodwork. Yo« cm we a roNer, brtnk or spray. Select fcsm a wUU assortment of lovely pastels and deep tones. Dries in less tfien 30 aria* etas. Economical ts aae. *One gallon mind wMi one quart of.water covers up to 700 sq. ft. el paiatod sar- TV '4*V A ACE HARDWARE W. B. BJQBKMAN & SON lit N. Rtveralde Drive JPHONE 7» V/ere to You to \0% to 601 lop toatt I $19.12-^" ?ou S*** "7aco8 $11.77 » S"-"0 ENTIRE STOCK Of HICH CRADE MEN'S WEAR r Former^ $35-00 to *65 OVJ f $19.9* • Yott Save Away PRICES!! $12J61 to S25"05 JUR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT JACKETS Irand Names You'll Recognize • A Complete Selection Every kind -- Light or Heavy Weight ' lined or Unlined Were $5.95 to $39.50 Now At Give Away Prices FROM - $3.11 to $15.54 YOU SAVE -- $3.11 to $15.54 Still a good selection Light or Regular, weights Were $7.95 to $22.50 NOW! $3.81 to $16.73 Sport or Dress Rationally Advertised NOW AT SAYINGS From - .74* to *4.01 McHenry EEstabliiMd1990 Illinois ALL SAIES CASH & FINAf» SORRY. NO CHARGE! OPEN EVENINGS

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