Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1953, p. 2

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is^r Hurt; Bettors I*w*BkAtefer Lyane, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Math Eichinger, observed her seventh birtiiday unrlvcts^ry on Wednesday, July ir», wh«yi she entertained friends at a party at her home. Games occupied the attention of the yoiingf sters until Mrs. Echnger served aa appetizing lunch. Including birthday cake. ' Attending tlifc party Weie Judy Hay, Joyce Adams, Cathy CDonell, Janie Nye and Carol Miller of McHenry, Patty Ouffey of Richmond, Stev'eH Harback of C3ry and Bryan an/i Qttla Gardner of Crystal Lake. ftocal Achievement ' Event Is Planned Wednesday, July 29; at 8 p.m. in the Ringwood jitetHodist church, three local 4-H groups will hold a Local Achievement event, according to Mrs. Leo J. Smith, 4-H chairman of tho Ringwood pnit. The showing is. Open to th# putjlic. The party-a-month group wfll set up an exhibit and the Happy Clovers will put on a demonstiation of preparing quick breads. The Sunshine Girls, who sew, will present a fashion show. A preview performance of next Wednesday's show proved that Local Achievement night will be packed with good entertainment. will offer many new ideas to take home and try and certainly will have a large selection of clothes in the fashion sltow upon which to feast tineyes. Both boys and girls will take part in the show. They both realize that chores around the house are,- not always fur but in their way they will show how to look ait chores in a manner that cut be considered such. Mrs. Smith and the leaders. Mrs. J. Hoganv Mrs. B. Walkington, Mary Hogan and Marita Thomson, are sure that those Who will create an aud'ence for Jte young', people will spend their time to advantage because a great deal of effort has been iifcrestad to (>that end by Ihf bays md girls. y. • . ?. 4.-- OTTO MUELLERS OBSERVED SILVER - ^ WEDDING SATURDAY About 150 friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller of the^ .Country Club subdivision gathered at the Legion Home last Saturday evening to honor the couple on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. It was a party which carried happy memories never to be forgotten by the honored pair and was equally enjoyed by those who nssem- The Sacred Heart chapel of j b|ed to show their ^affection for St. Patrick's church was fho the Muellers. * scene of a beautiful wedding j Among the guests was Mrs. service last Saturday morning, | Mueyer's sister. Mrs.. Louisa July 18, when Miss .Donna; „ f of Rjver porest, the only Freund, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Peter A. Freund, exchanged w » 1* v 1J I. . * <\ s> fptPlP: ursday, July 16, 1993 mi h i iMmh Ik i t i t i t » M < » t e s AMONG THE F reund-La wrence Vows Exchanged 1' t July 28 Dessert Luncheon And Card Party - 1 P. M. - Acacia ftall -- Sponsored By McHenry O.K. 3. Regular Meeting McHenry Garden_Club -- Mrs. J. J. Grueiffe. ld Home, Clement Lodge. July 24 Bake Sale -- George Justeti Furniture Store -- After 4:30 P.M. -- Sponsored b ;Of The ^lloose. St. Clara's Court, N' £o•. 659•, W. C. O. F., Joint Picnic With And Aurora nuptial voU's with Kenneth Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence. Rev. Fr. 'John McGowan officiated at the 11:30 o'clock double ring ceremony. The charming bride, given . in marriage by her father, was attired In a ballerina length gown Hani, oi . johnsburg, Elgin close relative residing in Kim Comta * CUy park area. Local Achievement Nigftfc' Dancing and visiting wefre eh? joyed throughout the evening, with a close friend, Otto Pyritss, and the Muellers' son, Harry, providing some Very enjoyable instrumental music, attired in costumes befitting their comical of face and nylon tulle, styled j characterizations, with a mandarin collar. She wore a crown of seed pearls and carried a colonial bouquet of stephanotis and Amazon lilies. Mrs. Janice Pieroni, a close friend, acted as matron of honor, wearing an ice blue bfrllerina length gown of net and taffeta. She carried a colonial bouquet of white daisies. Edward Pieroni served aa best man. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Freund wore a navy blu« dress, with which she had a cotsage of white baby mums. Mrs. Lawrence was attired in navy blue also and. had a similar qorsage. A reception was held at 9 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse for 200 friends and relatives. The bride is a 1949 graduate of the McHenry high school. The bridegroom, now serving with the Navy, is stationed at Long Beach, Calif., where they will reside. - --- BIRTHS Announce Tatar Speech Contort • • Any 4-H member >ilher ,'u*. agriculture or home economics who is interested in entering a state contest for public speaking Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rix, Sr., became the grandparents of their fifth grandchild on July 15, when a daighte\ their first child, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Rix of 1 acoma. Wash. She has been named Pamela Ann. The Alfred Rix family resided in this community until a year and a half ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Gettner are the parents of a daughter, born July 15 at the. Woodstock .hospital. Residence Changes The H. Kidder (Jane Durland) family has moved- frohi the Tonis asked to contact Mrs. Sibyl, yan apartment on Front street Sears, 226 Judd street, Indianapolis, Ind. alock. 1 _-- ; The cdatest was announced this past week by Miss Ann Searl, assistat state leader in charge, home economics 4-H work. The contest will be held A the state fair in the junior Home economics building, Aug. *>••• Mrs. Mueller opehed thai*., large array of gifts at midnighf. after which the guests partook of a delicious buffet supper served from a beautifully set tabl>\ Otto Mueller and Frida Besemer met and married in Chicago July 7, 1928, shortly after both had come to this country from Germany, site nt the age of 20 and he «t 22. They have been residing »n McHenry for over twenty yearn The couple hss three children. Harry. 24, wh" Has Just returned from K*rvtt\ in F snec; Walter, 21. who In still nerving in England: and Nancy, It. 4-H MEMBERS TO PRESENT STYLE REVUE JULY 24 A style revue of dresses made by members of Home Economics 4-H clubs throughout the county will be held at 1 ::t0 o'clock Friday, July 24, in the Woodstock high school. Members of the older generation are warned that after watching the revue they will realize that they are leaving the world in competent hands in regard to their skills. They will find the 4-Hers versatile, too, for they not only learn to sew, bake and decorate a home but also to conduct a meeting, teach younger club members and lead recreation. The public is urged to attend. At 10 o'clock on July 24, in the school cafeteria, the girls will present demonstrations of technique they have learned in their 4-H club - work. They will b« in connection, foods and flower arrangements. From the group of young people taking part, ten will be selected to represent McHenry county at the state fair. 2&5 IN ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL MEETING OF HOME BUREAU ^ •Mrs. James Higgins of Marengo was elected president of the McHenry county Home Bureau at the organization's thirtyfifth annual meeting on July 15 in Woodstock. She has been serving a£ county vice-president for the past year. A crowd of about 225 members and guests attended the meeting, which featured a fash- Ion revue of thirty cotton garments. Mrs. John Strohm narrated for the revue and Mrs. Ann Miller provided accompaniment. Models from the various 'stores included Ethel Van\Kane PERSONALS , | , 0 . f i g , j,>v<il)">l!li,H'!"!'•M't'fr Miss Cathy Barrows, daughter of the Richard Barrows of Mc- Cullom Lake, underwent an ap- James and Ethel Spivacek,' pendectortiy at the .^Woodstock Frank and. Marge polezal and _ hospital aiil j| no^ Vecuperating Bbb and Agnes KVidera Iij ve at homer been visiting Albert J. Cermalc at Pistakee Bay. Mr', and Mrs. Joeeph , Adams, George Haack and Alfred Thelen attended the wake of Wullor Zarendt at Roselle evening. Pamela Walsh has returned to her home in Fox Lake after spending the week in the Alfons Adami home. I car heater of Normar Whipper, Bob Frett and Mr. and Mrs. 18, of Richmond. Twelva dollars Joseph Adams attended the was said to have been spent for funeral of Walter Zarendt | clothes. The case was continued SERVICE STATION KOBllED Two county seivice stations, one of them operated by Rich aril Justen in McHenry, were robbed Thursday of $310 over the weekend. According to Sheriff Henry A. Nulle, $125 of that amount was found early in the week, stuffed in the hose connection of the Rim wood Park on Saturday. Mr. Ringwood Methodist Church • 8 P.M. - Card Party -- Sponsored By; St. Patrick's Altar And Rosary' Sodality -- Lawn of Wallace Dobyn's home, 108 S. Riverside AUgUSt Hulla$aloo Day -- KtcHenry Country Club -August I'tirB . U;.; St. John's Church carniytii johnsburg c " : August IS, 14, Ift, 10 * V. F. W carnival --, V. W Ground*. August 12 Adult Gill Scouts* Annual Luncheon -- Meeting At Fiesta, Crystal Lake -- 1 P.M. August 19 Fall Style Revue and Dessert- Luncheon -- Sponsored by St. Mary's P.T.A. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 1:30, p.m. Dessert Luncheon And Styje Show -- V.F.W, Clubhouse -- Sponsored By St. Mary's P.T.A. August 21-22 Flower Show -- High School gan of Wonder Lake. Among, A,jams acted as ong of Uic palleighteen models from Home! bearers. Bureau units throughout thej Mrs. Nick M. Justen and county was Mrs. Arthur Miller] daughter, Clarene, accompanied D i n I. • M . . * . « t l i JHehard U irU 14 Years Old Richard, soft of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wirt*, observed hia fourteenth birthday anniversary on Wednesday, July 15, when he entertained a number of friends at his home on Third avenue. Games were played and a tasty lunch was served. Guests included Duane Diedrich, Norbert Adams, David Klapperich, Ronnie Nelson, Mike and Nickie Wirtz. AKNTJAL CABO PARTY The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring its annual card party on the Dobyng lawn Wednesday, July 29, at 1:30 p.m. Committee members include Mrs. Ray McGee, chairman; and Mesdames Charles Gibbs, Eugene Hughes, Gene Dobyns, Walter Larsen, Mayme Miller, R. I. Overton, Earl McAndrews, Leo Thompson, A. P. Moritz, Fred Wahl, George Stilling and Clarence Anglese and the Misses Genevieve Kno*, Clara Miller and Florence Carey. IF IT'S YOU WANT! MIXED FOR YOU WHILE YOU WAIT EXTERIOR PAINT in New Fashion Smart Colors INTERIOR PAINT?-- 4BE PAINT YOU WANT, IN THE COLOR YOU WANT THJC NEWEST MOST EXCITING COLORS in V TOP QUALITY PAINT Main Paint Center 418 Main St. PHONE 1115 McHenry, I1L Rita Kortendick Charities Director Of Three Counties" Announcement has been made by Rev. Michael J. Shanahan, director of Catholic Charities of the diocese of Roekford, of the appointment of Miss Rita Kortendick -as sujiervisor of Catholoc Charities in Elgin. Miss Kortendick, a niece of Mrs. John Bolger of McHenry, completed high school in her native city of Pecatonica and following her graduation from Rosary college in 1947, entered Loyola University and received her master's degree in social work in February, 1952. The young lady has been a member of the staff of Catholic Charities of Roekford for six years and as a field work student at Loyola she received part of her training at the Roekford veterans' Administration office. Miss Kortendick will assume her supervisory duties at the Elgin office, which serves Mc£ Henry, Kane and DeKalb coun* ties, on Aug. 1. * of Ringwood by John Scheid and daughter, Vice-President Mrs. Higgins. j^ena> were -guests in the Irving displayed a ce: tificate given the LaUra. Kennebeck lounty by the state federation for home ln Despiaines Wednesday its 11 per cent gain in membership in 1952-53. The meeting closed with installation of officers by Mrs. Elmer Ekdahl of Aurora, district director of the Illinois .How Bureau Federation. ~ CARD OF THANKS In this manner we waiit to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for Holy Masses, prajers, sympathy cards, flower food tfhd other kindnesses extended. We are especially grateful for the services of Rt. liev. Msgr. Nix and Rev. Fr. McGowan. MRS. CLARICE PURVEY AND FAMILY MR. AND MRS. ALBERT PURVEY MR. AND MRS. JOS. J. MIL- 11 LER AND FAMILY For complete lightning protection with master underwriter's label, call Althoffs Hardware, 501 Main St. Pbooe 284 lor froe estimate. , » II Read The Want Ads? 4 : ; of last week. Walter Gorffian of LaGrange, a former local resident, " visited friends in McHenry last week. Mrs. Ed. Holle of Oak Park visited her parents, the Martin Conways, last week. Mrs. Lydia Lang has been vacationing in Colorado with ielatives from Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Marion McOmber is back at work in Chicago after an absence caused by an accident in whih she sprained her ankle. Mrs. O. C. Murray and daughter, Marjorie, of Geneva were called to McHenry last weekend .by the death of the former's sister, Miss Kate McLaughlin. until July 24 and Whipper .placed under $10,000 bond. .. • ; MPT ALLOCATION Townships and road districts in the county were given allocations amounting to $11,279.37 from the MFT for the month of June. According to County Clerk Raymond D. Woods, McHenry's share was $1,333.31. MINE CODE ^ State Mines and Miners ^ ' Director B. H. Schull called his state mine inspectors for ajSff'./; discussion of the new mining code which Governor William Glsu&2 Stratton recently pigned into-"' law. Schull gave the inspectors "' ' the authority to close any minef judged unsafe immediately. He^* covered each phase of the iawK' kto give the inspectors a theroighri"' understanding of the new code. ^ ; ; r*j-tC HORSESHOE CONGEST \ for the first time in the Ws4 ^ tory of the horseshoe pitching! | contest at the Illinois state fair^ J women will be given a chance^ v\ to participate. Three separate^ .. tournaments will be staged atr. this year's stat«> fair. Mc|i wilfcompete on Tuesday, Aug. 18, in " •> the state horseshoe tournament, ^ Boys under 18 will iiave theii? i',- meet Wednesday, Aug. 19, and on Thursday, Aug. 20, the courts; . will toe:^turned/tfm ^ men£" t Want Ada, like freedrvns, IP. everyhwlv's business. It's too bad the future generation can't be here to help us 3pcpd their money. .f ; Need A Rubber Stamp f it at the Plaindealer. .g. .g. .g. .g. »t. •» » <• •» • MOOSE LODGE The Women of the Moose wiS conduct a bake" sale on Friday* July 24, starting at 4:30 o'clock at the George Justen furniturestore. I Women Wanted TO COME TO ALICE M. BLASFTS BEAUTY SHOP - OPEN NOW - 210 S. GREEN to 5 p.m. -- Mon. - Thurs. Nite's i Interest is the "rent" we pay you for the use of the money deposited in your savings account. Your balance here draws compound interest -- interest on the interests that your savings earn for you. 9 T5a*Ju*f, IN EVERYDAY' LANGUAK HERFSWHATIT MEANS TO YOU i i When you deposit in a savings s ? account here, compound interest 4 automatically adds to the cash V' backlog which you are building. \ Start saving regularly at our bankt* / , McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO^T^L 'r '-4>" V *4 • ;• r.* /;r:. PHONE 10«* Read Tre Want Ad» i Who Scud Tcods : : : j Are A Luxury? j Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain - soaked clothes and you'll agree door -to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need CALL 723 | McHENRY CAB ANOTHER WINNER "isr IN MERCHANDISE Of Her Own Choice Was Won By Mrs. Robert Newldrk, Grove St. McHe&ry, Who Named The Secret word "Columbu*" I " . tyjl - At The .. RIVERSIDE RETAIL FACTORY OUTLET West End Of Old Bridge PARTICIPATE IN OUR CONTEST -- YOU MAY BE * " ^ THE NEXT WINNER! •'•j." For Weekly Contest Clues ^ / * uS FEN TO Wake Up Time Every Morning 8:45 To 9a.m. Also Just Before McHenry News At 12:45 p. m. . Daily. - •"•sJN K R S - 1220 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL Abo Sm Out Clu. On The Clasiiiied Pag* of This Papm The man who whispers in a well About the things he has to sell, Will never make as many dollars As he who climbs a Wee and hollers. " „ . , USE THE CLASSIFIED PAG® TO SELL FOR YOU! Try It Today ;V; Find Out For Yourself! -^Advertising Pays! McHenry Plaindealer -TESTED mi "i Imeans low-mUeage top-quality SED CAR! The hottest value on the used car market is 9' *'Rocket" Engine Oldsmabiie! And now... because the new 1933 "Rocket" Oldamobile is so tremendously popular ... we've got a BIG selection waiting for7 you. Every car that wears the famous Oldsmobiie Safety-Tested Sea! is an 1 exceptional buy . . . checked five , ways for safety and dependability; Engine, tires, brakes, steering, ignitim . all are gone over carefully, thoroughly!; * Yes, you'll find 1 <ts of "Rockets" here ... but we're also featuring other top makes and models on our Safety* Tested Used Car Lot. Every one is . . backed by our reputation for fair dealing; Come in .. . and drive a bargain ... drive away in a Safety-Tested Used Car; UliliuiT-e OMsanabH*'* asw M*l.. .syatWI 4mIla mm* cam ,:.y. ;* OLDS MOBILE O.ALER SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER R. J. 0VERT0H MOTOR SALES 40$ FBONT STREET PHONE B5 FdR- A^ •SMONSTRATION^MAKf A "DOUitl-DATl" WITH A "ROCKKT •' McHENRY •4'

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